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Prevodi: en > sl
judgment becomes enforceable
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
d) Judgments entered by the competent court under this Article after trial, or by default, shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court, become enforceable in the territory of any of the other Contracting Parties as soon as the formalities required by the Contracting Party concerned have been complied with.
d) Sodbe, ki jih po tem členu pristojno sodišče izreče po obravnavi ali zaradi izostanka, se, ko postanejo izvršljive po pravu, ki ga uporablja omenjeno sodišče, štejejo za izvršljive na ozemlju vsake druge pogodbenice, takoj ko so izpolnjene formalnosti, ki jih zahteva ta pogodbenica.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 Judgments pronounced by the competent court or tribunal pursuant to the provisions of the Convention after trial or by default shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court or tribunal, become enforceable in each of the other Member States on completion of the formalities required in the State where enforcement is to take place.
Sodbe in tudi zamudne sodbe, ki jih izreče pristojno sodišče na podlagi konvencije in postanejo izvršljive v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo tega sodišča, postanejo izvršljive v vsaki od drugih držav članic po končanih uradnih postopkih, zahtevanih v državi, v kateri naj se opravi izvršba.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
1 Subject to any decision concerning the distribution referred to in article 4, paragraph 3 of this Protocol, any judgment given against the Supplementary Fund by a court having jurisdiction in accordance with article 7 of this Protocol, shall, when it has become enforceable in the State of origin and is in that State no longer subject to ordinary forms of review, be recognized and enforceable in each Contracting State on the same conditions as are prescribed in article X of the 1992 Liability Convention.
Ob upoštevanju katerega koli sklepa glede razdelitve iz tretjega odstavka 4. člena tega protokola se vsaka sodba, ki jo proti Dopolnilnemu skladu izreče sodišče, pristojno v skladu s 7. členom tega protokola, ko postane izvršljiva v državi izvora in v tej državi zanjo več ne veljajo običajne oblike pregleda, prizna in je izvršljiva v vsaki državi pogodbenici pod istimi pogoji, kot so določeni v X. členu Konvencije o odgovornosti, 1992.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
d) Settlements effected in respect of the payment of compensation out of the public funds referred to in Article 3(b)(ii) and (iii) in accordance with the conditions established by national legislation shall be recognized by the other Contracting Parties, and judgments entered by the competent courts in respect of such compensation shall become enforceable in the territory of the other Contracting Parties in accordance with the provisions of Article 13(d) of the Paris Convention.
d) Poravnave za plačilo odškodnine iz javnih sredstev po členu 3 b) ii) in iii) v skladu s pogoji, ki jih določa notranja zakonodaja, druge pogodbenice priznajo, in sodbe glede odškodnin, ki jih izrečejo pristojna sodišča, postanejo izvršljive na ozemlju drugih pogodbenic v skladu z določbami odstavka d) 13. člena Pariške konvencije.
5 Pravna redakcija
Subject to any decision concerning the distribution referred to in Article 4(3) of this Protocol, any judgment given against the Supplementary Fund by a court having jurisdiction in accordance with Article 7 of this Protocol, shall, when it has become enforceable in the State of origin and is in that State no longer subject to ordinary forms of review, be recognised and enforceable in each Contracting State on the same conditions as are prescribed in Article X of the 1992 Liability Convention.
V skladu z morebitno odločitvijo glede razdelitve iz člena 4(3) tega protokola se morebitna sodba, ki jo sodišče s pristojnostjo v skladu s členom 7 tega protokola izreče proti Dodatnemu skladu, ko postane izvršljiva v državi izvora in v tej državi ni več predmet navadnih oblik pregleda, prizna in je izvršljiva v vsaki državi pogodbenici pod enakimi pogoji, kakor so predpisani v členu X Konvencije o odgovornosti iz leta 1992.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Where the rights of access involve a cross-border situation at the time of the delivery of the judgment, the certificate shall be issued ex officio when the judgment becomes enforceable, even if only provisionally.
Kadar pravica do stikov z otrokom v trenutku izdaje sodne odločbe vključujejo čezmejni element, se potrdilo izda po uradni dolžnosti, ko postane sodna odločba izvršljiva, četudi le začasno.
Prevodi: en > sl
judgment becomes enforceable