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judgment by default
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The objection shall not have the effect of staying enforcement of the judgment by default unless the Court of Justice decides otherwise.
Če Sodišče na odloči drugače, ugovor ne zadrži izvršitve zamudne sodbe.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Where the defending party, after having been duly summoned, fails to file written submissions in defence, judgment shall be given against that party by default.
Če tožena stranka, ki ji je bila pravilno vročena tožba v odgovor, ne vloži pisnega odgovora na tožbo, se zoper njo izda zamudna sodba.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Upon service of the action on, the defendant shall be instructed that in the event of his failure to file a defense plea, the court will render a judgment granting to the relief or remedy claimed by plaintiff (default judgment).
Sodišče opozori toženo stranko, da bo v primeru, če v roku iz prvega odstavka ne bo odgovorila na tožbo, izdalo sodbo, s katero bo tožbenemu zahtevku ugodilo (zamudna sodba).
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
d) Judgments entered by the competent court under this Article after trial, or by default, shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court, become enforceable in the territory of any of the other Contracting Parties as soon as the formalities required by the Contracting Party concerned have been complied with.
d) Sodbe, ki jih po tem členu pristojno sodišče izreče po obravnavi ali zaradi izostanka, se, ko postanejo izvršljive po pravu, ki ga uporablja omenjeno sodišče, štejejo za izvršljive na ozemlju vsake druge pogodbenice, takoj ko so izpolnjene formalnosti, ki jih zahteva ta pogodbenica.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 Judgments pronounced by the competent court or tribunal pursuant to the provisions of the Convention after trial or by default shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court or tribunal, become enforceable in each of the other Member States on completion of the formalities required in the State where enforcement is to take place.
Sodbe in tudi zamudne sodbe, ki jih izreče pristojno sodišče na podlagi konvencije in postanejo izvršljive v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo tega sodišča, postanejo izvršljive v vsaki od drugih držav članic po končanih uradnih postopkih, zahtevanih v državi, v kateri naj se opravi izvršba.
6 Pravna redakcija
A judgment by default shall be enforceable.
Zamudna sodba je izvršljiva.
7 Končna redakcija
The objection shall not have the effect of staying enforcement of the judgment by default unless the Court decides otherwise.
Če Sodišče na odloči drugače, pritožba ne zadrži izvršitve sodbe zaradi izostanka.
8 Pravna redakcija
Application may be made to set aside a judgment by default.
Lahko se vloži zahteva za razveljavitev zamudne sodbe.
9 Pravna redakcija
The original of this judgment shall be annexed to the original of the judgment by default.
Izvirnik te sodbe se priloži izvirniku zamudne sodbe.
10 Pravna redakcija
A note of the judgment on the application to set aside shall be made in the margin of the original of the judgment by default.
Na robu izvirnika zamudne sodbe se napravi zabeležka o sodbi glede vloge za razveljavitev.
11 Pravna redakcija
12 Pravna redakcija
Judgments by default and applications to set them aside (Article 94)
Sodbe v odsotnosti in zahteve po njihovi razveljavitvi (člen 94)
13 Pravna redakcija
document, summons, application for a summons, petition, notification, advance notification of a court order, advance notification of a judgment, EN exhortation, written statement, written pleading, communication/invitation, procedural notification, request for a statement, instructions, record, court order, will, judgment, request for further information, reply, judgment by default.
spis, poziv, vloga za poziv, zahtevek, obvestilo, vnaprejšnje obvestilo o sodnem sklepu, vnaprejšnje obvestilo o sodbi, opomin, pisna izjava, pisna vloga, dopis/vabilo, procesno obvestilo, prošnja za izjavo, navodila, zapisnik, sodni sklep, oporoka, sodba, prošnja za nadaljnje podatke, odgovor, zamudna sodba.
14 Pravna redakcija
If a defendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly served fails to lodge a defence to the application in the proper form within the time prescribed, the applicant may apply for judgment by default.
Če obtoženec, ki mu je bila ustrezno vročena pritožba, ki začenja postopek, ne vloži obrambe proti pritožbi v ustrezni obliki v predpisanem času, lahko vlagatelj zahteva zamudno sodbo.
15 Pravna redakcija
Chapter 5 - Judgments by default and applications to set them aside (Article 122)
Poglavje 5 - Zamudne sodbe in vloga za njihovo razveljavitev (Členi 117 do 121)
16 Pravna redakcija
Before giving judgment by default the Court shall, after hearing the Advocate-General, consider whether the application initiating proceedings is admissible, whether the appropriate formalities have been complied with, and whether the application appears well founded.
Sodišče pred izrekom zamudne sodbe in po zaslišanju generalnega pravobranilca preuči, ali je pritožba, ki sproži postopek, sprejemljiva, ali so bile ustrezne formalnosti izpolnjene in ali je pritožba videti utemeljena.
17 Pravna redakcija
Chapter 5 - Judgments by default and applications to set them aside (Article 122)..........................
Poglavje 5 - Zamudne sodbe in vloga za njihovo razveljavitev (Členi 117 do 121) 21
18 Pravna redakcija
judgments and orders by judicial authorities and bodies, and (b) generally, documents such as originating applications to the courts and steps in appellate proceedings, such as EN applications to set aside a judgment by default, appeals, applications for retrial or review, proceedings brought by parties or others against extra-judicial and judicial acts, intervention in legal proceedings, notifications and citations, summonses to preparatory inquiries, summonses to further hearings, notification of witnesses, etc.
sodbe in sklepi sodnih organov in teles in (b) spisi nasploh, kot so začetne vloge pred sodišči in procesna dejanja v pritožbenem postopku, kot so vloge za razveljavitev zamudnih sodb, pritožbe, vloge za obnovo ali revizijo, postopki, ki jih sprožijo stranke ali kdo tretji zoper izvensodne in sodne akte, intervencija v sodnih postopkih, obvestila in vabila, pozivi na pripravljalne poizvedbe, pozivi na nadaljnja zaslišanja, vabila pričam itn.
19 Pravna redakcija
Judgments or orders rectifying or interpreting a judgment or an order, judgments given on applications to set aside judgments by default, judgments and orders given in third-party proceedings or on applications for revision and judgments or orders given by the Court of Justice in appeals shall be mentioned in the margin of the judgment or order concerned.
Sodbe ali odredbe, ki popravljajo ali razlagajo sodbo ali odredbo, sodbe, izrečene na podlagi zahtevka za razveljavitev sodbe na podlagi izostanka, sodbe in odredbe, izrečene v postopku tretjih strank ali na podlagi zahtevka za revizijo, in sodbe ali odredbe, izrečene s strani Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti na podlagi pritožbe, so omenjene na robu zadevne sodbe ali odredbe.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0006
the manner in which the instruments are assessed shall be subject to scrutiny by the competent authorities, which shall overturn the judgment of the institution if they consider that the instruments concerned are subject to too high a degree of default risk to be qualifying items.
način ocenjevanja finančnih instrumentov je predmet nadzora pristojnih organov, ki ovržejo presojo institucije, če menijo, da so zadevni finančni instrumenti predmet previsoke stopnje stečajnega tveganja, da bi bili postavke kvalificiranih izdajateljev.
Prevodi: en > sl
judgment by default