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1 Končna redakcija
Latch locking devices, if any, must not be brought into play.
Naprava za blokiranje ključavnice, če obstaja, se ne sme uporabiti.
2 Končna redakcija
3 Končna redakcija
The components of gravity acceleration which tend to keep the latch closed.
komponente zemeljskega pospeška, ki deluje v taki smeri, da drži ključavnico zaprto.
4 Končna redakcija
The tests shall be conducted with the use of rigid components reproducing the mounting on the vehicle of the two latch components, the latch body and the striker.
Preskusi se opravijo z uporabo togih delov, ki predstavljajo vgradnjo dveh delov ključavnice, ključavnice in držala na vozilo.
5 Končna redakcija
Each latch shall have both an intermediate latched position and a fully latched position.
Vsaka ključavnica mora imeti lego vmesnega zapiranja in lego popolnega zapiranja.
6 Končna redakcija
The prescribed load shall be applied to this equipment so as not to cause any stress on the latch.
Predpisana sila mora delovati na ključavnico tako, da na njej ne povzroči mehanske napetosti.
7 Končna redakcija
A technical description of the latches and hinges;
tehnični opis ključavnic in tečajev,
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0008
The tank cap must be fixed to the filler pipe: the seal must be retained securely in place, the cap must latch securely in place against the seal and filler pipe when closed.
Pokrov posode mora biti pritrjen na cevi za polnjenje: tesnilo mora biti varno nameščeno, pokrov pa se mora v zaprti legi varno zaskočiti in pritiskati na tesnilo in cev za polnjenje.
9 Končna redakcija
In addition, a transverse static load of 90 77 kp (88 79 daN) shall be applied in such a way that it tends to move the latch away from its striker in the direction in which the door opens.
Poleg tega je treba uvesti statično prečno silo 90,7 kp (88,9 daN), ki v smeri odpiranja vrat poskuša odmakniti ključavnico od držala.
10 Končna redakcija
LATCHES AND HINGES (Construction and fitting requirements)
KLJUČAVNICE IN TEČAJI (Zahteve za konstrukcijo in vgradnjo)
11 Končna redakcija
The latch and striker assembly shall be able to withstand a longitudinal load of 453 kp (444 daN) in the intermediate latched position and 1134 kp (1111 daN) in the fully latched position (Figure 2).
Ključavnica in ostali deli zapirala morajo v varnostni zapiri vzdržati vzdolžno silo 453 kp (444 daN), v popolnoma zaprti legi pa 1134 kp (1111 daN) (slika 2).
12 Končna redakcija
The latch shall not move from the fully latched position when a longitudinal or transverse inertia load, in both directions, of 30 g is applied to the lock assembly, including its actuating mechanism.
Ključavnica se ne sme premakniti iz popolnoma zaprte lege, če nanjo in na mehanizem za aktiviranje deluje v vzdolžni ali prečni smeri pospešek 30 g.
13 Končna redakcija
The latch and striker assembly must be capable of withstanding a transverse load of 453 kp (444 daN) in the intermediate latched position, and 907 kp (889 daN) in the fully latched position (Figure 3).
Ključavnica in ostali deli zapirala morajo v varnostni zapiri vzdržati prečno silo 453 kp (444 daN), v popolnoma zaprti legi pa 907 kp (889 daN) (slika 3).
14 Končna redakcija
Where, however, the same complete latches are used for several doors, it will be sufficient to submit one batch of such latches.
Če se iste ključavnice uporabljajo za več vrat, potem zadošča le en sklop takih ključavnic.
15 Končna redakcija
Procedure for determining the resistance of latches to acceleration
Postopek za ugotavljanje odpornosti ključavnice proti pospešku
16 Končna redakcija
A batch of five complete latches, including actuating mechanism, per door.
sklop petih kompletnih ključavnic vključno z mehanizmom za aktiviranje za vsaka vrata.
17 Končna redakcija
Door latches must be designed in such a way as to prevent the doors opening accidentally.
Ključavnice vrat morajo biti konstruirane tako, da se vrata ne morejo odpreti nehoteno.
18 Končna redakcija
Drawings of the doors and of their latches and hinges on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail;
risbe vrat ter njihovih ključavnic in tečajev v ustreznem merilu in dovolj podrobne,
19 Končna redakcija
Doors and door latches must be designed in such a way that any irritating noise on closing may be avoided.
Vrata in ključavnice morajo biti konstruirane tako, da se je pri njihovem zapiranju mogoče izogniti motečemu hrupu.
20 Končna redakcija
21 Končna redakcija
The manufacturer or his authorised representative must submit the following particulars and batches of latches and hinges:
Proizvajalec oziroma njegov zastopnik mora oddati naslednjo dokumentacijo in komplete ključavnic in tečajev:
22 Končna redakcija
The latches and hinges of the side doors of private cars1 must satisfy the requirements set out in Annex II to this Directive.
Ključavnice in tečaji na bočnih vratih osebnih avtomobilov () morajo izpolnjevati zahteve Priloge II k tej direktivi.
23 Končna redakcija
Latches and hinges must be so designed, constructed and fitted that in normal use, the vehicle satisfies the requirements of this Directive.
Ključavnice in tečaji morajo biti konstruirani, izdelani in vgrajeni tako, da vozilo pri normalni uporabi izpolnjuje zahteve te direktive.
24 Končna redakcija
Latches which are distinguishable only because they are designed to be fitted on the left or on the right shall not be regarded as different.
Ključavnice, ki se ločijo samo po tem, da so izdelane za vgradnjo na levi oziroma na desni strani, se ne štejejo za različne.
25 Končna redakcija
The tests shall be conducted with the use of rigid components reproducing the geometric conditions of the mounting on the vehicle of a fully latched door.
Preskusi se opravijo z uporabo togih delov, ki povzemajo geometrijske pogoje vgradnje popolnoma zaprtih vrat na vozilu.
26 Pravna redakcija
Door latches and hinges
Ključavnice in tečaji vrat
27 Pravna redakcija
The enclosure must be capable of latching to a fixed volume.
Prostor mora biti narejen tako, da se lahko določi stalna prostornina.
28 Pravna redakcija
Circuit for speed and angle position measurement, of C-MOS technology, comprising 4 amplifiers, a demodulator, a counter, a voltage inverter, a latch and a voltage controlled oscillator, in the form of a monolithic integrated mixed analogue-digital circuit contained in a housing bearing:
Vezje za merjenje hitrosti in kotne pozicije C-MOS tehnologije, ki vsebuje 4 ojačevalce, demodulator, števec, inverter napetosti, zapah in oscilator za kontrolo napetosti, v obliki monolitnega integriranega mešanega analognega-digitalnega vezja, vsebovanega v ohišju, ki ima:
29 Pravna redakcija
On variable-volume enclosures the enclosure must be latched to the nominal volume position.
Pri komorah s spremenljivo prostornino se prostornina nastavi na nazivno prostornino.
30 Pravna redakcija
Interface circuit of C-MOS technology, for at least one encoder, capable of identifying and measuring direction and displacement via signals of external sensors, comprising at least 3 counters, at least one latch of 16 or 24 bits, at least one multiplexer, at least one 8-bit parallel data buffer, in the form of a monolithic integrated circuit contained in a housing bearing:
vmesniško vezje C-MOS tehnologije, za vsaj en kodirnik, ki lahko ugotavlja in meri smer in premik preko signalov zunanjih senzorjev, iz vsaj 3 števcev, vsaj ene zapore s 16 ali 24 biti, vsaj enega multiplekserja, vsaj enega 8-bitnega vzporednega podatkovnega medpomnilnika, v obliki monolitnega integriranega vezja v ohišju z:
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0069
For variable-volume enclosures, the enclosure must be latched to a fixed volume when the enclosure is held at an ambient temperature of 303 °K (30 °C) [(302 °K (29 °C)].
V prostorih s spremenljivo prostornino se prostornina ustali, ko je temperatura v prostoru 303 °K (30 °C) [(302 °K (29 °C)].
32 Pravna redakcija
For variable-volume enclosures, the enclosure must be latched to a fixed volume when the enclosure is held at an ambient temperature of 303 °K (30 °C) [(302 °K (29 °C)].
V prostorih s spremenljivo prostornino se prostornina ustali, ko je temperatura v prostoru 303 °K (30 °C) [(302 °K (29 °C)].
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0069
Variable-volume enclosures may be operated in either latched or unlatched volume configuration, as described in 2.1.1 Ambient temperatures must be maintained at 308 °K ± 2 °K (35° ± 2 °C) [309 °K ± 2 °K (36° ± 2 °C)|, throughout the 4-hour period mentioned below.
Komore s spremenljivo prostornino se lahko uporabljajo s stalno ali spremenljivo prostornino, kakor je navedeno v 2.1.1. Temperatura v prostoru mora biti v spodaj navedenem času štirih ur 308 °K ± 2 °K (35° ± 2 °C) [309 °K ± 2 °K (36 ° ± 2 °C)].
34 Pravna redakcija
Variable-volume enclosures may be operated in either latched or unlatched volume configuration, as described in 2.1.1 Ambient temperatures must be maintained at 308 °K ± 2 °K (35° ± 2 °C) [309 °K ± 2 °K (36° ± 2 °C)|, throughout the 4-hour period mentioned below.
Komore s spremenljivo prostornino se lahko uporabljajo s stalno ali spremenljivo prostornino, kakor je navedeno v 2.1.1. Temperatura v prostoru mora biti v spodaj navedenem času štirih ur 308 °K ± 2 °K (35° ± 2 °C) [309 °K ± 2 °K (36 ° ± 2 °C)].
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0090
Doors and latches
Vrata in ključavnice
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
cause the door latch to release when a force not exceeding 67 N is applied;
.2.2 povzroči, da se zapah vrat sprosti, ko se uporabi sila, ki ne presega 67 N;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
You should make sure that you use the medication chamber with the red latch for the 2.5 micrograms dose or the medication chamber with the purple latch for the 5 micrograms dose.
Bodite pozorni, da za 2, 5- mikrogramski odmerek uporabite prostor za zdravilo z rdečim zapahom in za 5- mikrogramski odmerek z vijoličastim zapahom.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
5 Double-leaf doors equipped with a latch necessary to their fire integrity shall have a latch that is automatically activated by the operation of the doors when released by the system..
.5 Dvokrilna vrata z zapahom, potrebnim za njihovo protipožarno celovitost, imajo zapah, ki se sproži avtomatsko s premikanjem vrat, ko jih sistem sprosti.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
12 double-leaf doors equipped with latch necessary to their fire integrity shall have a latch that is automatically activated by the operation of the doors when released by the control system;.
.12 dvokrilna vrata z zapahom, ki je potreben za njihovo protipožarno celovitost, imajo zapah, ki se sproži avtomatsko s premikanjem vrat, ko se kontrolni sistem sprosti;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
For the 2.5 micrograms dose the medication chamber (350 microliter) with the red latch is used together with the red control disc.
Za odmerek 2, 5 mikrogramov se uporablja prostor (350 mikrolitrov) z rdečim zapahom in rdečim nadzornim diskom.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
For the 5 micrograms dose the medication chamber (650 microliter) with the purple coloured latch is used together with the purple control disc.
Za odmerek 5 mikrogramov se uporablja prostor (650 mikrolitrov) z vijoličastim zapahom in vijoličastim nadzornim diskom.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
32 For the 5 micrograms dose the medication chamber (650 microliter) with the purple coloured latch is used together with the purple control disc.
Za odmerek 5 mikrogramov se uporablja prostor za zdravilo (650 mikrolitrov) z vijoličastim zapahom in vijoličastim nadzornim diskom.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
not be equipped with any locking device, set screw or other arrangement that prevents the release of the latch when pressure is applied to the releasing device.
.2.3 niso opremljeni z napravo za zaklepanje, nastavnim vijakom ali drugo napravo, ki bi preprečila sprostitev zapaha ob uporabi sile na napravo za odpiranje.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
You should make also sure that the colour of the medication chamber latch fits with the colour of the control disc used in order to receive the prescribed dose.
Za zagotovitev predpisanega odmerka bodite pozorni, da barva zapaha prostora za zdravila ustreza barvi nadzornega diska.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
Such means shall consist of a door-latching mechanism incorporating a device that releases the latch upon the application of a force in the direction of escape flow.
Taki sistemi imajo mehanizem za zapah vrat z napravo, ki sprosti zapah ob uporabi sile v smeri zapuščanja prostora.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0079
With the test dummy at its designated seating position as specified by the appropriate requirements of paragraphs 2.1 to 2.6, place the belt around the test dummy and fasten the latch.
Ko je preskusna lutka nameščena na sedežu v položaju, kot je določen z zahtevami v točkah od 2.1 do 2.6, se okrog nje namesti varnostni pas in zapne.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0090
Latches and hinges (construction and fitting requirements)
Ključavnice in tečaji (zahteve glede konstrukcije in vgradnje)
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31970L0156
Doors (number, dimensions, direction of opening, latches and hinges)
Vrata (število, mere, smer odpiranja, zapahi in tečaji)
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0037
Doors (number, dimensions, direction of opening, latches and hinges):
Vrata (število, mere, smer odpiranja, zapahi in tečaji):
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0003
Doors (number, dimensions, direction of opening, latches and hinges):...
Vrata (število, mere, smer odpiranja, zapahi in tečaji):..
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