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joint action shall stand
1 Končna redakcija
As long as the Council has not acted, the joint action shall stand.
Dokler Svet ne odloči, ostanejo skupni ukrepi v veljavi.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kakovoste kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS.
3 Pravna redakcija
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.The Standing Committee shall seek solutions to the problems detected and shall make proposals for the satisfactory and optimal implementation of the Convention.Sole responsibility for checking to ensure that the Convention is properly applied shall continue to remain with the Schengen States.The Standing Committee shall therefore confine itself to carrying out the verification procedures as defined in the following mandate.
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kvalitete kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS. Stalni odbor rešuje ugotovljene probleme in pripravlja predloge za zadovoljivo in optimalno izvajanje Konvencije. Schengenske države so še naprej izključno odgovorne za preverjanje, ali se Konvencija pravilno uporablja. Stalni odbor se zato omeji na izvajanje postopkov preverjanja opredeljenih v njegovem mandatu.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
Such actions shall aim at fostering the utilisation of space research and development and space applications in the public and private sectors, the promotion of the adoption of legislative, regulatory and standardisation measures in this sector, the funding and carrying out of joint initiatives pursuant to Article 5.
Cilj takih ukrepov je spodbujati uporabo vesoljskih raziskav in razvoja ter vesoljskih aplikacij v javnem in zasebnem sektorju, pospeševati sprejetje zakonskih in drugih predpisov ter standardizacijskih ukrepov v tem sektorju, financirati in izvajati skupne pobude na podlagi člena 5.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R0495
Officials paid from appropriations in the research and investment budget and employed in an establishment of the Joint Research Centre or on indirect action, or paid from appropriations in the operating budget and employed to run or supervise technical installations or to work in the medical service, shall be entitled to an allowance when they are regularly required to carry out stand-by duty in accordance with Article 56b of the Staff Regulations.
Uradniki, plačani iz skladov za raziskave in investicije ter zaposleni v enoti Skupnega raziskovalnega centra ali v okviru posredne dejavnosti, ali plačani iz proračunskih sredstev za tekoče poslovanje in zaposleni za vodenje ali nadzorovanje tehničnih naprav ali za delo v medicinski službi, imajo pravico do dodatka, če morajo biti redno v stalni pripravljenosti v skladu s členom 56b Kadrovskih predpisov.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kakovoste kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS.
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joint action shall stand