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joint assessment
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
They shall step up cooperation by exchanging information and carrying out joint assessments.
Sodelovanje krepijo z izmenjavo informacij in pripravo skupnih ocen.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-33
A Joint Committee shall be established, tasked primarily with proposing priorities, programmes and projects of international development cooperation, taking into account the assessment of development cooperation programmes and projects that have already been concluded. The Joint Committee shall be composed of two members from each Party.
Ustanovi se skupni odbor, ki predlaga prednostne naloge, programe in projekte mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja ob upoštevanju ocene že končanih programov in projektov razvojnega sodelovanja. Sestavljata ga po dva člana vsake pogodbenice.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-113
The Parties agree that agreements on conformity assessment concluded by any Party with a country which is not a party to this Agreement shall not entail an obligation upon the other Parties to accept the results of conformity assessment procedures carried out in that third country, unless there is an explicit agreement between the Parties in the Joint Committee.
Pogodbenici soglašata, da sporazumi o ugotavljanju skladnosti, ki jih je katera koli pogodbenica sklenila z državo, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma, za drugo pogodbenico ne pomenijo obveznosti, da sprejme rezultate postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki se izvajajo v tej tretji državi, če ni v skupnem odboru dosežen izrecni dogovor med pogodbenicama.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-113
The body will cease to assess conformity in relation to the requirements specified in the annexes from the date of its withdrawal at the latest. Nevertheless, conformity assessment carried out before that date shall remain valid, unless otherwise decided by the Joint Committee.
Tak organ preneha ugotavljati skladnost z zahtevami, navedenimi v prilogah, najpozneje od dneva preklica, vendar pa ostane ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki ga je izvedlo pred tem datumom, veljavno, če skupni odbor ne sklene drugače.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
The initial contribution of any member joining the Organization after the entry into force of this Agreement shall be assessed by the Council on the basis of the number of votes to be held by that member and the period remaining in the current financial biennium, but the assessment made upon other members from the current financial biennium shall not thereby be altered.
Začetni prispevek vsake članice, ki se pridruži Organizaciji po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, odmeri Svet na podlagi števila glasov, ki jih bo imela ta članica, in preostalega obdobja v tekočem finančnem dveletju, vendar se odmere drugih članic za tekoče finančno dveletje s tem ne spremenijo.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Criteria to be used by national regulatory authorities in making an assessment of joint dominance in accordance with Article 14(2), second subparagraph
Merila, ki jih morajo uporabljati nacionalni regulativni organi pri oceni skupnega prevladujoeega položaja v skladu z drugim pododstavkom elena 14(2)
7 Končna redakcija
For the licensing, the PGD was the basis according to the normal construction license which joined an assessment with regard to the nuclear application, having received the construction permit in this way.
Za pridobitev dovoljenj je bil PGD osnova v skladu z običajnim gradbenim dovoljenjem ter oceno jedrskih vidikov.
8 Končna redakcija
They shall step up cooperation by exchanging information, carrying out joint assessments and contributing to the implementation of the provisions referred to in Article 8c of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Sodelovanje okrepijo z izmenjavo informacij, s pripravo skupnih ocen in prispevanjem k izvajanju določb iz člena 8c Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti.
9 Končna redakcija
They shall step up cooperation by exchanging information, carrying out joint assessments and contributing to the implementation of the provisions referred to in Article 20 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Sodelovanje krepijo z izmenjavo informacij, s pripravo skupnih ocen in prispevanjem k izvajanju določb iz člena 20 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti.
10 Končna redakcija
In particular, national regulatory authorities shall, when assessing whether two or more undertakings are in a joint dominant position in a market, act in accordance with Community law and take into the utmost account the guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power published by the Commission pursuant to Article 15.
Kadar nacionalni regulativni organi ocenjujejo, da imata dve ali veè podjetij skupaj prevladujoèi položaj na trgu, morajo ravnati zlasti v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti in dosledno upoštevati smernice za tržno analizo in ocenjevanje pomembne tržne moèi, ki jih je objavila Komisija po èlenu 15.
11 Pravna redakcija
Joint monitoring and assessment
Skupno spremljanje in presoja
12 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall also ensure close cooperation in gathering information on the situation in the asylum seekers' countries of origin with a view to a joint assessment.
Pogodbenice tudi zagotovijo tesno sodelovanje pri zbiranju informacij o razmerah v izvornih državah prosilcev za azil zaradi skupne ocene.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0852
- restore macroeconomic stability, in particular through the implementation of structural reform and establish a medium term strategy; agree on a joint assessment with the European Commission,
- ponovna vzpostavitev makroekonomske stabilnosti, zlasti z izvedbo strukturne reforme, in vzpostavitev srednjeročne strategije; dogovor o skupni oceni z Evropsko komisijo,
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
The annual implementation report on the SPD shall consist of a joint assessment of the implementation of the programme and take into account the results of the relevant activities of monitoring and evaluation.
Letno poročilo o izvedbi EPD vsebuje skupno oceno izvedbe programa in upošteva rezultate zadevnih dejavnosti spremljanja in vrednotenja.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Implement the adopted National Action Plan for Employment, taking into account the revised European Guidelines and the priorities, commitments and recommendations identified in the joint assessment of employment policy priorities.
Izvajati spremenjen nacionalni akcijski načrt zaposlovanja ob upoštevanju popravljenih evropskih smernic in prednostnih nalog, obveznosti in priporočil, določenih pri skupni oceni prednostnih nalog politike zaposlovanja.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0397
Implement the national action plan for employment, taking into account the revised European employment guidelines and the priorities, commitments and recommendations identified in the joint assessment of employment policy priorities (JAP).
Izvajati nacionalni akcijski načrt zaposlovanja ob upoštevanju revidiranih evropskih smernic in prednostnih nalog, obveznosti in priporočil, določenih pri skupni oceni prednostnih nalog politike zaposlovanja (JAP).
17 Pravna redakcija
The assessment specified in Title IV B of Joint Action 97/154/JHA shall not be carried out.
Vrednotenje, ki je določeno v IV. B oddelku Skupnih ukrepov 97/154/ PNZ se ne izvede.
18 Pravna redakcija
Such programmes may include joint assessments, special cooperation programmes or peer evaluation.
Taki programi lahko obsegajo skupna ocenjevanja, posebne programe sodelovanja ali strokovna vrednotenja.
19 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall issue an opinion on the projects following the assessment under point 3.
Skupni odbor po ocenitvi, na katero se nanaša točka 3, poda svoje mnenje o projektih.
20 Pravna redakcija
the conduct of joint studies and research, particularly as regards energy forecasts and assessments,
izvajanje skupnih študij in raziskav, zlasti o energetskih napovedih in ocenah,
21 Pravna redakcija
Such programmes could include joint evaluations, special cooperation exercises or conformity assessment.
Ti programi lahko vključujejo skupno ocenjevanje, posebne postopke sodelovanja ali ugotavljanja skladnosti.
22 Pravna redakcija
Conformity assessment bodies will be added to Attachment II upon recommendation from a regulatory/designating authority and joint decision by the joint sectoral group.
Organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti se dodajajo v Dodatek II na podlagi priporočila zakonodajnega organa/organa za imenovanje, in soglasnega sklepa skupne področne skupine.
23 Pravna redakcija
use and develop, individually or preferably jointly, other duly validated scientific assessment tools, such as modelling, remote sensing and progressive risk assessment strategies;
uporabljajo in razvijajo, posamezno ali po možnosti skupaj, druga ustrezno potrjena orodja znanstvenega ocenjevanja, kot so modeliranje, daljinsko zaznavanje in progresivne strategije ocene tveganja;
24 Pravna redakcija
Conformity assessment shall be carried out with functional tests jointly with control-command and rolling stock subsystems.
Ocena skladnosti se izvede s funkcionalnimi preskusi skupaj s podsistemoma upravljanje-vodenje in železniški vozni park.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0852
These include, inter alia, the revised National Programme for the adoption of the acquis, the Joint Assessment of medium-term economic policy priorities, the Pact against organised crime as well as the National Development Plans and other sectoral plans necessary for the participation in Structural Funds after membership and for the implementation of ISPA and Sapard before accession.
Ti med drugim vključujejo revidiran državni program za prevzem pravnega reda, skupno oceno srednjeročnih prednostnih nalog gospodarske politike, pakt o boju proti organiziranemu kriminalu ter državne razvojne načrte in druge sektorske načrte, potrebne za sodelovanje v strukturnih skladih po včlanitvi ter za izvajanje ISPA in Sapard pred pristopom.
26 Pravna redakcija
The registration of the contested conformity assessment body shall remain suspended until the Joint Committee decides to lift the suspension of the registration of the conformity assessment body.
Registracija izpodbijanega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti je preklicana, dokler Skupni odbor ne sklene, da bo odpravil preklic imenovanja organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
27 Pravna redakcija
On the contrary, the determination of whether or not joint control exists is based upon an assessment of these rights as a whole.
Nasprotno, odločitev o tem, ali skupni nadzor obstaja ali ne, temelji na oceni navedenih pravic kot celote.
28 Pravna redakcija
Proposals for terminating the registration of that conformity assessment body shall be made to the Joint Committee and the other party.
Predlogi za prenehanje veljavnosti registracije zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti se naslovijo na Skupni odbor in drugo pogodbenico.
29 Pravna redakcija
Joint Declaration on international guides or recommendations concerning the technical competence of conformity assessment bodies (CABs)
Skupna izjava o mednarodnih vodilih ali priporočilih v zvezi s strokovno usposobljenostjo organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti (OUS),
30 Pravna redakcija
For conformity assessment functional tests shall be carried out jointly with rolling stock and control-command and signalling subsystems.
Za ocena skladnosti se funkcionalni preskusi izvedejo skupaj s podsistemoma železniški vozni park in upravljanje-vodenje in signalizacija.
31 Pravna redakcija
The registration of that conformity assessment body shall be terminated on receipt of the proposal by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee, unless otherwise determined by the Joint Committee.
Veljavnost registracije tega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti preneha, ko prejme predlog sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru, razen če Skupni odbor določi drugače.
32 Pravna redakcija
Where the Joint Committee decides to conduct a joint verification, it will be conducted in a timely manner by the parties with the participation of the designating authority that designated the contested conformity assessment body and with the prior consent of the conformity assessment body.
Če Skupni odbor sklene, da bo opravil skupno preverjanje, takšno preverjanje pravočasno opravita pogodbenici v sodelovanju z organom za imenovanje, ki je imenoval izpodbijani organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti, in s predhodnim soglasjem zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
33 Pravna redakcija
in the event that the Joint Committee cannot decide to register the proposed conformity assessment body, the Joint Committee may decide to conduct a joint verification or to request the proposing party to conduct a verification of the proposed body with the prior consent of such body.
če Skupni odbor ne more sprejeti sklepa o registraciji predlaganega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, se lahko Skupni odbor odloči, da bo opravil skupno preverjanje ali pogodbenico predlagateljico zaprosil, da opravi overjanje zadevnega organa, s predhodnim soglasjem takšnega organa.
34 Pravna redakcija
Agreement on mutual recognition in relation to conformity assessment between the European Community and New Zealand - Final Act - Joint Declarations
SPORAZUM o vzajemnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti med Evropsko skupnostjo in Novo Zelandijo
35 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall take a decision whether to register the proposed conformity assessment body within 90 days of the receipt of the proposal;
Skupni odbor sprejme sklep o registraciji predlaganega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v 90 dneh od prejema predloga;
36 Pravna redakcija
In contrast, where the business plan contains merely general declarations concerning the business aims of the joint venture, the existence of a veto right will be only one element in the general assessment of joint control but will not, on its own, be sufficient to confer joint control.
Če pa poslovni načrt vsebuje samo splošne izjave glede poslovnih ciljev skupnega podjetja, je pravica veta samo en element v splošnem deležu skupnega nadzora, ki pa sama po sebi ne zadošča za skupen nadzor.
37 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee established under the Framework Mutual Recognition Agreement may appoint a Joint Telecommunications Group which shall meet as required to discuss technical, conformity assessment and technology issues relating to this Annex.
Skupni odbor, ustanovljen v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o medsebojnem priznavanju, lahko imenuje skupno skupino za telekomunikacije, ki se sestaja po potrebi in razpravlja o tehničnih in tehnoloških zadevah ter zadevah ugotavljanja skladnosti, povezanih s to prilogo.
38 Pravna redakcija
This consultation may include joint participation in audits related to conformity assessment activities or other assessments of designated conformity assessment bodies, where such participation is appropriate and technically possible within reasonable cost.
Ta posvetovanja lahko vključujejo sodelovanje pri presojah, povezanih z dejavnostmi ugotavljanja skladnosti ali drugimi ocenjevanji imenovanih organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, kadar je tako sodelovanje smiselno, tehnično mogoče in v razumnih stroškovnih mejah.
39 Pravna redakcija
Conformity assessment bodies that have been accepted by the joint sectoral group will be listed in Attachment II with an indication of their specific conformity assessment expertise and the fields of medical device technologies for which they are recognised.
Organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki jih bo potrdila skupna področna skupina, bodo uvrščeni na seznam v Dodatku II z navedbo njihovih posebnih znanj in usposobljenosti za ugotavljanje skladnosti ter tehnologij medicinskih pripomočkov, za katere so priznani.
40 Pravna redakcija
Unless decided otherwise by the Joint Committee, the contested conformity assessment body will be suspended by the competent designating authority from the time that a disagreement over the status of that body has been confirmed in the Joint Committee.
Če Skupni odbor ne sklene drugače, se spornemu organu za ugotavljanje skladnosti prekliče imenovanje, ki ga je izdal organ za imenovanje, in sicer od takrat, ko je Skupni odbor potrdil nestrinjanje o statusu navedenega organa.
41 Pravna redakcija
Agreement on mutual recognition in relation to conformity assessment, certificates and markings between the European Community and Australia - Final Act - Joint Declarations
SPORAZUM o vzajemnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti, certifikatov in oznak med Evropsko skupnostjo in Avstralijo
42 Pravna redakcija
The registration of that conformity assessment body shall be suspended from the time of receipt of the notification by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee.
Registracija zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti je preklicana od trenutka, ko prejme obvestilo sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru.
43 Pravna redakcija
The notice does not cover the assessment of the effects of competition that a merger has in other markets, including vertical and conglomerate effects Nor does it cover the assessment of the effects of a joint venture as referred to in Article 2(4) of the Merger Regulation.
Obvestilo ne zajema presoje učinkov na konkurenco, ki jih ima združitev na drugih trgih, vključno z vertikalnimi in konglomeratnimi učinki. Prav tako ne zajema presoje učinkov skupnega podjetja, kakor je opredeljeno v členu 2(4) Uredbe o združitvi.
44 Pravna redakcija
When advising their Party's representative on the joint sectoral group established under this Agreement, of the conformity assessment bodies to be included in the Sectoral Annexes, the designating authority shall provide the following details in respect of each conformity assessment body:
V obvestilu svojim predstavnikom v skupni področni skupini, ustanovljeni v okviru tega sporazuma, o organih za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki naj se vključijo v področno prilogo, organ, pristojen za imenovanje navede naslednje podatke o vsakem organu za ugotavljanje skladnosti:
45 Pravna redakcija
undertake and publish at regular intervals joint assessments of the quality status of the marine environment and of its development, for the maritime area or for regions or subregions thereof;
izdelajo in v rednih časovnih presledkih objavijo skupne ocene kakovosti morskega okolja in njegovega razvoja za morsko območje, regije ali podregije teh območij;
46 Pravna redakcija
Having regard to Joint Action 97/396/JHA of 16 June 1997 concerning the information exchange, risk assessment and the control of new synthetic drugs (1), and in particular Article 5(1) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Skupnega ukrepa 97/396/PNZ, z 16. junija 1997, o izmenjavi podatkov, oceni tveganja in nadzoru novih sintetičnih drog fn, ter zlasti prvega odstavka člena 5 tega Skupnega ukrepa,
47 Pravna redakcija
The suspension of the registration of that conformity assessment body shall be lifted from the time of receipt of the notification by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee.
Preklic registracije zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti se odpravi, ko prejme obvestilo sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru.
48 Pravna redakcija
Joint Action of 16 June 1997 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, concerning the information exchange, risk assessment and the control of new synthetic drugs
SKUPNI UKREP z dne 16. junija 1997 Sveta na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji o izmenjavi podatkov, oceni tveganja in nadzoru novih sintetičnih drog (97/396/PNZ)
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joint assessment