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monthly account
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(f) for interest earned on the SAPARD Agency account(s), the rate on the day the interest was credited to the account which must be at least monthly.
(f) za pozitivne obresti na računu oziroma računih agencije SAPARD tečaj na dan, ko so bile obresti knjižene v dobro računa, kar mora biti opravljeno vsaj enkrat na mesec.
2 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Where the total expenditure not reimbursed for any period of 12 months exceeds half the member of temporary staff's basic monthly salary, special reimbursement shall be allowed by the AACC, account being taken of the family circumstances of the person concerned, in the manner provided for in the rules referred to in paragraph 1.
Če skupni strošek, ki ni povrnjen za katero koli obdobje 12 mesecev, presega polovico mesečne osnovne plače začasnega uslužbenca, OPSP dovoli posebno povračilo ob upoštevanju družinskih razmer zadevne osebe, in sicer na način, ki ga določajo pravila iz prvega odstavka.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(1) If, at the beginning of the accounting period, the budget has not been adopted by the Administrative Council, expenditures may be effected on a monthly basis per heading or other division of the budget, according to the provisions of the Financial Regulations, up to one-twelfth of the budget appropriations for the preceding accounting period, provided that the appropriations thus made available to the President of the European Patent Office shall not exceed one-twelfth of those provided for in the draft budget.
(1) Če upravni svet na začetku obračunskega obdobja še ne sprejme proračuna, velja za odhodke mesečna osnova po poglavju ali drugi razčlenitvi proračuna v skladu z določbami pravilnika o finančnem poslovanju do dvanajstine proračunskih sredstev za predhodno obračunsko obdobje, pod pogojem da sredstva, s katerimi tako razpolaga predsednik Evropskega patentnega urada, ne presegajo dvanajstine sredstev, predvidenih v osnutku proračuna.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
“Member State Call Account” or “MSCA” means an account in euros to be constituted by the Bank in the name of each Guarantor, which shall be managed in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the Bank's governing bodies from time to time, as most recently approved on 12 June 2007. The MSCAs shall be debited with (i) Guarantee Payments, pursuant to this Agreement, (ii) debit interest to be calculated at a daily interest rate, payable on a monthly basis, to be determined and notified by the Bank in accordance with the applicable principles from time to time laid down by the Bank's governing bodies and (iii) the Recovery Administration Fee. The MSCAs shall be credited by the Guarantors with (i) amounts equivalent to expected Guarantee Payments under the Guarantee and (ii) amounts in respect of any negative balance and accrued debit interest, and credited by the Bank with (i) Recovered Amounts and (ii) credit interest to be calculated at a daily interest rate, payable on a monthly basis, to be determined and notified by the Bank in accordance with the applicable principles from time to time laid down by the Bank's governing bodies.
»odprti račun države članice« ali »ORDČ« pomeni račun v evrih, ki ga odpre banka v imenu posameznega garanta, in se vodi v skladu s pogoji, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke, nazadnje odobrenimi 12. junija 2007. ORDČ se bremeni za (i) plačila na podlagi garancije po tem sporazumu, (ii) obresti negativnega stanja, izračunane po dnevni obrestni meri, ki se plačujejo mesečno, in jih določi in sporoči banka v skladu z veljavnimi načeli, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke, in (iii) provizijo za izterjavo. Garanti na ORDČ nakažejo (i) zneske v višini pričakovanih plačil na podlagi garancije po garancijski pogodbi in (ii) zneske v zvezi z negativnim stanjem ter natečenimi obrestmi negativnega stanja, banka pa na njih nakaže (i) izterjane zneske in (ii) obresti pozitivnega stanja, izračunane po dnevni obrestni meri, ki se plačujejo mesečno, ter jih določi in sporoči banka v skladu z veljavnimi načeli, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke;
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
“Loan-loss Cover Account” or “LLCA” means an account in euros to be constituted by the Bank in the name of the Guarantors, which is intended to mitigate risks assumed by the Member States under the Guarantee and shall be managed in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the Bank's governing bodies from time to time, as most recently approved on 12 June 2007. The LLCA shall be funded from (i) the income resulting from the application of risk-pricing on EIB Financing Operations, excluding ASLAs (as defined in the Guarantee) as approved by the Bank's governing bodies in accordance with its internal rules from time to time, (ii) Recovered Amounts and (iii) credit interest to be calculated at a daily interest rate, to be determined and notified by the Bank in accordance with the applicable principles from time to time laid down by the Bank's governing bodies, payable on a monthly basis. The LLCA shall be debited with (i) Guarantee Payments, pursuant to this Agreement, and (ii) the Recovery Administration Fee, provided there are sufficient funds in the account.
»račun za kritje izgub pri posojilih« ali »RKIP« pomeni račun v evrih, ki ga odpre banka v imenu garantov, katerega namen je zmanjšati tveganja, ki jih države članice prevzamejo na podlagi garancije, in se vodi v skladu s pogoji, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke, kakor so bili nazadnje odobreni 12. junija 2007. Na RKIP se stekajo (i) prihodki iz pribitka na podlagi ocene kreditnega tveganja pri poslih financiranja EIB, razen PZPP (opredeljenih v garancijski pogodbi), ki jih občasno odobrijo organi upravljanja banke v skladu z notranjimi pravili, (ii) izterjani zneski in (iii) obresti kredita, izračunane po dnevni obrestni meri, ki jo določi in sporoči banka v skladu z veljavnimi načeli, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke, in se plačujejo mesečno. RKIP se bremeni za (i) plačila na podlagi garancije po tem sporazumu in (ii) provizijo za izterjavo, če je na računu dovolj sredstev;
6 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
The bank must submit to the Bank of Slovenia a monthly report on the position and transactions in the bookkeeping accounts.
Banka mora Banki Slovenije predložiti mesečno poročilo o stanju in prometu na knjigovodskih računih.
7 Končna redakcija
Since variable costs accounted for as much as 35% of monthly expenditures, the director-general proposed to cut variable costs as an urgent measure.
Variabilni stroški so zna.ali kar 35 odstotkov vseh mesečnih odlivov, zato je generalni direktor kot nujen ukrep predlagal zmanjšanje teh stroškov.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2245
they must as a minimum permit the paying agency to comply with the accreditation criteria and to meet the deadlines laid down for the submission of monthly and annual accounts.
ta mora plačilni agenciji omogočiti najmanj skladnost z akreditacijskimi merili in upoštevanje rokov, določenih za predložitev mesečnih in letnih obračunov.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
These shall make it possible to draw up a general monthly statement of accounts, and a statement by chapter and article, of revenue and expenditure, which shall be forwarded to the Financial Controller.
Omogočajo sestavo splošnega mesečnega računovodskega poročila in poročilo prihodkov in odhodkov po poglavjih in členih, ki se pošljeta finančnemu kontrolorju.
10 Končna redakcija
The monthly increases, which shall be the same for each month, shall be fixed each year by the Council acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, account being taken of average storage costs and interest charges in the Community.
Mesečna zvišanja, ki so vsak mesec enaka, vsako leto določi Svet s kvalificirano večino na predlog Komisije ob upoštevanju povprečnih stroškov skladiščenja in obresti, ki jih zaračunava Skupnost.
11 Končna redakcija
The monthly increases, which shall be the same for each month, shall be fixed each year by the Council acting in accordance with the voting procedure laid down in Article 43 (2) of the Treaty on a proposal from the Commission, account being taken of average storage costs and interest charges in the Community.
Mesečna zvišanja cen, ki so vsak mesec enaka, vsako leto določi Svet na predlog Komisije, v skladu s postopkom glasovanja, določenim v členu 43(2) Pogodbe, pri čemer upošteva povprečne stroške skladiščenja in obrestne mere v Skupnosti.
12 Končna redakcija
The market target price shall be fixed at a level which will permit normal marketing of olive oil produced, account being taken of prices for competing products and in particular of the probable trend of these prices during the marketing year and the incidence of the monthly increases referred to in Article 9 on prices for olive oil.
Ciljna tržna cena se določi na ravni, ki omogoča normalno trženje proizvedenega oljčnega olja, ob upoštevanju cen konkurenčnih proizvodov in zlasti ob upoštevanju verjetnih trendov teh cen med tržnim letom in pojavov mesečnega povišanja cen oljčnega olja, navedenih v členu 9.
13 Končna redakcija
The representative market price shall be fixed at a level which will permit normal marketing of olive oil produced, account being taken of prices for competing products, and in particular of the probable trend of such prices during the marketing year, and the incidence of the monthly increases referred to in Article 10 on the price of olive oil.
Reprezentativna tržna cena se določi na stopnji, ki dovoljuje normalno trgovanje proizvedenega oljčnega olja, pri čemer je treba upoštevati cene konkurenčnih proizvodov, še zlasti pa mogoč trend teh cen med tržnim letom ter vpliv mesečnih zviševanj, navedenih v členu 10, na ceno oljčnega olja.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982R0510
Če skupni nepovrnjeni izdatki za obdobje dvanajstih mesecev presežejo polovico osnovne mesečne plače ali pokojnine uslužbenca, direktor fundacije dovoli posebno povračilo, ki ga odobri računovodstvo, pri čemer upošteva družinske okoliščine upravičene osebe, kakor predvidevajo pravila iz člena 1 Priloge V.
15 Pravna redakcija
The Buffer Stock Manager shall prepare a monthly report on Buffer Stock transactions and the Buffer Stock Account's financial position.
Upravitelj intervencijskih zalog pripravlja mesečno poročilo o transakcijah z intervencijskimi zalogami in finančnem stanju računa intervencijskih zalog.
16 Pravna redakcija
The ECB shall report to the NCBs the quarterly euro area financial accounts that the ECB compiles and publishes in its monthly bulletin.
ECB poroča NCB četrtletne finančne račune evro območja, ki jih ECB pripravi in objavi v svojem mesečnem biltenu.
17 Pravna redakcija
These accounts shall show the expected effect of Europol's legal obligations and shall make it possible to draw up an annual balance of assets and liabilities and a monthly statement of revenue and expenditure by chapter and article.
Ti konti prikazujejo pričakovani učinek pravnih obveznosti Europola ter omogoči sestavo letne bilance aktive in pasive ter mesečni izkaz prihodkov in odhodkov po poglavjih in členih.
18 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall use the models contained in Annexes I, II and III to draw up the monthly and quarterly statements of their accounts of own resources referred to in Article 6 (3) (a) and (3) (b) of Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1552/89.
Države članice uporabljajo vzorce iz Prilog I, II in III za pripravo mesečnih in četrtletnih izkazov stanj lastnih sredstev iz členov 6(3)(a) in 3(b) Uredbe (EGS, Euratom) št. 1552/89.
19 Pravna redakcija
Whereas these improvements mainly concern the production of monthly and quarterly statements of accounts of own resources, the description of cases of fraud and irregularities already detected involving entitlements in excess of ECU 10 000 and the content of the annual report;
ker te izboljšave večinoma zadevajo pripravo mesečnih in četrtletnih izkazov stanj lastnih sredstev, opis že odkritih primerov goljufij in nepravilnosti, ki vključujejo pravice v zneskih nad 10.000 ECU, in vsebino letnega poročila;
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0313
(1) For the calculation of the amount to be recovered from or paid to the Member State the amount taken into account is, the total of the annual declaration for the expenditure cleared (column a) or, the total of the monthly declarations for the expenditure disjoined (column b).
(1) Za izračun zneska, ki se izterja od ali plača državi članici se upošteva skupni znesek v letnem poročilu za potrjene izdatke (stolpec a) ali skupni znesek mesečnih poročil za ločene izdatke (stolpec b)
21 Pravna redakcija
A summary document listing the inspections carried out, the quantities checked and the anomalies detected in relation to the monthly and annual statements shall be sent to the Commission at the same time as the annual accounts referred to in Article 5 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 729/70 (1).
Povzetek dokumenta s seznamom izvršenih inšpekcij, pregledane količine in odkrite nepravilnosti v zvezi z mesečnimi in letnimi poročili, se pošljejo Komisiji istočasno kakor letni obračun, naveden v členu 5(1) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 729/70 fn.
22 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the intervention prices and threshold prices should, in the course of the marketing year, be subject to a certain number of monthly increases in order to take account, to some extent, of storage costs and interest charges for storing cereals in the Community and of the need to ensure that the disposal stocks conforms to market requirements;
ker naj bi bile intervencijske cene in cenovni pragi v teku tržnega leta nekajkrat mesečno zvišani, zato da se do neke mere upoštevajo stroški skladiščenja in obresti za skladiščenje žit v Skupnosti in potrebe po zagotovitvi, da prodajne zaloge ustrezajo zahtevam trga;
23 Pravna redakcija
Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 296/96 of 16 February 1996 on data to be forwarded by the Member States and the monthly booking of expenditure financed under the Guarantee Section of the Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)(4), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2761/1999(5) states that for year n, account is to be taken of expenditure effected by the Member States from 16 October of year n-1 to 15 October of year n.
redbe Komisije (ES) št. 296/96 z dne 16. februarja 1996 o podatkih, ki jih morajo pošiljati države članice, in o mesečnem knjiženju izdatkov, ki se financirajo iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS) fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 2761/1999 fn, določa, da je za leto n treba upoštevati izdatke, ki jih imajo države članice od 16. oktobra leta n-1 do 15. oktobra leta n.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0313
(2) With regard to Article 7(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 296/96 of 16 February 1996 on data to be transmitted by the Member States and the monthly booking of expenditure financed under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)(2), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1997/2002(3), account is taken for the 2002 financial year of expenditure incurred by the Member States between 16 October 2001 and 15 October 2002.
(2) V zvezi s členom 7(1) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 296/96 z dne 16. februarja o podatkih, ki jih morajo posredovati države članice, in o mesečnem knjiženju izdatkov, ki se financirajo iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS) fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1997/2002 fn, se upošteva izdatek za proračunsko leto 2002, ki je nastal v državah članicah med 16. oktobrom 2001 in 15. oktobrom 2002.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0313
(9) The Commission, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2040/2000 and Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 296/96, reduced or suspended a number of monthly advances on entry into the accounts of expenditure for the 2002 financial year and proceeds in this Decision to the reductions laid down in Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 296/96. In the light of the above, to avoid any premature or even only temporary reimbursement of the amounts in question, they should not be recognised in this Decision, without prejudice to further examination according to Article 7(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1258/1999.
(9) Komisija je, skladno s členom 14 Uredbe (ES) št. 2040/2000 in členom 4(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 296/96, zmanjšala ali začasno ustavila število mesečnih predplačil pri vknjižbi izdatkov za proračunsko leto 2002 in v tej odločbi nadaljuje z zmanjšanji, določenimi v členu 4(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 296/96. Glede na zgoraj navedeno in da se izogne kakršnemu koli prezgodnjemu ali celo samo začasnemu povračilu zadevnih zneskov, jih v tej odločbi ne bi smeli priznati, brez poseganja v nadaljnji pregled skladno s členom 7(4) Uredbe (ES) št. 1258/1999.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1150
a monthly statement of its accounts for the entitlements referred to in point (a) of paragraph 3.
mesečno poročilo o računih pravic iz točke (a) odstavka 3.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1948
The accounts shall make it possible to draw up an annual balance of assets and a monthly statement of revenue and expenditure by chapter and article.
Konti omogočajo sestavo letne bilance stanja in mesečnega načrta prihodkov in odhodkov po poglavjih in členih.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1963
whereas, in the case of maize and sorghum, the intervention price is adjusted between November and May to take account of monthly increases, and on 1 October to take account of the new harvest;
ker se za koruzo in sorgo intervencijska cena prilagodi med novembrom in majem, da se upoštevajo mesečna zvišanja, ter 1. oktobra, da se upošteva nova žetev;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2917
Whereas account should be taken when adjusting the refunds of an amount equal to the monthly increase in the intervention price for paddy rice during the months from October to July;
ker je treba pri prilagoditvi nadomestil upoštevati znesek, enak mesečnemu povečanju intervencijske cene za neoluščeni riž v mesecih od oktobra do julija;
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2131
For the purposes of paragraph 1, the intervention prices to be taken into account during the 12th month of the marketing year shall be those applicable for the 11th month, plus one monthly increase.
Za namene odstavka 1 se intervencijske cene v dvanajstem mesecu tržnega leta določi tako, da se upošteva cena iz enajstega meseca povečana za enomesečno povečanje.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1150
A remark shall be added to explain any difference between the total of the summary account and the sum of the monthly statements sent in by the Member States from January to December of the year in question.
Države članice poročilu dodajo pojasnilo glede vsake razlike med skupnim zneskom zbirnega računa in seštevkom mesečnih poročil, ki so jih pošiljale Komisiji od januarja do decembra v zadevnem letu.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2183
The operations to be taken into account for determining entitlement to the allowance shall be sales which have invoice dates within the relevant quarter and which have been taken into account for calculating the average monthly selling price referred to in Article 2.
Za določitev upravičenosti do nadomestila se upoštevajo tiste prodaje, pri katerih so datumi na računih znotraj ustreznega četrtletja in ki so bile upoštevane pri izračunu povprečne mesečne prodajne cene, ki jo navaja člen 2.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1150
in the monthly statement of accounts referred to in Article 6(4), the amounts entered in the accounts which relate to irregularities or delays in the establishment, entry in the accounts and making available of own resources, discovered during the inspections referred to above, must be identified by means of appropriate notes.
je treba v mesečnih poročilih iz člena 6(4) zneske, knjižene na računih, ki se nanašajo na nepravilnosti ali zamude pri določanju, knjiženju in dajanju lastnih sredstev na razpolago, ugotovljene pri inšpekcijskem pregledu, označiti z ustreznimi opombami.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2423
National central banks may grant derogations to small MFIs, provided that the MFIs which contribute to the monthly consolidated balance sheet account for at least 95 % of the total MFI balance sheet in terms of stocks, in each participating Member State.
Nacionalne centralne banke lahko odobrijo odstopanja manjšim MFI, pod pogojem, da MFI, ki dajejo podatke v mesečno konsolidirano bilanco stanja, predstavljajo vsaj 95 % celotne bilance stanja MFI v obliki stanj v vsaki sodelujoči državi članici.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
Accounting procedures shall ensure that monthly and annual declarations are complete, accurate and timely, and that any errors or omissions are detected and corrected, in particular through checks and reconciliations performed at intervals not exceeding three months.
Z računovodskimi postopki se zagotovi, da so mesečna in letna poročila popolna, točna in pravočasna ter da se odkrijejo in popravijo kakršne koli napake ali izpuščeni podatki, zlasti s preverjanji in ujemanji, izvedenimi v presledkih, ki niso daljši od treh mesecev.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3072
Whereas the intervention price should continue to be subject to a certain number of monthly increases in order to take account, inter alia, of storage costs and financial charges for storing rice in the Community and of the need to ensure that the disposal of stocks conforms to market requirements;
ker naj bi se intervencijska cena določeno število mesecev še naprej povečevala, da bi se med drugim upoštevali stroški skladiščenja in finančne dajatve za skladiščenje riža v Skupnosti ter potreba po zagotovilu, da odstranjevanje zalog ustreza tržnim zahtevam;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2025
The requirements for reporting on amounts to be recovered in the annual declaration pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EC) 1663/95, on the one hand, and in the monthly accounts pursuant to Article 3(6a) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 296/96 of 16 February 1996 on data to be transmitted by the Member States and the monthly booking of expenditure financed under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)(6), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1934/2001(7), on the other hand, are different.
Zahteve za poročanje o zneskih za izterjavo v letnem poročilu skladno s členom 5 Uredbe (ES) št. 1663/95 na eni strani in v mesečnih obračunih skladno s členom 3(6a) Uredbe Komisije št. 296/96 z dne 16. februarja 1996 o podatkih, ki jih morajo poslati države članice, in o mesečnem knjiženju izdatkov, ki se financirajo iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS)6, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1934/20017, na drugi strani so različne.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
the objective of this function is the recording of the payment in the agency's separate books of account of EAGGF expenditure, which will normally be in the form of an electronic data processing system, and the preparation of periodic summaries of expenditure, including the monthly and annual declarations to the European Commission.
cilj te naloge je evidentiranje izplačila za izdatek EKUJS v posebne računovodske knjige agencije, ki bodo navadno v obliki elektronskega sistema za obdelavo podatkov, in priprava periodičnih povzetkov izdatkov, vključno z mesečnimi in letnimi poročili Evropski komisiji.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1949
Payments may be made monthly in respect of any chapter up to one-twelfth of the total appropriations entered in the chapter in question for the preceding financial year, account being taken of transfers, as long as this measure does not have the effect of placing at the disposal of the Foundation, for any month, appropriations in excess of one-twelfth of the amount of the subsidy reserved for the Foundation in the draft budget or, in the absence thereof, in the preliminary draft budget of the Communities.
Izplačila iz katerega koli poglavja se lahko opravijo mesečno v višini do ene dvanajstine celotnih dodeljenih proračunskih sredstev, izkazanih v zadevnem poglavju za predhodno proračunsko leto, ob upoštevanju transferjev, v kolikor ta ukrep ne povzroči, da bi fundacija za katerikoli mesec dobila na razpolago dodeljena proračunska sredstva v višini, ki presega eno dvanajstino zneska subvencije, rezerviranega za fundacijo v osnutku proračuna ali, če tega ni, v predhodnem osnutku proračuna Skupnosti.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1527
whereas, as regards the transition from the 1995/96 marketing year to the 1996/97 marketing year, when the reduction of the refunds at the end of the marketing year provided for in Article 12 (5) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1162/95 (3), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1029/96 (4), is calculated, account should be taken of the difference between the intervention buying-in prices for paddy rice without the monthly increases of the old marketing year and the intervention price of the new marketing year;
ker je v zvezi s prehodom iz tržnega leta 1995/96 v tržno leto 1996/97, ko se izračuna znižanje nadomestil ob koncu tržnega leta iz člena 12(5) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1162/953, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1029/964, treba upoštevati razliko med intervencijskimi odkupnimi cenami neoluščenega riža brez mesečnih zvišanj starega tržnega leta in intervencijsko ceno novega tržnega leta;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0426
Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 296/96 of 16 February 1996 on data to be forwarded by the Member States and the monthly booking of expenditure financed under the Guarantee Section of the Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)(4), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2761/1999(5) states that for year n, account is to be taken of expenditure effected by the Member States from 16 October of year n-1 to 15 October of year n. As a consequence, expenditure incurred by the EAGGF Guarantee Section on measures under Regulations (EEC) No 2078/92, (EEC) No 2079/92 and (EEC) No 2080/92 since 16 October 1999 fall within the 2000 budget year and must be taken into account under the allocation for the period 2000 to 2006.
Člen 7 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 296/96 z dne 16. februarja 1996 o podatkih, ki jih morajo pošiljati države članice, in o mesečnem knjiženju izdatkov, ki se financirajo iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS) [4], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 2761/1999 [5], določa, da je za leto n treba upoštevati izdatke, ki jih imajo države članice od 16. oktobra leta n-1 do 15. oktobra leta n. Zato izdatki, ki jih je imel Jamstveni oddelek EKUJS-a za ukrepe v skladu z uredbami (EGS) št. 2078/92, (EGS) št. 2079/92 in (EGS) št. 2080/92 od 16. oktobra 1999, padejo v proračunsko leto 2000 in jih je treba upoštevati pri dodelitvi za obdobje od leta 2000 do 2006.
42 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
The interinstitutional liaison accounts shall be reconciled and cleared monthly.
Medinstitucionalni računi se usklajujejo in obračunavajo mesečno.
43 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
For the purposes of the accounts provided for in Articles 132 to 137 of the Financial Regulation and subject to Article 213, conversion between the euro and another currency shall be made using the monthly accounting rate of the euro.
Za namene računovodstva iz člena 132 do 137 Finančne uredbe in ob upoštevanju člena 213 se preračun med evrom in drugo valuto izvede z uporabo mesečnega računovodskega menjalnega tečaja evra.
44 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
An employee applying for a return to work may also apply to the court to issue a decree under which the employer shall be obliged to pay him monthly amounts of compensation on account of the salary falling due at the time the decision became final and until the time the employee returns to work.
Delavec, ki je predlagal vrnitev na delo, lahko predlaga, naj sodišče s sklepom odloči, da mu mora delodajalec izplačati na račun plače mesečne zneske, zapadle od pravnomočnosti odločbe pa dotlej, dokler ne bo vrnjen na delo.
45 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Statements of that account shall be accessible at all times to the authorising officer responsible and a monthly list of transactions together with supporting documents shall be sent in the following month by the imprest administrator to the authorising officer for settlement of the imprest operations.
Obračuni tega konta so vedno dostopni odgovornemu odredbodajalcu in vodja blagajne predplačil pošlje seznam transakcij za pretekli mesec skupaj z dokazili odredbodajalcu, ki obračuna posle blagajne predplačil.
46 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
The guarantee account shall be credited with interest corresponding to the annual average of the monthly rates applied by the European Central Bank to its principal refinancing operations, in euro, as published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Communities, up to the date of liquidation.
Na jamstveni račun se nakažejo obresti v višini letnega povprečja mesečnih tečajev, ki jih uporablja Evropska centralna banka za svoje glavne posle refinanciranja v evrih, objavljenih v seriji C Uradnega lista Evropskih skupnosti do datuma likvidacije.
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monthly account