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local echo
1 Objavljeno
In spite of albendazol prophylaxis a recidive of echinococcal cyst was repeatedly established at the and 1996 in the same locality of the liver.
Kljub profilaksi z abendazolom smo ob koncu leta 1996 ugotovili na istem mestu jeter ponoven recidiv ehinokokne ciste.
2 Objavljeno
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography can localize the vegetations, demonstrate infective complications such as abscesses, local mycotic aneurysms, or fistulas.
S transtorakalno in s transezofagealno ehokardiografijo ugotovimo mesto vegetacije in prisotnost morebitnih zapletov, kot so absces, mikotične anevrizme in fistulacije.
3 Končna redakcija
Next to foraminifers occur, especially in the lower part of the Alveolinid-nummulitid limestone, numerous lithothamnians, corals and hydrozoans, and locally also lamellibranchs, brachiopods and echinoids.
Poleg foraminifer so predvsem v spodnjem delu Alveolinsko-numulitnega apnenca številne litotamnije ter korale in hidrozoji. Lokalno se med fosili pojavljajo še školjke, brahiopodi in morski ježki.
4 Končna redakcija
There is no reason whatsoever why news about society (family violence, social life of the local elite, unimportant people in exceptional situations, and so forth) as such should be politically less relevant and more trivial than news about the superior echelons of state and party politics.
Prav nobenega razloga ni, zakaj bi bile novice o družbi (družinskem nasilju, družabnem življenju lokalne elite, malih ljudeh v izjemnih situacijah itd.) same po sebi politično manj relevantne in bolj trivialne od novic o superiorni sferi državne in strankarske politike.
5 Pravna redakcija
Clinical picture compatible with echinococcosis, which may produce any of several clinical syndromes, varying with cyst size and location.
Klinična slika, ki ustreza ehinokokozi, ki lahko povzroči kateregakoli od več kliničnih sindromov, ki se razlikujejo glede na velikost in mesto ciste.
6 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
for Counterparties located in France, the "Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opérations de pension livrée"; for Counterparties located in Germany, the "Rahmenvertrag für echte Pensionsgeschäfte"; for Counterparties located outside France and Germany and not incorporated in the United States, the "PSA/ISMA Global Master Repurchase Agreement"; and for Counterparties incorporated in the United States of America, "The Bond Market Association Master Repurchase Agreement".
za sodelujoče stranke, locirane v Franciji, v skladu s "Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opérations de pension livrée"; za sodelujoče stranke, locirane v Nemčiji, v skladu z "Rahmenvertrag für echte Pensionsgeschäfte"; za sodelujoče stranke, locirane izven Francije in Nemčije in ki niso registrirane v Združenih državah, v skladu s "PSA/ISMA Global Master Repurchase Agreement"; za sodelujoče stranke, ki so registrirane v Združenih državah, v skladu z "The Bond Market Association Master Repurchase Agreement".
7 Pravna redakcija
for Counterparties located in France, the "Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opérations de pension livrée"; for Counterparties located in Germany, the "Rahmenvertrag für echte Pensionsgeschäfte"; for Counterparties located outside France and Germany and not incorporated in the United States, the "PSA/ISMA Global Master Repurchase Agreement"; and for Counterparties incorporated in the United States of America, "The Bond Market Association Master Repurchase Agreement".
za sodelujoče stranke, locirane v Franciji, v skladu s "Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opĂ©rations de pension livrĂ©e"; za sodelujoče stranke, locirane v Nemčiji, v skladu z "Rahmenvertrag fĂĽr echte Pensionsgeschäfte"; za sodelujoče stranke, locirane izven Francije in Nemčije in ki niso registrirane v Združenih državah, v skladu s "PSA/ISMA Global Master Repurchase Agreement"; za sodelujoče stranke, ki so registrirane v Združenih državah, v skladu z "The Bond Market Association Master Repurchase Agreement".
8 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
for Counterparties located in France, the "Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opérations de marché a terme"; for Counterparties located in Germany, the "Rahmenvertrag für echte Finanztermingeschäfte"; for Counterparties located outside France and Germany and not incorporated in the United States, the "1992 International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement" (Multicurrency - cross-border, English law version); and for Counterparties incorporated in the United States of America, the "1992 International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement" (Multicurrency - cross-border, New York law version).
za sodelujoče strankeza sodelujo èe, locirane v Franciji, v skladu s"Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opérations de marché ŕ terme"; za sodelujoče stranke, locirane v Nemčiji, v skladu z "Rahmenvertrag für echte Finanztermingeschäfte"; za sodelujoče stranke, locirane izven Francije in Nemčije in ki niso registrirane v Združenih državah, v skladu z "1992 International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement" (Multicurrency - cross-border, različica po angleškem pravu); za sodelujoče stranke, ki so registrirane v Združenih državah, v skladu z "1992 International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement" (Multicurrency - cross-border, različica po newyorškem pravu).
9 Pravna redakcija
for Counterparties located in France, the "Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opérations de marché a terme"; for Counterparties located in Germany, the "Rahmenvertrag für echte Finanztermingeschäfte"; for Counterparties located outside France and Germany and not incorporated in the United States, the "1992 International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement" (Multicurrency - cross-border, English law version); and for Counterparties incorporated in the United States of America, the "1992 International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement" (Multicurrency - cross-border, New York law version).
za sodelujoče strankeza sodelujo če, locirane v Franciji, v skladu s"Convention-cadre AFB relative aux opĂ©rations de marchĂ©
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local echo