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merging institution
1 Pravna redakcija
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In this annex, the terms "merger", "merging institutions" and "acquiring institution" have the meaning determined in ECB Regulation (EC) No 2818/98 (ECB/1998/15).
V tej prilogi imajo izrazi "združitev", "združujoče se institucije" in "prevzemna institucija" pomen, določen v Uredbi ECB (ES) št. 2818/98 (ECB/1998/15).
2 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003R1745
`merger` shall mean an operation whereby one or more credit institutions (the `merging institutions` ), on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to another credit institution (the `acquiring institution` ), which may be a newly established credit institution;
»združitev« pomeni postopek, s katerim ena kreditna institucija ali več (»prevzete institucije«) ob prenehanju, ne da bi bila opravljena likvidacija, prenese vsa svoja sredstva in obveznosti na drugo kreditno institucijo (»prevzemno institucijo«), ki je lahko na novo ustanovljena kreditna institucija;
3 Pravna redakcija
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This derogation is without prejudice to the obligation for the acquiring institution to fulfil its reporting obligations in accordance with ECB Regulation (EC) No 2819/98 (ECB/1998/16) and, if applicable, its obligation to assume the reporting obligations of merging institutions.
To odstopanje ne vpliva na obveznost prevzemne institucije, da izpolnjuje svoje poročevalske obveznosti v skladu z Uredbo ECB (ES) št. 2819/98 (ECB/1998/16) in, če je primerno, njeno obveznost, da prevzame poročevalske obveznosti institucij, ki se združujejo.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
To the extent required to have adequate statistical information for each of the merging institutions, the acquiring institution shall assume the merging institutions' statistical reporting obligations.
Prevzemna institucija prevzame obveznosti statističnega poročanja prevzetih institucij, in sicer v obsegu, zahtevanem za zagotavljanje ustreznih statističnih podatkov za vsako od prevzetih institucij.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
For the maintenance period in which a merger takes effect, the merging institutions' reserve requirements shall be assumed by the acquiring institution and the acquiring institution shall benefit from any allowance described in Article 5(2) granted to the merging institutions.
Za obdobje izpolnjevanja, v katerem začne učinkovati združitev, obvezne rezerve prevzetih institucij prevzame prevzemna institucija in ta koristi vsako olajšavo iz člena 5(2), dodeljeno prevzetim institucijam.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
All the merging institutions' reserve holdings for the maintenance period in which the merger takes effect shall count together towards compliance with reserve requirements by the acquiring institution.
Za obdobje izpolnjevanja, v katerem začne učinkovati združitev, vsa rezervna imetja prevzetih institucij skupaj štejejo pri izpolnjevanju obveznih rezerv prevzemne institucije.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
"merger" shall mean an operation whereby one or more credit institutions (the merging institutions), on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to another credit institution (the acquiring institution), which may be a newly established credit institution,
"združitev" pomeni postopek, s katerim ena kreditna institucija ali več ("prevzete institucije") ob prenehanju, ne da bi bila opravljena likvidacija, prenese vsa svoja sredstva in obveznosti na drugo kreditno institucijo ("prevzemno institucijo"), ki je lahko na novo ustanovljena kreditna institucija;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
For the maintenance period immediately following the one in which the merger takes effect, the acquiring institution's minimum reserves shall be calculated using a reserve base which aggregates the reserve bases of the merging institutions and, where appropriate, of the acquiring institution.
Za obdobje izpolnjevanja, ki neposredno sledi obdobju izpolnjevanja, v katerem začne učinkovati združitev, se obvezne rezerve prevzemne institucije izračunajo na podlagi osnove za obvezne rezerve, ki združuje osnove za obvezne rezerve prevzetih institucij inpo potrebi prevzemne institucije.
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merging institution