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joint controllers
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The joint audit committee shall in accordance with the procedure laid down in Title VI of the Treaty on European Union submit to the Council an audit report on the annual accounts; prior thereto the Director and Financial Controller shall be given an opportunity to express an opinion on the audit report and the report shall be discussed by the Management Board.
Skupni revizijski odbor v skladu s postopkom iz Naslova VI Pogodbe o Evropski uniji Svetu posreduje revizijsko poročilo o letnih računih; pred tem imata direktor in finančni nadzornik možnost izraziti mnenje o revizijskem poročilu, o katerem razpravlja tudi Upravni odbor.
2 Pravna redakcija
The Director and the Financial Controller shall send the Joint Audit Committee their replies to any such comments.
Direktor in finančni nadzornik skupnemu revizijskemu odboru pošljeta svoje odgovore na vse takšne pripombe.
3 Pravna redakcija
These statements shall be forwarded to the Financial Controller, the Authorising Officer and the Joint Audit Committee.
Ti izkazi se posredujejo finančnemu nadzorniku, odredbodajalcu ter Skupnemu revizijskemu odboru.
4 Pravna redakcija
For each financial year the Financial Controller shall submit a report to the Management Board and the Joint Audit Committee on the internal supervision activities for that year.
Za vsako proračunsko leto finančni nadzornik upravnemu odboru in Skupnemu revizijskemu odboru odda poročilo o notranjih dejavnostih nadzora v tistem letu.
5 Pravna redakcija
The Director and the Financial Controller may, by 30 November at the latest, transmit their respective opinions on the audit report to the Management Board and to the Joint Audit Committee.
Direktor in finančni nadzornik lahko najpozneje do 30. novembra svoje mnenje o revizijskem poročilu posredujeta upravnemu odboru in Skupnemu revizijskemu odboru.
6 Pravna redakcija
Any comments which in the opinion of the Joint Audit Committee should be contained in the audit report provided for in Article 36(3) of the Europol Convention shall be brought to the attention of the Director and the Financial Controller.
Vse pripombe, ki bi po mnenju Skupnega revizijskega odbora morale biti v revizijskem poročilu, predvidenem v členu 36(3) Konvencije o Europolu, se sporočijo direktorju in finančnemu nadzorniku.
7 Pravna redakcija
The Director may delegate his powers under conditions to be laid down by him and within the limits set by the act of delegation, which shall be communicated to the empowered person, the Accounting Officer, the Financial Controller, the Management Board and the joint Audit Committee.
Direktor lahko svoje pristojnosti prenese na podrejene pod pogoji, ki jih določi sam, in znotraj okvirov, določenih z aktom o prenosu pristojnosti, ki se predloži pooblaščeni osebi, računovodji, finančnemu nadzorniku, upravnemu odboru in Skupnemu revizijskemu odboru.
8 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Audit Committee and the Financial Controller shall be informed of the appointment of Authorising Officers, the Accounting Officer, Assistant Accounting Officers and Administrators of imprest accounts, and of the acts of delegation or appointment pursuant to Article 19(1) and Article 21.
O imenovanju odredbodajalcev, računovodje, pomožnih računovodij in upraviteljev računov akontacij ter o dejanjih prenosa pristojnosti oziroma imenovanja skladno s členoma 19(1) in 21 se obvesti Skupni revizijski odbor in finančnega nadzornika.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0046
'controller' shall mean the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data;
"upravljavec" pomeni fizično ali pravno osebo, javni organ, agencijo ali kateri koli drug organ, ki sam ali skupaj z drugimi določa namene in sredstva obdelave osebnih podatkov;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0045
"controller" shall mean the Community institution or body, the Directorate-General, the unit or any other organisational entity which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data;
"upravljavec" pomeni institucijo ali organ Skupnosti, generalni direktorat, enoto ali katerikoli drugi organizacijski subjekt, ki sam ali skupaj z drugimi določa namene in sredstva obdelave osebnih podatkov;
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joint controllers