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master netting agreement
1 Pravna redakcija
2 Pravna redakcija
Master Netting Agreement governed by French law
Vzorčni sporazum o neto poravnavi po francoskem pravu
3 Pravna redakcija
Master Netting Agreement governed by German law
Vzorčni sporazum o neto poravnavi po nemškem pravu
4 Pravna redakcija
Master Netting Agreement governed by English law
Vzorčni sporazum o neto poravnavi po angleškem pravu
5 Pravna redakcija
Master Netting Agreement governed by New York law
Vzorčni sporazum o neto poravnavi po newyorškem pravu
6 Pravna redakcija
There shall be in place with every counterparty a master netting agreement in one of the forms attached as Annex 2 to this Guideline.
Z vsako sodelujočo stranko se sklene eden izmed vzorčnih sporazumov o neto poravnavah, ki so dodani k tej smernici kot Priloga 2.
7 Pravna redakcija
If and to the extent that any provisions of the Agreement (other than the provisions of this annex) or the ECB Master Netting Agreement dated as of [date] (the Master Netting Agreement) between the ECB and the Counterparty, including any other supplemental terms and conditions, annex or schedule to the Agreement, contain provisions inconsistent with or to the same or similar effect as the provisions of this Annex, the provisions of this Annex shall prevail and apply in place of those provisions.
Če in kolikor katera koli določba sporazuma (razen določb te priloge) ali vzorčnega sporazuma ECB o neto poravnavi, sklenjenega datum (vzorčni sporazum ECB o neto poravnavi) med ECB in sodelujočo stranko, vključno s katerim koli dodatnim pogojem, prilogo ali dodatkom k sporazumu, vsebuje določbe, ki niso v skladu z določbami te priloge ali tistimi z enako ali podobno veljavnostjo, prevladajo določbe te priloge in se uporabljajo namesto njih.
8 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
If it is necessary to constitute all transactions under the agreement as a single contractual arrangement and/or to constitute the agreement as a master agreement in order to allow effective close-out and termination netting, such provision should be included.
Če je treba vse posle po pogodbi združiti v enotno pogodbeno ureditev ("single contract arrangement") in/ali skleniti okvirno pogodbo, da bi se omogočil pobot ob zaključku in ob odstopu od posla ("close-out nad termination netting"), je treba tako ureditev sprejeti.
9 Pravna redakcija
The purpose of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is to ensure that the ECB is able to net all existing positions under all outstanding transactions made between the ECB and the Counterparty, regardless of any agent or agents authorised to act on behalf of the ECB through whom the transactions giving rise to those positions may have been effected, including the central bank of any Member State of the European Union which has adopted the euro as its currency, and regardless of which office (including the head office and all branches) of the Counterparty may be involved in such transactions, and after taking into account the effect of any existing netting provisions in master or other agreements between the ECB and the Counterparty and/or provisions of mandatory law that operate with similar effect that may apply to certain of such transactions.
Namen tega sporazuma (v nadaljevanju "sporazum") je zagotoviti, da ECB lahko poravna vse obstoječe pozicije v okviru vseh neporavnanih transakcij, opravljenih med ECB in sodelujočo stranko ne glede na kateregakoli zastopnika ali zastopnike, pooblaščene za nastopanje v imenu ECB, ki so lahko vplivali na transakcije, iz katerih izhajajo te pozicije, vključujoč katerokoli državo članico Evropske unije, ki je sprejela evro za svojo valuto, ter ne glede na to, katera organizacijska enota (vključno s sedežem in vsemi podružnicami) sodelujoče stranke je lahko vključena v takšne transakcije, in ob upoštevanju veljavnosti katerihkoli obstoječih določb v vzorčnih ali drugih sporazumih med ECB in sodelujočo stranko in/ali določb veljavne zakonodaje s podobnim učinkom, ki se lahko uporabijo za nekatere od takšnih transakcij.
Prevodi: en > sl
master netting agreement