Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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make a conclusion
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
the Prosecutor shall inform the Pre-Trial Chamber and the State making a referral under article 14 or the Security Council in a case under article 13, paragraph (b), of his or her conclusion and the reasons for the conclusion.
tožilec obvesti o svojem sklepu in razlogih zanj predobravnavni senat in državo, ki je v skladu s 14. členom situacijo naznanila, ali Varnostni svet v primeru pododstavka (b) 13. člena.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Each such notice shall set forth, or otherwise make available through a separate report, in sufficient detail the findings and conclusions reached on all issues of fact and law considered material by the investigating authorities.
Vsak tak razglas vsebuje ali drugače zagotavlja v obliki ločenega poročila dovolj podrobnosti v zvezi z ugotovitvami in sprejetimi sklepi, v zvezi z vsemi vprašanji dejanskih okoliščin in zakonitih določb, ki so imele odločilen pomen za preiskovalne oblasti.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(2) In establishing its relationship with Europol and even prior to the conclusion of a cooperation agreement, SELEC may make use of, inter alia, Europol's strategic and operational analysis capacity if Europol offers this capacity.
(2) Pri vzpostavitvi odnosov z Europolom ali celo pred sklenitvijo sporazuma o sodelovanju lahko SELEC med drugim uporabi strateške in operativnoanalitične zmogljivosti Europola, če jih ponudi.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(i) The Court may, before making any conclusion referred to in subparagraph 7 (a) (ii), request further consultations for the purpose of considering the State's representations, which may include, as appropriate, hearings in camera and ex parte;
(i) lahko Sodišče, preden sprejme kakršen koli sklep, omenjen v pododstavku (a) (ii) sedmega odstavka, zahteva nadaljnja posvetovanja za proučitev navedb države, ki lahko vključujejo zaslišanja in camera oziroma ex parte,
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
However, we can not make the simple conclusion, that a higher number of sitting hours is associated with low levels of participation in physical activity, as the relationship between the frequency of physical activity and the number of hours a day that young people spend sitting, is not typical.
Vendar pa ne moremo enostavno sklepati, da je večje število ur sedenja povezano z manj pogosto telesno aktivnostjo, saj stopnja povezanosti med pogostostjo telesne aktivnosti in številom ur sedenja ni značilna.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
noting the close relationship between the European Community and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which makes it appropriate to consider the conclusion of a parallel European Conformity Assessment Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and these countries equivalent to this Protocol,
s tem da je zaradi tesnega povezovanja med Evropsko skupnostjo in Islandijo, Lihtenštajnom in Norveško na podlagi Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru primerno razmisliti o sklenitvi vzporednega evropskega sporazuma o ugotavljanju skladnosti med Republiko Slovenijo in temi državami, ki bi bil enakovreden temu protokolu,
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
12.2.2 A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of a price undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of a price undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
12.2.2 Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi ob pritrdilni ugotovitvi, ki je podlaga za uvedbo dokončne carine ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze, mora vsebovati ali drugače zagotoviti v obliki ločenega poročila vse ustrezne informacije o dejanskih in pravnih zadevah in razlogih, ki so bili podlaga za uvedbo končnega ukrepa ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze ob ustreznem upoštevanju zahteve po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
On the ground of prevention of a financial loss, a witness may not refuse to testify on legal transactions which he has attended as an appointed witness; on acts concerning the matter in dispute which he has performed as a legal predecessor or representative of any of the parties; on facts relating to property relations in respect of a family community, a matrimony other form of extra-marital community; on facts relating to a birth, conclusion of a marriage and death; and such other facts as in respect of which he is bound to report of with competent authority or make a statement under special regulations.
Priča ne sme zaradi nevarnosti pred kakšno premoženjsko škodo odreči pričanja o pravnih poslih, pri katerih je bila navzoča kot povabljena priča, o dejanjih, ki jih je glede spornega razmerja opravila kot pravni prednik ali zastopnik katere od strank, o dejstvih, ki se nanašajo na premoženjska razmerja, vezana na rodbinsko ali zakonsko zvezo oziroma drugo življenjsko skupnost, ki je po predpisih, ki urejajo zakonsko zvezo, z njo izenačena, o dejstvih, ki se nanašajo na rojstvo, sklenitev zakonske zveze ali smrt, kakor tudi tedaj, kadar mora na podlagi posebnih predpisov vložiti prijavo ali dati izjavo.
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
22.5 A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of an undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of an undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
22.5 Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskav v primeru potrdilne ugotovitve, ki predvideva uvedbo dokončne carine ali sprejem zavez, vsebuje vse informacije ali v obliki ločenega poročila omogoča dostop do vseh informacij, ki se nanašajo na dejstva in zakone ter razloge za uvedbo končnih ukrepov ali za sprejem zaveze ob hkratnem upoštevanju potreb po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
10 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Any State may, however, at the time of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession or at any time thereafter, declare by notification given to the Government of the United States of America that the present Agreement shall extend (subject, if the State making the declaration considers it to be necessary, to the conclusion of a special agreement between that State and each of the sending States concerned), to all or any of the territories for whose international relations it is responsible in the North Atlantic Treaty area.
Vsaka država lahko ob deponiranju svoje ratifikacijske listine ali listine o pristopu ali kadar koli kasneje razglasi z notifikacijo, ki jo pošlje vladi Združenih držav Amerike, da se ta sporazum razširi (če se državi, ki to razglaša, zdi potrebno, država in vsaka od zadevnih držav pošiljateljic sklenejo poseben sporazum) na vse ali katero koli od ozemelj, za katerih mednarodne odnose je odgovorna na območju Severnoatlantskega pakta.
11 Končna redakcija
(2) The National Review Commission may, on the proposal of the contracting entity or the person submitting the claim, make a conclusion that the submitted claim does not suspend the procedure of awarding a public contract.
(2) Državna revizijska komisija lahko na predlog naročnika ali vlagatelja zahtevka sprejme sklep, da vložen zahtevek za revizijo ne zadrži postopka oddaje javnega naročila.
12 Končna redakcija
Direct or indirect imposition of any kind of agreement by a TO, for instance by making the uplink subject to the conclusion of an agreement with a third party, would constitute an infringement of Article 86.
Neposredna ali posredna uvedba kakršnih koli sporazumov s strani TO, na primer, če se za navzgornjo povezavo zahteva sklenitev sporazuma s tretjo stranjo, bi pomenila kršitev člena 86.
13 Končna redakcija
The Conclusions on the financial allocation for the 9th EDF, drawn up in the Ministerial Coordination on behalf of the European Community with regard to the 3rd ACP-EC Ministerial Negotiating Conference of 6 and 7 December 1999, note the Commission's intention to decentralise its administrative decision-making and emphasise the need for reforms aiming at a redefinition of the respective roles of the Commission and the Council in the decision-making process of the European Development Fund.
Iz sklepov o finančnem dodeljevanju za 9. ERS, ki jih je pripravila Ministrska koordinacija v imenu Evropske skupnosti v zvezi s 3. Ministrsko pogajalsko konferenco držav AKP in ES z dne 6. in 7. decembra 1999, je razviden namen Komisije, da decentralizira svoj upravni postopek odločanja in poudari potrebo po reformah, ki naj bi ponovno opredelile vlogo Komisije in Sveta v postopku odločanja o Evropskem razvojnem skladu.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R2728
ker člen 1 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 327/71 v zvezi s tobakom v listih, ki ga kupijo intervencijski organi, predvideva sklepanje naročil za prvo predelavo in pripravo za trg po razpisnem postopku, po katerem mora naročilo dobiti najvišji ponudnik, pod pogojem, da ta ne presega zneska, ki se določi za vsako sorto;
15 Končna redakcija
As the purpose of providing access to the file is to enable the addressees of a statement of objections to express their views on the conclusions reached by the Commission, the firms in question must have access to all the documents making up the 'file` of the Commission (DG IV), apart from the categories of documents identified in the Hercules judgment (7), namely the business secrets of other undertakings, internal Commission documents (8) and other confidential information.
Ker je namen zagotavljanja dostopa do spisa omogočiti naslovnikom ugotovitve o možnih kršitvah, da izrazijo svoja mnenja o sklepih, ki jih je sprejela Komisija, morajo imeti zadevna podjetja dostop do vseh dokumentov, ki tvorijo "spis" Komisije (DG IV), razen kategorij dokumentov, opredeljenih v sodbi v primeru Hercules [7], namreč poslovnih tajnosti drugih podjetij, internih dokumentov Komisije [8] in drugih zaupnih informacij.
16 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall adopt, by consensus, and make available to the public a document addressing issues discussed and conclusions reached during a meeting.
Pogodbenice sprejmejo s konsenzom in dajo na voljo javnosti dokument, ki se nanaša na obravnavane zadeve in sprejete sklepe na sestanku.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0468
Whilst it was deemed that these models provided a fair comparison, the low volume of exports sold by this exporting producer, inevitably makes it difficult to draw clear conclusions.
Čeprav se je domnevalo, da ti modeli omogočajo pošteno primerjavo, pa je bilo zaradi majhnega obsega izvozne prodaje tega proizvajalca-izvoznika mogoče le s težavo oblikovati jasne zaključke.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
All the parties concerned were informed of the essential facts and considerations on which the conclusions of this review were based and were granted a period within which to make representations.
Vse zadevne stranke so bile obveščene o bistvenih dejstvih in premislekih, na katerih temeljijo sklepi pregleda, poleg tega pa so dobile razumen rok za predložitev svojih stališč.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
Whilst it was deemed that these models provided a fair comparison, the low value of exports sold by this exporting producer inevitably makes it difficult, if not impossible, to draw clear conclusions.
Čeprav se jesmatralo, da ti modeli omogočajo pošteno primerjavo, pa je bilo zaradi majhne vrednosti izvozne prodaje tega proizvajalca-izvoznika mogoče le s težavo, če ne sploh nemogoče, oblikovati jasne zaključke.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0170
(5) At its meeting in Laeken on 14 and 15 December 2001 the European Council confirmed, in its conclusion 37, the guidelines and objectives defined at Tampere and also noted that there was a need for new impetus and guidelines to make good delays in some areas.
(5) Evropski svet je na zasedanju v Laekenu 14. in 15. decembra 2001 s sklepom 37 potrdil usmeritve in cilje določene v Tampereju in poudaril potrebo po novih spodbudah inusmeritvah, s katerimi bi bile nadoknadene zamude nastale na nekaterih področjih.
21 Pravna redakcija
'investigation' means a process conducted for the purpose of accident and incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of cause(s) and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations;
"preiskava" pomeni postopek, ki se izvaja zaradi preprečitve nesreče ali incidenta, ki vključuje zbiranje in analizo informacij, sestavo sklepov, vključno z določitvijo vzroka(-ov), ter po potrebi izdelavo varnostnih priporočil;
22 Pravna redakcija
If the Member State objects to the observations made by the Commission, the Member State shall be invited to a hearing by the Commission, in which both sides in cooperation based on the partnership make efforts to reach an agreement about the observations and the conclusions to be drawn from them.
Če država članica nasprotuje ugotovitvam Komisije, jo ta povabi na zaslišanje, v katerem se obe strani v sodelovanju, ki temelji na partnerstvu, trudita doseči dogovor o ugotovitvah in na njih temelječih sklepih.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R2728
whereas article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 327/71 (12) makes provision, in respect of leaf tobacco purchased by intervention agencies, for the conclusion of first processing and market preparation contracts by a tendering procedure, under which contracts must be awarded to the highest tender, provided it does not exceed an amount to be fixed for each variety;
ker člen 1 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 327/71 fn v zvezi s tobakom v listih, ki ga kupijo intervencijski organi, predvideva sklepanje naročil za prvo predelavo in pripravo za trg po razpisnem postopku, po katerem mora naročilo dobiti najvišji ponudnik, pod pogojem, da ta ne presega zneska, ki se določi za vsako sorto;
24 Pravna redakcija
(g) pending the conclusions of a review meeting called in accordance with subparagraph (f), any Contracting Party may request an ad hoc expert panel established in accordance with Article 24 to make recommendations on any interim measures following the invocation of the procedures pursuant to subparagraphs (c) and (d) which may be necessary in respect of the measure to be reviewed.
(g) do sklepov sestanka, sklicanega v skladu s pododstavkom (f), lahko vsaka pogodbenica zahteva, da začasni strokovni odbor, ustanovljen v skladu s členom 24, poda priporočila o kakršnih koli začasnih ukrepih po uporabi postopkov v skladu s pododstavkoma (c) in (d), ki bi morda bili potrebni v zvezi z ukrepom, ki ga je treba preučiti.
25 Pravna redakcija
As the purpose of providing access to the file is to enable the addressees of a statement of objections to express their views on the conclusions reached by the Commission, the firms in question must have access to all the documents making up the 'file` of the Commission (DG IV), apart from the categories of documents identified in the Hercules judgment (7), namely the business secrets of other undertakings, internal Commission documents (8) and other confidential information.
Ker je namen zagotavljanja dostopa do spisa omogočiti naslovnikom ugotovitve o možnih kršitvah, da izrazijo svoja mnenja o sklepih, ki jih je sprejela Komisija, morajo imeti zadevna podjetja dostop do vseh dokumentov, ki tvorijo »spis« Komisije (DG IV), razen kategorij dokumentov, opredeljenih v sodbi v primeru Hercules fn, namreč poslovnih skrivnosti drugih podjetij, internih dokumentov Komisije fn in drugih zaupnih informacij.
26 Pravna redakcija
In cases concerning the defence of immunity or privileges, the committee shall state whether the circumstances constitute an administrative or other restriction imposed on the free movement of Members travelling to or from the place of meeting of Parliament or an opinion expressed or a vote cast in the performance of the mandate or fall within aspects of Article 10 of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities which are not a matter of national law, and shall make a proposal to invite the authority concerned to draw the necessary conclusions.
V primerih zaščite imunitete ali privilegijev odbor navede, ali okoliščine predstavljajo administrativno ali kako drugo omejitev prostega gibanja poslancev pri potovanju v kraje ali iz krajev zasedanja Parlamenta ali izraženega mnenja ali oddanega glasu pri izvrševanju mandata in ali sodijo v okvir člena 10 Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah, ki niso predmet nacionalne zakonodaje, ter predlaga, da se pristojni organ povabi, naj izlušči potrebne sklepe.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0065
The consumer should receive, before conclusion of the contract, the prior information needed so as to properly appraise the financial service offered to him and hence make a well-informed choice.
Potrošnik bi moral pred sklenitvijo pogodbe prejeti poprejšnje informacije, da bi lahko pravilno ocenil ponujeno mu finančno storitev in se odločil na podlagi poznavanja vseh okoliščin.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
Direct or indirect imposition of any kind of agreement by a TO, for instance by making the uplink subject to the conclusion of an agreement with a third party, would constitute an infringement of Article 86.
Neposredna ali posredna uvedba kakršnih koli sporazumov s strani TO, na primer, če se za navzgornjo povezavo zahteva sklenitev sporazuma s tretjo stranjo, bi pomenila kršitev člena 86.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0077
If necessary, the Commission should, in the light of the conclusions of this report, make a proposal for a Community framework with regard to support schemes for electricity produced from renewable energy sources.
Če je potrebno, mora Komisija glede na zaključke poročila pripraviti predlog za okvir Skupnosti o programih podpore za električno energijo, proizvedeno iz obnovljivih virov energije.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0008
In making a decision concerning authorisation, the Member State shall arrive at one of the following conclusions for each product type and for each area of use of the biocidal product for which application has been made:
Pri odločitvi o izdaji dovoljenja država članica sprejme enega od naslednjih sklepov za vsako vrsto pripravka in za vsako področje uporabe biocidnega pripravka, za katerega je bila vložena prošnja za izdajo dovoljenja:
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0170
At its meeting in Laeken on 14 and 15 December 2001 the European Council confirmed, in its conclusion 37, the guidelines and objectives defined at Tampere and also noted that there was a need for new impetus and guidelines to make good delays in some areas.
Evropski svet je na zasedanju v Laeknu 14. in 15. decembra 2001 s sklepom 37 potrdil usmeritve in cilje določene v Tampereju in poudaril potrebo po novih spodbudah in usmeritvah, s katerimi bi bile nadoknadene zamude nastale na nekaterih področjih.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1265
If the Member State objects to the observations made by the Commission, the Member State shall be invited to a hearing by the Commission, in which both sides make efforts to reach an agreement about the observations and the conclusions to be drawn from them.";
Če se država članica z ugotovitvami Komisije ne strinja, jo Komisija povabi na zaslišanje, na katerem si obe strani prizadevata doseči dogovor o ugotovitvah in sklepih, do katerih je mogoče priti.";
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1262
The intervention agency is entitled to make acceptance of the offer subject to the conclusion of a storage contract with the seller, should it consider this necessary. In the interests of uniformity, the principal terms which such contracts must contain, in particular their period of validity, should be laid down.
Intervencijska agencija lahko sprejem ponudbe pogojuje z sklenitvijo pogodbe o skladiščenju s prodajalcem, če se ji to zdi potrebno.Zaradi enotnosti je treba določiti glavne pogoje, ki jih mora pogodba vsebovati, zlasti trajanje veljavnosti.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
NOTING the close relationship between the European Community and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which makes it appropriate to consider the conclusion of a parallel mutual recognition agreement between Australia and these countries equivalent to this Agreement,
OB UGOTAVLJANJU tesnih odnosov med Evropsko skupnostjo ter Islandijo, Lihtenštajnom in Norveško prek sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, zaradi česar bi bilo primerno obravnavati sklenitev vzporednega sporazuma o vzajemnem priznavanju med Avstralijo in navedenimi državami, enakega temu sporazumu,
35 Prevajalska redakcija
NOTING the close relationship between the European Community and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which makes it appropriate to consider the conclusion of a parallel mutual recognition agreement between New Zealand and these countries equivalent to this Agreement,
OB UGOTAVLJANJU tesnih odnosov med Evropsko skupnostjo ter Islandijo, Lihtenštajnom in Norveško prek sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, zaradi česar bi bilo primerno obravnavati sklenitev vzporednega sporazuma o vzajemnem priznavanju med Novo Zelandijo in navedenimi državami, enakega temu sporazumu,
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0009
Whereas, in conclusion, a minimum degree of harmonization of investor-compensation arrangements is necessary for the completion of the internal market for investment firms since it will make it possible for investors to do business with such firms with greater confidence, especially firms from other Member States, and make it possible to avoid any difficulties caused by host Member States applying national investor-protection rules that are not coordinated at Community level;
končno, ker je minimalna stopnja usklajenosti odškodninskih sporazumov za vlagatelje potrebna za dokončno oblikovanje notranjega trga za investicijska podjetja, ker bo omogočila vlagateljem, da poslujejo s temi podjetji z večjim zaupanjem, zlasti s podjetji iz drugih držav članic in omogočila izogibanje vsakršnim težavam, ki jih povzročijo države članice gostiteljice z uporabo nacionalnih pravil o zaščiti vlagateljev, ki niso usklajena na ravni Skupnosti;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
The Conclusions on the financial allocation for the 9th EDF, drawn up in the Ministerial Coordination on behalf of the European Community with regard to the 3rd ACP-EC Ministerial Negotiating Conference of 6 and 7 December 1999, note the Commission's intention to decentralise its administrative decision-making and emphasise the need for reforms aiming at a redefinition of the respective roles of the Commission and the Council in the decision-making process of the European Development Fund.
Iz sklepov o finančnem dodeljevanju za 9. ERS, ki jih je pripravila Ministrska koordinacija v imenu Evropske skupnosti v zvezi s 3. Ministrsko pogajalsko konferenco držav AKP in ES z dne 6. in 7. decembra 1999, je razviden namen Komisije, da decentralizira svoj upravni postopek odločanja in poudari potrebo po reformah, ki naj bi ponovno opredelile vlogo Komisije in Sveta v postopku odločanja o Evropskem razvojnem skladu.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of a price undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of a price undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi ob pritrdilni ugotovitvi, ki je podlaga za uvedbo dokončne carine ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze, mora vsebovati ali drugače zagotoviti v obliki ločenega poročila vse ustrezne informacije o dejanskih in pravnih zadevah in razlogih, ki so bili podlaga za uvedbo končnega ukrepa ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze ob ustreznem upoštevanju zahteve po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of an undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of an undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskav v primeru potrdilne ugotovitve, ki predvideva uvedbo dokončne carine ali sprejem zavez, vsebuje vse informacije ali v obliki ločenega poročila omogoča dostop do vseh informacij, ki se nanašajo na dejstva in zakone ter razloge za uvedbo končnih ukrepov ali za sprejem zaveze ob hkratnem upoštevanju potreb po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0026
it is therefore necessary to include in national law appropriate effective and systematic financial or equivalent administrative penalties - such as injunctions combined with administrative fines, reporting to supervisory authorities on a regular basis, on-the-spot checks, publications in the national official journal and in the press, suspension of the activities of the company (prohibition on the conclusion of new contracts for a certain period), designation of a special representative of the supervisory authorities responsible for monitoring that the business is run in line with insurance laws, withdrawal of the authorisation for this business line, sanctions to be imposed on directors and management staff - in the event that the insurance undertaking or its representative fails to fulfil its obligation to make an offer of compensation within a reasonable time-limit;
zato je nujno, da se v nacionalno zakonodajo vključijo ustrezne učinkovite in sistematične finančne ali kake druge enakovredne upravne sankcije - recimo sodne prepovedi v kombinaciji z upravnimi kaznimi, redno obveščanje nadzornih organov, kontrole na samem mestu, objave v nacionalnem uradnem listu in tisku, začasna ustavitev dejavnosti družbe (prepoved sklepanja novih pogodb za določeno obdobje), imenovanje posebnega pooblaščenca nadzornih organov, odgovornega za spremljanje in nadzor tega, ali poslovanje poteka skladno z zavarovalnopravnimi predpisi, odvzem dovoljenja za opravljanje tovrstnih zavarovalnih poslov ter sankcije za direktorje in člane uprave - za primer, da zavarovalnica ali njen pooblaščenec ne izpolnjujeta svoje obveznosti, po kateri bi morala v razumnem roku ponuditi odškodnino;
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
At any time until the conclusion of execution proceedings the parties and mortgagees shall be entitled to make an agreement that, by a given deadline, the immovable property be sold by immediate contract.
Stranke in zastavni upniki se lahko ves čas izvršilnega postopka do izdaje odredbe o prodaji sporazumejo, naj se nepremičnina v določenem roku proda z neposredno pogodbo.
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pending the conclusions of a review meeting called in accordance with subparagraph (f), any Contracting Party may request an ad hoc expert panel established in accordance with Article 24 to make recommendations on any interim measures following the invocation of the procedures pursuant to subparagraphs (c) and (d) which may be necessary in respect of the measure to be reviewed.
do sklepov sestanka, sklicanega v skladu s pododstavkom (f), lahko vsaka pogodbenica zahteva, da začasni strokovni odbor, ustanovljen v skladu s členom 24, poda priporočila o kakršnih koli začasnih ukrepih po uporabi postopkov v skladu s pododstavkoma (c) in (d), ki bi morda bili potrebni v zvezi z ukrepom, ki ga je treba preučiti.
43 Prevod
CELEX: 31998R0077
Whereas the Agreement stipulates that certain products originating in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia may be imported into the Community, within the limits of tariff quotas or tariff ceilings or in the framework of reference quantities, at a reduced or a zero rate of customs duty; whereas the Agreement already specifies the products eligible for those tariff measures, their volumes and annual increase of the volumes, their duties, periods and any eligibility criteria; whereas amendments to the Combined Nomenclature and Taric codes and adaptations arising from the conclusion of agreements, protocols or exchanges of letters between the Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia do not involve changes of substance; whereas, in the interest of simplicity, provision should therefore be made for the Commission, assisted by the Customs Code Committee, to adopt the implementing regulations opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quotas and tariff ceilings, to establish the Community statistical surveillance system for imports in the framework of reference quantities as well as to make the necessary amendments and technical adaptations to the annexes of the implementing Regulations;
ker Sporazum določa, da se znotraj tarifnih kvot ali tarifnih plafonov ali v okviru priporočljivih količin lahko nekateri proizvodi iz Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije uvažajo v Skupnost po znižani carinski stopnji dajatve ali stopnji nič; ker so v Sporazumu že navedeni proizvodi, upravičeni do teh tarifnih mer, njihov obseg in letno povečanje obsega, njihove dajatve, obdobja in kakršnakoli merila za upravičenost; ker spremembe kombinirane nomenklature in oznak TARIC ter prilagoditve, ki izvirajo iz sprejetja sporazumov, protokoli ali izmenjave pisem med Skupnostjo in Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo ne pomenijo spremembe vsebine; ker je treba zaradi preprostosti poskrbeti, da bo Komisija s pomočjo Odbora za carinski zakonik sprejela izvedbene predpise, ki bodo uvajali in urejali tarifne kvote in tarifne plafone, ustanovila sistem Skupnosti za statistični nadzor uvoza v okvirih priporočljivih količin ter opravila potrebne spremembe in tehnične prilagoditve prilog izvedbenih predpisov;
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