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management supervision
1 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
management and supervision of the airport;
upravljanje in nadzor na letališču;
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(4) Affiliated persons shall be a taxable person - resident and a legal person or a person without legal personality who is not resident (hereinafter: foreign person), affiliated in such a way that the resident directly or indirectly participates in the management, supervision or capital of the foreign person, or the foreign person directly or indirectly participates in the management, supervision or capital of the resident, or the same person directly or indirectly participates in the management, supervision or capital either of the resident and foreign person or of two residents.
(4) Za povezani osebi se štejeta zavezanec rezident in pravna oseba ali oseba brez pravne osebnosti, ki ni rezident (v nadaljnjem besedilu: tuja oseba), ki sta povezani tako, da je rezident neposredno ali posredno udeležen v upravljanju, nadzoru ali kapitalu tuje osebe, ali je tuja oseba neposredno ali posredno udeležena v upravljanju, nadzoru ali kapitalu rezidenta, ali je ista oseba neposredno ali posredno udeležena v upravljanju, nadzoru ali kapitalu rezidenta in tuje osebe ali dveh rezidentov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(Harmonisation of works management and expert supervision with law)
(uskladitev opravljanja vodenja del in strokovnega nadzorstva z zakonom)
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
- the inclusion of asset management companies in group-wide supervision,
- vključevanja družb za upravljanje v nadzor na ravni skupine,
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
Project management, internal and external supervision and long-term follow-up of the implementation measures.
vodenje projekta, notranji in zunanji nadzor ter dolgoročno spremljanje izvedenih ukrepov.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Within two years after the entry into force of this Protocol, it will be evaluated under the supervision of the Management Board.
V dveh letih po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola se protokol oceni pod nadzorom upravnega odbora.
8 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The Staff Committee shall participate in the management and supervision of social welfare bodies set up by the Agency in the interests of its staff.
Odbor uslužbencev v interesu uslužbencev sodeluje pri upravljanju in nadzoru organov za socialne zadeve, ki jih ustanovi Agencija.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Management Committee shall be responsible for the current business of the Bank, under the authority of the President and the supervision of the Board of Directors.
(3) Upravni odbor skrbi za tekoče poslovanje banke pod vodstvom predsednika in nadzorom Sveta direktorjev.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Supplementary supervision should cover all financial activities identified by the sectoral financial legislation and all entities principally engaged in such activities should be included in the scope of the supplementary supervision, including asset management companies.
Dopolnilni nadzor bi moral zajemati vse finančne dejavnosti, ki jih opredeljuje zakonodaja posameznega finančnega sektorja, v obseg dopolnilnega nadzora pa bi morale biti zajete vse osebe, ki se pretežno ukvarjajo s temi dejavnostmi, vključno z družbami za upravljanje.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. An authorised engineer shall facilitate the formulation and auditing of plans for whose formulation the individual holds a suitable professional qualification, works management, supervision during the construction of works, the provision of land surveying services pursuant to the provisions of the land surveying activities act and the provision of engineering services for which the authorised engineer has in accordance with the provisions of Article 135 of this act passed a professional examination or a supplementary professional examination.
3. pooblaščenega inženirja omogoča izdelavo in revidiranje tiste vrste načrtov, za katerih izdelavo ima posameznik ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo, vodenje del, opravljanje nadzora pri graditvi objektov, opravljanje geodetskih storitev po določbah zakona o geodetski dejavnosti ter opravljanje tistih inženirskih storitev, za katere ima pooblaščeni inženir v skladu z določbami 135. člena tega zakona opravljen strokovni izpit oziroma dopolnilni strokovni izpit.
12 Objavljeno
A Supervisory Board is obliged to perform its functions of supervision over the operation and the management of the company in compliance with the laws and company's instruments of incorporation.
Nadzorni svet je dolžan izvajati svoje funkcije nadzora nad poslovanjem in vodenjem družbe v skladu z zakoni in ustanovitvenimi akti družbe.
13 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of this provision, the relevant sectoral rules regarding the form and extent of the inclusion of financial institutions (where asset management companies are included in the scope of consolidated supervision of credit institutions and investment firms) and of reinsurance undertakings (where asset management companies are included in the scope of supplementary supervision of insurance undertakings) shall apply mutatis mutandis to asset management companies.
Za namene te določbe ustrezni sektorski predpisi glede oblike in obsega vključevanja finančnih institucij (če so družbe za upravljanje vključene v obseg konsolidiranega nadzora kreditnih institucij in investicijskih družb) in pozavarovalnic (če so družbe za upravljanje premoženja sredstev vključene v dopolnilni nadzor zavarovalnic) se smiselno uporabljajo za družbe za upravljanje.
14 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of supplementary supervision referred to in (b) of the first paragraph, the asset management company shall be treated as part of whichever sector it is included in by virtue of (a) of the first paragraph.
Za namene dopolnilnega nadzora iz (b) prvega odstavka se družbe za upravljanje štejejo za del tistega sektorja, v katerega so vključene zaradi določb iz (a) prvega odstavka.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Construction supervision of the self-managed construction of works may be entrusted to an individual that pursuant to the provisions of this act fulfils the conditions for responsible works management or responsible project design.
(3) Gradbeni nadzor nad gradnjo objektov v lastni režiji se lahko poveri posamezniku, ki po določbah tega zakona izpolnjuje pogoje za odgovorno vodenje del ali odgovorno projektiranje.
16 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Where an asset management company is part of a financial conglomerate, any reference to the notion of regulated entity and any reference to the notion of competent authorities and relevant competent authorities shall therefore, for the purposes of this Directive, be understood as including, respectively, asset management companies and the competent authorities responsible for the supervision of asset management companies.
Če je družba za upravljanje del finančnega konglomerata, se vsak sklic na pojem regulirane osebe in vsak sklic na pojem pristojnih organov in ustreznih pristojnih organov zato za namene te direktive razume, kot da vključuje družbe za upravljanje oziroma pristojne organe, pooblaščene za nadzorovanje družb za upravljanje.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
2. To advise individuals and legal persons that perform activities of construction project design, other project design, the auditing of project documentation, works management and supervision in the construction of works, and land surveying services
2. svetovanje posameznikom in pravnim osebam, ki opravljajo dejavnosti gradbenega in drugega projektiranja, revidiranja projektne dokumentacije, vodenja del in opravljanja nadzora pri graditvi objektov ter geodetskih storitev in
18 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(2) In order to achieve the purpose of this Act, public-private partnership shall be performed in the areas of financing, design, construction, supervision, organisation and management, maintenance and providing the activities referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(2) Za doseganja namena zakona se javno-zasebno partnerstvo izvaja na področju financiranja, projektiranja, izgradnje, nadzora, organizacije in upravljanja, vzdrževanja ter izvajanja dejavnosti iz prejšnjega odstavka.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(a) Persons working in a senior position with an organisation, who primarily direct the management of the establishment, receiving general supervision or direction principally from the board of directors or stockholders of the business or their equivalent, including:
a) osebe na vodilnih položajih v organizaciji, ki zlasti vodijo upravljanje podjetja, pri čemer jih nadzorujejo ali na splošno usmerjajo upravni odbor ali delničarji podjetja ali drug enakovreden organ, pri čemer pristojnost navedenih oseb obsega:
20 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
the same natural persons or the members of their families directly or indirectly hold no less than 25% of the value or number of shares or holdings or voting rights or participate in the supervision or management either of a resident and a foreign person or of two residents.
imajo iste fizične osebe ali njihovi družinski člani neposredno ali posredno v lasti najmanj 25 % vrednosti ali števila delnic ali deležev ali glasovalnih pravic ali so udeleženi v nadzoru ali upravljanju v rezidentu in tuji osebi ali dveh rezidentih.
21 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Until now, there has been no form of prudential supervision on a group-wide basis of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms which are part of such a conglomerate, in particular as regards the solvency position and risk concentration at the level of the conglomerate, the intra-group transactions, the internal risk management processes at conglomerate level, and the fit and proper character of the management.
Doslej ni bilo nobene oblike bonitetnega nadzora na ravni skupine kreditnih institucij, zavarovalnic in investicijskih podjetij, ki so del takih konglomeratov, zlasti glede kapitalskih zahtev in koncentracije tveganja na ravni konglomerata, poslov v skupini, notranjih postopkov upravljanja s tveganji na ravni konglomerata ter ustreznega in pravilnega upravljanja.
22 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
It is further understood that ` bestuurder` or ` commissaris` of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
Prav tako se razume, da »bestuurder« ali »commissaris« nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The Republic of Slovenia shall make available to the Commission all information required for the proper working of the Programme and shall take all suitable action to facilitate the supervision which the Commission considers necessary within the framework of the management of Community financing, including inspections on-the-spot.
Republika Slovenija da Komisiji na voljo vse informacije, potrebne za pravilno delovanje programa, in sprejme vse primerne ukrepe za lažji nadzor, ki je po mnenju Komisije potreben pri upravljanju financiranja Skupnosti, vključno z inšpekcijskimi pregledi na kraju samem.
24 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(3) The affiliated persons referred to in the second paragraph of this Article shall be, in particular, the two persons affiliated in terms of capital, management or supervision in such a way that one person directly or indirectly holds no less than 25% of holdings or shares or voting rights of the other person, or they are affiliated in terms of business, or provided that the same persons or their family members participate in the supervisory or management bodies.
(3) Za povezani osebi iz drugega odstavka tega člena se štejeta zlasti osebi, ki sta povezani v kapitalu, upravljanju ali nadzoru tako, da ima ena oseba neposredno ali posredno v lasti najmanj 25 % deležev ali delnic ali glasovalnih pravic v drugi osebi ali sta poslovno povezani ali če sodelujejo v nadzornih telesih ali upravljanju iste osebe ali njihovi družinski člani.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
It is further understood that “bestuurder” or “commissaris” of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
Prav tako se razume, da “bestuurder” ali “commissaris” nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Construction supervision of the construction of demanding works may only be conducted by an individual that fulfils the conditions for the responsible project designer or a responsible works manager in the construction of demanding works prescribed by this act; construction supervision of the construction of less demanding works may be conducted by an individual that pursuant to the provisions of this act fulfils the conditions for the responsible project design of less demanding works and simple works or for responsible works management.
(2) Gradbeni nadzor nad gradnjami zahtevnih objektov lahko opravlja samo posameznik, ki izpolnjuje s tem zakonom predpisane pogoje za odgovornega projektanta ali odgovornega vodjo del pri gradnji zahtevnih objektov, gradbeni nadzor nad gradnjami manj zahtevnih objektov pa lahko opravlja posameznik, ki po določbah tega zakona izpolnjuje pogoje za odgovorno projektiranje manj zahtevnih in enostavnih objektov ali za odgovorno vodenje del.
27 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) A public-private partnership contractor must inform the public partner of changes concerning the articles of association of the company, of reorganisation of the status of the private partner's company and its members, and of major changes to the structure of the company` s membership, to the management of the company and its supervision.
(1) Izvajalec javno-zasebnega partnerstva mora obvestiti javnega partnerja o spremembah, ki se nanašajo na ustanovitveni akt družbe, statusno preoblikovanje družbe zasebnega partnerja in njegovih članov, na pomembnejše spremembe v strukturi članstva v družbi, na vodenje družbe in na njen nadzor.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The responsible supervisor may appoint assistants (responsible supervisors of individual works) for the execution of individual works in connection with construction supervision. An individual that pursuant to the provisions of this act fulfils the conditions for responsible management of individual works may be a responsible supervisor of individual works.
(3) Odgovorni nadzornik lahko za izvajanje posameznih del, ki so v zvezi z opravljanjem gradbenega nadzora, imenuje svoje pomočnike ? odgovorne nadzornike posameznih del. Odgovorni nadzornik posameznih del je lahko posameznik, ki po določbah tega zakona izpolnjuje pogoje za odgovorno vodenje posameznih del.
29 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the application of the first paragraph, Member States shall provide, or give their competent authorities the power to decide, according to which sectoral rules (banking sector, insurance sector or investment services sector) asset management companies shall be included in the consolidated and/or supplementary supervision referred to in (a) of the first paragraph.
Za izvajanje prvega odstavka države članice zagotovijo ali pooblastijo svoje pristojne organe, da se ti odločijo, po katerih sektorskih predpisih (bančni sektor, sektor zavarovalništva ali sektor naložbenih storitev) se družbe za upravljanje vključijo v konsolidiran in/ali dopolnilni nadzor iz (a) prvega odstavka.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The Council, acting unanimously, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Title VI of the Treaty on European Union, shall adopt implementing rules for data files prepared by the Management Board containing additional details, in particular with regard to the categories of personal data referred to in this Article and the provisions concerning the security of the data concerned and the internal supervision of their use.
Svet soglasno, v skladu s postopkom iz Naslova VI Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, sprejme pravila izvajanja v zvezi s podatkovnimi zbirkami, ki jih pripravi Upravni odbor in ki vsebujejo dodatne podrobnosti, zlasti glede kategorij osebnih podatkov iz tega člena ter določb o varnosti teh podatkov in notranjem nadzoru njihove uporabe.
31 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) The affiliated persons subject to the first paragraph of this Article shall be two residents, provided that they are directly or indirectly affiliated in terms of capital, management or supervision, and one of them either influences or has the possibility of influencing the decision-making process of the other, or provided that there are other relations between the resident and the other person which differ from the relations between unaffiliated persons, in particular relations with a person with a more favourable tax status, and that the transactions concerned would, if there were no such more favourable tax status, be conducted under different conditions.
(2) Za povezani osebi po prvem odstavku tega člena se štejeta rezidenta, če sta neposredno ali posredno povezana v kapitalu, upravljanju ali nadzoru in eden vpliva ali ima možnost vplivati na sprejemanje odločitev drugega, ali če med rezidentom in drugo osebo obstajajo druga razmerja, ki se razlikujejo od razmerij med nepovezanimi osebami, zlasti razmerje z osebo, ki ima ugodnejši davčni položaj, in bi se posli opravili pod drugačnimi pogoji, če ugodnejšega davčnega položaja ne bi bilo.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7. It shall attend to the professional development and independence of construction project design, other project design, the auditing of project documentation, works management and supervision in the construction of works, and land surveying services, shall represent the interests of its members in relation to state bodies, local government bodies and employers, shall, with the aim of ensuring their independence and professional development and of supervising the performance of construction project design, other project design and land surveying services, administer a list of project designers and land surveying companies, and shall provide services for the needs of its members.
7. skrbi za strokovni razvoj in neodvisnost gradbenega in drugega projektiranja, revidiranja projektne dokumentacije, vodenja del in opravljanja nadzora pri graditvi objektov ter geodetskih storitev, zastopa interese svojih članov v razmerju do državnih organov, organov lokalne samouprave in delodajalcev ter z namenom zagotavljanja njihove neodvisnosti in strokovnega razvoja ter nadzora nad opravljanjem dejavnosti gradbenega in drugega projektiranja ter opravljanja geodetske dejavnosti, vodi seznam projektantov in geodetskih podjetij in opravlja storitve za potrebe svojih članov,
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
As an alternative to the deduction of the items referred to in (a) and (b) of the third subparagraph which the insurance undertaking holds in credit institutions, investment firms and financial institutions, Member States may allow their insurance undertakings to apply mutatis mutandis methods 1, 2, or 3 of Annex I to Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate(28). Method 1 (Accounting consolidation) shall only be applied if the competent authority is confident about the level of integrated management and internal control regarding the entities which would be included in the scope of consolidation.
Kot alternativo odbitku postavk iz točk (a) in (b) tretjega pododstavka, ki jih ima zavarovalnica v kreditnih institucijah, investicijskih družbah in finančnih institucijah, lahko države članice svojim zavarovalnicam dovolijo, da smiselno uporabijo metode 1, 2 ali 3 iz Priloge I k Direktivi 2002/87/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 16. decembra o dopolnilnem nadzoru kreditnih institucij, zavarovalnic in investicijskih družb v finančnem konglomeratu [28] Metoda 1 (Računovodska konsolidacija) se uporabi samo, če pristojni organ zaupa v raven integracije upravljanja in notranjih kontrol za osebe, ki bi bile zajete v konsolidacijo.
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
As an alternative to the deduction of the items referred to in (a) and (b) of the fourth subparagraph which the insurance undertaking holds in credit institutions, investment firms and financial institutions, Member States may allow their insurance undertakings to apply mutatis mutandis methods 1, 2, or 3 of Annex I to Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate(22). Method 1 (Accounting consolidation) shall only be applied if the competent authority is confident about the level of integrated management and internal control regarding the entities which would be included in the scope of consolidation.
Kot alternativo odbitku postavk iz točk (a) in (b) četrtega pododstavka, ki jih ima zavarovalnica v kreditnih institucijah, investicijskih družbah in finančnih institucijah, lahko države članice svojim zavarovalnicam dovolijo, da smiselno uporabijo metode 1, 2 ali 3 iz Priloge I k Direktivi 2002/87/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 16. decembra o dopolnilnem nadzoru kreditnih institucij, zavarovalnic in investicijskih družb v finančnem konglomeratu [22] Metoda 1 (Računovodska konsolidacija) se uporabi samo, če pristojni organ zaupa v raven integracije upravljanja in notranjih kontrol za osebe, ki bi bile zajete v konsolidacijo.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
or subject to management supervision by those bodies;
ali za katerega velja upravljalski nadzor s strani teh oseb;
36 Končna redakcija
the application of best practice and regulatory supervision in the management of funds.
uporaba najboljše prakse in regulativni nadzor v upravljanju sredstev.
37 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) The parties to the procedure of supervision of a bank shall also be the members of the management board of the bank.
(2) Stranke postopka nadzora nad banko so tudi člani uprave banke.
38 Končna redakcija
3. supervision of the management and exploitation of natural goods from the viewpoint of environmental protection conditions;
3. nadzor nad upravljanjem in izkoriščanjem naravnih dobrin z vidika okoljevarstvenih pogojev,
39 Končna redakcija
(2) Parties to the supervision procedure of an auditing company shall also be members of the management board of an auditing company.
(2) Stranke postopka nadzora nad revizijsko družbo so tudi člani uprave revizijske družbe.
40 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) The reports and information under the first paragraph of this article may be required by the Bank of Slovenia also from the members of the management board of the subject of supervision and persons employed by the subject of supervision.
(2) Poročila in informacije iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko Banka Slovenije zahteva tudi od članov uprave subjekta nadzora in oseb, zaposlenih pri subjektu nadzora.
Prevodi: en > sl
management supervision