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measuring device
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0085
Measuring device
Merilna naprava
2 Pravna redakcija
Measuring device and calculating device
Merilna in računska naprava
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
The consumer shall have the right to install a measuring device at his/her own cost, if technically possible.
Potrošnik pa ima pravico, da se mu na njegove stroške omogoči vgraditev ustreznega merilnika, če tehnične možnosti to omogočajo.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
(b) The natural frequency and the damping of the measuring device must be such that the instruments showing and recording the speed can, within the range of measurement, follow acceleration changes of up to 2 m/s 2, within the limits of accepted tolerances.
b) Lastna frekvenca in dušenje merilnika morata biti taka, da inštrumenti za prikazovanje in zapisovanje hitrosti v merilnem območju pri pospeških do 2 m/s 2 ne prekoračijo mej dovoljenih odstopanj.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP . l. RS, št. MP.2006-73
transfer of measuring data of the devices of the Aerosol Measuring System (hereinafter referred to as AMS), owned by the Republic of Slovenia and located in Ljubljana and at Krško/NPP from SNSA to BMLFUW;
1.1 prenos merskih podatkov iz naprav merilnega sistema aerosolov (v nadaljevanju MSA), ki je v lasti Republike Slovenije, nameščenih v Ljubljani in NE Krško, iz URSJV v BMLFUW;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
(b) Mercury-containing measuring devices such as thermometers, manometers, barometers, pressure gauges, pressure switches and pressure transmitters (actions taken include a ban on mercury-containing thermometers and ban on measuring instruments);
(b) za merilne naprave, ki vsebujejo živo srebro, kot so termometri, manometri, barometri, merilniki tlaka, tlačna stikala in prenosniki tlaka (sprejeti ukrepi vključujejo prepoved termometrov in merilnih inštrumentov, ki vsebujejo živo srebro);
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP . l. RS, št. MP.2006-73
2.1 The Contracting Parties agree to extend the existing on-line and real-time exchange of AMS measuring data between Slovenia and Austria to the data of the AMS devices in Ljubljana and at Krško/NPP.
2.1 Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se obstoječa avtomatska računalniška izmenjava in izmenjava merskih podatkov MSA med Slovenijo in Avstrijo v realnem času razširita tudi na podatke iz naprav MSA v Ljubljani in Krškem, NEK.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
On an unallowable construction under an inspection measure the relevant building inspector may in an appropriate manner indicate the prohibition of further construction or use and of connection to public infraworks, and may erect signs for sealing, and measuring and other control devices and equipment with which it is possible to discover breaches of the prohibitions introduced via the inspection measure.
Na nedovoljeni gradnji pod inšpekcijskim ukrepom lahko pristojni gradbeni inšpektor na ustrezen način označi prepoved nadaljevanja gradnje oziroma uporabe, priključevanja na gospodarsko javno infrastrukturo ter postavi ustrezne znake za pečatenje ter merilne in druge kontrolne naprave in opremo, s katerimi je mogoče ugotavljati kršitev prepovedi, izrečenih z inšpekcijsko odločbo.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
he shall by decision order a violator by action or by desisting action to rectify the deficiency or irregularity, temporarily confiscate a license, authority, /confirmation/ or work permit or other document of conformity, place a ban on the flight of an aircraft taking place if its taking place would be hazardous for air traffic or if he finds that compulsory insurance in transport has not been concluded or covered to the prescribed amount, declare a temporary ban on performing work or activity if the further performance of the work or activity would clearly be a hazard to air traffic, require an exceptional check of professional or health capacity of /aircrew/ and other professional personnel, order a test with means or devices for measuring alcohol or order an expert examination, issue a payment order for a fine at the place of violation in cases determined by law or government ordinance issued on its basis.
kršitelju z odločbo odredi, da z dejanjem ali z opustitvijo dejanja odpravi pomanjkljivosti ali nepravilnosti, 2. začasno odvzame licenco, pooblastilo, potrdilo oziroma dovoljenje za delo ali drugo listino o ustreznosti, 3. izreče prepoved izvršitve leta zrakoplova, če bi bila njegova izvršitev nevarna za zračni promet, ali če ugotovi da obvezna zavarovanja v prometu niso sklenjena ali krita v predpisani višini, 4. izreče začasno prepoved opravljanja dela ali dejavnosti, če bi bilo nadaljnje opravljanje dela ali dejavnosti očitno nevarno za zračni promet, 5. zahteva izredno preveritev strokovne ali zdravstvene sposobnosti letalskega osebja in drugega strokovnega osebja, 6. odredi preizkus s sredstvi ali napravami za merjenje alkohola oziroma napoti na strokovni pregled, 7. izda plačilni nalog za denarno kazen na kraju prekrška, v primerih, ki jih določa ta zakon ali uredba vlade, izdana na njegovi podlagi.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Rr = Receiver, observer or measuring device.
Rr sprejemnik, opazovalec ali merilna naprava.
11 Pravna redakcija
Suction device/volume measuring device
Sesalna naprava/naprava za merjenje prostornine
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Temperature measuring device
Naprava za merjenje temperature
13 Končna redakcija
The headform shall be fitted with 2 decelerometers and a speed measuring device, all capable of measuring values in the direction of impact.
Udarna glava je opremljena z dvema napravama za merjenje pojemka in z napravo za merjenje hitrosti, s katerimi je mogoče meriti vrednosti v smeri udarca.
14 Pravna redakcija
Thermometric measuring device.
Termometrska merilna naprava
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0033
A supplementary device (star, disc with a reference mark, etc.) may be added in order to show the movement of the measuring device before this becomes clearly visible on the indicator.
Doda se lahko dodatna naprava (zvezda, kolut z referenčno oznako itd.), ki kaže gibanje merilne naprave, preden postane jasno vidno.
16 Končna redakcija
This Directive shall apply to cold-water meters, which are integrating measuring instruments for continuously determining the volume of water (and no other liquid) passing through them, and which comprise a measuring device linked to an indicating device.
Ta direktiva velja za vodomere za hladno vodo, ki so integrirni merilni instrumenti za zvezno merjenje prostornine vode (in ne kakšne druge tekočine), ki preteče skoznje in ki vsebujejo merilec, povezan s kazalno napravo.
17 Pravna redakcija
Field strength measuring device
Naprava za merjenje poljske jakosti
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1269
A sufficient number of locations must be used to give a representative average inlet temperature. The air flow must not be disturbed by the measuring device.
Za določitev reprezentančne povprečne temperature vsesanega zraka je potrebno zadostno število merilnih mest. Merila naprava ne sme motiti toka zraka.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
The measuring chamber shall be equipped with appropriate devices for measuring the temperature.
Merilna komora mora biti opremljena z ustreznimi napravami za merjenje temperature.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
If the total sample mass of particulates (MSAM) and gaseous pollutants exceeds 0,5 % of the total CVS flow (MTOTW), the CVS flow shall be corrected for MSAM or the particulate sample flow shall be returned to the CVS prior to the flow measuring device (PDP or CFV).
Če skupna masa vzorca delcev (MSAM) in plinastih snovi, ki onesnažujejo, presega 0,5 % skupnega pretoka CVS (MTOTW), se pretok CVS korigira za MSAM ali pa se pretok vzorca delcev vrne na CVS pred napravo za merjenje pretoka (PDP ali CFV).
21 Končna redakcija
The opacimeter shall be equipped with appropriate devices for measuring the pressure in the smoke chamber.
Merilnik motnosti naj bo opremljen z ustreznimi napravami za merjenje tlaka v dimni komori.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
Full-hose measuring systems are, in the case of delivery equipment, measuring systems whose point of transfer consists of a dosing device situated in the delivery pipework.
Merilni sistemi polnih cevi so pri opremi za dovajanje merilni sistemi, pri katerih točko prenosa sestavlja zapiralna naprava v dovodnem cevovodu.
23 Končna redakcija
The opacimeter shall be equipped with appropriate devices for measuring the temperature in the smoke chamber.
Merilnik motnosti naj bo opremljen z ustreznimi pripravami za merjenje temperature v dimni komori.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
A sight-glass is a device for checking that all or part of the measuring system is completely full of liquid.
Okence je element za preverjanje, ali je ves merilni sistem ali njegov del v celoti napolnjen s tekočino.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
The metrological characteristics of a measuring instrument shall not be influenced in any inadmissible way by the connection to it of another device, by any feature of the connected device itself or by any remote device that communicates with the measuring instrument.
Na meroslovne lastnosti merilnega instrumenta se ne sme nedopustno vplivati s priključevanjem druge naprave, z nobeno lastnostjo priključene naprave ali s katero koli drugo oddaljeno napravo, ki komunicira z merilnim instrumentom.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
In measuring systems designed for minimum deliveries of less than 10 m3, such devices shall operate automatically.
V merilnih sistemih, ki so predvideni za najmanjši dotok pod 10 m3, morajo takšne naprave obratovati samodejno.
27 Pravna redakcija
Adjustment of volume-measuring device
Namestitev naprave za merjenje prostornine
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
"measuring instrument" means any device or system with a measurement function that is covered by Articles 1 and 3;
"merilni instrument" pomeni katero koli napravo ali sistem, ki ima merilne funkcije iz obsega členov 1 in 3;
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
Measuring systems shall be installed in such a manner that the indicating device is clearly visible under normal conditions of use.
Merilni sistem je treba namestiti tako, da je kazalna naprava v normalnih okoliščinah uporabe jasno vidna.
30 Končna redakcija
Measuring systems shall incorporate a device upstream of the meters, intended to collect solid impurities from the liquids (filter).
Merilni sistemi morajo imeti nad pretočnimi merili napravo za zbiranje trdnih nečistoč iz tekočin (filter).
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1269
A measurement time of not less than 60 seconds must be used when measuring speed or fuel consumption with a manually operated device.
Pri merjenju števila vrtljajev ali porabe goriva z ročno napravo, mora čas merjenja trajati najmanj 60 sekund.
32 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
3.8 For Level 1, only the FIBA approved test device for measuring the correct height and the rebound/elasticity of the ring may be used.
3.8 Za nivo 1 se lahko uporablja le obroče, ki so bili pregledani z napravami za merjenje pravilne višine in odbojnosti/prožnosti , ki jih je odobrila FIBA.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
A pressure maintenance device located downstream of the meter shall ensure that the product is in a liquid state inside the meter during the measuring process.
Naprava za vzdrževanje tlaka pod pretočnim merilom mora zagotavljati, da je izdelek med merjenjem v tekočem stanju.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
When a closing device is placed downstream of this device, the volume of the space between them shall be as small as possible and in any case less than the maximum permissible error for the minimum delivery of the measuring system.
Če je zapiralna naprava nameščena pod to napravo, mora biti prostornina prostora med njima čim manjša, vsekakor pa manjša od največje dopustne napake za najmanjšo količino merjenja merilnega sistema.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
"sub-assembly" means a hardware device, mentioned as such in the specific annexes, that functions independently and makes up a measuring instrument together
"podsestav" pomeni strojno napravo, navedeno v posebnih prilogah, ki deluje samostojno in je sestavni del merilnega instrumenta skupaj z:
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
When a measuring instrument consists of a set of devices, not being sub-assemblies, operating together, the markings shall be affixed on the instrument's main device.
Če je merilni instrument sestavljen iz več naprav, ki niso podsestavi, vendar delujejo skupaj, se oznake namestijo na glavno napravo tega instrumenta.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
To ensure the complete elimination of air and gas from the measuring system, blow-off devices, if possible with small windows, shall be placed at appropriate positions.
Za zagotavljanje popolne odstranitve zraka in plina iz merilnega sistema je treba na ustrezna mesta namestiti izpustne naprave, po možnosti z okenci.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
In full-hose measuring systems the free end of the hose shall incorporate a device to ensure that the hose cannot be emptied during periods when the system is not used.
V merilnih sistemih polnih cevi mora biti v prostem koncu cevi vgrajena naprava, ki zagotavlja, da se cev, medtem ko se sistem ne uporablja, ne more sprazniti.
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measuring device