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interest summary
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
12.4.1 The authorities shall require interested Members or interested parties providing confidential information to furnish non confidential summaries thereof.
12.4.1 Oblasti zahtevajo od zainteresiranih članic in drugih zainteresiranih subjektov, ki so priskrbeli zaupne informacije, da zagotovijo nezaupne povzetke.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
6.5.1 The authorities shall require interested parties providing confidential information to furnish non confidential summaries thereof.
6.5.1 Oblasti od zainteresiranih strani, ki so dale zaupne podatke, zahtevajo, da zagotovijo povzetke, ki niso zaupni.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
After disbursement of each Tranche, the Bank shall deliver to the Borrower a summary statement showing the amount, currency, disbursement date, repayment schedule and interest rate of and for that Tranche.
Po izplačilu vsake tranše banka pošlje posojilojemalki povzetje, ki prikazuje znesek, valuto, datum izplačila, načrt odplačevanja in obrestno mero za to tranšo.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0659
whereas it is therefore appropriate to publish all decisions which might affect the interests of interested parties either in full or in a summary form or to make copies of such decisions available to interested parties, where they have not been published or where they have not been published in full;
ker je torej primerno, da se objavijo vse odločbe, ki bi lahko vplivale na interese zainteresiranih strank, v celoti ali v povzetku, ali da so izvodi takšnih odločb dani na razpolago zainteresiranim strankam, če takšne odločbe niso bile objavljene ali če niso bile objavljene v celoti;
5 Končna redakcija
To summarize this "technical" definition, we could say that a public service broadcaster enables the public to access channels of mass communication, serves the public interest, and opens and sustains the space for public debate.
Če to »tehnično« definicijo javnega servisa povzamemo na kratko, potem lahko rečemo, da javni servis zagotavlja dostop javnosti do množičnih komunikacijskih kanalov, služi javnemu interesu in oblikuje, odpira in vzdržuje prostor javne razprave.
6 Končna redakcija
(1) On the basis of the summary of the order, all natural or legal persons demonstrating a legal interest may apply for participation in the procedure within 30 days of publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.
(1) Na podlagi objave izvlečka sklepa lahko v 30 dneh od objave v Uradnem listu RS svojo udeležbo v postopku prijavi vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba, ki izkaže pravni interes.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Where the description of such conditions and verification methods is voluminous and based on documents available to interested economic operators, a summary of the main conditions and methods and a reference to those documents shall be sufficient.
Če so opisi teh pogojev in postopkov preverjanja obsežni in temeljijo na dokumentaciji, ki je na voljo zainteresiranim gospodarskim subjektom, zadostujeta povzetek glavnih pogojev in postopkov ter sklic na to dokumentacijo.
8 Končna redakcija
(1) A summary of the order on the commencement of procedure shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia unless the Director of the Office determines that this would be in contravention with the interests of the investigation.
(1) Izvleček sklepa o uvedbi postopka se objavi v Uradnem listu RS, razen če direktor urada presodi, da je to v nasprotju z interesi preiskave.
9 Končna redakcija
Where the Commission intends to give negative clearance pursuant to Article 5 or Article 6, it shall publish a summary of the relevant agreement, decision or concerted practice and invite all interested third parties to submit their observations within a time limit which it shall fix being not less than one month.
Kadar namerava Komisija izdati negativni izvid na podlagi èlenov 5 ali 6, objavi povzetek ustreznega sporazuma, sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja, vse zainteresirane tretje osebe pa pozove, da predložijo svoje pripombe v roku, ki ga doloèi in ki ni krajši od enega meseca.
10 Končna redakcija
whereas for this purpose there should be made available to undertakings a procedure whereby they may submit applications to the Commission and a summary of each such application is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, enabling any interested third parties to submit their comments on the agreement in question;
ker mora biti za ta namen podjetjem na voljo postopek, v katerem lahko pri Komisiji vložijo vloge in je povzetek vsake vloge objavljen v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti, kar omogoea vsem zainteresiranim tretjim osebam, da predložijo svoje pripombe glede zadevnega sporazuma;
11 Končna redakcija
Where the Commission intends to give negative clearance pursuant to Article 2 or take a decision in application of Article 85 (3) of the Treaty, it shall publish a summary of the relevant application or notification and invite all interested third parties to submit their observations within a time limit which it shall fix being not less than one month.
Kadar Komisija namerava dati negativni izvid na podlagi člena 2 ali sprejeti odločbo po členu 85(3) Pogodbe, objavi povzetek zahteve ali priglasitve in povabi vse zainteresirane tretje osebe, da v roku, ki ga določi in ne sme biti krajši od meseca dni, predložijo svoja mnenja.
12 Končna redakcija
If the Commission judges an application admissible and is in possession of all the available evidence, and no action under Article 10 has been taken against the agreement, decision or concerted practice in question, then it shall publish as soon as possible in the Official Journal of the European Communities a summary of the application and invite all interested third parties to submit their comments to the Commission within thirty days.
Ee Komisija presodi, da je vloga dopustna, ter ee razpolaga z vsemi razpoložljivimi dokazi in ee glede zadevnega sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja ni bil zaeet postopek po elenu 10, eim prej objavi povzetek vloge v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti ter pozove vse zainteresirane tretje osebe, da ji v 30 dneh predložijo svoje pripombe.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
Their comments on the Community interest aspects of the investigation can be summarised into two main areas.
Njihove pripombe o vidikih interesa Skupnosti je mogoče povzeti v dveh glavnih argumentih.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Interested parties providing confidential information shall be required to furnish non-confidential summaries thereof.
Zainteresirane stranke, ki predložijo zaupne informacije, morajo ponuditi povzetek teh informacije, ki ni zaupne narave.
15 Pravna redakcija
(Where this information is voluminous and based on documents available to interested suppliers, contractors or service providers, a summary of the main conditions and methods and a reference to those documents shall be sufficient)
(Če so podatki obsežni in temeljijo na dokumentaciji, ki je na voljo zainteresiranim dobaviteljem blaga, gradbenikom ali ponudnikom storitev, zadostuje povzetek glavnih pogojev in metod ter napotilo na to dokumentacijo)
16 Pravna redakcija
Where this information is of general interest or where its transmission has been requested by a Member State, the Commission shall forward it to the Member States provided it is not confidential, in which case a non-confidential summary shall be forwarded.
Kadar so te informacije v splošnem interesu ali kadar država članica zanje zaprosi, jih Komisija pošlje državam članicam, če niso zaupne, v nasprotnem primeru pošlje le njihov povzetek, ki ni zaupen.
17 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall ensure that the opinions of the Scientific Committee for Food, together with a summary of the reasons for those opinions, are made available as soon as possible to all interested parties, including the designated authorities and bodies.
Komisija zagotovi, da so mnenja Znanstvenega odbora za živila, skupaj s povzetkom razlogov za ta mnenja, kar najhitreje na voljo vsem zainteresiranim stranem, vključno z imenovanimi organi oblasti in organi.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Where this information is of general interest or where its transmission has been requested by a Member State, the Commission shall forward it to the Member States, provided it is not confidential, in which case a non-confidential summary shall be forwarded.
Če so te informacije v splošnem interesu ali je njihovo predložitev zahtevala država članica, jih Komisija posreduje državam članicam, pod pogojem da niso zaupne, drugače pa se posreduje povzetek, ki ni zaupne narave.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
As none of the interested parties which raised the issue of insufficient disclosure were able to demonstrate that the information made available to them in a summarised form did not enable them to defend their rights, their arguments in this respect had to be rejected.
Ker nobena od zainteresiranih strank, ki so sprožile vprašanje o nezadostnem razkritju, ni mogla dokazati, da ji informacije, ki so ji bile na razpolago kot povzetek, niso omogočile, da bi branila svoje pravice, je bilo treba njihove utemeljitve glede tega zavrniti.
20 Pravna redakcija
Where the description of such conditions and verification methods is voluminous and based on documents available to interested suppliers, contractors and service providers, a summary of the main conditions and methods and a reference to those documents shall be sufficient.
Če so opisi teh pogojev in postopkov preverjanja obsežni in temeljijo na dokumentaciji, ki je na voljo zainteresiranim dobaviteljem blaga, gradbenikom ali ponudnikom storitev, zadostujeta povzetek glavnih pogojev in postopkov ter sklic na to dokumentacijo.
21 Pravna redakcija
When the Commission intends to take a decision pursuant to Article 85 (3) of the Treaty, it shall publish a summary of the relevant agreement, decision or concerted practice in the Official Journal of the European Communities and invite all interested third parties to submit their observations within a period, not being less than one month, which it shall fix.
Kadar namerava Komisija sprejeti odločbo na podlagi člena 85(3) Pogodbe, objavi bistveno vsebino zadevnega sporazuma, sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti, vse zainteresirane tretje osebe pa povabi, da predložijo svoje pripombe v roku, ki ga določi in ni krajši od enega meseca.
22 Pravna redakcija
If the Commission judges an application admissible and is in possession of all the available evidence and no action under article 3 has been taken against the agreement, decision or concerted practice in question, then it shall publish as soon as possible in the Official Journal of the European Communities a summary of the application and invite all interested third parties and the Member States to submit their comments to the Commission within 30 days.
Če je zahtevek sprejemljiv in če Komisija poseduje vse razpoložljive dokaze ter proti zadevnemu sporazumu, sklepu ali usklajenemu ravnanju ni bil sprožen postopek po členu 3, Komisija čim prej objavi bistveni del zahtevka v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti ter povabi vse zadevne tretje osebe in države članice, da ji v 30 dneh predložijo njihove pripombe.
23 Pravna redakcija
it shall announce the initiation of an examination procedure in the Official Journal of the European Communities; such announcement shall indicate the product or service and countries concerned, give a summary of the information received, and provide that all relevant information is to be communicated to the Commission; it shall state the period within which interested parties may apply to be heard orally by the Commission in accordance with paragraph 5;
v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti objavi začetek postopka pregleda; v takšni objavi so navedeni proizvod ali storitev in zadevne države, naveden je povzetek prejetih informacij in določba, da je treba vse ustrezne informacije posredovati Komisiji; določi rok, v katerem lahko zainteresirane stranke zahtevajo, da jih Komisija v skladu z odstavkom 5 ustno zasliši;
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0427
The notice of initiation of the proceedings shall announce the initiation of an investigation, the scope of the investigation, indicate the product concerned, give a summary of the information received and provide that all relevant information is to be communicated to the Commission; it shall state the periods within which interested parties may make themselves known, present their views in writing and submit information, if such views and information are to be taken into account during the investigation; it shall also state the period within which interested parties may apply to be heard by the Commission in accordance with Article 6(4).
V obvestilu o začetku postopkov se najavi začetek preiskave, obseg preiskave, opredeli zadevni izdelek, navede povzetek prejetih informacij in zagotovi, da bodo vse zadevne informacije sporočene Komisiji; določijo se roki, v katerih se zainteresirane stranke lahko oglasijo, pisno predstavijo svoja mnenja in predložijo informacije, če naj se taka mnenja in informacije obravnavajo med preiskavo; določi se tudi rok, v katerem lahko zainteresirane stranke zaprosijo za zaslišanje pred Komisijo v skladu s členom 6(4).
25 Prevajalska redakcija
The authorities shall require interested Members or interested parties providing confidential information to furnish non-confidential summaries thereof.
Oblasti zahtevajo od zainteresiranih članic in drugih zainteresiranih subjektov, ki so priskrbeli zaupne informacije, da zagotovijo nezaupne povzetke.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0385
Interested parties providing confidential information shall be required to furnish nonconfidential summaries thereof.
Zainteresirane stranke, ki predložijo zaupne informacije, se pozovejo, da predložijo nezaupni povzetek teh informacij.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
The authorities shall require interested parties providing confidential information to furnish non-confidential summaries thereof.
Oblasti od zainteresiranih strani, ki so dale zaupne podatke, zahtevajo, da zagotovijo povzetke, ki niso zaupni.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0067
The Commission shall publish a summary of the decisions of which it is notified in the Official Journal of the European Communities and shall invite interested parties to submit comments.
Komisija objavi povzetek vseh odločitev, o katerih je bila obveščena, v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti in povabi zainteresirane strane k predložitvi njihovih pripomb.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Where the description of such conditions and verification methods is voluminous and based on documents available to interested economic operators, a summary of the main conditions and methods and a reference to those documents shall be sufficient.
Če so opisi teh pogojev in postopkov preverjanja obsežni in temeljijo na dokumentaciji, ki je na voljo zainteresiranim gospodarskim subjektom, zadostujeta povzetek glavnih pogojev in postopkov ter sklic na to dokumentacijo.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R4056
Where the Commission intends to give negative clearance pursuant to Article 85 (3) of the Treaty, it shall publish a summary of the relevant agreement, decision or concerted practice and invite all interested third parties to submit their observations within a time limit which it shall fix being not less than one month.
Kadar namerava Komisija izdati negativni izvid na podlagi člena 85(3) Pogodbe, objavi povzetek ustreznega sporazuma, sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja, vse zainteresirane tretje osebe pa pozove, da predložijo svoje pripombe v roku, ki ga določi in ki ni krajši od enega meseca.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R4056
If the Commission judges an application admissible and is in possession of all the available evidence, and no action under Article 10 has been taken against the agreement, decision or concerted practice in question, then it shall publish as soon as possible in the Official Journal of the European Communities a summary of the application and invite all interested third parties and the Member States to submit their comments to the Commission within 30 days.
Če Komisija presodi, da je prošnja sprejemljiva, in ko razpolaga z vsemi razpoložljivimi dokazi ter se glede zadevnega sporazuma, sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja ni začel postopek po členu 10, v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti čimprej objavi povzetek prošnje in povabi vse zainteresirane tretje osebe in države članice, naj v roku 30 dni Komisiji predložijo svoje pripombe.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
If an application is admissible pursuant to the relevant Regulation, if it is complete and if the arrangement which is the subject of the application has not given rise to a procedure as a result of a complaint or on the Commission's own initiative, the Commission publishes a summary of the request in the Official Journal of the European Communities and invites comments from interested third parties, from Member States and from EFTA States where requests relate to the EEA Agreement.
Če je vloga po zadevni uredbi dovoljena, popolna in če proti dogovoru, ki je predmet vloge, kot posledica pritožbe ali na pobudo Komisije ni sprožen postopek, objavi Komisija povzetek zahteve v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti ter povabi zainteresirane tretje osebe iz držav članic in, če se zahteve nanašajo na Sporazum o EGP, držav EFTA, da podajo svoje pripombe.
Prevodi: en > sl
interest summary