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1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
If an interpellation on the work of the Government or an individual Minister of State is submitted in the National Assembly, the Government shall have the right to present its position on the question to which the interpellation pertains within 15 days before the debate on the interpellation, and to participate in the debate.
Če je v Državnem zboru vložena interpelacija o delu vlade ali posameznega ministra, ima vlada pravico, da pred razpravo o interpelaciji v petnajstih dneh da svoje stališče o vprašanju, na katerega se nanaša interpelacija, in da sodeluje v razpravi.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
An interpellation with respect to the work of the Government or an individual minister may be initiated in the National Assembly by at least ten deputies.
Najmanj deset poslancev lahko sproži v državnem zboru interpelacijo o delu vlade ali posameznega ministra.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If, after the debate following such interpellation, a majority of all deputies carries a vote of no confidence in the Government or in an individual minister, the National Assembly dismisses the Government or said minister.
Če po razpravi o interpelaciji večina vseh poslancev izreče nezaupnico vladi ali posameznemu ministru, državni zbor vlado ali ministre razreši.
5 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: SOP 1991-01-1409
If, after the debate following such interpellation, a majority of all deputies carries a vote of noconfidence in the Government or in an individual minister, the National Assembly dismisses the Government or said minister.
Če po razpravi o interpelaciji večina vseh poslancev izreče nezaupnico vladi ali posameznemu ministru, državni zbor vlado ali ministre razreši.
6 Končna redakcija
'The ideological apparatus versus all' is a summary of the third thesis that is based on an implicit assumption that ideology is not solely a distortion of the truth or an automatic effect of capital production, but is made up of the network of images, symbols, practices and concepts that operate through interpellation.
'Ideološki aparat države proti vsem' je povzetek tretje teze, ki temelji na implicirani predpostavki, da ideologija ni le popačenje resnice ali avtomatski učinek kapitalske produkcije, temveč mreža podob, simbolov, praks in konceptov, ki delujejo na podlagi interpelacije.
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