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merging party
1 Končna redakcija
The references to "parties" and "merging parties" also cover situations with one notifying party.
Sklicevanja na "stranke" in "stranke združitve" zajemajo tudi primere z enim priglasiteljem.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
these terms relate to both the acquiring and acquired parties, or to the merging parties, including all undertakings in which a controlling interest is being acquired or which is the subject of a public bid.
ti izrazi se nanašajo na stranke prevzemnice, pa tudi na prevzete stranke ali stranke združitve, vključno z vsemi podjetji, v katerih se pridobi kontrolni delež ali ki so predmet objave javne ponudbe.
3 Končna redakcija
Normally a viable business is an existing one that can operate on a stand-alone-basis, which means independently of the merging parties as regards the supply of input materials or other forms of cooperation other than during a transitory period.
Izvedljiva dejavnost je običajno že obstoječa in lahko deluje samostojno, torej neodvisno od strank združitve glede dobave surovin ali drugih oblik sodelovanja, razen v prehodnem obdobju.
4 Končna redakcija
Such modifications are more commonly described as "remedies" since their object is to reduce the merging parties' market power and to restore conditions for effective competition which would be distorted as a result of the merger creating or strengthening a dominant position.
Takšne spremembe se na splošno opisujejo kot "korektivni ukrepi", ker je njihov cilj zmanjšati tržno moč strank združitve in vzpostaviti pogoje za učinkovito konkurenco, ki bi se izkrivila zaradi združitve, ki ustvarja ali krepi prevladujoč položaj.
5 Končna redakcija
Within the new legal system in Slovenia the right of expression and right of reply found their place as two separate rights in the legal act of the highest order, i.e. the Constitution (in the part concerned with human rights and freedoms). The merging of these two rights in the media law occurred later.
V tem novem redu sta pravici do odgovora in do popravka našli svoje mesto v najvišjem pravnem aktu, v ustavnem poglavju o temeljnih človekovih pravicah in svoboščinah, in šele v zakonski ureditvi je prišlo do njune izenačitve.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
However, under certain circumstances, concentrations involving the elimination of important competitive constraints that the merging parties had exerted upon each other, as well as a reduction of competitive pressure on the remaining competitors, may, even in the absence of a likelihood of coordination between the members of the oligopoly, result in a significant impediment to effective competition.
Vendar pa lahko v nekaterih okoliščinah koncentracije, vključujoče odstranitev pomembnega konkurenčnega pritiska, ki je pred tem obstajal med strankami koncentracije, pa tudi zmanjšanje konkurenčnega pritiska na preostale konkurente, tudi kadar ne obstaja verjetnost usklajevanja med člani oligopola, bistveno ovirajo učinkovito konkurenco.
7 Pravna redakcija
In bidding markets it may be possible to measure whether historically the submitted bids by one of the merging parties have been constrained by the presence of the other merging party fn.
Na trgih ponudbe je mogoče ugotavljati, ali je v preteklosti navzočnost druge stranke, ki se združuje, fn ovirala ponudbe ene od strank, ki se združuje.
8 Pravna redakcija
(f) one of the merging parties has a pre-merger market share of 50 % of more fn.
(f) eden od udeležencev združitve je imel pred združitvijo tržni delež v višini 50 % ali več fn.
9 Pravna redakcija
When entry barriers are low, the merging parties are more likely to be constrained by entry.
Kadar so vstopne ovire nizke, je večja verjetnost, da bo stranke, ki se združujejo, vstop omejeval.
10 Pravna redakcija
(b) one or more merging parties are important innovators in ways not reflected in market shares;
(b) eden udeleženec ali več udeležencev združitve so pomembni inovatorji, kar se ne odraža v tržnih deležih;
11 Pravna redakcija
The legality of a merger shall be scrutinised, as regards the part of the procedure concerning each merging company, in accordance with the law on mergers of public limited-liability companies of the Member State to which the merging company is subject.
Zakonitost združitve se skrbno preveri glede dela postopka, ki zadeva vsako od združujočih se družb, v skladu z zakonodajo o združitvah delniških družb države članice, pristojne za družbo, ki se združuje.
12 Pravna redakcija
When market conditions are such that the competitors of the merging parties are unlikely to increase their supply substantially if prices increase, the merging firms may have an incentive to reduce output below the combined pre-merger levels, thereby raising market prices fn.
Kadar so tržni pogoji taki, da je malo verjetno, da bodo konkurenti strank, ki se združujejo, bistveno povečali svojo ponudbo, če se cene povečajo, lahko to spodbudi podjetja, ki se združujejo, da zmanjšajo proizvodnjo pod skupno raven proizvodnje pred združitvijo in s tem dvignejo tržne cene fn.
13 Pravna redakcija
In particular, this may be the case for customers that have used dual sourcing from the two merging firms as a means of obtaining competitive prices.
Zlasti lahko to velja za kupce, ki so uporabljali dvojne vire iz dveh podjetij, ki se združujeta, da bi dosegali konkurenčne cene.
14 Pravna redakcija
The Commission may decide that an otherwise problematic merger is nevertheless compatible with the common market if one of the merging parties is a failing firm.
Komisija se lahko odloči, da je sicer problematična združitev kljub temu skladna s skupnim trgom, če je ena od strank, ki se združujejo, propadajoče podjetje.
15 Pravna redakcija
Post-merger market shares are calculated on the assumption that the post-merger combined market share of the merging parties is the sum of their pre-merger market shares fn.
Tržni deleži po združitvi se izračunajo ob predpostavki, da je skupni tržni delež udeležencev združitve enak vsoti njihovih tržnih deležev pred združitvijo fn.
16 Pravna redakcija
Market shares and concentration levels provide useful first indications of the market structure and of the competitive importance of both the merging parties and their competitors.
Tržni deleži in stopnje koncentracije zagotavljajo koristne prve podatke o strukturi trga ter pomembnosti obeh udeležencev združitve in njihovih konkurentov z vidika konkurence.
17 Pravna redakcija
Customers of the merging parties may have difficulties switching to other suppliers because there are few alternative suppliers fn or because they face substantial switching costs fn.
Kupci udeležencev združitve imajo lahko težave pri preusmeritvi na druge dobavitelje, ker je malo drugih dobaviteljev fn ali zaradi znatnih stroškov preusmeritve fn.
18 Pravna redakcija
these terms relate to both the acquiring and acquired parties, or to the merging parties, including all undertakings in which a controlling interest is being acquired or which is the subject of a public bid.
ta izraz se nanaša na stranke prevzemnice in prevzete stranke ali stranke združitve, vključno z vsemi podjetji, v katerih se pridobi kontrolni delež ali ki so predmet objave javne ponudbe.
19 Pravna redakcija
The Commission only considers alternatives that are reasonably practical in the business situation faced by the merging parties having regard to established business practices in the industry concerned.
Komisija obravnava samo možnosti, ki so dovolj praktične v poslovnem položaju, s katerim se soočajo udeleženci združitve, ob upoštevanju uveljavljenih poslovnih praks v obravnavani panogi.
20 Pravna redakcija
In particular, the Commission examines whether the possibility of repositioning or product line extension by competitors or the merging parties may influence the incentive of the merged entity to raise prices.
Komisija zlasti preuči, ali lahko možnost skladiščenja ali razširitve proizvodne linije konkurentov ali strank, ki se združujejo, vpliva na spodbudo združenega subjekta, da poveča cene.
21 Pravna redakcija
Where, in the case of a merger of public limited-liability companies, the law of a Member State requires the completion of any special formalities before the transfer of certain assets, rights and obligations by the merging companies becomes effective against third parties, those formalities shall apply and shall be carried out either by the merging companies or by the SE following its registration.
Kadar zakonodaja države članice pri združitvi delniških družb zahteva, da se zaključijo vsi posebni postopki, preden postane prenos določenih sredstev, pravic in obveznosti družb, ki se združujejo, veljaven nasproti tretjim stranem, te postopke izvedejo in opravijo bodisi družbe, ki se združujejo, ali SE po svoji registraciji.
22 Pravna redakcija
Most of the information, allowing the Commission to assess whether the merger will bring about the sort of efficiencies that would enable it to clear a merger, is solely in the possession of the merging parties.
Večino podatkov, ki omogočajo Komisiji, da presodi, ali bo združitev povzročila tisto vrsto povečanja učinkovitosti, ki bo omogočila razjasnitev združitve, imajo samo stranke, ki se združujejo.
23 Pravna redakcija
For entry to be considered a sufficient competitive constraint on the merging parties, it must be shown to be likely, timely and sufficient to deter or defeat any potential anti-competitive effects of the merger.
Če naj bi šteli vstop za zadostni konkurenčni pritisk za stranke, ki se združujejo, mora biti razvidno, da je verjeten, pravočasen in zadosten, da odvrača ali preprečuje potencialne protikonkurenčne učinke združitve.
24 Pravna redakcija
For each of the merging companies and subject to the additional requirements imposed by the Member State to which the company concerned is subject, the following particulars shall be published in the national gazette of that Member State:
Za vsako od družb, ki se združuje, in v skladu z dodatnimi zahtevami države članice, ki ji je zavezana zadevna družba, se objavijo naslednje podrobnosti v uradnem listu te države članice:
25 Pravna redakcija
The authority referred to in paragraph 1 shall in particular ensure that the merging companies have approved draft terms of merger in the same terms and that arrangements for employee involvement have been determined pursuant to Directive 2001/86/EC.
Organ iz odstavka 1 zlasti zagotovi, da družbe, ki se združujejo, odobrijo predlog združitve pod enakimi pogoji in da so bili dogovori o udeležbi delavcev sklenjeni v skladu z Direktivo 2001/86/ES.
26 Pravna redakcija
Anti-competitive effects may also occur where the merging partner is very likely to incur the necessary sunk costs to enter the market in a relatively short period of time after which this company would constrain the behaviour of the firms currently active in the market fn.
Protikonkurenčni učinki lahko nastopijo tudi, če je velika verjetnost, da bo podjetje, ki se združuje, prevzelo potrebne nepovratne stroške, da bi v razmeroma kratkem času vstopilo na trg, potem pa bo to podjetje oviralo ravnanje podjetij, ki so trenutno dejavna na trgu fn.
27 Pravna redakcija
It is therefore less likely that a merger will significantly impede effective competition, in particular through the creation or strengthening of a dominant position, when there is a high degree of substitutability between the products of the merging firms and those supplied by rival producers.
Zato je manj verjetno, da bo združitev bistveno ovirala učinkovito konkurenco, zlasti z ustvarjanjem ali krepitvijo prevladujočega položaja, kadar obstaja visoka stopnja zamenljivosti med proizvodi podjetij, ki se združujejo, in tistimi, ki jih ponujajo konkurenčni proizvajalci.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0478
Whereas, following consultations between the Community and Thailand, an Agreed Minute merging, with effect from 1 January 1989, the additional reserved quantities with the basic quotas on products of categories 4 and 5 provided for in the Textile Agreement was initialled by the parties on 26 September 1990;
ker sta po posvetovanjih med Skupnostjo in Tajsko 26. septembra 1990 podpisnici parafirali Potrjeni zapisnik, ki od 1. januarja 1989 združuje dodatne rezervirane količine z osnovnimi kvotami izdelkov kategorij 4 in 5, predvidenimi v Tekstilnem sporazumu;
29 Pravna redakcija
A merger involving a firm whose market share will remain below 50 % after the merger may also raise competition concerns in view of other factors such as the strength and number of competitors, the presence of capacity constraints or the extent to which the products of the merging parties are close substitutes.
Tudi združitev, ki vključuje podjetje, katerega tržni delež bo po združitvi ostal pod 50 %, lahko zbuja skrb glede konkurence z vidika drugih dejavnikov, kakor so moč in število konkurentov na trgu, navzočnost omejitev glede zmogljivosti ali stopnja, do katere so proizvodi udeležencev združitve bližnji substituti.
30 Pravna redakcija
From the point of view of determining jurisdiction, the undertakings concerned are, broadly speaking, the actors in the transaction in so far as they are the merging, or acquiring and acquired parties; in addition, their total aggregate economic size in terms of turnover will be decisive in determining whether the thresholds are met.
S stališča določanja pristojnosti so udeležena podjetja, široko rečeno, akterji v transakciji, če se združujejo ali prevzemajo ali so prevzeti subjekti; poleg tega bo njihova skupna gospodarska velikost glede prometa odločilna pri določanju, ali so pragovi doseženi.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
However, under certain circumstances, concentrations involving the elimination of important competitive constraints that the merging parties had exerted upon each other, as well as a reduction of competitive pressure on the remaining competitors, may, even in the absence of a likelihood of coordination between the members of the oligopoly, result in a significant impediment to effective competition.
Vendar pa lahko v nekaterih okoliščinah koncentracije, vključujoče odstranitev pomembnega konkurenčnega pritiska, ki je pred tem obstajal med strankami koncentracije, pa tudi zmanjšanje konkurenčnega pritiska na preostale konkurente, tudi kadar ne obstaja verjetnost usklajevanja med člani oligopola, bistveno ovirajo učinkovito konkurenco.
32 Pravna redakcija
Furthermore, mergers in oligopolistic markets fn involving the elimination of important competitive constraints that the merging parties previously exerted upon each other together with a reduction of competitive pressure on the remaining competitors may, even where there is little likelihood of coordination between the members of the oligopoly, also result in a significant impediment to competition.
Poleg tega lahko združitve na oligopolnih trgih fn, ki vključujejo odpravo pomembnega konkurenčnega pritiska, ki so ga udeleženci združitve pred tem izvajali drug nad drugega, skupaj z zmanjšanjem konkurenčnega pritiska na preostale konkurente, povzročijo bistveno oviranje konkurence celo tam, kjer obstaja majhna verjetnost usklajenega delovanja med člani oligopola.
33 Pravna redakcija
It is for the merging parties to provide in due time all the relevant information necessary to demonstrate that there are no less anti-competitive, realistic and attainable alternatives of a non-concentrative nature (e.g. a licensing agreement, or a cooperative joint venture) or of a concentrative nature (e.g. a concentrative joint venture, or a differently structured merger) than the notified merger which preserve the claimed efficiencies.
Stranke, ki se združujejo, morajo pravočasno zagotoviti vse ustrezne podatke, da bi dokazale, da ne obstajajo druge, manj protikonkurenčne, realistične in dosegljive oblike, ki nimajo lastnosti koncentracije (npr. dogovor o izdaji dovoljenj ali sodelovalno skupno podjetje) ali imajo lastnosti koncentracije (npr. skupno podjetje, ki ima lastnosti koncentracije ali drugače strukturirana združitev), od priglašene združitve, ki ohranja ugotovljeno povečanje učinkovitosti.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
In bidding markets it may be possible to measure whether historically the submitted bids by one of the merging parties have been constrained by the presence of the other merging party(40).
Na trgih ponudbe je mogoče ugotavljati, ali je v preteklosti navzočnost druge stranke, ki se združuje [40], ovirala ponudbe ene od strank, ki se združuje.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
For an example of pipeline products of one merging party likely to compete with the other party's pipeline or existing products, see, e.g. Case IV/M.1846 - Glaxo Wellcome/SmithKline Beecham, point 188.
Za primer proizvodov ene stranke združitve, ki so v pripravi in bi lahko konkurirali proizvodom druge stranke, ki se pripravljajo ali že obstajajo, glej npr. zadevo IV/M.1846 - Glaxo Wellcome/SmithKline Beecham, točka 188.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
The inevitability of the assets of the failing firm leaving the market in question may, in particular in a case of merger to monopoly, underlie a finding that the market share of the failing firm would in any event accrue to the other merging party.
Neizogibnost, da sredstva propadajočega podjetja zapustijo upoštevni trg, je lahko zlasti v primeru združitve v monopol, povezana z ugotovitvijo, da bi bil tržni delež propadajočega podjetja v vsakem primeru pripisan drugi stranki združitve.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
one of the merging parties has a pre-merger market share of 50 % of more(26).
eden od udeležencev združitve je imel pred združitvijo tržni delež v višini 50 % ali več [26].
38 Prevajalska redakcija
The references to "parties" and "merging parties" also cover situations with one notifying party.
Sklicevanja na "stranke" in "stranke združitve" zajemajo tudi primere z enim priglasiteljem.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
one or more merging parties are important innovators in ways not reflected in market shares;
eden udeleženec ali več udeležencev združitve so pomembni inovatorji, kar se ne odraža v tržnih deležih;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
When market conditions are such that the competitors of the merging parties are unlikely to increase their supply substantially if prices increase, the merging firms may have an incentive to reduce output below the combined pre-merger levels, thereby raising market prices(44).
Kadar so tržni pogoji taki, da je malo verjetno, da bodo konkurenti strank, ki se združujejo, bistveno povečali svojo ponudbo, če se cene povečajo, lahko to spodbudi podjetja, ki se združujejo, da zmanjšajo proizvodnjo pod skupno raven proizvodnje pred združitvijo in s tem dvignejo tržne cene [44].
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1435
Publication of the draft terms of merger in the national gazette shall, however, include the following particulars for each of the merging cooperatives:
Objava predloga združitve v nacionalnem uradnem listu vključuje naslednje podatke o vsaki zadrugi, ki se združuje:
42 Prevajalska redakcija
Post-merger market shares are calculated on the assumption that the post-merger combined market share of the merging parties is the sum of their pre-merger market shares(15).
Tržni deleži po združitvi se izračunajo ob predpostavki, da je skupni tržni delež udeležencev združitve enak vsoti njihovih tržnih deležev pred združitvijo [15].
43 Prevajalska redakcija
Customers of the merging parties may have difficulties switching to other suppliers because there are few alternative suppliers(42) or because they face substantial switching costs(43).
Kupci udeležencev združitve imajo lahko težave pri preusmeritvi na druge dobavitelje, ker je malo drugih dobaviteljev [42] ali zaradi znatnih stroškov preusmeritve [43].
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1435
The legality of a merger shall be scrutinised, as regards the part of the procedure concerning each merging cooperative, in accordance with the law of the Member State to which the merging cooperative is subject that apply to mergers of cooperatives and, failing that, the provisions applicable to internal mergers of public limited companies under the law of that State.
Zakonitost združitve se skrbno preveri glede dela postopka, ki zadeva vsako zadrugo, ki se združuje, v skladu z zakonodajo o združevanju zadrug države članice, ki velja za zadrugo, ki se združuje, in če te ni, v skladu z določbami, ki se uporabljajo za notranje združitve delniških družb po zakonodaji navedene države.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
From the point of view of determining jurisdiction, the undertakings concerned are, broadly speaking, the actors in the transaction in so far as they are the merging, or acquiring and acquired parties;
S stališča določanja pristojnosti so udeležena podjetja, široko rečeno, akterji v transakciji, če se združujejo ali prevzemajo ali so prevzeti subjekti;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1435
the address of the place or of the register in which the statutes and all other documents and particulars are filed in respect of each merging cooperative, and the number of the entry in that register;
naslov kraja ali registra, v katerem je vpisan statut in vsi drugi dokumenti ter podatki v zvezi z vsako zadrugo, ki se združuje, in številko vpisa v navedeni register;
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1435
Where, in the case of a merger of cooperatives, the law of a Member State requires the completion of any special formalities before the transfer of certain assets, rights and obligations by the merging cooperatives becomes effective against third parties, those formalities shall apply and shall be carried out either by the merging cooperatives or by the SCE following its registration.
Kadar zakonodaja države članice pri združitvi zadrug zahteva, da se zaključijo vse posebne formalnosti, preden postane prenos določenih sredstev, pravic in obveznosti zadrug, ki se združujejo, veljaven nasproti tretjim osebam, te formalnosti izvedejo in opravijo bodisi zadruge, ki se združujejo, bodisi SCE po svoji registraciji.
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merging party