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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
c) activation of the Plan, requesting assistance and the exchange of operational messages during Joint Response Operations.
c) aktiviranje načrta, prošnja za pomoč in izmenjava izvedbenih sporočil med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
Therefore, the CHMP considered that the data provided was sufficient to include the therapeutic indication “ Infections of the bones and joints” in Ciprofloxacin Marketing Authorisations, and noted that the SPC should give a clear message on the need for co-administration with appropriate antibacterial agent(s).
Tako je CHMP menil, da predloženi podatki ustrezno potrjujejo vključitev terapevtske indikacije „ Okužbe kosti in sklepov “ v dovoljenja za promet s ciprofloksacinom ter poudaril, da mora biti v povzetku glavnih značilnosti zdravila jasno poudarjena potreba po sočasnem zdravljenju z ustreznimi protimikrobnimi snovmi.
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