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join the Euro area
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
The Joint Committee may adopt decisions only when two thirds of the Contracting Parties, including the European Community, are represented in the Joint Committee meetings.
Skupni odbor lahko sprejema sklepe le, če sta na sestanku skupnega odbora navzoči dve tretjini pogodbenic, vključno z Evropsko skupnostjo.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Conference considers that, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the European Parliament and the European Council are jointly responsible for the smooth running of the process leading to the election of the President of the European Commission.
Konferenca meni, da sta Evropski parlament in Evropski svet v skladu z določbami Ustave skupaj odgovorna za nemoten potek postopka za izvolitev predsednika Evropske komisije.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Where the applicants for or proprietors of a European patent are not the same in respect of different designated Contracting States, they shall be regarded as joint applicants or proprietors for the purposes of proceedings before the European Patent Office.
Če prijavitelji ali imetniki evropskega patenta za različne imenovane države pogodbenice niso isti, se v postopku pri Evropskem patentnem uradu obravnavajo kot skupni prijavitelji ali imetniki.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
CONSIDERING the joint objective of an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of persons shall, in particular, be ensured, in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, as amended by the Single European Act:
OB UPOŠTEVANJU skupnega zavzemanja za območje brez notranjih meja, na katerem je zagotovljen zlasti prost pretok oseb v skladu z določbami Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti, kakor je bila dopolnjena z Enotnim evropskim aktom;
5 Objavljeno
The role and importance of linkage of all who joined the Project of Healthy cities in Europe and globally, are presented and attention is called to the possibility of the collaboration of Slovenian cities in this WHO project.
Prispevek predstavlja vlogo in pomen povezovanja vseh, ki so se pridružili gibanju zdravih mest v Evropi in v svetu ter opozarja na možnost sodelovanja slovenskih mest v tem projektu SZO.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
An independent joint supervisory body shall be set up, which shall have the task of reviewing, in accordance with this convention, the activities of Europol in order to ensure that the rights of the individual are not violated by the storage, processing and utilization of the data held by Europol.
Ustanovi ali uvede se neodvisni skupni nadzorni organ, katerega naloga je, da v skladu s to konvencijo opravlja pregled nad dejavnostmi Europola in tako zagotovi, da s shranjevanjem, obdelavo in uporabo podatkov, ki jih ima Europol, niso kršene pravice posameznika.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
considering that the Joint Action Plan to implement the Strategic Partnership between the Republic of South Africa and the European Union has been concluded and provides for an extension of cooperation between the Parties in a wide range of areas,
ob upoštevanju, da je bil sklenjen Skupni akcijski načrt za izvajanje strateškega partnerstva med Republiko Južno Afriko in Evropsko unijo, v katerem je določena razširitev sodelovanja med pogodbenicama na številnih področjih -
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
The objectives set out in paragraph 1 shall be pursued as far as possible by fostering the joint participation of Côte d'Ivoire and the outermost regions in framework and specific programmes of the European Community in the areas covered by this Agreement.
Cilji iz odstavka 1 se, kolikor je mogoče, izpolnjujejo s spodbujanjem sodelovanja Slonokoščene obale in najbolj obrobnih regij pri okvirnih in posebnih programih Evropske skupnosti na področjih, ki jih zajema ta sporazum.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(b) agreements or conventions concluded by the other Member States, acting jointly with the European Communities, with one or more third States or with an international organisation, and the agreements which are related to those agreements or conventions.
b) k sporazumom ali konvencijam, ki jih druge države članice, ki ukrepajo skupaj z Evropskimi skupnostmi, sklenejo z eno ali več tretjimi državami ali mednarodno organizacijo ter k sporazumom, ki se na omenjene sporazume in konvencije navezujejo.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Recalling that the Joint Declaration on the Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Cyprus annexed to the Final Act of the Treaty concerning the Accession of the United Kingdom to the European Communities provided that the arrangements applicable to relations between the European Economic Community and the Sovereign Base Areas will be defined within the context of any agreement between the Community and the Republic of Cyprus,
ob sklicevanju na Skupno izjavo o suverenih conah Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske na Cipru, priloženo Sklepni listini Pogodbe o pristopu Združenega kraljestva k Evropskim skupnostim, ki predvideva, da se bo ureditev, ki se uporablja za odnose med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in suverenima conama opredelila v okviru aranžmajev med Skupnostjo in Republiko Ciper,
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Jurisdiction shall also be reserved to the Court of Justice in the actions referred to in the same Articles when they are brought by an institution of the Union against an act of or failure to act by the European Parliament or the Council or both of those institutions acting jointly or the Commission, or brought by an institution against an act of or failure to act by the European Central Bank.
Odločanje o tožbah iz omenjenih členov, ki jih vloži institucija Unije proti aktu ali opustitvi ukrepanja Evropskega parlamenta, Sveta, obeh institucij, ki odločata skupaj, ali Komisije, in tožbe, ki jih vloži institucija proti aktu ali opustitvi ukrepanja Evropske centralne banke, je prav tako pridržano za Sodišče.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Europol officials may participate in a support capacity in joint investigation teams, including those teams set up in accordance with Article 1 of the Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on joint investigation teams or in accordance with Article 13 of the Convention of 29 May 2000 on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the Member States of the European Union, as far as those teams are investigating criminal offences for which Europol is competent under Article 2. Europol officials may, within the limits provided for by the law of the Member State where the joint investigation team operates and in accordance with the arrangement referred to in paragraph 2, assist in all activities and exchange information with all members of the joint investigation team, in accordance with paragraph 3. However, they shall not take part in the taking of any coercive measures.
Uradniki Europola lahko v podporni funkciji sodelujejo v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah, vključno s skupinami, ustanovljenimi v skladu s členom 1 Okvirnega sklepa z dne 13. junija 2002 o skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah ali v skladu s členom 13 Konvencije z dne 29. maja 2000 o medsebojni pravni pomoči v kazenskih zadevah med državami članicami Evropske unije, kolikor te skupine preiskujejo kazniva dejanja, za katera je pristojen Europol na podlagi člena 2. Uradniki Europola lahko v okviru omejitev, ki jih predvideva zakonodaja države članice, kjer deluje skupna preiskovalna skupina, in v skladu z dogovorom iz odstavka 2, nudijo pomoč pri vseh dejavnostih in izmenjujejo informacije z vsemi člani skupne preiskovalne skupine v skladu z odstavkom 3. Vendar pa ne sodelujejo pri izvajanju prisilnih ukrepov.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The new Member States shall be required to accede, under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, to the agreements or conventions concluded or provisionally applied by the present Member States and the Union or the European Atomic Energy Community, acting jointly, and to the agreements concluded by those States which are related to those agreements or conventions.
(1) Nove države članice morajo pod pogoji iz tega protokola pristopiti k sporazumom ali konvencijam, ki so jih sedanje države članice in Unija ali Evropska skupnost za atomsko energijo sklenile skupaj ali jih skupaj začasno uporabljajo, ter k sporazumom, ki so jih sklenile te države in so povezani z omenjenimi sporazumi ali konvencijami.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
If a dispute concerns the interpretation of provisions of this Agreement, which are identical in substance to corresponding rules of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community and to acts adopted in application of these two Treaties and if the dispute has not been settled within three months after it has been brought before the EEA Joint Committee, the Contracting Parties to the dispute may agree to request the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give a ruling on the interpretation of the relevant rules.
Če se spor nanaša na razlago določb tega sporazuma, ki so po vsebini enake ustreznim pravilom Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo ter aktom, sprejetim na podlagi teh dveh pogodb, in če se spor ne reši v treh mesecih po tem, ko je bil predložen Skupnemu odboru EGP, se lahko pogodbenice, ki so udeležene v sporu, dogovorijo, da za odločitev o razlagi teh pravil zaprosijo Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Conference notes that with respect to legal acts to be adopted by the Council acting alone or jointly with the European Parliament and containing provisions applicable to Denmark as well as provisions not applicable to Denmark because they have a legal basis to which Part I of the Protocol on the position of Denmark applies, Denmark declares that it will not use its voting right to prevent the adoption of the provisions which are not applicable to Denmark.
Konferenca ugotavlja, da glede na pravne akte, ki jih bo Svet sprejel sam ali skupaj z Evropskim parlamentom, ki vsebujejo določbe, ki se uporabljajo za Dansko, tako kot tudi določbe, ki se ne uporabljajo za Dansko, ker imajo pravno osnovo, za katero se uporablja I. del Protokola o Danski, Danska izjavlja, da ne bo uporabila svoje volilne pravice, da bi preprečila sprejetje določb, ki se ne nanašajo na Dansko.
16 Končna redakcija
Joint Declaration on the simultaneous enlargement of the European Union and the European Economic Area;
Skupno izjavo o sočasni širitvi Evropske unije in Evropskega gospodarskega prostora;
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
in the case of a joint venture, the joint venture has no, or negligible, actual or foreseen activities within the territory of the European Economic Area (EEA).
v primeru skupnih podjetij skupno podjetje na ozemlju Evropskega gospodarskega prostora (EGP) ne izvaja niti ne predvideva nobenih dejavnosti ali so te zanemarljive.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Countries that are expected to join the European Union later than May 2004 should be enabled to block their official names and the names under which they are commonly known, so that they can be registered at a later date.
Državam, za katere se pričakuje, da se bodo pridružile Evropski uniji po maju 2004, je treba omogočiti, da blokirajo svoja uradna imena in imena, pod katerimi so splošno znane, da se bodo lahko registrirale pozneje.
19 Končna redakcija
Thanks to this, it is also possible to say that 'now when there are so many reasons for rejoicing, when we joined Europe, not one of the bar flies can understand why we then hang on to the Balkan folk and the East.
Zato je mogoče tudi reči, da 'sedaj, ko je za radost toliko razlogov, ko smo se pridružili Evropi, nikomur od pivcev ni jasno, zakaj potem takšno obešanje okoli vratu Balkancem in Vzhodu.
20 Končna redakcija
Therefore, the joint venture permits European companies to withstand competition from non-Community producers, especially in the USA and Japan, in an area of fast-moving technology characterized by international markets.
Zato združeno podjetje evropskim podjetjem omogoča, da se na področju hitro razvijajoče se tehnologije, za katero so značilni mednarodni trgi, zoperstavijo konkurenci proizvajalcev, ki niso iz Skupnosti, zlasti ameriških in japonskih.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Candidate countries that are not due to join the European Union in May 2004 and member countries of the European Economic Area that are not Member States may request that their official name and the name under which they are commonly known in their own language and in any of the official languages as from May 2004 shall not be registered directly under the.eu TLD.
Države kandidatke, ki se Evropski uniji ne bodo pridružile maja 2004, in države članice Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, ki niso države članice, lahko zahtevajo, da se njihovo uradno ime in ime, pod katerim so splošno znane v njihovem jeziku ali katerem koli od uradnih jezikov, od maja 2004 ne registrirata neposredno pod domeno eu najvišje ravni.
22 Končna redakcija
RECALLING that the Joint Declaration on the Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Cyprus annexed to the Final Act of the Treaty concerning the Accession of the United Kingdom to the European Communities provided that the arrangements applicable to relations between the European Economic Community and the Sovereign Base Areas will be defined within the context of any agreement between the Community and the Republic of Cyprus,
OB SKLICEVANJU na Skupno izjavo o suverenih conah Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske na Cipru, priloženo Sklepnemu aktu Pogodbe o pristopu Združenega kraljestva k Evropskim skupnostim, ki predvideva, da se bo ureditev, ki se uporablja za odnose med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in suverenima conama opredelila v okviru aranžmajev med Skupnostjo in Republiko Ciper,
23 Končna redakcija
Regulations, directives and decisions adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council, and such acts adopted by the Council or the Commission, shall state the reasons on which they are based and shall refer to any proposals or opinions which were required to be obtained pursuant to this Treaty.
V uredbah, direktivah in odločbah, ki jih skupno sprejmeta Evropski parlament in Svet, ter v aktih, ki jih sprejme bodisi Svet ali Komisija, se navedejo razlogi za njihovo sprejetje, pa tudi vsi predlogi ali mnenja, ki jih je bilo treba pridobiti po tej pogodbi.
24 Končna redakcija
Regulations, directives and decisions adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council, and such acts adopted by the Council or the Commission, shall state the reasons on which they are based and shall refer to any proposals or opinions which were required to be obtained pursuant to this Treaty.'
V uredbah, direktivah in odločbah, ki jih skupno sprejmeta Evropski parlament in Svet, ter v aktih, ki jih sprejme bodisi Svet ali Komisija, se navedejo razlogi za njihovo sprejetje, pa tudi vsi predlogi ali mnenja, ki jih je bilo treba pridobiti po tej pogodbi."
25 Končna redakcija
Joint Declaration concerning the application of the rules of origin after entry into force of the Agreement on the Participation of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Slovenia in the European Economic Area;
Skupno izjavo o uporabi pravil o poreklu po začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma o udeležbi Češke republike, Republike Estonije, Republike Ciper, Republike Latvije, Republike Litve, Republike Madžarske, Republike Malte, Republike Poljske, Republike Slovenije in Slovaške republike v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru;
26 Končna redakcija
a) under international agreement covering supplies of goods, contracting works or services or public design contests which are intended for joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the countries or organisations which concluded such agreement. The European Commission must be notified of the conclusion of such agreement,
a. po mednarodnem sporazumu, ki opredeljuje dobavo blaga, oddajo gradenj ali storitev ali javne natečaje za načrte, ki so namenjeni skupnemu izvajanju ali izkoriščanju projekta držav ali organizacij, ki so sklenile tak sporazum. O sklenitvi takega sporazuma je treba obvestiti Evropsko komisijo,
27 Končna redakcija
The plenipotentiaries of the Present Contracting Parties and the plenipotentiaries of the New Contracting Parties have also agreed that the New Contracting Parties shall be adequately informed and consulted on any relevant matters to be dealt with in the EEA Council and EEA Joint Committee during the period preceding participation of the New Contracting Parties in the European Economic Area.
Pooblaščenci sedanjih pogodbenic in pooblaščenci novih pogodbenic so se tudi dogovorili, da so nove pogodbenice primerno obveščene in se z njimi posvetuje o vseh pomembnih zadevah, ki jih bo obravnaval Svet EGP in Skupni odbor EGP v času do udeležbe novih pogodbenic v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
By Regulation (EC) No 384/96(1) (the Basic Anti-dumping Regulation) and Regulation (EC) No 2026/97(2) (the Basic Anti-subsidy Regulation) the Council adopted common rules for protection against dumped, and, respectively, subsidised imports from countries which are not members of the European Communities (the Basic Anti-Dumping Regulation and the Basic Anti-Subsidy Regulation are hereinafter jointly referred to as the Basic Regulations).
Z Uredbo (ES) št. 384/96 [1] (osnovna protidampinška uredba) in Uredbo (ES) št. 2026/97 [2] (osnovna protisubvencijska uredba) je Svet sprejel splošna pravila za zaščito proti dampinškemu oziroma subvencioniranemu uvozu iz držav, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti (osnovna protidampinška uredba in osnovna protisubvencijska uredba se tu skupno imenujeta osnovni uredbi).
29 Končna redakcija
They have further agreed that, at the latest by the entry into force of the Agreement, the EEA Agreement, as amended by the Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area and the full texts of each of the Decisions of the EEA Joint Committee, have to be drawn up and authenticated by the representatives of the Contracting Parties in the Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Slovak and Slovenian languages.
Poleg tega so se dogovorili, da morajo predstavniki pogodbenic najpozneje do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma pripraviti in potrditi Sporazum EGP, kakor ga spreminja Protokol o prilagoditvi Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, in celotna besedila vsakega od sklepov Skupnega odbora EGP v češkem, estonskem, latvijskem, litovskem, madžarskem, malteškem, poljskem, slovaškem in slovenskem jeziku.
30 Pravna redakcija
(a) two or more undertakings acquire joint control of a joint venture, provided that the joint venture has no, or negligible, actual or foreseen activities within the territory of the European Economic Area (EEA).
(a) dve ali več podjetij pridobi skupni nadzor nad skupnim podjetjem pod pogojem, da skupno podjetje bodisi dejansko nima in ne predvideva dejavnosti na ozemlju Evropskega gospodarskega prostora (EGP) bodisi so te dejavnosti zanemarljive.
31 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
- the adoption by the Council of the European Union of Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP of 11 March 2002 on the European Union Police Mission fn and Joint Actions 2003/141/CFSP of 27 February 2003 fn and 2003/188/CSFP of 17 March 2003 fn amending Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP on the European Union Police Mission, stating that non- EU European NATO members and other States which are candidates for accession to the European Union as well as other non- EU OSCE Member States, currently providing staff to IPTF, are invited to contribute to the EUPM,
- dejstva, da je Svet Evropske unije sprejel Skupni ukrep 2002/210/SZVP 11. marca 2002 o Policijski misiji Evropske unije( fn ) ter Skupna ukrepa 2003/141/SZVP 27. februarja 2003( fn ) in 2003/188/SZVP 17. marca 2003( fn ) o spremembi Skupnega ukrepa 2002/210/SZVP o Policijski misiji Evropske unije, kjer je navedeno, da so evropske članice NATO, ki niso članice EU, in druge države, ki so kandidatke za pristop k Evropski uniji ter druge članice OVSE, ki niso države članice EU, in ki trenutno oskrbujejo IPTF z osebjem, povabljene k prispevanju v EUPM,
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0023
THE EEA JOINT COMMITTEE, Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as amended by the Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area, hereinafter referred to as `the Agreement` , and in particular Article 98 thereof,
SKUPNI ODBOR EGP JE, ob upoštevanju Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, kakor ga spreminja Protokol o prilagoditvi Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, v nadaljnjem besedilu "Sporazum", in zlasti člena 98 Sporazuma,
33 Pravna redakcija
The European Investment Bank shall be entitled to attend, as an observer, meetings of the EEA Joint Committee when matters in relation to the Financial Mechanism which concern the European Investment Bank are on the agenda.
Evropska investicijska banka ima pravico kot opazovalka prisostvovati zasedanjem Skupnega odbora EGP, kadar so na dnevnem redu zadeve v zvezi s finančnim mehanizmom, ki se nanašajo na Evropsko investicijsko banko.
34 Pravna redakcija
the joint implementation of regional (Europe-South-East Asia) research projects in areas of mutual interest, facilitating, where appropriate, the active involvement of enterprises,
skupno izvajanje regionalnih (Evropa- Jugovzhodna Azija) raziskovalnih projektov na področjih skupnega interesa, pri čemer se, kjer je to primerno, omogoči aktivno sodelovanje podjetij,,
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0747
The Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the European Community and Japan, including its Annexes, together with the joint declarations and the Exchanges of Letters annexed to the Final Act, are hereby approved on behalf of the European Community.
Sporazum o vzajemnem priznavanju med Evropsko skupnostjo in Japonsko, vključno s prilogami in skupaj s skupnimi izjavami in izmenjavo pisem, priloženih k Sklepni listini, se s tem potrdi v imenu Evropske skupnosti.
36 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003D0475
(4) Following the decision by Heads of State or Government taken at the December 2002 Copenhagen European Council, 10 new members signed on 16 April 2003 an Accession Treaty to the European Union and are expected to join on 1 May 2004.
(4) Ob upoštevanju sklepa, ki so ga sprejeli voditelji držav ali vlad konec decembra 2002 na zasedanju Evropskega sveta v Kopenhagnu, je 10 novih članic dne 16. aprila 2003 podpisalo pristopno pogodbo k Evropski uniji in se bodo priključile dne 1. maja 2004.
37 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Supervisory Body shall have the task of reviewing, in accordance with the Convention, the activities of Europol in order to ensure that the rights of the individual are not violated by the storage, processing and utilisation of the data held by Europol.
Naloga Skupnega nadzornega organa je v skladu s Konvencijo presojati o dejavnostih Europola, da bi preprečili kršenje posameznikovih pravic pri hrambi, obdelavi in uporabi podatkov Europola.
38 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
- the adoption by the Council of the European Union on 11 March 2002 of Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP on the European Union Police Mission fn stating that non- EU European NATO members and other States which are candidates for accession to the European Union as well as other non- EU OSCE Member States, currently providing staff to IPTF, are invited to contribute to the EUPM,
- dejstva, da je Svet Evropske unije 11. marca 2002 sprejel Skupni ukrep 2002/210/SZVP o Policijski misiji Evropske unije fn, kjer je navedeno, da so evropske članice NATA, ki niso članice EU, in druge države, ki so kandidatke za pristop k Evropski uniji ter druge članice OVSE, ki niso države članice EU, in ki trenutno oskrbujejo IPTF z osebjem, povabljene k prispevanju v EUPM,
39 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003E0188
(1) On 11 March 2002, the Council adopted Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP on the European Union Police Mission(1), providing for the association with the Mission of non-EU European NATO members and other States which are candidates for accession to the European Union as well as other OSCE Member States.
(1) Svet je 11. marca 2002 sprejel Skupni ukrep 2002/201/SZVP o Policijski misiji Evropske unije fn, ki predvideva pridružitev evropskih članic NATO, ki niso članice EU, drugih držav, ki so kandidatke za pristop k Evropski uniji in tudi drugih držav članic OVSE k misiji.
40 Pravna redakcija
Whereas by Decision of the EEA Joint Committee the model forms necessary for the application of Regulations (EEC) No 1408/71 and (EEC) No 574/72 will be adapted and implemented within the European Economic Area;
ker bodo s sklepom Skupnega odbora EGP v evropskem gospodarskem prostoru prilagojeni in uporabljani vzorčni obrazci, potrebni za izvajanje uredb (EGS) št. 1408/71 in (EGS) št. 574/72;
41 Pravna redakcija
the procedures for carrying out the Galileo programme are defined, in particular, the activities launched by the European Space Agency relating to the programme and financed from funds not assigned to the Joint Undertaking.
opredeljeni so postopki za izvajanje programa Galileo, zlasti dejavnosti, ki jih izvaja Evropska vesoljska agencija v zvezi s programom, financirane pa so iz sredstev, ki niso dodeljena skupnemu podjetju.
42 Pravna redakcija
Any changes in these areas of competence shall be communicated to the Republic of Austria in writing through diplomatic channels by the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Economic Community jointly.
Kakršne koli spremembe na teh področjih pristojnosti morata Zvezna republika Nemčija in Evropska gospodarska skupnost pisno sporočiti Republiki Avstriji po diplomatski poti.
43 Pravna redakcija
WELCOMING the Baltic Sea Declaration by the Baltic and other interested States, the European Economic Community and cooperating international financial institutions assembled at Ronneby in 1990, and the Joint Comprehensive Programme aimed at a joint action plan in order to restore the Baltic Sea area to a sound ecological balance;
OB ODOBRAVANJU Deklaracije o Baltiškem morju Baltiških in drugih zainteresiranih držav, Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in sodelujočih mednarodnih finančnih ustanov, ki so se sestale v Ronnebyju leta 1990, ter Skupnega celovitega programa, namenjenega skupnemu akcijskemu načrtu za ponovno vzpostavitev zdravega ekološkega ravnovesja na območju Baltiškega morja,
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31980R3338
The Agreement on the establishment of the Joint Committee and the Agreement on trade in industrial products between the European Economic Community and the Socialist Republic of Romania are hereby approved on behalf of the Community.
Sporazum o ustanovitvi Skupnega odbora in Sporazum o trgovini z industrijskimi proizvodi med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Socialistično republiko Romunijo se odobrita v imenu Skupnosti.
45 Pravna redakcija
The Agreement on mutual recognition in relation to conformity assessment, certificates and markings between the European Community and Australia, including its Annexes and the Joint Declarations attached thereto, are hereby approved on behalf of the European Community.
Sporazum o vzajemnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti, certifikatov in oznak med Evropsko skupnostjo in Avstralijo, skupaj s prilogami k Sporazumu in priloženimi skupnimi izjavami, se odobri v imenu Skupnosti.
46 Pravna redakcija
Whenever in this Agreement the words 'country', 'entity', 'organization' or 'national' are used with reference to Euratom, they shall be understood to mean or to refer to the Member States of Euratom as well as to the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss Confederation which are both associated with the Euratom Fusion Programme and represented in the JET Joint Undertaking.
Kadar koli se v tem sporazumu uporabljajo besede "država", "subjekt", "organizacija" ali "državljan" v zvezi z Euratomom, se razumejo v pomenu ali se nanašajo na države članice Euratoma in ravno tako na Kraljevino Švedsko ter Švicarsko konfederacijo, ki sta obe pridružene Fuzijskem programu Euratom in zastopane v javnem zavodu JET.
47 Pravna redakcija
Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), as adjusted by the Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area and as last amended by Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 10/95 fn, hereinafter referred to as 'the Agreement`, and in particular Article 1 (2) of the Protocol adjusting the Agreement,
Ob upoštevanju Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru (EGP), kot ga prilagaja Protokol o prilagoditvi Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru in nazadnje spreminja Sklep Skupnega odbora EGP št. 10/95 fn, v nadaljevanju 'Sporazum', in zlasti člena 1 (2) Protokola o prilagoditvi Sporazuma,
48 Pravna redakcija
Having regard to the Schengen Convention of 19 June 1990, in particular Article 134 thereof, Having regard to the progress made within the European Union on placing persons, who are covered by Community law, on the joint list,
Ob upoštevanju Schengenske konvencije z dne 19. junija 1990, zlasti njenega člena 134, ob upoštevanju napredka, storjenega v okviru Evropske unije, pri uvrščanju oseb, ki jih ureja zakonodaja Skupnosti, na skupni seznam,
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