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meeting document
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
c. distribute documents at the meeting, with the approval of the chairman; and
c. z dovoljenjem predsednika na zasedanju razdeli dokumente;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
All documents for the meetings shall be prepared in the corresponding language.
Vsi dokumenti za zasedanja se pripravijo v izbranem jeziku.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
f) any document made available by contracting parties for meetings of the Commission.
f) dokumenti, ki jih dajo na voljo pogodbenice za zasedanja komisije.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
g) send to Member States, in due time, the documents necessary for the meetings of the various organs;
g) pravočasno poslati državam članicam potrebno dokumentacijo za zasedanja različnih organov;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
The meetings shall be in Spanish and English, and IRP documents shall also be produced in both languages.
Zasedanja potekajo v španščini in angleščini, dokumenti IRP se prav tako pripravijo pripravijo v obeh jezikih.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
During the period of trial operations, the operator shall provide documentation of meeting prescribed conditions.
V času poskusnega obratovanja mora obratovalec ves čas dokumentirano nadzorovati izpolnjevanje predpisanih pogojev.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
c. Preparing minutes of all meetings and draft special reports and documents dealing with the activities of the IRP;
c. priprava zapisnikov vseh zasedanj in osnutkov posebnih poročil ter dokumentov, ki obravnavajo dejavnosti IRP;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
During the period of trial operation, the operator must throughout monitor and document the meeting of prescribed conditions.
V času poskusnega obratovanja mora upravljalec ves čas dokumentirano nadzorovati izpolnjevanje predpisanih pogojev.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 9-2009
Slovenia shall receive the draft agenda and relevant documents available to Member States to enable it to participate in such meetings.
Sloveniji se pošlje osnutek dnevnega reda in ustrezne dokumente, ki so na voljo državam članicam, za sodelovanje na takih sestankih.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
The meetings shall be held in Spanish and English, and the documents of the Meeting of the Parties shall be produced in both these languages.
Zasedanje poteka v španščini in angleščini, dokumenti o zasedanju pogodbenic se pripravijo v obeh jezikih.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
All observers admitted to a Meeting of the Parties shall be sent or otherwise provided the same documentation generally available to Parties, except documentation containing business-confidential data.
Vsem opazovalkam, sprejetim na zasedanje pogodbenic, se pošljejo ali drugače dostavijo enaki dokumenti, ki so na splošno na voljo pogodbenicam, razen dokumentacije, ki vsebuje zaupne poslovne podatke.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
The Secretary shall provide translations in the official languages of FAO of documentation for meetings of the Commission and international standards.
Sekretar poskrbi, da so dokumentacija za zasedanja komisije in mednarodni standardi prevedeni v uradne jezike FAO.
13 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
having regard to the Partnership for Peace Framework Document Issued by the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (Framework Document), dated 10 January 1994;
ob upoštevanju Okvirnega dokumenta Partnerstva za mir, ki so ga predsedniki držav in vlad sprejeli na sestanku Severnoatlantskega sveta 10. januarja 1994 (Okvirni dokument);
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
The Administration shall check the meeting of conditions throughout the validity and licenses issued, /confirmation/s, certificates and other documents.
(3) Uprava preverja izpolnjevanje pogojev ves čas veljavnosti izdanih licenc, potrdil, spričeval in drugih dokumentov.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
Having regard to the work carried out within the CSCE and in particular to the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 and the document of the Copenhagen Meeting of 1990;
se sklicujejo na delovanje v okviru KVSE in še zlasti na Helsinško sklepno listino iz leta 1975 ter na dokument Kopenhagenskega sestanka iz leta 1990;
16 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
The secretariat shall prepare the documentation of the Conference of Parties, as well as the draft agenda of its meetings, and shall ensure the implementation of its decisions.
Sekretariat pripravlja dokumentacijo konference pogodbenic ter osnutek dnevnega reda njenih zasedanj in zagotavlja izvajanje njenih sklepov.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-100
Recalling the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the concluding documents of follow-up meetings held in Vienna, Bonn, Madrid and Paris;
ob upoštevanju helsinške Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi in sklepnih dokumentov naslednjih srečanj na Dunaju, v Bonnu, Madridu in Parizu
18 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
Classified documents removed from the premises for meetings should be carried in locked and approved briefcases which should remain in the permanent possession of the person concerned.
Dokumenti s stopnjo zaupnosti, ki se odstranijo iz poslovnih prostorov zaradi sestankov, naj se prenašajo v zaklenjenih in odobrenih poslovnih kovčkih, ki naj bodo v trajni lasti zadevne osebe.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
a. The exchange of information under this Arrangement will be accomplished through letters, reports, and other documents, and by visits and meetings arranged in advance on a case-by-case basis.
a. V okviru tega sporazuma se bodo informacije izmenjavale preko pisem, poročil in drugih dokumentov ter z obiski in sestanki, ki se določijo vnaprej od primera do primera.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
A. The exchange of information under this Arrangement will be accomplished through letters, reports, and other documents, and by visits and meetings arranged in advance on a case-by-case basis.
A. Po tem sporazumu se bodo informacije izmenjavale s pismi, poročili in drugimi dokumenti ter z obiski in sestanki, ki se določijo vnaprej za vsak primer posebej.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-2
The Secretariat shall prepare the documentation of the General Assembly and of the Committee, as well as the draft agenda of their meetings, and shall ensure the implementation of their decisions.
Sekretariat pripravlja gradivo za generalno skupščino in odbor za pripravo osnutka dnevnega reda srečanj in zagotavljanje uresničevanja njunih odločitev.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
The Republic of Slovenia shall receive draft agendas and relevant documents available to Member States to enable it to participate in meetings of Council and/or its subsidiary bodies as an observer.
Republika Slovenija prejema osnutke dnevnih redov in ustreznih dokumentov, ki so na voljo državam članicam, da se ji kot opazovalki omogoči udeležba na sejah Sveta in/ali njegovih pomožnih organov.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
The Committee shall be assisted by the Secretariat of UNESCO which shall prepare the Committee's documentation and the agenda for its meetings and shall have the responsibility for the implementation of its decisions.
Odboru pomaga sekretariat Unesca, ki pripravlja dokumentacijo odbora in dnevni red njegovih sestankov, ter je odgovoren za uresničevanje njegovih sklepov.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, while exercising their functions and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
Predstavniki držav pogodbenic pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti med potovanjem do kraja sestanka in med vračanjem uživajo nedotakljivost vseh svojih listin in dokumentov.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
The Secretariat shall prepare the documentation of the Conference of Parties and the Intergovernmental Committee as well as the agenda of their meetings and shall assist in and report on the implementation of their decisions.
Sekretariat pripravlja dokumentacijo za Konferenco pogodbenic in Medvladni odbor ter dnevni red njunih zasedanj, pomaga pri izvajanju njunih odločitev in o tem poroča.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) The former and new owner must immediately inform the Administration of any change of ownership, hire or burden on an aircraft, and deliver all documents which prove the new ownership and the meeting of conditions referred to in point 1 of the first paragraph of Article 23 of this Act.
(2) Vsako spremembo lastništva, zakupa in bremena zrakoplova morata prejšnji in novi lastnik takoj sporočiti Upravi in ji dostaviti vse dokumente, s katerimi se dokazuje novo lastništvo in izpolnjevanje pogojev iz 1. točke prvega odstavka 23. člena tega zakona.
27 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
The provisional agenda shall contain the items in respect of which a request for inclusion on the agenda, together with any documents relating thereto, has been received by the General Secretariat from a member of the Council or from the Commission at least 16 days before the beginning of that meeting.
Začasni dnevni red vsebuje točke, v zvezi s katerimi je Generalni sekretariat od člana Sveta ali od Komisije najmanj 16 dni pred začetkom omenjene seje prejel prošnjo za uvrstitev na dnevni red skupaj z vso pripadajočo dokumentacijo.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
- name and surname of the person, date and place of birth, citizenship, permanent or temporary residence, education completed (with data on attached certificates of qualification and other documents on meeting conditions for obtaining a licence, together with data on the issuing body, the date of issue and other identification data),
- ime in priimek osebe, - datum in kraj rojstva, - državljanstvo, - stalno oziroma začasno prebivališče, - doseženo izobrazbo (s podatki o predloženih potrdilih o usposobljenosti in drugih listinah o izpolnjevanju pogojev za pridobitev licence, skupaj s podatki o izdajatelju, datumu izdaje in drugih identifikacijskih podatkih),
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
CONSIDERING the firm commitment of the Community and its Member States and the Republic of Tajikistan to the full implementation of all principles and provisions contained in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna Follow-Up Meetings, the Document of the CSCE Bonn Conference on Economic Cooperation, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe and the CSCE Helsinki Document 1992 "The Challenges of Change", and other fundamental documents of the OSCE,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU trdne zaveze Skupnosti, njenih držav članic in Republike Tadžikistan k popolni uveljavitvi vseh načel in določb iz Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi (KVSE) ter sklepnih dokumentov madridske in dunajske konference za spremljanje izvajanja, iz dokumenta Bonske konference KVSE o gospodarskem sodelovanju, iz Pariške listine za novo Evropo ter iz helsinškega dokumenta »Izzivi sprememb« KVSE iz leta 1992 kakor tudi iz drugih temeljnih dokumentov OVSE,
30 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
Having regard to the relevant provisions of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting of Representatives of the Participating States of the CSCE, and the outcome of the Sofia Meeting on the Protection of the Environment of the CSCE, as well as to pertinent activities and mechanisms in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in particular the APELL programme, in the International Labour Organisation (ILO), in particular the Code of Practice on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents, and in other relevant international organizations,
upoštevajo ustrezne določbe Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi (KEVS), Sklepni dokument dunajskega srečanja predstavnikov držav udeleženk KEVS ter izida Srečanja KEVS o varstvu okolja v Sofiji kot tudi ustrezne dejavnosti in mehanizme v Programu Združenih narodov za okolje (UNEP), zlasti v programu APELL, v Mednarodni organizaciji dela (MOD), predvsem Kodeksu ravnanja za preprečevanje večjih industrijskih nesreč, in določbe drugih ustreznih mednarodnih organizacij,
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
Non-documentary proprietary or other confidential or privileged information provided in seminars and other meetings organized under this Arrangement, or information arising from attachments of staff, use of facilities, or joint projects, will be treated by the Parties according to the principles specified for documentary information in this Arrangement; provided, however, that the Party communicating such proprietary or other confidential or privileged information has placed the recipient on notice as to the character of the information communicated.
Pravno zaščitene informacije nedokumentarne narave ali druge zaupne ali zaščitene informacije, zagotovljene na seminarjih in drugih sestankih, organiziranih po tem sporazumu, ali informacije, pridobljene s povezavami osebja pogodbenic, pri uporabi objektov ali skupnih projektih, pogodbenici obravnavata v skladu z načeli, določenimi v tem sporazumu za informacije dokumentarne narave, pod pogojem, da pogodbenica, ki sporoči takšno pravno zaščiteno informacijo ali drugo zaupno ali zaščiteno informacijo, seznani prejemnika z njeno naravo.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
j. Non-documentary proprietary or other confidential or privileged information provided in seminars and other meetings arranged under this Arrangement, or information arising from attachments of staff, use of facilities, or joint projects, will be treated by the Parties according to the principles specified for documentary information in this Arrangement; provided, however, that the Party communicating such proprietary or other confidential or privileged information has placed the recipient on notice as to the character of the information communicated.
j. Ne-dokumentarne pravne zaščitene informacije ali druge zaupne ali zaščitene informacije, pridobljene na seminarjih in drugih sestankih, organiziranih v okviru tega sporazuma, ali informacije, pridobljene s povezavami osebja pogodbenic, pri uporabi objektov ali skupnih projektih, obravnavata pogodbenici v skladu z načeli, ki so navedena v tem sporazumu za dokumentarne informacije, pod pogojem, da pogodbenica, ki sporoči takšno pravno zaščiteno informacijo ali drugo zaupno ali zaščiteno informacijo, seznani prejemnika z njenim značajem.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
- document of burdening and location of centre of gravity, - flight preparation documents, - documents with data relating to /cargo/ embarked if /cargo/ is being transported, - aircraft flying manual, - flying operating manual - aircraft route manual, - list of equipment in the event of danger, with which the aircraft is fitted, - aircraft route book, - /confirmation/ of meeting environmental protection requirements (noise, gas emissions).
- listina obremenitve in lege težišča, - dokumenti za pripravo leta, - listina s podatki o vkrcanih stvareh, če se prevažajo stvari, - letalni priročnik zrakoplova, - letalnooperativni priročnik, - potni priročnik zrakoplova, - seznam opreme v primeru nevarnosti, s katero je zrakoplov opremljen, - potna knjiga zrakoplova, - potrdilo o izpolnjevanju okoljevarstvenih zahtev (hrup, emisija plinov).
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Acknowledging that the conservation, exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and documentation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture are essential in meeting the goals of the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action and for sustainable agricultural development for this and future generations, and that the capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to undertake such tasks needs urgently to be reinforced;
priznavajo, da so ohranjanje, raziskovanje, zbiranje, ugotavljanje značilnosti, vrednotenje in dokumentiranje rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo bistveni za uresničevanje ciljev Rimske deklaracije o varnosti preskrbe s hrano v svetu in delovnega načrta Svetovnega vrha o prehrani ter za trajnostni razvoj kmetijstva za sedanjo in prihodnje generacije in da je treba nujno povečati sposobnost držav v razvoju in držav z gospodarstvom v prehodu, da prevzamejo take naloge;
35 Končna redakcija
These documents were simply the speeches presented at various meetings, but the ministry felt they should be placed on the Internet.
Šlo je kratko malo za govore z raznih srečanj, vendar se je ministrstvu zdelo, da jih je treba postaviti na internet.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0014
At its meeting in Berlin on 16 December 1998, the Executive Committee decided to compile a manual of documents to which a visa may be affixed (SCH/Com-ex (98) 56).
Izvršni odbor je na sestanku 16. decembra 1998 v Berlinu sklenil, da bo sestavil Priročnik o dokumentih, v katere se lahko vpiše vizum (SCH/Com-ex (98)56).
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41996D0409
SKLEP PREDSTAVNIKOV VLAD DRŽAV ČLANIC, KI SO SE SESTALI V OKVIRU SVETA z dne 25. junija 1996 o potni listini za vrnitev
38 Končna redakcija
(2) The application for the authorisation referred to in the first paragraph hereunder must comprise supporting documents proving the meeting of conditions referred to in Article 24 of this Act.
(2) Zahtevi za izdajo dovoljenja iz prvega odstavka tega člena mora kandidat za člana uprave priložiti dokaze o izpolnjevanju pogojev iz 24. člena tega zakona.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0059
At its meeting on 16 September 1998, the Executive Committee underlined the special importance of document advice in combating illegal immigration into the Schengen area (SCH/Com-ex (98) decl 3).
Na sestanku 16. septembra 1998 je Izvršni odbor poudaril poseben pomen, ki ga ima svetovanje o dokumentih v boju proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju na območje schengenskih držav (SCG/Com-ex (98) decl. 3).
40 Končna redakcija
Decision 96/409/CSFP of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 25 June 1996 on the establishment of an emergency travel document (OJ L 168, 6.7.1996, p. 4).
Sklep 96/409/SZVP predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, z dne 25. junija 1996 o potni listini za vrnitev (UL L 168, 6. 7. 1996, str. 4).
41 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
The amendment of the conservation status of the populations of 38 species as proposed in an informal working document "Further amendments to Table 1 of Action Plan" presented to the Meeting by Wetlands International,
spremembe ohranitvenega stanja populacij 38 vrst, kakor je predlagano v neformalnem delovnem dokumentu Dodatne spremembe razpredelnice 1 akcijskega načrta, ki ga je na zasedanju predložil Wetlands International (Mednarodna mokrišča);
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0004
As requested by the Steering Committee meeting of 14 January 1999, the figure quoted in this document for the second quarter is not the same as the figure given in the second quarterly report (doc. SCH/OR.SIS (98) 118) as approved by the Central Group on 8 September 1998.
Kakor je bilo zahtevano na sestanku usmerjevalnega odbora dne 14. januarja 1999, številka, navedena v tem dokumentu za drugo četrtletje, ni enaka številki, navedeni v poročilu za drugo četrtletje (doc. SCH/OR.SIS (98) 118), kakor ga je potrdila Centralna skupina 8. septembra 1998.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Submit all documentation in your possession relating to or directly connected with the facts set out in the complaint (for example, texts of agreements, minutes of negotiations or meetings, terms of transactions, business documents, circulars, correspondence, notes of telephone conversations...).
Predložite vso dokumentacijo, s katero razpolagate in ki se neposredno ali posredno nanaša ali je povezana z dejstvi, navedenimi v pritožbi (npr. besedila sporazumov, zapisnike pogajanj ali sej, pogoje poslovanja, poslovno dokumentacijo, okrožnice, korespondenco, zabeležke telefonskih pogovorov …).
44 Končna redakcija
- if the shareholder in question is a public limited company, a copy from the shareholders' register shall also be needed or, if bearer shares were issued, an authenticated copy of the notarial attestation of the last general meeting; with regard to those shareholders being foreign legal entities, the abovementioned documents must be presented as authenticated translations;
- če je delničar delniška družba pa tudi izpisek delničarjev iz knjige delničarjev oziroma, če so bile izdane prinosniške delnice, overjen prepis notarskega zapisa prisotnih na zadnji skupščini; za delničarje, ki so tuje pravne osebe je potrebno listine predložiti v overjenem prevodu;
45 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31984L0641
Member States shall require undertakings operating in their territory to render periodically the returns, together with statistical documents, which are necessary for the purposes of supervision and, as regards cover for risks listed under No 18 in point A of the Annex, to indicate the resources available to them for meeting their liabilities, where their laws provide for supervision of such resources.
Države članice zahtevajo, da podjetja, ki poslujejo na njihovem ozemlju, redno oddajajo uradna poročila skupaj s statističnimi dokumenti, ki so nujni zaradi nadzora in - kar zadeva kritje nevarnosti, naštetih pod številko 18 točke A Priloge - da navedejo vire, ki jih imajo na voljo za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti, če njihove zakonodaje predvidevajo nadzor nad takšnimi viri.
Prevodi: en > sl
meeting document