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international environmental relations
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
Bearing in mind the relationship between desertification and other environmental problems of global dimension facing the international and national communities,
upoštevajo povezanost dezertifikacije z drugimi okoljevarstvenimi vprašanji svetovnih razsežnosti, s katerimi se srečujejo mednarodna in državne skupnosti,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) The government may on the proposal of the minister responsible for transport temporarily restrict or ban the operation of an airport if this is required in the interests of safety, health, environmental protection, international relations or similar national interests.
(2) Vlada lahko na predlog ministra, pristojnega za promet, začasno omeji ali prepove obratovanje letališča, če to zahtevajo interesi varnosti, zdravja, varovanja okolja, mednarodnih odnosov ali podobni državni interesi.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
The Commission shall take into accountexperience gained within the relevant international fora, such as the IMO and Euratom and the relevant international agreements, as well as the extent to which these instruments have entered into force and/or have been implemented by Member States and/or have been modified, taking account of all relevant instances of environmental damage resulting from such activities and the remedial action taken and the differences between the liability levels in Member States, and considering the relationship between shipowners' liability and oil receivers' contributions, having due regard to any relevant study undertaken by the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds.
Komisija upošteva izkušnje, pridobljene na mednarodnih forumih, na primer v IMO (Mednarodni pomorski organizaciji) in Euratomu in v okviru ustreznih mednarodnih sporazumov, pa tudi obseg njihove uveljavitve in/ali izvajanja v državah članicah in/ali spremembe, ob upoštevanju vseh primerov okoljske škode, ki so bili posledica takih dejavnosti, sanacijskih ukrepov in razlik v stopnji odgovornosti v različnih državah članicah, ter ob upoštevanju razmerja med odgovornostjo lastnika ladje in prispevki prejemnika nafte, pri tem pa upošteva vse pomembne raziskave, ki jih je opravil Mednarodni sklad za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
BEARING IN MIND the relationship between desertification and other environmental problems of global dimension facing the international and national communities,
UPOŠTEVAJO povezanost dezertifikacije z drugimi okoljevarstvenimi vprašanji svetovnih razsežnosti, s katerimi se srečujejo mednarodna in državne skupnosti,
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
The Commission shall take into accountexperience gained within the relevant international fora, such as the IMO and Euratom and the relevant international agreements, as well as the extent to which these instruments have entered into force and/or have been implemented by Member States and/or have been modified, taking account of all relevant instances of environmental damage resulting from such activities and the remedial action taken and the differences between the liability levels in Member States, and considering the relationship between shipowners' liability and oil receivers' contributions, having due regard to any relevant study undertaken by the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds.
Komisija upošteva izkušnje, pridobljene na mednarodnih forumih, na primer v IMO (Mednarodni pomorski organizaciji) in Euratomu in v okviru ustreznih mednarodnih sporazumov, pa tudi obseg njihove uveljavitve in/ali izvajanja v državah članicah in/ali spremembe, ob upoštevanju vseh primerov okoljske škode, ki so bili posledica takih dejavnosti, sanacijskih ukrepov in razlik v stopnji odgovornosti v različnih državah članicah, ter ob upoštevanju razmerja med odgovornostjo lastnika ladje in prispevki prejemnika nafte, pri tem pa upošteva vse pomembne raziskave, ki jih je opravil Mednarodni sklad za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto;
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international environmental relations