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intelligence gathering
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
improving market intelligence and encouraging information sharing on the international timber market with a view to ensuring greater transparency and better information on markets and market trends, including the gathering, compilation and dissemination of trade related data, including data related to species being traded;
z izboljšanjem razumevanja trga in spodbujanjem izmenjave informacij o mednarodnem tržišču lesa, z namenom zagotavljanja večje preglednosti in boljše obveščenosti o trgih in tržnih gibanjih, vključno z zbiranjem, urejanjem in širjenjem podatkov, povezanih s trgovino, vključno s podatki za vrste, s katerimi se trguje;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
(c) Gathering criminal intelligence, relating in particular to the identification of organized criminal groups known to be or suspected of being engaged in conduct set forth in article 6 of this Protocol, the methods used to transport smuggled migrants, the misuse of travel or identity documents for purposes of conduct set forth in article 6 and the means of concealment used in the smuggling of migrants;
(c) zbiranje kriminalistično-obveščevalnih podatkov, zlasti v zvezi z identifikacijo organiziranih kriminalnih združb, za katere je znano ali se sumi, da so vpletene v ravnanje iz 6. člena tega protokola v zvezi z metodami, uporabljenimi za prevoz tihotapljenih migrantov, zlorabo potnih ali identifikacijskih dokumentov v te namene, in sredstvi za prikrivanje, ki so uporabljena pri tihotapljenju migrantov;
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
It is furthermore important, whilst providing competent authorities with the necessary means of action, to develop, within the spirit of the United Nations Convention, mechanisms based on close cooperation with the operators concerned and on the development of intelligence gathering.
Pomembno pa je, da se, medtem ko se pristojne organe oskrbi s potrebnimi sredstvi za ukrepanje v duhu Konvencije Združenih narodov, razvijejo mehanizmi na osnovi tesnega sodelovanja z zadevnimi izvajalci in razvoja zbiranja informacij.
4 Pravna redakcija
These SYSTEMS are therefore attractive targets for intelligence gathering operations and sabotage, especially if security measures are thought to be ineffective.
Ti SISTEMI so zatorej privlačen cilj operacij zbiranja podatkov in sabotaž, zlasti če obstaja mišljenje, da so ukrepi varovanja tajnosti neučinkoviti.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
It is furthermore important, whilst providing competent authorities with the necessary means of action, to develop, within the spirit of the United Nations Convention, mechanisms based on close cooperation with the operators concerned and on the development of intelligence gathering.
Pomembno pa je, da se, medtem ko se pristojne organe oskrbi s potrebnimi sredstvi za ukrepanje v duhu Konvencije Združenih narodov, razvijejo mehanizmi na osnovi tesnega sodelovanja z zadevnimi izvajalci in razvoja zbiranja informacij.
6 Pravna redakcija
whereas it is furthermore important, whilst providing competent authorities with the necessary means of action, to develop within the spirit of the United Nations Convention mechanisms based On close cooperation with the operators concerned and on the development of intelligence gathering, exchange and exploitation;
ker je tudi pomembno, da se s sočasnim zagotavljanjem potrebnih pooblastil pristojnim organom za ukrepanje v duhu Konvencije Združenih narodov razviti mehanizem, ki temelji na tesnem sodelovanju z zadevnimi izvajalci in na pospeševanju zbiranja, izmenjave in izkoriščanja podatkov;
7 Pravna redakcija
whereas it is furthermore important, whilst providing competent authorities with the necessary means of action, to develop, in compliance with the spirit of the United Nations Convention, mechanisms which are based on close cooperation with the economic operators concerned as well as on the development of intelligence gathering;
ker je nadalje pomembno, da se, ob zagotavljanju sredstev za delovanje pristojnim organom, v skladu z duhom Konvencije Združenih narodov razvijejo mehanizmi, ki temeljijo na tesnem sodelovanju z gospodarskimi subjekti in razvoju zbiranja obveščevalnih podatkov;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0109
whereas it is furthermore important, whilst providing competent authorities with the necessary means of action, to develop within the spirit of the United Nations Convention mechanisms based on close cooperation with the operators concerned and on the development of intelligence gathering, exchange and exploitation;
ker je tudi pomembno, da se s sočasnim zagotavljanjem potrebnih pooblastil pristojnim organom za ukrepanje v duhu Konvencije Združenih narodov razviti mehanizem, ki temelji na tesnem sodelovanju z zadevnimi izvajalci in na pospeševanju zbiranja, izmenjave in izkoriščanja podatkov;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0836
As well as exploring the application of new technologies - DNA analysis for livestock identification, satellite image interpretation for crop acreage monitoring or fishing vessel identification, cross-correlation of isotopic analysis of beverages and foodstuffs to determine contents and origin, intelligence gathering from open sources, language technology to analyse multilingual documents - the JRC will continue to provide customers with the integrated knowledge that includes the entire cycle from data capture, data fusion, data mining through to visualisation and estimation.
Poleg raziskovanja uporabnosti novih tehnologij - analize DNA za identifikacijo živine, interpretacije satelitskih posnetkov za spremljanje obsega obdelanih površin ali identifikacijo ribiških plovil, primerjave izotopske analize pijač in živil za določitev njihovih sestavin in izvora, umnega zbiranja podatkov iz prosto dostopnih virov, jezikovnih tehnologij za analizo večjezičnih dokumentov - bo SRS še naprej zagotavljalo uporabnikom povezano znanje, ki obsega celoten cikel od zbiranja, združevanja, rudarjenja do vizualizacije in ocenjevanja.
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intelligence gathering