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mandatory exception
1 Končna redakcija
(1) In accordance with the principle of mandatory action, in times of ecological accident or damage to the environment, the Minister may demand from the party responsible or the competent authority the mandatory rehabilitation, reestablishment, or the restitution of previous conditions, urgent intervention, and the introduction of exceptional measures for protection, with the consent of the Minister responsible for the protection of individual natural goods, the Minister responsible for health, and in cases requiring civil defense and rescue measures the consent of the Minister responsible for civil defense and rescue.
(1) Ministrstvo skladno z načelom obveznega ukrepanja ob ekoloških nesrečah ali poškodbah okolja odredi povzročitelju ali pristojni službi obvezno sanacijo, vzpostavitev novega ali nadomestitev prejšnjega stanja, nujno intervencijo in uvedbo izjemnih ukrepov za varovanje, in sicer v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za varovanje posamezne naravne dobrine, in ministrom, pristojnim za zdravstvo, o uporabi ukrepov za zaščito in reševanje, pa tudi v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za zaščito in reševanje.
2 Pravna redakcija
NOTE In exceptional cases, where the traffic flow between two units is unidirectional, the mandatory messages may be applicable in only one direction.
OPOMBA V izjemnih primerih, kadar prometni tok med enotama ni vsesmeren, se lahko obvezna sporočila uporabijo samo v eni smeri.
3 Pravna redakcija
If a mandatory requirement is not satisfied, exception information must be supplied, by entering a reference X, where is a unique identifier, to an accompanying rationale for the non-compliance.
Če ni izpolnjena obvezna zahteva, se mora zagotoviti informacija o izjemnem primeru z vnosom sklica X, pri čemer je enotni identifikator, ki spremlja utemeljitev te neskladnosti.
4 Pravna redakcija
The protocols and packet formats defined in this Eurocontrol Standard Document are a compatible subset of those of the ST-ICD with the exception that this Eurocontrol Standard makes more detailed requirements on the use of the X.25 PLP, includes mandatory support of the M-bit and corrects the inconsistent specification of the Authority and Format Identifier (AFI) value in the Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address.
Protokoli in paketni formati, opredeljeni v tem Eurocontrolovem standardnem dokumentu, so združljivi s skupino ST-ICD, razen da ta Eurocontrolov standard postavlja podrobnejše zahteve glede uporabe protokola paketnega sloja X.25, vključuje obvezno podporo M- bita in popravlja neskladno specifikacijo vrednosti identifikatorja uprave in formata (AFI) v naslovu dostopne točke omrežne storitve (NSAP).
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0500
Reports will contain five types of message, decribed in points A, B, C, D and E. All messages are mandatory, with the exception of that in point D.
Poročila vsebujejo pet vrst obvestil, ki so opisana v točkah A, B, C, D in E. Vsa obvestila, z izjemo tistega pod točko D, so obvezna.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0500
Reports will contain five types of message, described in points A, B, C, D and E. All messages are mandatory, with the exception of that in point D.
Poročila vsebujejo pet vrst obvestil, ki so opisana v točkah A, B, C, D in E. Vsa obvestila z izjemo tistega pod točko D so obvezna.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0025
The Regulations referred to in this Annex are supplemented by the mandatory provisions contained in Part A of the STCW Code with the exception of Chapter VIII, Regulation VIII/2.
Pravila, navedena v tej prilogi, so dopolnjena z obveznimi določbami, ki jih vsebuje del A Kodeksa STCW, razen poglavja VIII, Pravilo VIII/2.
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mandatory exception