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joint staff
1 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
two members of the teaching staff, one representing the staff of the secondary school and the other the staff of the primary and nursery schools jointly;
dva člana učnega osebja, od katerih je eden predstavnik osebja v sekundarnem izobraževanju ter drugi skupni predstavnik osebja v predšolskem in primarnem izobraževanju;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
The Government shall do its utmost to find, jointly with the Agency, the best possible solution for the schooling of children of the Agency's staff.
Vlada si prizadeva skupaj z agencijo najti čim boljšo mogočo rešitev za šolanje otrok osebja agencije.
3 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The Steering Board shall adopt specific provisions governing the use of contract staff, as necessary, within the framework of the Joint Action 2004/551/CFSP.
Usmerjevalni odbor sprejme podrobne določbe, ki urejajo uporabo pogodbenih uslužbencev, kakor je potrebno, v okviru Skupnega ukrepa 2004/551/SZVP.
4 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The Steering Board shall adopt specific provisions on the procedures for engagement of contract staff, as necessary, within the framework of the Joint Action 2004/551/CFSP.
Usmerjevalni odbor sprejme podrobne določbe, ki urejajo zaposlitev pogodbenih uslužbencev, kakor je potrebno, v okviru Skupnega ukrepa 2004/551/SZVP.
5 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The Steering Board shall adopt specific provisions on the procedures for recruitment of temporary staff, as necessary, within the framework of the Joint Action 2004/551/CFSP.
Usmerjevalni odbor sprejme, po potrebi v okviru skupnega ukrepa, posebne določbe o postopkih za zaposlovanje začasnih uslužbencev.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
(3) In relation to Inventions made by staff of the Company jointly with staff of a Shareholder not seconded to the Company, these Inventions shall belong to both partners, who shall reach an agreement in each individual case on the sharing and joint exploitation of the Invention.
(3) V zvezi s skupnimi izumi osebja družbe z osebjem družbenika, ki ni napoteno na delo v družbo, ti izumi pripadajo obema partnerjema, ki se za vsak primer posebej sporazumeta o delitvi in skupnem izkoriščanju izuma.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Article 28 of the ACER Regulation specifies that the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities and the rules adopted jointly by the Union's institutions for the purpose of the application of those Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment shall be applicable to the staff of the Agency, including its Director;
Člen 28 uredbe o ACER določa, da Kadrovski predpisi za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti in pogoji za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev Evropskih skupnosti ter pravila, ki so jih skupaj sprejele institucije Unije za uporabo teh kadrovskih predpisov in pogojev za zaposlitev, veljajo za zaposlene v agenciji, tudi za njenega direktorja.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Having regard to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities and the rules adopted jointly by the Union's institutions for the purpose of the application of the Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment;
ob upoštevanju Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike in pogojev za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev Evropskih skupnosti ter pravil, ki so jih skupaj sprejele institucije Unije za uporabo teh kadrovskih predpisov in pogojev za zaposlitev,
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Research work shall be carried out with the active collaboration of teaching staff and research students, who shall jointly lay down their methods of work and the lines along which it should proceed.
Raziskovalno delo se izvaja z dejavnim sodelovanjem učnega osebja in študentov raziskovalcev, ki skupaj določijo metode dela in smernice, po katerih naj to delo poteka.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Board of Governors may, acting unanimously, decide to admit the staff of bodies incorporated under Union law to joint schemes with the Bank, in compliance with the respective internal procedures.
(6) Svet guvernerjev lahko soglasno odloči, da se zaposlenim v telesih, za katere se uporablja pravo Unije, omogoči v skladu z ustreznimi internimi postopki dostop do sistemov, ki so skupni z banko.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
Representatives of the European Commission and staff members of the GALILEO Joint Undertaking and European Space Agency shall be granted access to Part 1 and Part 3 in accordance with applicable security rules.
Predstavniki Evropske komisije in uslužbenci skupnega podjetja Galileo in evropske vesoljske agencije imajo dostop do dokumentov Del 1 in Del 3 v skladu z veljavnimi varnostnimi pravili.
12 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
For the purpose of these Staff Regulations, the authority authorised to conclude contracts (hereinafter referred to as «AACC» ) shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Joint Action 2004/551/CFSP.
V teh kadrovskih predpisih se v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Skupnega ukrepa Sveta 2004/551/SZVP določi organ, pooblaščen za sklepanje pogodb (v nadaljevanju ŤOPSPť ).
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
(b) All references to the officials and other servants of the Union in the Protocol, Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities and the rules adopted jointly by the Union's institutions for the purpose of the application of the Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment shall be read as references to officials and other servants of the Agency;
b) vsa sklicevanja na uradnike in druge uslužbence Unije v protokolu, Kadrovskih predpisih za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti in pogojih za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev Evropskih skupnosti ter pravilih, ki so jih skupaj sprejele institucije Unije za uporabo teh kadrovskih predpisov, se razumejo kot sklicevanja na uradnike in druge uslužbence agencije;
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
Liaison Officer means an officer from the Party participating in the Joint Response Operations, who is integrated in the staff of the SOSC, with a view to providing necessary information on national resources rendered as assistance to the Lead State and facilitating communications with his/her respective NOSC.
oseba za zveze pomeni osebo pogodbenice, ki sodeluje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja in je del osebja vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, za zagotavljanje potrebnih podatkov o državnih sredstvih, danih na razpolago vodilni državi kot pomoč, in za pomoč pri povezavah s poveljnikom pogodbenice na kraju samem;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
Liaison between the assisting Party and the Lead State during the Joint Response Operations shall be maintained, according to circumstances, either through direct contacts, through the Liaison Officer of the assisting Party integrated in the staff of the SOSC or through NOSCs if these are personally taking part in the operations (cf. Article 4.5).
Zveza med pogodbenico, ki pomaga, in vodilno državo se med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja vzdržuje glede na okoliščine z neposrednimi stiki prek osebe za zveze pogodbenice, ki pomaga, vključene med osebje vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, ali prek poveljnikov pogodbenic na kraju samem, če osebno sodelujejo pri ukrepih (glej točko 4.5).
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
(4) The Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol should be amended to the effect that the immunity of Europol's staff members in respect to words spoken or written, and/or acts performed by them in the exercise of their official functions, does not extend to their activities as participants in the joint investigation teams,
(4) Protokol o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola bi bilo treba spremeniti tako, da se imuniteta članov osebja Europola glede njihovih besed, ki jih izgovorijo ali zapišejo pri opravljanju uradnih dolžnosti in/ali dejanj, ki jih pri tem storijo, ne razširi na njihove dejavnosti v okviru sodelovanja v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah,
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
obtaining a certificate or /confirmation/ from an organisation for designing, manufacture, maintenance, for implementing changes and repairs of aircraft, engines, propellers, parts and fittings of aircraft and on the amateur production of aircraft, especially in relation to professional qualification of staff, premises, technical equipment and organisation, whereby shall be respected also appropriate annexes to the Chicago Convention and appropriate Joint Aviation Regulations.
pridobitev spričevala ali potrdila organizacije za načrtovanje, izdelavo, vzdrževanje, za izvajanje sprememb in popravil zrakoplovov, motorjev, propelerjev, delov in opreme zrakoplovov ter o amaterski izdelavi zrakoplovov, zlasti glede strokovne usposobljenosti osebja, prostorov, tehnične opremljenosti in organizacije, pri čemer upošteva tudi ustrezno prilogo k Čikaški konvenciji in ustrezne Skupne letalske predpise.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
Non-documentary proprietary or other confidential or privileged information provided in seminars and other meetings organized under this Arrangement, or information arising from attachments of staff, use of facilities, or joint projects, will be treated by the Parties according to the principles specified for documentary information in this Arrangement; provided, however, that the Party communicating such proprietary or other confidential or privileged information has placed the recipient on notice as to the character of the information communicated.
Pravno zaščitene informacije nedokumentarne narave ali druge zaupne ali zaščitene informacije, zagotovljene na seminarjih in drugih sestankih, organiziranih po tem sporazumu, ali informacije, pridobljene s povezavami osebja pogodbenic, pri uporabi objektov ali skupnih projektih, pogodbenici obravnavata v skladu z načeli, določenimi v tem sporazumu za informacije dokumentarne narave, pod pogojem, da pogodbenica, ki sporoči takšno pravno zaščiteno informacijo ali drugo zaupno ali zaščiteno informacijo, seznani prejemnika z njeno naravo.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
j. Non-documentary proprietary or other confidential or privileged information provided in seminars and other meetings arranged under this Arrangement, or information arising from attachments of staff, use of facilities, or joint projects, will be treated by the Parties according to the principles specified for documentary information in this Arrangement; provided, however, that the Party communicating such proprietary or other confidential or privileged information has placed the recipient on notice as to the character of the information communicated.
j. Ne-dokumentarne pravne zaščitene informacije ali druge zaupne ali zaščitene informacije, pridobljene na seminarjih in drugih sestankih, organiziranih v okviru tega sporazuma, ali informacije, pridobljene s povezavami osebja pogodbenic, pri uporabi objektov ali skupnih projektih, obravnavata pogodbenici v skladu z načeli, ki so navedena v tem sporazumu za dokumentarne informacije, pod pogojem, da pogodbenica, ki sporoči takšno pravno zaščiteno informacijo ali drugo zaupno ali zaščiteno informacijo, seznani prejemnika z njenim značajem.
20 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The provisions of these Staff Regulations concerning the rights and obligations (Articles 10 to 34 and 103), the conditions of recruitment (Articles 36, with the exception of 2(a), to 40 and Articles 104 to 109, with the exception of Article 104(3)(a), the working conditions (Articles 41 to 57 and Article 110), the termination of employment (Article 95 to 99 and Article 136) and the disciplinary procedure (Articles 138 to 166), may be amended, to the extent necessary, by the Steering Board of the Agency, acting in accordance with Article 9(1)(1.10) and Article 11(3)(3.1) of the Joint Action 2004/551/CFSD.
Usmerjevalni odbor Agencije lahko v skladu s členom 9(1)(1.10) in členom 11(3)(3.1) Skupnega ukrepa 2004/551/SZVP o ustanovitvi Evropske obrambne agencije, kolikor je potrebno, spremeni določbe teh kadrovskih predpisov, ki se nanašajo na pravice in obveznosti (členi 10 do 34 in 103), pogoje za zaposlovanje (členi 36, z izjemo odstavka 2(a), do 40 in členi 104 do 109, z izjemo člena 104(3)(a), delovne pogoje (členi 41 do 57 in člen 110), prenehanje delovnega razmerja (členi 95 do 99 in člen 136), disciplinski postopek (členi 138 do 166).
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
Should an applicable agreement regarding security of information between the European Community and the United States be concluded in the future, it shall govern the access, maintenance, use and release of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. For the time being, representatives of the European Commission and staff members of the GALILEO Joint Undertaking and European Space Agency shall be granted oral and visual access to Part 2 for the purposes of implementation of and compliance with this Agreement, on the basis of an established security clearance with a Member State that has a GSOMIA or GSOIA with the United States, in accordance with the national security procedures and laws of the Member State, and with the GSOMIA or GSOIA with the United States.
Če Evropska skupnost in Združene države v prihodnosti sklenejo sporazum o varovanju informacij, bo ta urejal dostop, vzdrževanje, uporabo in objavo dokumentov Del 1, Del 2 in Del 3. Do takrat se predstavnikom Evropske komisije in uslužbencem skupnega podjetja Galileo in Evropske vesoljske agencije dovoli ustno pridobivanje informacij in vpogled v dokument Del 2 za potrebe uveljavitve in skladnosti s tem sporazumom na osnovi uveljavljenega varnostnega preverjanja s strani države članice, ki je podpisala GSOMIA ali GSOIA z Združenimi državami, v skladu s postopki, ki veljajo za nacionalno varnost, in zakonodajo države članice in sporazumom GSOMIA ali GSOIA, podpisanim z Združenimi državami.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
verify that the staff undertaking the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts and the non-destructive tests are qualified or approved,
preveriti, ali je osebje, ki opravlja trajno spojitev delov tlačne opreme in preskuse, ki ne povzročajo poškodb, usposobljeno ali odobreno,
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
verify that the staff undertaking the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts and the non-destructive tests are qualified or approved;
preveriti, ali je osebje, ki opravlja trajno spojitev delov tlačne opreme in preskuse, ki ne povzročajo poškodb, usposobljeno ali odobreno;
24 Končna redakcija
The members of the staff of the Joint Undertaking shall have a fixed-term contract based on the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities.
Delavci skupnega podjetja imajo pogodbo za določen čas, ki temelji na pogojih za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev Evropskih skupnostih.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982R0510
V skupni sistem zdravstvenega zavarovanja institucij Evropskih skupnosti so vključeni: - uslužbenci fundacije, - osebe, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 38(2), (3) in (4) pogojev za zaposlitev uslužbencev v fundaciji.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Where the Joint Advisory Committee is called upon to examine the case of a senior management official within the meaning of Article 29(2) of the Staff Regulations, a special ad hoc Joint Advisory Committee shall be set up, comprising two members appointed by the Staff Committee and two members appointed by the Appointing Authority, who shall be of a grade at least equal to that of the official concerned.
Kadar mora skupni svetovalni odbor preučiti primer visokega vodstvenega uradnika v smislu člena 29(2) Kadrovskih predpisov, se ustanovi poseben priložnostni skupni svetovalni odbor, ki ga sestavljata dva člana, ki ju imenuje odbor uslužbencev in dva člana, ki ju imenuje organ za imenovanja, ki morajo biti vsaj iz razreda, enakega razredu zadevnega uradnika.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1860
The Foundation shall pay the employer's contributions required under the legislation applicable where the staff member is affiliated to a compulsory social security scheme, or two-thirds of the member's contributions where he remains voluntarily affiliated to the national social security scheme of which he was a member before he entered the service of the Foundation or voluntarily joins a national social security scheme.
Fundacija plačuje prispevke delodajalca v skladu z zakonodajo, ki se uporablja, če je uslužbenec vključen v obvezni sistem socialne varnosti, ali v višini dveh tretjin prispevka člana, če ostane prostovoljno vključen v državni sistem socialne varnosti, v katerega je bil vključen že pred začetkom službe v fundaciji, ali se je v njega prostovoljno vključil.
28 Pravna redakcija
All staff costs shall be borne by the Joint Undertaking.
Vse stroške zaposlenih nosi skupno podjetje.
29 Pravna redakcija
organise, direct and supervise the staff of the Joint Undertaking,
organizira, vodi in nadzoruje osebje skupnega podjetja,
30 Pravna redakcija
Staff members of the Secretariat shall not undertake other work without permission of the chairman of the Joint Supervisory Body.
Člani osebja sekretariata ne smejo opravljati drugega dela brez dovoljenja predsednika Skupnega nadzornega organa.
31 Pravna redakcija
The procedures for instituting the common Joint Committee shall be adopted by agreement between the institutions represented on the common Joint Committee, after consulting their Staff Committee.
Postopek za ustanovitev splošnega skupnega odbora sprejmejo z medsebojnim dogovorom institucije, zastopane v splošnem skupnem odboru, po posvetovanju z njihovimi odbori uslužbencev.
32 Pravna redakcija
The common Joint Committee shall meet at the request either of the appointing authority referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 2 of the Staff Regulations or of an appointing authority or a Staff Committee of one of the institutions represented on that Joint Committee.
Splošni skupni odbor se sestane bodisi na zahtevo organa za imenovanja iz tretjega pododstavka člena 2 Kadrovskih predpisov bodisi na zahtevo organa za imenovanja ali odbora uslužbencev ene od institucij, zastopanih v tem skupnem odboru.
33 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(a) reimbursement of travel costs actually incurred by their spouse and dependant children when they join the staff member at his duty station;
(a) povračila dejanskih potnih stroškov za svojega(o) soproga(o) in nepreskrbljene otroke, ko se ti pridružijo uslužbencu v kraju njegove zaposlitve;
34 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(a) reimbursement of travel costs actually incurred by their spouse and dependent children when they join the staff member at his duty station;
(a) povračila dejanskih potnih stroškov za svojega(o) soproga(o) in nepreskrbljene otroke, ko se ti pridružijo uslužbencu v kraju njegove zaposlitve;
35 Pravna redakcija
For the application of certain provisions of these Staff Regulations, a common Joint Committee may be established for two or more institutions.`
Za izvajanje nekaterih določb teh Kadrovskih predpisov se lahko za dve ali več institucij ustanovi splošni skupni odbor.
36 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
The same entitlement shall apply when staff members leave the service of the Centre and return to the country where they were in post before joining the Centre.
Do enakega povračila je uslužbenec upravičen tudi ko preneha z zaposlitvijo v Centru in se vrača v državo, kjer je imel zaposlitev, preden je bil sprejet v Center.
37 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
The same entitlement shall apply when staff members leave the service of the Institute and return to the country where they were in post before joining the Institute.
Do enakega povračila je uslužbenec upravičen tudi ko preneha z zaposlitvijo v Inštitutu in se vrača v državo, kjer je imel zaposlitev, preden je bil sprejet v Inštitut.
38 Pravna redakcija
members and alternates appointed in equal numbers by the appointing authorities of the institutions represented on the common Joint Committee and by the Staff Committees.
člani in njihovi namestniki, ki jih v enakem številu imenujejo odbori uslužbencev in organi za imenovanja institucij, zastopanih v splošnem skupnem odboru.
39 Pravna redakcija
The opinion of the common Joint Committee shall be communicated in writing to the appointing authority within the meaning of the third subparagraph of Article 2 of the Staff Regulations, to the other appointing authorities and to their Staff Committees within five days of its adoption.
Mnenje splošnega skupnega odbora se v petih dneh po sprejemu v pisni obliki pošlje organu za imenovanja v skladu s tretjim pododstavkom člena 2 Kadrovskih predpisov, drugim organom za imenovanja in njihovim odborom uslužbencev.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Where the Joint Advisory Committee is called upon to examine the case of a senior management official within the meaning of Article 29(2) of the Staff Regulations, a special ad hoc Joint Advisory Committee shall be set up, comprising two members appointed by the Staff Committee and two members appointed by the Appointing Authority, who shall be of a grade at least equal to that of the official concerned.
Kadar mora skupni svetovalni odbor preučiti primer visokega vodstvenega uradnika v smislu člena 29(2) Kadrovskih predpisov, se ustanovi poseben priložnostni skupni svetovalni odbor, ki ga sestavljata dva člana, ki ju imenuje odbor uslužbencev in dva člana, ki ju imenuje organ za imenovanja, ki morajo biti vsaj iz razreda, enakega razredu zadevnega uradnika.
41 Pravna redakcija
The Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities and the rules adopted jointly by the institutions of the European Communities for purposes of the application of those Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment shall apply to the staff of the Office, without prejudice to the application of Article 47 to the members of the Board of Appeal.
Za osebje urada se uporabljajo kadrovski predpisi za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti, pogoji za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev Evropskih skupnosti in pravila, ki so jih skupaj sprejele institucije Evropskih skupnosti za namene uporabe kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike in pogojev za zaposlitev, ne glede na uporabo člena 47 glede članov komisije za pritožbe.
42 Pravna redakcija
In the exercise of their duties the staff members referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject exclusively to the instructions of the data-protection secretary and the joint supervisory bodies and their chairmen.
Pri izvajanju njihovih dolžnosti za člane osebja iz odstavka veljajo izključno navodila sekretarja za varstvo podatkov ter skupnih nadzornih organov in njihovih predsednikov.
43 Pravna redakcija
training of high-calibre staff, joint research projects and the interchange of scientific information through seminars, workshops, congresses and working meetings between the scientific communities of both Parties.
izobraževanje visokostrokovnega osebja, skupni raziskovalni projekti ter izmenjava znanstvenih informacij na seminarjih, delavnicah, kongresih in delovnih srečanjih, namenjenih znanstvenim skupnostim obeh pogodbenic.
44 Pravna redakcija
In order to do so the joint venture must have a management dedicated to its day- to- day operations and access to sufficient resources including finance, staff, and assets (tangible and intangible) in order to conduct on a lasting basis its business activities within the area provided for in the joint- venture agreement fn.
V ta namen mora imeti skupno podjetje vodstvo, ki se posveča tekočemu poslovanju, in dostop do zadostnih virov, vključno s financami, osebjem in sredstvi (opredmetenimi in neopredmetenimi), da lahko trajno opravlja svoje poslovne dejavnosti na področju, ki jih predvideva pogodba o skupnih vlaganjih fn.
45 Pravna redakcija
training of high-calibre scientific staff, joint research projects and the interchange of scientific information through seminars, workshops, congresses and working meetings between the scientific communities of both Parties.
izobraževanje visokostrokovnega znanstvenega osebja, skupni raziskovalni projekti ter izmenjava znanstvenih informacij na seminarjih, delavnicah, kongresih in delovnih srečanjih, namenjenih znanstvenim skupnostim obeh pogodbenic.
46 Pravna redakcija
'Notice of open competitions common to two or more institutions shall be drawn up by the appointing authority referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 2 of the Staff Regulations, after consulting the common Joint Committee.`
Obvestilo o javnem razpisu, skupnem za dve ali več institucij, pripravi organ za imenovanja iz tretjega pododstavka člena 2 Kadrovskih predpisov po posvetovanju s splošnim skupnim odborom.
47 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(8) Years of previous reckonable service in another Coordinated Organisation shall be taken into account when calculating this entitlement, provided that the staff member joined the Centre not more than six months after having left his post in the other organisation.
(8) Leta predhodne delovne dobe v drugi Koordinirani organizaciji se pri izračunu te upravičenosti upoštevajo pod pogojem, da se uslužbenec v Centru ni zaposlil pozneje kot šest mesecev zatem, ko je zapustil delovno mesto v drugi organizaciji.
48 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(8) Years of previous reckonable service in another Coordinated Organisation shall be taken into account when calculating this entitlement, provided that the staff member joined the Institute not more than six months after having left his post in the other organisation.
(8) Leta predhodne zaposlitve v drugi koordinirani organizaciji se pri izračunu te upravičenosti upoštevajo pod pogojem, da se uslužbenec v Inštitutu ni zaposlil pozneje kot šest mesecev zatem, ko je zapustil delovno mesto v drugi organizaciji.
49 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
- the adoption by the Council of the European Union of Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP of 11 March 2002 on the European Union Police Mission fn and Joint Actions 2003/141/CFSP of 27 February 2003 fn and 2003/188/CSFP of 17 March 2003 fn amending Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP on the European Union Police Mission, stating that non- EU European NATO members and other States which are candidates for accession to the European Union as well as other non- EU OSCE Member States, currently providing staff to IPTF, are invited to contribute to the EUPM,
- dejstva, da je Svet Evropske unije sprejel Skupni ukrep 2002/210/SZVP 11. marca 2002 o Policijski misiji Evropske unije( fn ) ter Skupna ukrepa 2003/141/SZVP 27. februarja 2003( fn ) in 2003/188/SZVP 17. marca 2003( fn ) o spremembi Skupnega ukrepa 2002/210/SZVP o Policijski misiji Evropske unije, kjer je navedeno, da so evropske članice NATO, ki niso članice EU, in druge države, ki so kandidatke za pristop k Evropski uniji ter druge članice OVSE, ki niso države članice EU, in ki trenutno oskrbujejo IPTF z osebjem, povabljene k prispevanju v EUPM,
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joint staff