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motor car
1 Končna redakcija
motor car
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
d) have the right to import free of duty their furniture, effects and a motor car for their personal use at the time of first taking up their post in the State concerned for a period of one year or more and the right to re-export free of duty their furniture, personal effects and motor car for their personal use on termination of their duties in that State, subject in either case to the conditions and restrictions imposed by the national law of the State in which this right is exercised.
d) uživajo pravico do prostega uvoza svojega pohištva, premoženja in motornega vozila za lastno uporabo ob zasedbi položaja v državi za eno leto ali več in pravico do prostega ponovnega izvoza svojega pohištva, premoženja in motornega vozila za lastno uporabo ob prenehanju svojih dolžnosti v tisti državi, v obeh primerih ob upoštevanju pogojev in omejitev, ki jih določa notranjepravna zakonodaja države, v kateri se uveljavlja ta pravica.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: E/CONF.56/17/Rev.1/Amend.1
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: E/CONF.56/17/Rev.1/Amend.1
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(e) have the right to import free of duty a motor car for their personal use, acquired either in the State of their last residence or in the State of which they are nationals on the terms ruling in the home market in that State, and to re-export it free of duty, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the State concerned.
e) imajo pravico uvoziti brez dajatev avtomobil za osebno uporabo, pridobljen v državi njihovega zadnjega prebivališča ali države njihovega državljanstva, pod pogoji, ki veljajo na domačem trgu te države, ter ga ponovno izvoziti brez dajatev, v obeh primerih pod pogoji, ki jih vlada države, v kateri uresničujejo to pravico, šteje za potrebne.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
e. have the right to import free of duty a motor car for their personal use, acquired either in the country of their last residence or in the country of which they are nationals on the terms ruling in the home market in that country, and to re export it free of duty, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the country concerned.
e. imajo pravico, da brez carine uvozijo avtomobil za osebno uporabo, ki ga kupijo bodisi v državi, kjer so nazadnje bivali, bodisi v državi, katere državljani so, pod pogoji, ki veljajo na domačem trgu v tej državi, in ga ponovno izvozijo brez carine, obakrat pod pogoji, ki jih določi vlada te države.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
(l) "Motor cycle" means any two-wheeled vehicle, with or without a side-car, which is equipped with a propelling engine.
(l) "motorno kolo" pomeni dvokolesno vozilo s stransko prikolico ali brez nje, ki je opremljeno s pogonskim motorjem.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(b) may, on taking up their duties in the territory of any one of the Contracting Parties, import their personal motor car temporarily with exemption from duty, and subsequently, but not later than on termination of their period of service, re-export that vehicle with exemption from duty, subject, however, in either event, to any conditions deemed to be necessary in each individual case by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned;
(b) lahko ob prevzemu svojih dolžnosti na ozemlju katere koli države pogodbenice začasno uvozi svoj osebni avtomobil brez plačila carine in ga pozneje, vendar najkasneje ob prenehanju opravljanja svoje funkcije, znova izvozi brez plačila dajatev; v obeh primerih ob tem uveljavljajo vse pogoje, za katere vlada zadevne pogodbenice v vsakem posameznem primeru meni, da so potrebni;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
(i) Notification that, in addition to the general rules on overtaking laid down by the regulations in force, the overtaking of power-driven vehicles other than two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motor cycles without side-car travelling on a road is prohibited, shall be given by sign C, 13a "OVERTAKING PROHIBITED".
(i) Poleg splošnih pravil o prehitevanju, ki so določena z veljavnimi predpisi, o prepovedi prehitevanja vseh vozil na motorni pogon, razen dvokolesnih mopedov in dvokolesnih motornih koles brez stranske prikolice, ki vozijo po cesti, obvešča znak C-13(na a) "PREPOVEDANO PREHITEVANJE".
11 Objavljeno
DRUGO: E/CONF.56/17/Rev.1/Amend.1
Prohibition of overtaking (a) Notification that, in addition to the general rules on overtaking laid down by the regulations in force, the overtaking of power-driven vehicles other than two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motor cycles without side-car travelling on a road is prohibited, shall be given by sign C,13 a "OVERTAKING PROHIBITED".
Prepovedano prehitevanje (a) Obvestilo o prepovedi prehitevanja vseh vozil na motorni pogon, razen koles z motorjem in dvokolesnih motornih vozil brez stranske prikolice, ki vozijo po cesti, je poleg splošnih pravil o prehitevanju, ki so določena z veljavnimi predpisi, dano z znakom C,13 a "PREPOVEDANO PREHITEVANJE".
12 Končna redakcija
Their week-ends in the country cost them nothing, and saved them the price of their Sunday dinners; for the motor car was the Colonel's; and he and Higgins paid the hotel bills.
Njuni vikendi na deželi ju niso nič stali, prihranila pa sta si s tem izdatke za nedeljske večerje; avto je namreč pripadal Pickeringu in polkovnik in Higgins sta plačevala tudi hotelske račune.
13 Pravna redakcija
For motor-car components indicated in this list, the applied tariff will be reduced by 50% as from the entry into force of the Agreement.
Za sestavne dele motornih vozil, ki so navedeni v tem seznamu, se ob dnevu začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma uporabljena tarifa zniža za 50 %.
14 Pravna redakcija
Type (car, bus, lorry, van, tractor, motorcycle with or without sidecar, cycle with auxiliary engine)
Tip (avtomobil, avtobus, dostavno vozilo, motorno kolo z ali brez stranske prikolice, kolo s pomožnim motorjem)
15 Pravna redakcija
(e) have the right to import free of duty a motor car for their personal use, acquired either in the country of their last residence or in the country of which they are nationals on the terms ruling in the home market in that country, and to re-export it free of duty, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the country concerned.
(e) imajo pravico do prostega uvoza motornega vozila za svojo osebno uporabo, kupljenega bodisi v državi njihovega zadnjega bivališča bodisi v državi, katere državljani so, pod pogoji, ki vladajo na domačem trgu v tej državi, in do njegovega prostega ponovnega izvoza, v obeh primerih z upoštevanjem pogojev, ki se zdijo potrebni vladi države, v kateri se izvaja njihova pravica.
16 Pravna redakcija
New motor cars, passenger vans, station wagons, estate car and the like with either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive
novi avtomobili, kombinirana vozila za prevoz potnikov in podobno, na dvokolesni in štirikolesni pogon
17 Pravna redakcija
Second-hand motor cars, passenger vans, station wagons, estate car and the like with either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive
rabljeni avtomobili, kombinirana vozila za prevoz potnikov in podobno, na dvokolesni in štirikolesni pogon
18 Pravna redakcija
whereas the proposal should, besides the tightening of car emission standards, include complementary measures such as an improvement in fuel quality and a strengthening of the motor-vehicle inspection and maintenance programme;
ker naj bi predlog poleg poostritve standardov za emisije iz avtomobilov vključeval tudi dodatne ukrepe, kot sta izboljšanje kakovosti goriva in okrepitev programa za preverjanje in vzdrževanje motornih vozil;
19 Pravna redakcija
whereas the Commission has implemented the APHEA Project which estimates the external costs of air pollution by motor vehicles at 0,4 % of EU GNP, and further assessments conclude that the external costs amount to 3 % of EU GNP, whereas the Commission has implemented the 'Car of Tomorrow' Action Plan which strives to contribute to the promotion of the 'Car of Tomorrow' which will be clean, safe, energy efficient and 'intelligent';
ker je Komisija uresničila projekt Onesnaženje zraka in zdravje: evropski pristop (APHEA), ki ocenjuje zunanje stroške onesnaževanja zraka z motornimi vozili na 0,4 % EU BDP, nadaljnja ocena pa kaže, da zunanji stroški znašajo 3 % EU BDP; ker Komisija izvaja Akcijski plan Avtomobil jutrišnjega dne, ki poskuša prispevati k promociji "avtomobila jutrišnjega dne", ki bo čist, varen, energetsko učinkovit in "pameten";
20 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 80/780/EEC of 22 July 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to rear-view mirrors for two-wheeled motor vehicles with or without a side-car and to their fitting on such vehicles (OJ No L 229, 30.8.1980, p. 49), as amended by:
Direktiva Sveta 80/780/EGS z dne 22. julija 1980 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic, ki se nanaša na vzvratna ogledala za dvokolesna motorna vozila z bočno prikolico ali brez nje ter na njihovo pritrditev na ta vozila (UL št. L 229, 30. 8. 1980, str. 49), kakor je bila spremenjena z:
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0056
Motorcycle with side-car only
Samo motorno kolo z bočno prikolico
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0439
-motorcycles with or without side-car;
motorna kolesa s prikolico ali brez nje;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
In the case of a mobile good, a motor car may well be driven across Europe by its purchaser but it was purchased at only one place - Paris, Berlin or Madrid say.
V primeru premičnin, kupec lahko vozi avtomobil preko Evrope, vendar ga je kupil v enem kraju - na primer v Parizu, Berlinu ali Madridu.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1400
"passenger car" means a motor vehicle intended for the carriage of passengers and comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat;
"osebno vozilo" pomeni motorno vozilo, namenjeno za prevoz oseb, ki ima poleg sedeža voznika največ osem sedežev;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
The landing doors and car doors or the two doors together, where motorized, must be fitted with a device to prevent the risk of crushing when they are moving.
Etažna vrata in vrata kabine ali oboje vrat skupaj, kadar so motorizirana, morajo biti opremljena z napravo, ki preprečuje nevarnost trčenja, kadar se premikajo.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D1753
"passenger car" means any motor vehicle of category M1, as defined in Annex II to Directive 70/156/EEC and which falls within the scope of Directive 80/1268/EEC.
"osebno vozilo" pomeni vsako motorno vozilo kategorije M1, kakor je določeno v Prilogi II k Direktivi 70/156/EGS, in ki spada v obseg Direktive 80/1268/EGS.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0094
"passenger car" means any motor vehicle of category M1, as defined in Annex II to Directive 70/156/EEC(6) and which falls under the scope of Directive 80/1268/EEC.
"osebno vozilo" pomeni katero koli motorno vozilo kategorije M1, kakor je opredeljeno v Prilogi II Direktive 70/156/EGS[6] in ki sodi na področje uporabe Direktive 80/1268/EGS.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Examples of service concession arrangements involve water treatment and supply facilities, motorways, car parks, tunnels, bridges, airports and telecommunication networks.
Med primere dogovorov o koncesiji storitev spadajo objekti in naprave za pripravo vode in oskrbo z vodo, avtoceste, parkirišča, tuneli, mostovi, letališča in telekomunikacijska omrežja.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0035
cycle (partly CPA 71.40.14), moped, motor cycle (partly CPA 71.21.14), passenger car (excluding taxi and rented automobile) (including cars belonging to friends or relatives), van, lorry (partly CPA 71.10.10, 71.21.11)
kolo (delno CPA 71.40.14), moped, motocikel (delno CPA 71.21.14), osebni avtomobil (taksi in najeti avtomobil nista vključena) (vključeni pa so avtomobili, ki pripadajo prijateljem ali sorodnikom), kombi, tovornjak (delno CPA 71.10.10, 71. 21. 11);
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0069
whereas the Commission has implemented the APHEA Project which estimates the external costs of air pollution by motor vehicles at 0,4 % of EU GNP, and further assessments conclude that the external costs amount to 3 % of EU GNP, whereas the Commission has implemented the 'Car of Tomorrow` Action Plan which strives to contribute to the promotion of the 'Car of Tomorrow` which will be clean, safe, energy efficient and 'intelligent`;
evropski pristop (APHEA), ki ocenjuje zunanje stroške onesnaževanja zraka z motornimi vozili na 0,4 % EU BDP, nadaljnja ocena pa kaže, da zunanji stroški znašajo 3 % EU BDP; ker Komisija izvaja Akcijski plan Avtomobil jutrišnjega dne, ki poskuša prispevati k promociji "avtomobila jutrišnjega dne", ki bo čist, varen, energetsko učinkovit in "pameten";
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0024
Council Directive 80/780(EEC of 22 July 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to rear-view mirrors for two-wheeled motor vehicles with or without a side-car and to their fitting on such vehicles (22) shall be repealed when this Directive becomes applicable.
Direktiva Sveta 80/780/EGS z dne 22. julija 1980 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic glede vzvratnih ogledal za dvokolesna motorna vozila s stransko prikolico ali brez nje in njihove vgradnje na ta vozila (2) se razveljavi, ko se začne uporabljati ta direktiva.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0094
advice to motorists that correct use and regular maintenance of the vehicle and driving behaviour, such as avoiding aggressive driving, travelling at lower speeds, anticipation braking, correctly inflating tyres, reducing periods of idling, not carrying excessive weight, improve the fuel consumption and reduce the CO2 emissions of their passenger car;
nasveti voznikom, da pravilna uporaba vozila in njegovo redno vzdrževanje ter način vožnje, kakršno je izogibanje agresivni vožnji, potovanje pri nižjih hitrostih, predvidevanje zaviranja, ustrezno napolnjene pnevmatike, krajša obdobja, ko je vozilo v prostem teku, in izogibanje pretežkim bremenom izboljšajo porabo goriva in zmanjšajo emisije CO2 njihovega vozila;
33 Prevajalska redakcija
Directive 97/24/EC repeals, with effect from 17 June 1999, Council Directive 80/780/EEC of 22 July 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to rear-view mirrors for two-wheeled motor vehicles with or without a side-car and to their fitting to such vehicles(3) which is incorporated into the Agreement and which is consequently to be repealed under the Agreement.
ker Direktiva 97/24/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta razveljavlja, z začetkom veljavnosti od 17. junija 1999, Direktivo Sveta 80/780/EGS z dne 22. julija 1980 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic, ki se nanaša na vzvratna ogledala za dvokolesna motorna vozila z bočno prikolico ali brez nje ter na njihovo pritrditev na ta vozila, [3] ki je vključena v Sporazum in ki mora biti zaradi tega razveljavljena po Sporazumu;
34 Prevod
have the right to import free of duty a motor car for their personal use, acquired either in the country of their last residence or in the country of which they are nationals on the terms ruling in the home market in that country, and to re-export it free of duty, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the country concerned.
imajo pravico do prostega uvoza motornega vozila za svojo osebno uporabo, kupljenega bodisi v državi njihovega zadnjega bivališča bodisi v državi, katere državljani so, pod pogoji, ki vladajo na domačem trgu v tej državi, in do njegovega prostega ponovnega izvoza, v obeh primerih z upoštevanjem pogojev, ki se zdijo potrebni vladi države, v kateri se izvaja njihova pravica.
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motor car