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joint degree
1 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-108
This network is designed to stimulate academic mobility, in particular student mobility within Central Europe, and to promote Central European university cooperation and the development of joint programmes ideally leading to double or joint degrees.
Ta mreža je namenjena spodbujanju akademske mobilnosti, predvsem mobilnosti študentov v srednji Evropi, in spodbujanju sodelovanja srednjeevropskih univerz ter razvijanju skupnih programov, če je le mogoče za pridobitev dveh ali skupne diplome.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
The Parties accept that the degree to which the objectives in the Agreement related to a competitive environment may be undermined by a subsidy or other intervention is a legitimate subject for discussion in the Joint Committee.
Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da je stopnja, do katere lahko subvencija ali drug poseg ogrozi cilje Sporazuma, povezane s konkurenčnim okoljem, upravičena tema razprav v skupnem odboru.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
the measures should be in such a form as to encourage competition amongst importers to an increasing degree and ensure that new non traditional importers have the opportunity to join the market.
ukrepi bi morali imeti biti takšni, da bi vzpodbujali konkurenco med uvozniki in hkrati zagotavljali, da bi novi, doslej neznani uvozniki imeli možnost vstopiti na trg.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Compensatory allowances payable in less-favoured areas for land used jointly by several farmers should be paid to each farmer concerned in proportion to the degree to which the farmer is entitled to its use.
Kompenzacijska nadomestila, ki se izplačujejo na območjih z omejenimi možnostmi za zemljišče, ki ga skupaj uporablja več kmetov, bi bilo treba izplačati vsakemu posameznemu kmetu sorazmerno z deležem, do katerega ga je kmet upravičen uporabljati.
5 Pravna redakcija
The EUEB, the Commission and the Member States should, to an appropriate degree, co-ordinate their marketing efforts and develop and implement joint actions.
EUEB, Komisija in države članice morajo v ustrezni meri koordinirati tržna prizadevanja ter razviti in izvajati skupne dejavnosti.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2870
Thermometer, with ground glass joint, calibrated in tenths of a degree from 10 to 30 °C. This thermometer must be certified or checked against a certified thermometer.
A.3.2 Termometer z obrusom in merilno skalo v desetinah stopinje od 10 do 30 ºC. Ta termometer mora biti certificiran ali preverjen s certificiranim termometro m.
7 Pravna redakcija
Thermometer, with ground glass joint, calibrated in tenths of a degree from 10 to 30 °C. This thermometer must be certified or checked against a certified thermometer.
A.3.2 Termometer z obrusom in merilno skalo v desetinah stopinje od 10 do 30 ĹźC. Ta termometer mora biti certificiran ali preverjen s certificiranim termometro
8 Pravna redakcija
Compensatory allowances payable in less-favoured areas for land used jointly by several farmers should be paid to each farmer concerned in proportion to the degree to which the farmer is entitled to its use.
Kompenzacijska plačila, ki se izplačujejo na območjih z omejenimi možnostmi za zemljišče, ki ga skupaj uporablja več kmetov, je treba izplačati vsakemu posameznemu kmetu sorazmerno z deležem, do katerega ga je kmet upravičen uporabljati.
9 Pravna redakcija
When a report of misuse of a mark of conformity or of a hazard involving an approved product covered under this Annex has occurred, both Parties will jointly determine the scope of the misuse and the nature and degree of corrective action to be taken.
Ob poročilu o zlorabi znaka skladnosti ali o nevarnostih v zvezi z odobrenim proizvodom, ki ga ureja ta priloga, pogodbenici skupaj ugotovita obseg zlorabe in naravo ter stopnjo potrebnih korektivnih ukrepov.
10 Pravna redakcija
The amount of that grant shall be calculated taking into account the degree of integration, the number of researchers that all participants intend to integrate, the characteristics of the field of research concerned and the joint programme of activities.
Znesek navedenih nepovratnih sredstev se izračuna tako, da se upošteva stopnja integracije, število raziskovalcev, ki jih nameravajo vključiti vsi udeleženci, značilnosti zadevnega področja raziskav in skupni program aktivnosti.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
With regard to the family members who may be authorised to accompany or to join the long-term residents, Member States should pay special attention to the situation of disabled adult children and of first-degree relatives in the direct ascending line who are dependent on them.
V zvezi z družinskimi člani, ki bi lahko imeli dovoljenje, da spremljajo ali se pridružijo rezidenzom za daljši čas, bi morale države članice posvečati posebno pozornost položaju odraslih invalidnih otrok ter sorodnikov v prvem kolenu, ki so od njih odvisni.
12 Pravna redakcija
to develop lasting trade relations and diversify trade between the Community and the Lao PDR, to achieve a lasting opening-up of markets to a degree which is compatible with the Parties' economic situations and the assistance which the Lao PDR will need in the light of its application to join the World Trade Organization;
razvijati trajne trgovinske odnose in razvejati trgovino med Skupnostjo in Laoško LDR z namenom doseči trajno odprtje trgov, ki ustreza gospodarskemu položaju pogodbenic, in podpirati prošnjo Laoške LDR za pristop k Svetovni trgovinski organizaciji;
13 Pravna redakcija
The joint representative body shall develop, on the basis of the information notified by the Member States under Articles 10(5) and 16(3), technical documents by the profession and texts of the relevant international agreements, a draft reference system of technical rules ensuring the current degree of interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.
Skupno predstavniško telo na podlagi informacij držav članic, uradno sporočenih po členih 10(5) in 16(3), ter na podlagi tehnične dokumentacije stroke in besedil ustreznih mednarodnih sporazumov pripravi osnutek referenčnega sistema tehničnih predpisov za zagotavitev sedanje stopnje interoperabilnosti vseevropskega železniškega sistema za konvencionalne hitrosti.
14 Pravna redakcija
With a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime for credit institutions, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Articles 9(1) and 9(5) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Articles 9(2), 9(3) and 9(4), within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed by the Contracting Parties.
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav za kreditne institucije, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije kakor je opisano v členih 9(1) in 9(5), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz členov 9(2), 9(3) in 9(4) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo strinjati pogodbenice.
15 Pravna redakcija
With a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime for insurance undertakings, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Articles 29b(1) and 29b(5) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Articles 29b(2), 29b(3) and 29b(4), within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed by the Contracting Parties.
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav za zavarovalnice, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije kakor je opisano v členih 29b(1) in 29b(5), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz členov 29b(2), 29b(3) in 29b(4) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo strinjati pogodbenice.
16 Pravna redakcija
With a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime for insurance undertakings, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Articles 32b(1) and 32b(5) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Articles 32b(2), 32b(3) and 32b(4), within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed by the Contracting Parties.
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav za zavarovalnice, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije kakor je opisano v členih 32b(1) in 32b(5), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz členov 32b(2), 32b(3) in 32b(4) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo strinjati pogodbenice.
17 Pravna redakcija
If, as a result of the rights granted under paragraph 2, transit traffic by Community hauliers increases to such a degree as to cause or threaten to cause serious harm to road infrastructure and/or traffic fluidity on the axes, projects and links mentioned in Article 5, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia may call an emergency meeting of the Joint Transport Committee established by Article 22 at which it may propose such temporary measures as are necessary to limit or mitigate such harm.
Če se kot posledica pravic, dodeljenih na podlagi odstavka 2, tranzitni promet cestnih prevoznikov Skupnosti poveča do te mere, da povzroča škodo ali resno ogroža cestno infrastrukturo in/ali pretočnost prometa na oseh, projektih in povezavah, omenjenih v členu 5, lahko Nekdanja jugoslovanska republika Makedonija skliče izredno srečanje Skupnega odbora za promet, ustanovljenega s členom 22, na katerem lahko predlaga začasne ukrepe, potrebne za omejitev ali ublažitev takšne škode.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2870
Thermometer, with ground glass joint, calibrated in tenths of a degree from 10 to 30 °C.
A.3.2 Termometer z obrusom in merilno skalo v desetinah stopinje od 10 do 30 °C.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
This may be facilitated if the parties achieve a high degree of commonality of costs through joint purchasing.
To je mogoče olajšati, če pogodbenice dosežejo visoko stopnjo izenačevanja stroškov s pomočjo skupne nabave.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
result in the awarding of joint, double or multiple degrees, recognised or accredited by the Member States, from the participating institutions;
privedejo do podelitve skupnih, dvojnih ali večkratnih diplom sodelujočih ustanov, ki jih priznavajo ali akreditirajo države članice;
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R2676
A Pyrex pycnometer (1), of approximately 100 ml capacity, with a removable ground-glass jointed thermometer calibrated in tenths of a degree from 10 to 30 °C (Figure 1).
Piknometer iz nepregornega stekla [1], prostornine približno 100 ml in s snemljivim termometrom, povezanim z obrusom in umerjenim v desetinkah stopinje od 10 do 30 oC (slika 1).
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
the measures should be in such a form as to encourage competition amongst importers to an increasing degree and ensure that new non traditional importers have the opportunity to join the market.
ukrepi bi morali imeti biti takšni, da bi vzpodbujali konkurenco med uvozniki in hkrati zagotavljali, da bi novi, doslej neznani uvozniki imeli možnost vstopiti na trg.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
A low degree of commonality of total costs can also be assumed where the parties jointly manufacture a final product, but only a small proportion as compared to their total output of the final product.
Nizka stopnja izenačevanja skupnih stroškov se lahko predpostavlja tudi, če pogodbenice skupno proizvajajo končni izdelek, če to predstavlja le majhen delež v primerjavi s skupnim obsegom proizvodnje končnega izdelka.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
The setting up of the joint buying organisation is likely to give the parties a market position on both the purchasing and selling markets of a degree which enables them to compete with the two largest retailers.
Ustanovitev skupne nabavne organizacije bo verjetno pogodbenicam zagotovila položaj tako na nabavnem kot na prodajnem trgu, ki jim bo omogočil konkurenco z dvema največjima trgovcema.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
Even if a significant proportion is jointly manufactured, the degree of commonality of total costs may nevertheless be low or moderate, if the cooperation concerns heterogeneous products which require costly marketing.
Četudi se skupno proizvaja znaten delež, je lahko stopnja izenačevanja skupnih stroškov vseeno nizka ali zmerna, če sodelovanje zadeva raznolike proizvode, ki zahtevajo drago trženje.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
For instance, a low degree of commonality in total costs can be assumed where two or more companies agree on specialisation/joint production of an intermediate product which only accounts for a small proportion of the production costs of the final product and, consequently, the total costs.
Majhna stopnja izenačevanja skupnih stroškov se na primer lahko predpostavlja, če se dve ali več gospodarskih družb dogovori o specializaciji/skupni proizvodnji vmesnega proizvoda, ki pomeni le majhen delež proizvodnih stroškov končnega izdelka in s tem skupnih stroškov.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
The European Ministers of Education, meeting in Bologna (19 June 1999), stated in their joint declaration that it is necessary to ensure that the European higher education system acquires a worldwide degree of attractiveness appropriate to Europe's major cultural and scientific achievements.
Evropski ministri za izobraževanje, ki so se sestali v Bologni (19. junija 1999), so v svoji skupni izjavi navedli, da je treba zagotoviti, da evropski sistem visokošolskega izobraževanja postane na svetovni ravni prav tako privlačen, kot so glavni kulturni in znanstveni dosežki Evrope.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
with a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime in relation to interconnection, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Article 21(1) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Articles 21(2) within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed by the Contracting Parties;
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav v zvezi z medomrežnim povezovanjem, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije, kakor je opisano v členu 21(1), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz člena 21(2) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo pogodbenice strinjati;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 22001D0015
with a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime for credit institutions, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Article 23(2) and (6) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Article 23(3), (4) and (5), within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed on by the Contracting Parties;
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav za kreditne institucije, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije kakor je opisano v členih 23(2) in 23(6), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz členov 23(3), 23(4) in 23(5) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo strinjati pogodbenice.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
with a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime in relation to satellite personal-communication services, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Article 9(1) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Articles 9(2) within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed by the Contracting Parties,
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav v zvezi s storitvami satelitske osebne komunikacije, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije, kakor je opisano v členu 9(1), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz člena 9(2) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo pogodbenice strinjati,
31 Prevajalska redakcija
with a view to achieving a maximum degree of convergence in the application of a third-country regime in relation to authorisations and operation under authorisations, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information as described in Article 18(1) and consultations shall be held regarding matters referred to in Articles 18(2) within the framework of the EEA Joint Committee and according to specific procedures to be agreed by the Contracting Parties;
Z namenom doseči najvišjo stopnjo konvergence pri uporabi ureditve tretjih držav za avtorizacije in obratovanje na podlagi avtorizacij, pogodbenice izmenjujejo informacije, kakor je opisano v členu 18(1), sklicujejo pa se tudi posvetovanja o zadevah iz člena 18(2) v okviru Skupnega odbora EGP in glede na posebne postopke, s katerimi se morajo pogodbenice strinjati.
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joint degree