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main stage
1 Objavljeno
The main clinical features of different stages of HIV disease are described.
Opisane so glavne klinične značilnosti posameznih kliničnih faz HIV-bolezni.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Subject to consent by the defendant, the action may also be withdrawn at any later stage until the completion of the main hearing.
Tožbo lahko umakne tudi pozneje, vse do konca glavne obravnave, če tožena stranka v to privoli.
3 Objavljeno
The Durie and Salmon staging system and serum of beta2-microglubulin are used wordwilde because of their easy clinical application. Both parameters mainly reflect tumor burden.
Oba odražata predvsem tumorsko maso, ne upoštevata pa hitrosti rasti klona plazmocitomskih celic.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
On the other side, the strategy introduces gender mainstreaming, implying that gender perspective is taken into consideration by policy- and decision-makers in all stages of any political process.
Na drugi strani pa strategija uvaja integracijo načela enakosti spolov, pri kateri akterji oziroma akterke politike v vseh fazah političnega procesa upoštevajo vidik spolov.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
The implementation of gender mainstreaming falls under the responsibility of all actors involved in policy-making in all policies at all levels and at all stages, from designing to evaluation of its implementation.
Za izvajanje integracije načela enakosti spolov so pristojni vsi akterji oziroma akterke politike, in sicer na vseh ravneh razvoja politike, od oblikovanja do ocenjevanja njenega izvajanja.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
For both processes the main components of a separation stage include cylindrical vessels housing the special separation elements (nozzles or vortex tubes), gas compressors and heat exchangers to remove the heat of compression.
Pri obeh postopkih so glavni sestavni deli stopnje za ločevanje valjaste posode s posebnimi ločevalnimi elementi (šobe ali vrtinčne cevi), plinskimi kompresorji in toplotnimi izmenjevalniki za odvajanje toplote, ki nastaja pri stiskanju.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Gender mainstreaming is of crucial importance to achieve gender equality; the specific situation of women and men and the gender impacts of policies are taken into account already at the planning stage of regulations and other measures related to the areas relevant for promoting equal opportunities.
Integracija načela enakosti spolov je ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje enakosti spolov, saj se že pri pripravi predpisov in drugih ukrepov, ki posegajo na področja, pomembna za ustvarjanje enakih možnosti, upošteva specifični položaj žensk in moških ter vpliv politik na oba spola.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
According to the Council of Europe's definition, gender mainstreaming is "the (re)organisation, improvement, development and evaluation of policy processes, so that a gender equality perspective is incorporated in all policies at all levels and at all stages, by the actors normally involved in policy-making."
Integracija načela enakosti spolov je, po definiciji Sveta Evrope, opredeljena kot »(re)organizacija, napredek, razvoj in vrednotenje političnih procesov tako, da akterji, ki se običajno ukvarjajo s sprejemanjem političnih odločitev, integrirajo vidik enakosti spolov v vse politike na vseh ravneh in v vseh fazah.«
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
.3 absence of sufficient and reliable information, in an approved form, which by rapid and simple means, enables the master to arrange for the loading and ballasting of his ship in such a way that a safe margin of stability is maintained at all stages and at varying conditions of the voyage, and that the creation of any unacceptable stresses in the ship's structure are avoided;
.3 odsotnost zadostnih in zanesljivih podatkov v predpisani obliki, ki hitro in preprosto omogočajo poveljniku, da organizira natovarjanje in balastiranje ladje tako, da se ohrani varna meja stabilnosti v vseh fazah in v različnih razmerah potovanja ter prepreči nastanek vseh nesprejemljivih obremenitev ladijske konstrukcije;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(1) According to the stages set forth in this Article, SELEC shall establish and maintain a computerized information system for holding and processing data necessary to the performance of its tasks as laid down in Article 3. This information system shall include any stand alone hardware or independently structured database and all information technology under the control of SELEC.
(1) SELEC vzpostavi in vzdržuje računalniški informacijski sistem za shranjevanje in obdelavo podatkov za opravljanje nalog iz 3. člena po fazah iz tega člena. Informacijski sistem vključuje vso samostojno strojno opremo ali neodvisno oblikovano podatkovno zbirko ter vso informacijsko tehnologijo pod nadzorom SELEC-a.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Contract work performed during the agricultural production stage mainly involves the use of expensive machines and equipment.
Pogodbeno delo, opravljeno v fazi kmetijske proizvodnje, zajema predvsem uporabo dragih strojev in opreme.
12 Končna redakcija
Under this discipline, and without prejudice to Article 248, the Portuguese Republic shall be authorized to maintain its national aid during the first stage.
V okviru te discipline in brez poseganja v člen 248 lahko Portugalska republika med prvo fazo ohrani svoje državne pomoči.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0033
Transport and distribution of blood and blood components at all stages of the transfusion chain must be under conditions that maintain the integrity of the product.
Transport in razdelejevanje krvi in komponent krvi morata v vseh fazah transfuzijske verige potekati pod pogoji, ki zagotavljajo neokrnjenost proizvoda.
14 Končna redakcija
Each Member State shall during the first stage ensure and subsequently maintain the application of the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work.
Vsaka država članica med prvo fazo zagotovi, nato pa ohranja uporabo načela, naj moški in ženske prejemajo enako plačilo za enako delo.
15 Končna redakcija
Only when the web becomes the main medium for the mediation of the major part of data will the content be adapted to the new medium, with interactive television being one stage of the phenomenon.
Šele ko bo splet postal glavni kanal za sporočanje večine podatkov, se bodo vsebine prilagodile novemu mediju, že interaktivna televizija bo ena od stopenj tega pojava.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The recording of output at the finished product stage, i.e. at the harvest (for crop production), in fact allows an adequate degree of consistency between it and the production costs to be maintained.
Prikazovanje proizvodnje na stopnji dokončanega proizvoda, t. j. ob spravilu pridelka (za rastlinsko pridelavo), dejansko omogoča ohranitev ustrezne ravni doslednosti s proizvodnimi stroški.
17 Končna redakcija
Until the end of the first stage, the Portuguese Republic may maintain quantitative restrictions on imports coming from the Community as at present constituted of the products referred to in Annex XXIII.
Do konca prve faze lahko Portugalska republika ohrani količinske omejitve pri uvozu proizvodov iz Priloge XXIII iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi;
18 Končna redakcija
In the same way Helena Blagne or Simona Weiss59 type of entertainers may appear together on the stage with Laibach (on the stage of the main Ljubljana cultural center), Drnovšek should be 'read' together with Janša, and Žižek should be understood as belonging to the same domestic, neo-Slovenian and conservative community as Rugelj!
Tako kot lahko linija tukajšnje estrade Helena Blagne in/ali Simona Weiss zapoje z laibachovci (kje drugje kot v osrčju Cankarjevega doma), tako kot je Drnovška treba brati skupaj z Janšo, je tudi Žižka treba razumeti predvsem v domačijski neoslovenski konservativni skupnosti z Rugljem!
19 Končna redakcija
b) when works or services, although separable from the execution of the original contract, are strictly necessary to its later stages, whereby the total estimated value may not exceed 25% of the amount of the main contract;
b) ko so gradnje ali storitve nujno potrebne za nadaljnje faze izvedbe, čeprav bi jih lahko naročnik oddal ločeno od izvedbe prvotnega naročila, pri tem pa celotna ocenjena vrednost ne sme presegati 25% zneska glavnega naročila,
20 Končna redakcija
There are two main sources of market failure relevant to risk capital markets which particularly affect access to capital by SMEs and companies at the early stages of their development and which may justify public intervention:
Na možnosti dostopa do kapitala za mala in srednje velika podjetja in podjetja v zgodnjih fazah razvoja vplivata dva glavna vira nepopolnosti trga, ki sta pomembna za trge tveganega kapitala in lahko upravičujeta javno intervencijo:
21 Končna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 12(3)(a) of Directive 77/388/EEC, Malta may maintain an exemption with refund of tax paid at the preceding stage on the supply of foodstuffs for human consumption and pharmaceuticals until ) January 2010.
Z odstopanjem od člena 12(3)(a) Direktive 77/388/EGS lahko Malta do 1. januarja 2010 ohrani oprostitev z vračilom davka, plačanega v predhodni fazi, od dobave živil za prehrano ljudi in farmacevtskih izdelkov.
22 Končna redakcija
increased in four stages, the first increase occurring for the second harvest following accession by the incidence of the reduction in national aid s that the Hellenic Republic is authorized to maintain in a degressive fashion for tobacco pursuant to Article 69.
poveča v štirih stopnjah, pri čemer se prvo povečanje izvede za drugo letino po pristopu, za učinek znižanja državnih pomoči, ki jih Helenska republika v skladu s členom 69 sme ohraniti za tobak, vendar tako, da jih postopno zmanjšuje,.
23 Končna redakcija
Notwithstanding Articles 104 and 109e(3) of this Treaty and Article 21.1 of the Statute, the government of the United Kingdom may maintain its Ways and Means facility with the Bank of England if and so long as the United Kingdom does not move to the third stage.
Ne glede na člena 104 in 109e(3) te pogodbe in člen 21.1 Statuta lahko vlada Združenega kraljestva ohrani svoj način zbiranja proračunskih sredstev Ways and Means pri Bank of England, če in dokler Združeno kraljestvo ne preide v tretjo fazo.
24 Končna redakcija
For the products referred to in Article 259, and subject to paragraph 2 of this Article, the Portuguese Republic shall be authorized to maintain, during the first stage, for exports to third countries, the arrangements in force before its accession for such trade.
Za proizvode iz člena 259 in z upoštevanjem odstavka 2 tega člena lahko Portugalska republika v prvi fazi pri izvozu v tretje države ohrani ureditev, ki je za takšno trgovino veljala pred njenim pristopom.
25 Končna redakcija
To see democracy mainly as providing a space for the free commodity market, supply and demand, and prices based on these principles, is to revive the early stages of capitalism that were characterized by a rather unscrupulous striving for profit at anyone's expense.
Zlasti v pojmovanju demokracije pretežno kot stanja, v katerem obstaja prosti trg dobrin, ponudbe in povpraševanja in na njunih načelih določene cene, odsevajo procesi zgodnje faze kapitalizma Zanjo je značilno razmeroma brezobzirno prizadevanje za dobiček, ne glede na čigav račun.
26 Končna redakcija
The authors thus conclude that the web portion of the election campaign was probably just one evolutionary step towards the stage at which the Internet will become the main channel for the exchange of data when the content of the messages will finally become adapted to the medium.
Hrvatin in Kučič sklepata, da je spletni del volilne 2000 v Sloveniji verjetno le evolucijski korak do stopnje, ko bo to glavni kanal za sporočanje večine podatkov in ko se bodo vsebine sporočil prilagodile novemu mediju.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This division of functions mainly concerns the processing of agricultural products (slaughtering and meat processing, the milling of cereals, the manufacture of bread, butter and cheese and the processing of seeds by new sectors), and, at a later stage, certain marketing transactions.
Ta delitev nalog zadeva zlasti predelavo kmetijskih proizvodov (zakol in predelava mesa, mletje žita, izdelava kruha, masla in sira ter predelava semen, kar opravljajo novi sektorji), ter v poznejši fazi nekatere tržne transakcije.
28 Končna redakcija
The field shall be so cultivated and the crop at such a stage of development as to permit an adequate check of identity and varietal purity, of health status and, in the case of maize, of the identity and purity of inbred lines and of emasculation for the production of seed of hybrid varieties.
Polje mora biti tako obdelano in posevek na taki stopnji razvoja, da to omogoča ustrezno kontrolo pristnosti in sortne čistosti, zdravstvenega stanja in, pri koruzi, pristnosti in čistosti samooplodnih linij in preverjanje odstranjevanja metlic pri proizvodnji semena hibridnih sort.
29 Končna redakcija
Should the intervention prices applicable in the mainland part of Portugal and the intervention prices applicable in the Azores not be equalized at the end of the first stage, the move towards alignment of these prices with the common prices shall take place according to procedures to be determined.
Če intervencijske cene, ki se uporabljajo v celinskem delu Portugalske, in intervencijske cene, ki se uporabljajo na Azorih, ob izteku prve faze niso usklajene, se usklajevanje teh cen s skupnimi cenami izvede po postopkih, ki bodo določeni.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0806
"gender mainstreaming" concerns planning, (re)organisation, improvement, and evaluation of policy processes, so that a gender equality perspective is incorporated in all development policies, strategies and interventions, at all levels and at all stages by the actors normally involved therein;
"vključitev načela enakosti spolov" zadeva načrtovanje, (re)organizacijo, izboljšavo in ovrednotenje političnih postopkov, tako da običajno sodelujoči akterji vključijo perspektivo enakosti spolov v vse razvojne politike, strategije in intervencije, na vseh ravneh in na vseh stopnjah;
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0621
Once the Commission has taken a decision to part-finance a project, the media (press, radio, television) shall be informed of its launch, the main stages of its implementation and its conclusion in the most appropriate fashion, principally through meetings with the press, but also through press releases and other means.
Potem ko je Komisija sprejela odločitev o sofinanciranju projekta, so mediji (tisk, radio, televizija) obveščeni o začetku projekta, glavnih fazah izvedbe in zaključku projekta na najprimernejši način, večinoma na tiskovnih konferencah, vendar tudi s sporočili za javnost in z drugimi sredstvi.
32 Končna redakcija
Where, for a given product, the price in Portugal is higher than the common price, the price in that Member State shall be maintained at the level referred to in paragraph 1, with the move to alignment resulting from the development in common prices, as the case may be, over the five or seven years respectively of the second stage.
Če je cena zadevnega proizvoda na Portugalskem višja od skupne cene, se cena v tej državi članici ohrani na ravni iz odstavka 1, uskladitev pa izhaja iz gibanja skupnih cen v petih oziroma sedmih letih druge faze.
33 Končna redakcija
During the first stage, the Portuguese Republic shall be authorized to maintain, for the products referred to in Article 259, the rules in force under its previous national arrangements for the organization of its domestic agricultural market, under the conditions laid down in Articles 262 to 265 and subject to the special provisions of the section concerning certain products.
Med prvo fazo lahko Portugalska republika za proizvode iz člena 259 ohrani predpise, ki so veljali po prejšnji nacionalni ureditvi njenega notranjega kmetijskega trga, pod pogoji iz členov 262 do 265 in z upoštevanjem posebnih določb oddelka za določene proizvode.
34 Končna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 12(3)(a) of Directive 77/388/EEC, Cyprus may maintain an exemption with refund of tax paid at the preceding stage on the supply of pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs for human consumption, with the exception of ice cream, ice lollies, frozen yoghurt, water ice and similar products and savoury food products (potato crisps/sticks, puffs and similar products packaged for human consumption without further preparation), until 31 December 2007.
Z odstopanjem od člena 12(3)(a) Direktive 77/388/EGS lahko Ciper do 31. decembra 2007 ohrani oprostitev z vračilom davka, plačanega v predhodni fazi od dobave farmacevtskih izdelkov in živil za prehrano ljudi, z izjemo sladoleda, ledenih lizik, zmrznjenega jogurta, ledu iz vode in podobnih izdelkov ter drobnega slanega peciva (krompirjev čips/paličice, rahlo slano pecivo in podobni izdelki, ki so brez nadaljnje priprave pakirani za prehrano ljudi).
35 Končna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 12(3)(a) of Directive 77/388/EEC, Poland may (i) apply an exemption with refund of tax paid at the preceding stage on the supply of certain books and specialist periodicals, until 31 December 2007, and (ii) maintain a reduced rate of value added tax of not less than 7% on the supply of restaurant services until 31 December 2007 or until the end of the transitional period referred to in Article 28 l of the Directive, whichever is the earlier.
Z odstopanjem od člena 12(3)(a) Direktive 77/388/EGS lahko Poljska (i) do 31. decembra 2007 uporablja oprostitev z vračilom davka plačanega v predhodni fazi od dobave določenih knjig in specialistične periodike in (ii) do 31. decembra 2007 ali do konca prehodnega obdobja iz člena 28l direktive, karkoli nastopi prej, ohrani nižjo stopnjo davka na dodano vrednost, ki ni nižja od 7 %, od gostinskih storitev.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Contract work performed during the agricultural production stage mainly involves the use of expensive machines and equipment.
Pogodbeno delo, opravljeno v fazi kmetijske proizvodnje, zajema predvsem uporabo dragih strojev in opreme.
37 Pravna redakcija
Employees directly engaged in the production processes and, where possible, employees engaged in repair and maintenance must be allocated to one of these stages.
Zaposleni, neposredno vključeni v proizvodne procese, in kjer je to mogoče, zaposleni, vključeni v popravila in vzdrževanje, morajo biti razporejeni v eno teh faz.
38 Pravna redakcija
As specified in the TSI, the redundancies incorporated into high-speed trainsets at the design stage should enable preventive and corrective maintenance work to be carried out mostly at the designated rolling stock maintenance depot.
Kot je navedeno v TSI, naj dodatni deli, vgrajeni v vlakovne kompozicije za visoke hitrosti, na stopnji projektiranja omogočajo preventivna in korektivna vzdrževalna dela, ki se največ izvajajo v vzdrževalni delavnici železniškega voznega parka.
39 Pravna redakcija
whereas a combined limit value is maintained for diesel vehicles for which the Stage 2000 standards are the most demanding, with a view to facilitating engineering of future engines;
ker se vzdržuje skupna mejna vrednost za vozila z dizelskim motorjem, za katera veljajo najzahtevnejši standardi stopnje 2000, da bi bil tako olajšan inženiring motorjev v prihodnosti;
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1995
The Commission reviewed the claim for individual treatment focusing its analysis, at this definitive stage, mainly on those areas having a direct impact on the company's export activities.
Komisija je pregledala prošnjo za individualno obravnavo in v tej zaključni fazi usmerila analizo predvsem na tista področja, ki imajo neposreden vpliv na izvozne dejavnosti družbe.
41 Pravna redakcija
the amount of the 'ways and means' facility maintained by the United Kingdom Government with the Bank of England until the date, if any, on which the United Kingdom moves to stage three of EMU.
zneski v okviru kratkoročnega kreditiranja državnega proračuna (institucija "Ways and Means") vlade Združenega Kraljestva pri Bank of England do datuma, ko bo, če sploh, vlada Združenega Kraljestva prešla v tretjo fazo EMU.
42 Pravna redakcija
From the start of plastic deformation (second stage), delivery from the pump must not be more than twice as much as it was in the first phase and must be maintained constant until the cylinder bursts.
Od začetka plastične deformacije (druga stopnja) pritok medija iz črpalke ne sme biti večji od dvakratne vrednosti pritoka v prvi stopnji in ga je treba vzdrževati konstantnega, dokler se jeklenka ne poruši.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The recording of output at the finished product stage, i.e. at the harvest (for crop production), in fact allows an adequate degree of consistency between it and the production costs to be maintained.
Prikazovanje proizvodnje na stopnji dokončanega proizvoda, t. j. ob spravilu pridelka (za rastlinsko pridelavo), dejansko omogoča ohranitev ustrezne ravni doslednosti s proizvodnimi stroški.
44 Pravna redakcija
Relates to the company's own employees providing rail and road transport, and other material handling activities, including employees who are solely engaged in the maintenance of rail and road transport, etc. (Crane drivers, slingers, etc. who provide a service solely to a particular production stage or activity, should be included in that production stage or activity).
Nanaša se na zaposlene podjetja, pristojne za prevoz po železnici in cesti ter druge dejavnosti ravnanja z materiali, vključno z zaposlenimi, ki so vključeni izključno v vzdrževanje prevoza po železnici in cesti itd. (Voznike žerjavov, metalce itd., ki zagotavljajo storitev izključno za posamezno proizvodno fazo ali dejavnost, je treba vključiti v to proizvodno fazo ali dejavnost.)
45 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The direct mail market is still developing at a different pace from one Member State to the other, which makes it difficult for the Commission, at this stage, to specify in a general way the obligations of the Member States regarding that service.
Trg direktne pošte se po različnih državah članicah še vedno razvija z različno hitrostjo, zato je na tej stopnji Komisiji težko na splošno določiti obveznosti držav članic glede te storitve.
46 Pravna redakcija
Electrical apparatus, for the ionization of the air in a room, incorporating a centrifugal fan, a negative-ion generator and a three-stage filtration system (pre-filter for large particles, electrified main filter of textile fibre and a deodorizing filter of activated carbon).
Električna naprava za ionizacijo zraka v sobi, v katero je vgrajen centrifugalni ventilator, generator negativnih ionov in tristopenjski filtrirni sistem (predfilter za večje delce, elektrificiran glavni filter iz tekstilnih vlaken in razkužilni filter iz aktivnega oglja).
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This division of functions mainly concerns the processing of agricultural products (slaughtering and meat processing, the milling of cereals, the manufacture of bread, butter and cheese and the processing of seeds by new sectors), and, at a later stage, certain marketing transactions.
Ta delitev nalog zadeva zlasti predelavo kmetijskih proizvodov (zakol in predelava mesa, mletje žita, izdelava kruha, masla in sira ter predelava semen, kar opravljajo novi sektorji), ter v poznejši fazi nekatere tržne transakcije.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000S2730
In particular, it claimed that foundries that cooperated at the provisional stage and whose data was retained for this analysis produced mainly high added value products generating profit margins well above the industry average and were thus unrepresentative of the situation of this industry.
Predvsem je trdil, da livarne, ki so sodelovale na začasni stopnji in katerih podatki so se ohranili za to analizo, proizvajajo v glavnem izdelke z visoko dodano vrednostjo, ki ustvarjajo stopnjo dobička precej nad industrijskim povprečjem in so zato nereprezentativne za položaj te industrijske panoge.
49 Pravna redakcija
Whereas paragraph 11 of the Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland stipulates that the Government of the United Kingdom may maintain its 'ways and means' facility with the Bank of England if and so long as the United Kingdom does not move to the third stage;
ker odstavek 11 protokola o nekaterih določbah, ki se nanašajo na Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske določa, da lahko vlada Združenega kraljestva obdrži možnost kratkoročnega kreditiranja državnega proračuna (institucijo "Ways and Means") pri Bank of England, če in dokler Združeno kraljestvo ne preide v tretjo fazo;
Prevodi: en > sl
main stage