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market failure
1 Končna redakcija
Measures should be focused on risk capital market failure.
Ukrepi morajo biti osredotočeni na nepopolnost trga tveganega kapitala.
2 Končna redakcija
»Some form of market failure must lie at the heart of any concept of public service broadcasting.
»Some form of market failure must lie at the heart of any concept of public service broadcasting.
3 Končna redakcija
The Commission believes that these factors can cause a market failure which would justify State aid.
Komisija meni, da lahko navedeni dejavniki povzročijo tržno nepopolnost, ki bi upravičevala državno pomoč.
4 Končna redakcija
Indeed, the Commission believes that there is no general risk capital market failure in the Community(27).
Komisija meni, da na trgu Skupnosti ni splošne nepopolnosti trga tveganega kapitala [27].
5 Končna redakcija
A market failure can be defined as a situation in which economic efficiency is not achieved owing to imperfections in the market mechanism.
Tržno nepopolnost je mogoče opredeliti kot razmere, v katerih gospodarska učinkovitost ni dosežena zaradi pomanjkljivosti v tržnem mehanizmu.
6 Končna redakcija
Where it is recognised that there is a market failure, the Commission will examine whether any State aid measure is proportionate to the presumed market failure it is devised to meet, and will seek to ensure that any distortion is minimised.
Če se ugotovi, da obstaja tržna nepopolnost, bo Komisija preučila, ali je državna pomoč sorazmerna z domnevno tržno nepopolnostjo, ki naj bi jo rešila, in bo skušala zagotoviti, da bodo morebitna izkrivljanja čim manjša.
7 Končna redakcija
The fact that requests for finance, both debt and equity, have been turned down is not in itself an indication of market failure.
Dejstvo, da so bile prošnje za financiranje s posojili in lastniškim kapitalom zavrnjene, samo po sebi ni pokazatelj tržne nepopolnosti.
8 Končna redakcija
This is because for small transactions the argument that market failure exists through high transaction costs is more persuasive.
Tako je zaradi tega, ker je za majhne transakcije utemeljitev, da visoki stroški transakcije povzročajo tržno nepopolnost, bolj prepričljiva.
9 Končna redakcija
The externalities involved in training and research and development activity result in a market failure which justifies State aid in those areas.
Zunanji vplivi izobraževanja ter raziskovalne in razvojne dejavnosti se pokažejo v tržni nepopolnosti, ki upravičuje državno pomoč na teh področjih.
10 Končna redakcija
The Commission will require provision of evidence of market failure where the ceilings for transaction sizes set out in paragraph VI.5 are exceeded.
Komisija bo zahtevala dokaze o tržni nepopolnosti, če bodo presežene zgornje meje za velikosti transakcij iz odstavka VI.5.
11 Končna redakcija
The fact that owing to the existence of a market failure no investors would otherwise make such investments, is not of itself sufficient to rebut the presumption of advantage.
Dejstvo, da zaradi obstoja tržne nepopolnosti investitorji sicer ne bi izvedli takšnih naložb, samo po sebi ne zadostuje za to, da bi lahko ovrglo domnevo o ugodnosti.
12 Končna redakcija
The Commission will therefore require provision of evidence of market failure before being prepared to authorise risk capital measures which fall outside the scope of existing rules.
Komisija bo torej zahtevala predložitev dokazov o tržni nepopolnosti, preden bo pripravljena odobriti ukrepe v zvezi s tveganim kapitalom, ki ne sodijo na področje uporabe obstoječih pravil.
13 Končna redakcija
Once market failure has been established, the Commission will examine the following elements in the assessment of a risk capital measure under the State aid provisions of the Treaty:
Če se ugotovi tržna nepopolnost, Komisija preuči naslednje elemente pri ocenjevanju ukrepa v zvezi s tveganim kapitalom na podlagi določb o državni pomoči iz Pogodbe:
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0785
In exceptional cases of insurance-market failure, the Commission may determine, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 9(2), the appropriate measures for the application of paragraph 1.
V izjemnem primeru zloma zavarovalniškega trga lahko Komisija v skladu s postopkom iz člena 9(2) določi ustrezne ukrepe za uporabo odstavka 1.
15 Končna redakcija
The fact that a market failure is recognised does not however alter the aid character of a particular measure, nor the need to assess its compatibility, in particular under the provisions of section VIII.
Dejstvo, da se priznava nepopolnost trga, pa ne spremeni niti narave pomoči določenega ukrepa niti potrebe po ugotavljanju združljivosti pomoči, zlasti na podlagi določb iz oddelka VIII.
16 Končna redakcija
A market failure may manifest itself either in the inability of the system to produce goods which are wanted (in this case a risk capital market), or by a misallocation of resources, which could be improved in such a way that some consumers would be better off and none worse off.
Tržna nepopolnost se lahko kaže v nesposobnosti sistema, da bi proizvedel želene dobrine (v tem primeru trg tveganega kapitala) ali v neprimerni porazdelitvi sredstev, ki bi jo bilo mogoče izboljšati tako, da bi bili nekateri potrošniki v boljšem položaju, nihče pa ne bi bil v slabšem.
17 Končna redakcija
There are two main sources of market failure relevant to risk capital markets which particularly affect access to capital by SMEs and companies at the early stages of their development and which may justify public intervention:
Na možnosti dostopa do kapitala za mala in srednje velika podjetja in podjetja v zgodnjih fazah razvoja vplivata dva glavna vira nepopolnosti trga, ki sta pomembna za trge tveganega kapitala in lahko upravičujeta javno intervencijo:
18 Končna redakcija
As economic theory predicts that markets will usually fail in some sense except under conditions of perfect competition, the term market failure is reserved for cases where it is believed that a serious misallocation of resources has occurred.
Ker ekonomska teorija predvideva, da bodo običajno trgi v nekem smislu nepopolni, kadar niso izpolnjene predpostavke popolne konkurence, je izraz tržna nepopolnost rezerviran za primere, v katerih naj bi prišlo do hudo napačne razporeditve sredstev.
19 Končna redakcija
Provided, however, that the advantage is limited to the amount necessary to overcome the factors which cause market failure, it may be considered compatible with the Treaty, where it meets the principles described in section VIII below, because of its limited effect.
Če pa je ugodnost omejena na znesek, potreben za premostitev dejavnikov, ki povzročajo tržne nepopolnosti, se lahko šteje za združljivo s Pogodbo, če izpolnjuje načela, opisana v oddelku VIII spodaj, zaradi svojega omejenega vpliva.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
Funds should be large enough and cover a wide enough target population to ensure that their operations are potentially economically viable, with a time scale for investments compatible with the period of the Structural Funds' participation, and focusing on areas of market failure.
Skladi naj bodo dovolj veliki in naj pokrivajo dovolj veliko ciljno populacijo za zagotovitev, da so njihove dejavnosti potencialno ekonomsko uspešne, s terminskim načrtom, ki je združljiv s časom sodelovanja strukturnih skladov, in se osredotočajo na območja s tržnimi pomanjkljivostmi.
21 Končna redakcija
Restriction to smaller transaction sizes (that is to say, below EUR 500000 or EUR 750000 in regions qualifying for assistance under Article 87(3)(c) or EUR 1 million in regions qualifying for assistance under Article 87(3)(a)) or to a given level of demonstrated market failure will also be regarded as a positive element.
Omejitve na manjše transakcije (to pomeni pod 500000 EUR ali 750000 EUR v regijah, ki so upravičene do pomoči na podlagi člena 87(3)(c), ali 1 milijon EUR v regijah, ki so upravičene do pomoči na podlagi člena 87(3)(a)) ali na določeno stopnjo dokazane tržne nepopolnosti se tudi štejejo kot pozitivni element.
22 Končna redakcija
In effect, the investors are being offered more advantageous terms to compensate them for the factors which cause market failure, and the Commission considers that such compensation must be considered as an advantage, which will constitute aid if the investors are enterprises and if the other conditions described above, notably selectivity, are met.
Dejansko so investitorjem ponujeni ugodnejši pogoji za to, da odtehtajo dejavnike, ki povzročajo tržne nepopolnosti, in Komisija meni, da je takšno nadomestilo treba šteti kot ugodnost, ki lahko predstavlja pomoč, če so investitorji podjetja in če so izpolnjeni drugi zgoraj opisani pogoji, zlasti selektivnost.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Pharmacovigilance and, more generally, market surveillance and sanctions in the event of failure to comply with the provisions should be stepped up.
V primeru neizpolnjevanja teh predpisov je treba okrepiti farmakovigilanco in, na splošno, tržni nadzor in sankcije.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Pharmacovigilance and, more generally, market surveillance and sanctions in the event of failure to comply with the provisions should be stepped up.
Farmakovigilanco ter, v širšem smislu, spremljanje trga in kazni za nespoštovanje določb je treba poostriti.
25 Končna redakcija
In addition, however, the Commission has recognised "a role for public funding of risk capital measures limited to addressing identifiable market failures"(5).
Poleg tega pa se Komisija tudi zaveda, da je "vloga javnega financiranja ukrepov v zvezi s tveganim kapitalom omejena na odpravljanje opaznih tržnih nepopolnosti" [5].
26 Končna redakcija
As was stated above (I.7), the Commission has recognised "a role for public funding of risk capital measures limited to addressing identifiable market failures".
Kakor je navedeno zgoraj (I.7), se Komisija zaveda, da je "vloga javnega financiranja tveganega kapitala omejena na odpravljanje opaznih tržnih nepopolnosti".
27 Končna redakcija
»Focusing on a particular segment of the audience in a market of this size, no matter how large that segment may be in principle, would doom every television station to failure.
»Na trgu takšne velikosti, kot je Slovenija, televizija, ki bi se omejila na določen segment občinstva - pa če je ta načelno še tako širok - ne more uspeti.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0444
The duration of the exclusion of the processor from the aid scheme shall be not less than one marketing year and shall be determined by the Member States having regard to the seriousness of the failure.
Trajanje izključitve predelovalca iz sistema pomoči ni krajše od enega tržnega leta in ga države članice določijo ob upoštevanju resnosti napake.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Failure to provide information on efficiencies will not be taken to imply that the proposed concentration does not create efficiencies or that the rationale for the concentration is to increase market power.
Če podatki o povečani učinkovitosti niso podani, to ne pomeni, da predlagana koncentracija ne ustvarja povečane učinkovitosti ali da je namen koncentracije povečanje tržne moči.
30 Končna redakcija
The appropriate institutional arrangements will vary depending on the degree of market integration achieved and the potential failures to be addressed, including in the performance of existing national regulators.
Ustrezne institucionalne ureditve se bodo razlikovale glede na stopnjo doseženega tržnega povezovanja in možne napake, ki jih je treba odpraviti, vključujoč tiste pri delovanju sedanjih nacionalnih zakonodajalcev.
31 Končna redakcija
In their opinion, the market is the only criterion for measuring professionalism, because it is the readers and the viewers who sanction obvious failures to provide truthful information, as well as deceptions and low quality writing.
Po njihovem je trg edino merilo profesionalnosti, saj bralci in gledalci pač sami kaznujejo očitne neresnice, slabo pisanje in prevare.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
In cases of failure to fulfil a condition attached to the decision declaring a concentration compatible with the common market, the situation rendering the concentration compatible with the common market does not materialise and the concentration, as implemented, is therefore not authorised by the Commission.
Pri neizpolnjevanju pogojev, priloženih odločbi, ki sicer razglašajo koncentracijo za skladno s skupnim trgom, združljivosti koncentracije s skupnim trgom ni in Komisija ne odobri izvedene koncentracije.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0648
Failure to pass the inherent biodegradability test would indicate potential for persistency which may be considered, in general terms, as sufficient to prohibit the placing on the market of such a surfactant except in cases where the criteria set out in Article 6 indicate that there is no justification for refusing a derogation.
Neuspešen preskus inherentne biorazgradljivosti bi nakazal možnost obstojnosti, kar se na splošno lahko upošteva kot zadosten razlog za prepoved dajanja v promet takšne površinsko aktivne snovi, razen v primerih, v katerih merila, določena v členu 6, navajajo, da ni razloga za zavrnitev odstopanja.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Whereas, to achieve this aim, it is necessary to include rules for the monitoring of conservation and resource management measures, structural measures and measures on the common organization of the market, and certain provisions to deal with failure to carry out these measures, which must apply to the entire fisheries sector from the producer to the consumer;
ker so za dosego tega cilja potrebni predpisi za spremljanje ukrepov za ohranitev in upravljanje virov, strukturni ukrepi in ukrepi za skupno tržno ureditev ter nekatere določbe za ravnanje ob neizvajanju teh ukrepov, kar mora veljati za celotni ribiški sektor od proizvajalca do potrošnika;
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Furthermore, in order to create greater legal certainty it is necessary to define the responsibilities regarding the transparency rules for the Agency's work, to set certain conditions for the marketing of medicinal products authorised by the Community, to confer on the Agency powers to monitor the distribution of medicinal products authorised by the Community and to specify the sanctions and the procedures for implementing them in the event of failure to observe the provisions of this Regulation and the conditions contained in the authorisations granted under the procedures it establishes.
Da bi poleg tega dosegli večjo pravno varnost, je treba opredeliti odgovornosti glede pravil transparentnosti pri delu agencije, postaviti nekatere pogoje za trženje zdravil, ki jih odobri Skupnost, pooblastiti agencijo za spremljanje distribucije zdravil, ki jih odobri Skupnost, navesti kazni in postopke za njihovo izvajanje, če se ne upoštevajo določbe te uredbe, ter pogoje, vsebovane v izdanih dovoljenjih za promet po postopkih, ki jih vzpostavlja.
36 Končna redakcija
In February 2003, the Securities Market Agencyfocused its attention on media takeovers, particularly the purchase of 25 percent of Delo shares by Pivovarna Laško. As a result, in July 2003 the Agency sent a letter to the Prime Minister drawing his attention to a failure to comply with the provisions of the Mergers and Acquisitions Actrelating to the acquisition of shares via indirect ownership stakes in the media. The Agency, therefore, proposed that the Mass Media Act should be amended in such a way that the Agency would be authorised to revise the related persons' transactions and their ownership links.
Februarja 2003 je medijske prevzeme, predvsem nakup 25 odstotkov delnic Dela s strani pivovarne Laško, vzela pod drobnogled tudi agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev,ki je junija 2003 v pismu predsedniku vlade opozorila na neupoštevanje določb zakona o prevzemih pri pridobivanju lastniških deležev ali delnic družb preko posrednega lastništva v medijih. atvp je zato predlagala, naj se pripravijo spremembe Zmed, da bi imela agencija pristojnosti pri pregledovanju poslovanja povezanih oseb in njihovih lastniških povezav.
37 Pravna redakcija
Failure to comply in connection with landing and marketing of fishery products
Neizpolnjevanje pravil v zvezi z iztovarjanjem in trženjem ribiških proizvodov
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22004D0011
Whereas Liechtenstein and its national regulatory authority shall make all reasonable endeavours to apply the provisions of this Directive, the assessment of their compliance shall take due account of the specific situation of Liechtenstein and the particular circumstances of its very small telecommunications network, its market structure, its limited number of customers, its market potential and the possibility of market failure.
Ker si Lihtenštajn in njegov nacionalni regulativni organ v največji meri prizadevata za uporabo določb te direktive, se pri oceni njune skladnosti ustrezno upošteva specifični položaj Lihtenštajna in določene okoliščine njegovega zelo majhnega telekomunikacijskega omrežja, njegovo tržno strukturo, omejeno število uporabnikov, tržni potencial in možnost tržnega neuspeha.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
Funds should be large enough and cover a wide enough target population to ensure that their operations are potentially economically viable, with a time scale for investments compatible with the period of the Structural Funds' participation, and focusing on areas of market failure.
Skladi naj bodo dovolj veliki in naj pokrivajo dovolj veliko ciljno populacijo, da se zagotovi potencialno ekonomsko uspešnost njihove aktivnosti, s terminskim načrtom, ki je združljiv s časovno dimenzijo sodelovanja strukturnih skladov in se osredotoča na območja tržnega neuspeha.
40 Pravna redakcija
Where three multiannual contracts or more at the same time are affected by a failure to deliver the minimum quantity for a marketing year, the producer organisation in question shall be barred from signing further multiannual contracts from the time such failure is noted.
Kadar neuspešna dobava najmanjše količine za tržno leto hkrati prizadene tri večletne pogodbe ali več, se zadevni organizaciji proizvajalcev prepove podpisati nadaljnje večletne pogodbe od trenutka, ko se takšna neuspešnost opazi.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2111
The duration of the prohibition shall be not less than two marketing years and shall be determined by the Member States having regard to the seriousness of the failure.
Prepoved traja vsaj dve tržni leti, njeno trajanje pa določijo države članice na podlagi resnosti kršitve.
42 Pravna redakcija
except in the case of bankruptcy of the processor, failure to deliver a product for one of the marketing years under contract shall be considered a cancellation of the contract in question.
razen v primeru bankrota predelovalca velja neuspešna dobava proizvoda v enem od tržnih let po pogodbi za preklic zadevne pogodbe.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2111
Failure to deliver a product for one of the marketing years under a multiannual contract shall be deemed a cancellation of the contract in question, except in the case of bankruptcy of the processor.
Razen v primeru stečaja predelovalca se nedobava proizvoda v enem od tržnih let, na katera se nanaša večletna pogodba, šteje za odpoved zadevne pogodbe.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Failure to take definitive measures in the present proceeding would aggravate the already deteriorating situation of the Community industry, marked by losses and a consequential slowdown of investment.
Če se v tem postopku ne sprejmejo dokončni ukrepi, se bo že tako slab položaj industrije Skupnosti še poslabšal in bo zaznamovan z izgubami in posledičnim zmanjšanjem naložb.
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market failure