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make a search
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
4 The requested Party may make the execution of such a request dependant on the same conditions as it applies in respect of requests for search and seizure.
Zaprošena pogodbenica lahko za izvršitev takega zaprosila določi iste pogoje, kot veljajo za zaprosila za preiskavo in zaseg.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Member States may make the execution of a request according to this Article dependent on the same conditions as they apply in respect of requests for search and seizure.
Za izvršitev zaprosila v skladu s tem členom lahko države članice določijo enake pogoje, kot se uporabljajo v zvezi z zaprosili za preiskavo in zaseg.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
In the case of public non-commercial use, where the government or contractor, without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall be informed promptly;
Ob javni netrgovinski uporabi, če država ali pogodbena stranka brez patentne poizvedbe ve ali ima dokazljivo podlago za to, da ve, da je ali bo veljavni patent uporabila vlada ali bo uporabljen v njenem imenu, je treba imetnika pravice nemudoma obvestiti;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(5) The abstract shall be so drafted that it constitutes an efficient instrument for purposes of searching in the particular technical field particularly by making it possible to assess whether there is a need for consulting the European patent application itself.
(5) Povzetek se sestavi tako, da lahko učinkovito rabi za poizvedbo na določenem tehničnem področju, zlasti pa, da se lahko na njegovi podlagi oceni, ali je potreben vpogled v evropsko patentno prijavo samo.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(2) Where the International Searching Authority makes a declaration, under Article 17(2)(a), that no international search report will be established, the time limit for performing the acts referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be the same as that provided for in paragraph (1).
(2) Kadar ustanova za mednarodno poizvedbo v skladu z drugim odstavkom 17. člena pod (a) izjavi, da ne bo sestavila poročila o mednarodni poizvedbi, je rok za dejanja, navedena v prvem odstavku tega člena, enak roku, določenem v prvem odstavku.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-84
Any Contracting Party may, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, when signing this Convention or depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, reserve the right to make the execution of letters rogatory for search or seizure of property dependent on one or more of the following conditions:
Vsaka pogodbenica si ob podpisu te konvencije ali deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu lahko z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, pridrži pravico, da je ugoditev zaprosilu za preiskavo ali zaseg predmetov odvisna od enega ali več naslednjih pogojev:
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
Letters rogatory for purposes of search and seizure for laundering offences within the scope of this Agreement shall also be admissible provided that the activities making up the precursor offence are punishable under the law of the two Contracting Parties by a penalty involving deprivation of liberty or a detention order of a maximum period of more than six months.
Zaprosila za pravno pomoč pri preiskavi in zasegu zaradi pranja denarja, ki spada v področje uporabe tega sporazuma, so prav tako dopustna pod pogojem, da se dejanja, ki predstavljajo predhodno kršitev, po pravu obeh pogodbenic kaznujejo z najvišjo zagroženo kaznijo odvzema prostosti ali z varnostnim ukrepom omejitve prostosti v trajanju najmanj šest mesecev.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
The Contracting Parties herewith agree and authorise the competent rescue co-ordination centres to make direct arrangements with a view to secure the co-ordination of those search and rescue operations which are carried out in the respective territorial waters, if this is needed by circumstances, in order to provide successful assistance to persons in distress.
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta in pooblaščata pristojna koordinacijska centra za reševanje, da se pri zagotavljanju usklajevanja akcij iskanja in reševanja, ki potekajo v teritorialnem morju posamezne države, neposredno dogovarjata, če je zaradi okoliščin to potrebno, da bi lahko uspešno pomagali osebam v nevarnosti.
9 Končna redakcija
in the search for solutions of how to put to use fats, which are a by-product in the processing of waste parts of potentially 'mad' cows into bone meal, there was a downright serious proposal that it should be used to make soap for less developed countries.
pri iskanju rešitev, kam z maščobami, ki nastanejo pri predelavi klavniških odpadkov potencialno "norih krav" v mesno-kostno moko, je v začetku leta nekdo povsem resno predlagal, da bi jo uporabili pri proizvodnji mila za manj razvite države ...
10 Končna redakcija
Of course, what is implied here is not that tabloids are exempt from the requirements of professional standards, but that they must be able to differentiate between cases in which it is allowable to stretch these standards, because a public personality is involved, and cases in which it is unacceptable. Since royal family members do not divorce every day, and since the most popular singers do not publicly take drugs or beat their partners often enough to fill the pages of the newspapers that live off such events, these newspapers turn to the masses in search of newsworthy stories. As a result, individuals making up the masses attract public attention through personal tragedies, when they come in conflict with the law, or reap an unexpected profit.
To seveda ne pomeni, da je rumeni tisk odvezan vseh poklicnih meril, vendar mora znati ločevati, kdaj smejo biti omiljena, ker gre za javno osebnost, in kdaj ne. In ker se člani kraljevskih družin ne ločujejo vsak dan, ker najpopularnejši pevci ne uživajo drog v javnosti in ne pretepajo partneric dovolj pogosto, da bi to lahko napolnilo časopise, ki živijo od takih novic, morajo pač poiskati zgodbe tudi v množici, kjer si posamezniki »prislužijo« objavo zaradi družinske nesreče, spora z zakonom ali nenadejanega dobička.
11 Pravna redakcija
If the Ombudsman considers that a friendly solution is not possible, or that the search for a friendly solution has been unsuccessful, he either closes the case with a reasoned decision that may include a critical remark or makes a report with draft recommendations.
Če varuh človekovih pravic meni, da sporazumna rešitev ni mogoča ali da iskanje sporazumne rešitve ni bilo uspešno, primer zaključi z utemeljenim sklepom, ki lahko vsebuje kritično oceno, ali pa pripravi poročilo z osnutkom priporočil.
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make a search