Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
Prevodi: en > sl
judgment or examination
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
When a judgment of first instance is set aside and the case remanded to the court of first instance for re-examination of facts, the statement of ground shall indicate the points in which the determination of the state of facts made by the court of first instance comes short or is erroneous, as well as wherein the presentation of new facts and evidence is important for a correct decision and why such evidence and facts affect the correctness of the adjudication process.
Če se sodba prve stopnje razveljavi in zadeva vrne sodišču prve stopnje v novo sojenje, da pravilno ugotovi dejansko stanje, se navede, v čem so pomanjkljivosti pri ugotovitvi dejanskega stanja oziroma zakaj so nova dejstva in novi dokazi pomembni za pravilno odločbo in zakaj vplivajo na tako odločbo.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 12001C
If, for some special reason, any Judge or Advocate- General considers that he should not take part in the judgment or examination of a particular case, he shall so inform the President.
Če sodnik ali generalni pravobranilec iz kakšnega posebnega razloga meni, da ne more sodelovati pri odločanju ali preiskavi v določeni zadevi, o tem obvesti predsednika.
3 Končna redakcija
If, for some special reason, one of the members of the Committee considers that he should not take part in the judgment or examination of a particular case, he shall so inform his Chairman.
Če zaradi kakšnega posebnega razloga eden od članov odbora meni, da ne bi smel sodelovati pri presojanju ali obravnavi določenega primera, o tem obvesti predsednika.
Prevodi: en > sl
judgment or examination