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national authorisation regime
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
The proper functioning of the single market on the basis of the national authorisation regimes under this Directive should be monitored by the Commission.
Komisija naj nadzoruje pravilno delovanje enotnega trga na podlagi državnih režimov odobritev po tej direktivi.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
Denmark considers that the proposed testing regime to demonstrate freedom from extraneous agents is insufficient to ensure that Bovilis BVD would not interfere with their national eradication campaigns for certain animal diseases and that therefore the benefit: risk assessment for Bovilis BVD is negative and authorisation of the product would represent a potential serious risk to animal health.
Danska je bila mnenja, da predlagan režim testiranj za dokazovanje odsotnosti tujih snovi ne zadostuje za zagotavljanje, da zdravilo Bovilis BVD ne bo motilo njenih nacionalnih eradikacijskih programov proti določenim živalskim boleznim, zaradi česar je bila ocena razmerja med koristmi in tveganji v primeru zdravila Bovilis BVD negativna, odobritev dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom pa bi predstavljala morebitno resno tveganje za zdravje živali.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
Denmark considered that the proposed testing regime to demonstrate freedom from extraneous agents was insufficient to ensure that Bovilis BVD/ Bovilis BVD-MD would not interfere with their national eradication campaigns for certain animal diseases and that, therefore, the benefit/ risk assessment for Bovilis BVD/ Bovilis BVD-MD was unfavourable, authorisation of the product representing a potential serious risk to animal health.
Danska je menila, da predlagani režim testiranja za predstavitev odsotnosti tujih snovi v zadostni meri ne zagotavlja, da zdravilo Bovilis BVD/ Bovilis BVD- MD ne bi oviralo nacionalnih programov za izkoreninjenje določenih bolezni živali ter da razmerje med koristmi in tveganji za zdravilo Bovilis BVD/ Bovilis BVD- MD ni ugodno, tako da bi morebitna odobritev dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom lahko pomenila možno resno tveganje za zdravje živali.
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national authorisation regime