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legal measure of constraint
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The property and assets of the Union shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measure of constraint without the authorisation of the Court of Justice.
Nepremičnine in premoženje Unije ne morejo biti predmet upravnega ali sodnega prisilnega ukrepa brez dovoljenja Sodišča.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
The property and assets of the Communities shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measure of constraint without the authorization of the Court of Justice.
Za lastnino in premoženje Skupnosti ne veljajo nikakršne upravne ali pravne omejitve, ne da bi jih odobrilo Sodišče.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
To the fullest extent possible, Parties shall take all reasonable measures to ensure effective access to facilities and services, subject to legal, operational and physical constraints and on the basis of fair and equal opportunity, and transparency with respect to the procedures for gaining access.
Pogodbenice v največji možni meri sprejmejo vse primerne ukrepe za zagotovitev učinkovitega dostopa do infrastrukture in storitev ob upoštevanju pravnih, operativnih in fizičnih omejitev in na podlagi poštene in enake možnosti ter preglednosti glede postopkov za pridobitev dostopa.
4 Končna redakcija
The Council shall adopt the measures referred to in the second subparagraph taking into account the special characteristics and constraints of the outermost regions without undermining the integrity and the coherence of the Community legal order, including the internal market and common policies.
Svet sprejme ukrepe iz drugega pododstavka ob upoštevanju posebnih značilnosti in omejitev najbolj oddaljenih regij, ne da bi s tem ogrozil celovitost in povezanost pravnega reda Skupnosti, vključno z notranjim trgom in skupnimi politikami.
5 Končna redakcija
The Council shall adopt the measures referred to in the second subparagraph taking into account the special characteristics and constraints of the outermost regions without undermining the integrity and the coherence of the Community legal order, including the internal market and common policies.`
Svet sprejme ukrepe iz drugega pododstavka ob upoštevanju posebnih značilnosti in omejitev najbolj oddaljenih regij, ne da bi s tem ogrozil celovitost in povezanost pravnega reda Skupnosti, vključno z notranjim trgom in skupnimi politikami."
6 Pravna redakcija
The property and assets of the Communities shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measure of constraint without the authorisation of the Court of Justice.
Za lastnino in imetje Skupnosti ne velja noben upravni ali pravni omejevalni ukrep brez odobritve Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti.
7 Pravna redakcija
This programme shall include the specific measures referred to in Article 2 (2) and (3), Article 3 and Article 6 (3). This multi-sector programme of operations comprising legislative measures and financial commitments relating to the application of the common policies to reflect constraints specific to the Canary Islands, shall be given effect before 31 December 1992 by the adoption by the Council or the Commission, as the case may be, of the necessary legal acts, in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty.
Ta program vključuje posebne ukrepe iz člena 2(2) in (3), člena 3 in člena 6(3). Ta večsektorski program ukrepov, ki zajema zakonodajne ukrepe in finančne obveznosti ter pri izvajanju skupnih politik upošteva omejitve, značilne za Kanarske otoke, začne veljati pred 31. decembrom 1992, in sicer s sprejetjem potrebnih pravnih aktov Sveta ali Komisije v skladu z določbami Pogodbe.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1911
This multi-sector programme of operations comprising legislative measures and financial commitments relating to the application of the common policies to reflect constraints specific to the Canary Islands, shall be given effect before 31 December 1992 by the adoption by the Council or the Commission, as the case may be, of the necessary legal acts, in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty.
Ta večsektorski program ukrepov, ki zajema zakonodajne ukrepe in finančne obveznosti ter pri izvajanju skupnih politik upošteva omejitve, značilne za Kanarske otoke, začne veljati pred 31. decembrom 1992, in sicer s sprejetjem potrebnih pravnih aktov Sveta ali Komisije v skladu z določbami Pogodbe.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Except when required for the purposes of investigating an accident caused by a motor vehicle belonging to the said Council or being used on its account, or in the event of an infringement of road traffic regulations or of an accident caused by such a vehicle, the property and assets of the Council of ACP Ministers shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measures of constraints without the authorisation of the Council of Ministers set up under the Agreement.
Razen če je to potrebno za namen preiskave nesreče, ki jo povzroči motorno vozilo, ki pripada omenjenemu svetu ali je uporabljeno na njegov račun, ali v primeru kršitve cestno prometnih predpisov ali nesreče, ki jo povzroči tako vozilo, premoženje in sredstva Sveta ministrov držav AKP ne morejo biti predmet kakršnih koli upravnih ali pravnih prisilnih ukrepov brez pooblastila Sveta ministrov, ustanovljenega na podlagi sporazuma.
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legal measure of constraint