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national regulatory authority
1 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
'national regulatory authority`:
"nacionalni regulativni organ":
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
a longer period decided by the national regulatory authority.
v daljšem roku, k i ga doloei nacionalni regulativni organ.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-121
Mutual legal assistance shall also be afforded to a national administrative authority, investigating conduct with a view to a criminal prosecution of the conduct, or referral of the conduct to criminal investigation or prosecution authorities, pursuant to its specific administrative or regulatory authority to undertake such investigation.
Medsebojna pravna pomoč se zagotovi tudi državnemu upravnemu organu, ki na podlagi upravnih ali zakonskih pristojnosti za začetek take preiskave preiskuje neko ravnanje zaradi morebitnega kazenskega pregona ali zaradi predaje obravnave takega ravnanja organom za preiskavo ali pregon.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(b) Without prejudice to article 46 of this Convention, ensure that administrative, regulatory, law enforcement and other authorities dedicated to combating money-laundering (including, where appropriate under domestic law, judicial authorities) have the ability to cooperate and exchange information at the national and international levels within the conditions prescribed by its domestic law and, to that end, shall consider the establishment of a financial intelligence unit to serve as a national centre for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information regarding potential money-laundering.
(b) ne glede na 46. člen te konvencije zagotovi, da lahko upravni in regulativni organi, organi odkrivanja in pregona ter drugi organi, katerih naloga je boj proti pranju denarja (vključno s pravosodnimi organi, kadar je to primerno v skladu z notranjim pravom) sodelujejo in izmenjavajo informacije na državni in mednarodni ravni v skladu s pogoji, ki jih predpisuje notranje pravo vsake države pogodbenice, in v ta namen preuči možnosti za ustanovitev finančne obveščevalne enote, ki bi delovala kot nacionalni center za zbiranje, preučevanje in širjenje informacij v zvezi z morebitnim pranjem denarja.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(b) Shall, without prejudice to articles 18 and 27 of this Convention, ensure that administrative, regulatory, law enforcement and other authorities dedicated to combating money-laundering (including, where appropriate under domestic law, judicial authorities) have the ability to cooperate and exchange information at the national and international levels within the conditions prescribed by its domestic law and, to that end, shall consider the establishment of a financial intelligence unit to serve as a national centre for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information regarding potential money-laundering.
(b) zagotovi, ne da bi s tem posegala v 18. in 27. člen te konvencije, da imajo upravni organi, organi kazenskega pregona in drugi organi, katerih naloga je boj proti pranju denarja (vključno s sodišči, če tako narekuje notranje pravo države), možnost za sodelovanje in izmenjavo informacij na državni in mednarodni ravni pod pogoji, ki jih določa notranji pravni red, in v ta namen preučijo možnosti za ustanovitev finančne obveščevalne enote, ki bi bila državni center za zbiranje, analizo in dajanje informacij o možnem pranju denarja.
6 Končna redakcija
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The national regulatory authority shall inform the parties without delay.
Nacionalni regulativni organ o tem takoj obvesti stranke.
7 Končna redakcija
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The national regulatory authority shall give the reasons justifying its request for information.
Nacionalni regulativni organ navede razloge, ki utemeljujejo njegovo zahtevo po informacijah.
8 Končna redakcija
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9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
National regulatory authorities
Nacionalni regulativni organi
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
"national regulatory authority" means the body or bodies charged by a Member State with any of the regulatory tasks assigned in this Directive and the Specific Directives;
"nacionalni regulativni organ" pomeni organ ali organe, ki jih država elanica zadolži za opravljanje katerekoli regulativne naloge, dodeljene v tej direktivi in v posebnih direktivah;
11 Končna redakcija
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The Member State concerned shall require that all parties cooperate fully with the national regulatory authority.
Zadevna država èlanica zahteva, da vse stranke tesno sodelujejo z nacionalnim regulativnim organom.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
The information requested by the national regulatory authority shall be proportionate to the performance of that task.
Informacije, ki jih zahteva nacionalni regulativni organ, morajo biti sorazmerne z opravljanjem te naloge.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
National regulatory authorities and the Commission may make comments to the national regulatory authority concerned only within one month or within the period referred to in Article 6 if that period is longer.
Nacionalni regulativni organi in Komisija lahko zadevnemu nacionalnemu regulativnemu organu predložijo pripombe samo v enem mesecu ali v roku iz èlena 6, èe je ta rok daljši.
14 Končna redakcija
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a shorter period agreed by the undertaking or stipulated by the national regulatory authority in case of repeated breaches, or
v krajšem roku, o katerem se dogovori s podjetjem ali ga nacionalni regulativni organ doloèi pri ponavljajoèih se kršitvah, ali
15 Končna redakcija
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In addition to the consultation referred to in Article 6, where a national regulatory authority intends to take a measure which:
Poleg posvetovanja iz èlena 6 nacionalni regulativni organ, kadar namerava uveljaviti ukrep, ki:
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Where information is considered confidential by a national regulatory authority in accordance with Community and national rules on business confidentiality, the Commission and the national regulatory authorities concerned shall ensure such confidentiality.
Kadar nacionalni regulativni organ v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti in nacionalnimi predpisi o poslovni tajnosti meni, da so informacije zaupne, Komisija in zadevni nacionalni regulativni organi zagotovijo tako zaupnost.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
In resolving a dispute, the national regulatory authority shall take decisions aimed at achieving the objectives set out in Article 8.
Nacionalni regulativni organ pri reševanju spora sprejema odloèbe, namenjene doseganju ciljev iz èlena 8.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0460
any competent body appointed by a Member State, such as a national regulatory authority as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2002/21/EC.
vsi pristojni organi, ki jih imenuje država članica, kot je nacionalni regulativni organ, opredeljen v členu 2 Direktive 2002/21/ES.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Where a national regulatory authority concludes that the market is effectively competitive, it shall not impose or maintain any of the specific regulatory obligations referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Èe nacionalni regulativni organ ugotovi, da na trgu vlada dejanska konkurenca, niti ne uvede niti ne ohrani nobene od posebnih regulativnih obveznosti iz odstavka 2 tega èlena.
21 Končna redakcija
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Pending the outcome of any such appeal, the decision of the national regulatory authority shall stand, unless the appeal body decides otherwise.
Do koneanja vsakega takega pritožbenega postopka velja odloeba nacionalnega regulativnega organa, razen ee pritožbeni organ ne odloei drugaee.
22 Končna redakcija
A national regulatory authority, independent of the postal operators, is in charge of ensuring compliance with the obligations of the Directive.
Državni upravni organ, ki je neodvisen od izvajalcev poštnih storitev, je zadolžen za zagotovitev skladnosti z obveznostmi iz navedene direktive.
23 Končna redakcija
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Where a national regulatory authority chooses not to follow a recommendation, it shall inform the Commission giving the reasoning for its position.
Kadar se nacionalni regulativni organ odloèi, da ne bo upošteval priporoèila, o tem obvesti Komisijo z navedbo razlogov za svoje stališèe.
24 Končna redakcija
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The decision of the national regulatory authority shall be made available to the public, having regard to the requirements of business confidentiality.
Odloeba nacionalnega regulativnega organa je dostopna javnosti, vendar ob u poštevanju zahtev poslovne tajnosti.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
The national regulatory authority shall, inter alia, be able to impose changes to reference offers to give effect to obligations imposed under this Directive.
Nacionalni regulativni organ mora imeti med drugim možnost predpisati spremembe referenčnih ponudb, s čimer bi bile obveznosti, naložene po tej direktivi, učinkovitejše.
26 Končna redakcija
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case-by-case verification of compliance with conditions as set out in the Annex where a complaint has been received or where the national regulatory authority has other reasons to believe that a condition is not complied with or in case of an investigation by the national regulatory authority on its own initiative;
posamièno preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev iz priloge, èe je prispela pritožba ali èe nacionalni regulativni organ iz drugih razlogov predvideva, da pogoj ni izpolnjen, ali èe nacionalni regulativni organ na lastno pobudo opravi preiskavo;
27 Končna redakcija
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These undertakings shall provide such information promptly on request and to the timescales and level of detail required by the national regulatory authority.
Ta podjetja predložijo take informacije takoj na zahtevo ter po èasovnem naèrtu in v podrobnostih, ki jih zahteva nacionalni regulativni organ.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Member States shall ensure that an undertaking's intention to transfer rights to use radio frequencies is notified to the national regulatory authority responsible for spectrum assignment and that any transfer takes place in accordance with procedures laid down by the national regulatory authority and is made public.
Države elanice poskrbijo za uradno obvestitev nacionalnega regulativnega organa, odgovornega za dodelitev spektra, o tem, da namerava podjetje prenesti pravice do uporabe radijskih frekvenc ter da vsak prenos poteka skladno s postopki, ki jih doloei nacion alni regulativni organ, in da je ta prenos objavljen.
29 Končna redakcija
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Such acknowledgement should in any case not consist of or require an administrative act by the national regulatory authority to which the notification must be made.
Tako potrdilo prejema obvestila naj nikakor ne bo upravni akt nacionalnega regulativnega organa, ki mu je treba poslati uradno obvestilo, niti naj se ta akt za tako obvestilo ne zahteva.
30 Končna redakcija
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Any party who is the subject of a decision by a national regulatory authority should have the right to appeal to a body that is independent of the parties involved.
Vsaka stranka, za katero velja sklep nacionalnega regulativnega organa, mora imeti pravico do pritožbe pri organu, neodvisnem od udeleženih strank.
31 Končna redakcija
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In accordance with the principle of the separation of regulatory and operational functions, Member States should guarantee the independence of the national regulatory authority or authorities with a view to ensuring the impartiality of their decisions.
V skladu z naèelom loèevanja regulativnih in obratovalnih funkcij naj države èlanice zajamèijo neodvisnost nacionalnega regulativnega organa ali organov, da bi zagotovile nepristranskost njihovih sklepov.
32 Končna redakcija
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The Commission, acting in accordance with Article 14(2), shall take a decision authorising or preventing the national regulatory authority from taking such measures.
Komisija ob upoštevanju člena 14(2) sprejme odločitev o tem, ali bo pooblastila nacionalni regulativni organ ali mu preprečila, da sprejme take ukrepe.
33 Končna redakcija
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The national regulatory authority concerned shall take the utmost account of comments of other national regulatory authorities and the Commission and may, except in cases covered by paragraph 4, adopt the resulting draft measure and, where it does so, shall communicate it to the Commission.
Zadevni nacionalni regulativni organ dosledno upošteva pripombe dr ugih nacionalnih regulativnih organov in Komisije ter lahko, razen v primerih iz odstavka 4, sprejme na podlagi pripomb nastali osnutek ukrepa in ga, ee ga sprejme, predloži Komisiji.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Subjecting service providers to reporting and information obligations can be cumbersome, both for the undertaking and for the national regulatory authority concerned.
Zavezovanje ponudnikov storitev k poroeanju in obvešeanju lahko pomeni oviro za podjetje in za zadevni nacionalni regulativni organ.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Where a national regulatory authority determines that a relevant market is not effectively competitive, it shall identify undertakings with significant market power on that market in accordance with Article 14 and the national regulatory authority shall on such undertakings impose appropriate specific regulatory obligations referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article or maintain or amend such obligations where they already exist.
Èe nacionalni regulativni organ ugotovi, da na upoštevnem trgu ni dejanske konkurence, opredeli podjetja s pomembno tržno moèjo na tem trgu v skladu s èlenom 14 in tem podjetjem naloži ustrezne posebne regulativne obveznosti iz odstavka 2 tega èlena ali ohrani ali spremeni take obveznosti, kjer že obstajajo.
36 Končna redakcija
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A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations of non-discrimination, in relation to interconnection and/or access.
Nacionalni regulativni organ lahko v skladu z določbami člena 8 naloži obveznosti nediskriminacije v zvezi z medomrežnim povezovanjem in/ali dostopom.
37 Končna redakcija
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Any obligations imposed on an undertaking by the national regulatory authority in resolving a dispute shall respect the provisions of this Directive or the Specific Directives.
Vse obveznosti, ki jih nacionalni regulativni organ naloži podjetju pri reševanju spora, morajo biti v skladu z doloèbami te direktive ali posebnih direktiv.
38 Končna redakcija
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Information that is considered confidential by a national regulatory authority, in accordance with Community and national rules on business confidentiality, may only be exchanged with the Commission and other national regulatory authorities where such exchange is strictly necessary for the application of the provisions of this Directive or the Specific Directives.
Informacije, ki jih nacionalni regulativni organ obravnava kot zaupne v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti in nacionalnimi predpisi o poslovni t ajnosti, se lahko s Komisijo in drugimi nacionalnimi regulativnimi organi izmenjajo samo, ee je taka izmenjava nujno potrebna za izvajanje doloeb te direktive ali posebnih direktiv.
39 Končna redakcija
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Where the information provided refers to information previously provided by undertakings at the request of the national regulatory authority, such undertakings shall be informed thereof.
Kadar se predložene informacije nanašajo na informacije, ki so jih pred tem zagotovila podjetja na zahtevo nacionalnega regulativnega organa, je treba ta podjetja o tem obvestiti.
40 Končna redakcija
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A decision by the national regulatory authority to render such measures permanent or extend the time for which they are applicable shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4.
Za sklep nacionalnega regulativnega organa o tem, da bi taki ukrepi postali stalni ali da bi se podaljšal eas njihove veljavnosti, veljajo doloebe odstavkov 3 in 4.
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The results of the consultation procedure shall be made publicly available by the national regulatory authority, except in the case of confidential information in accordance with Community and national law on business confidentiality.
Nacionalni regulativni organ omogoei, da so rezultati posvetovalnega postopka dostopni javnosti, razen kadar veljajo informacije za zaupne v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti in nacionalno zakonodajo o poslovni tajnosti.
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Within this period the Commission may, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2), take a decision requiring the national regulatory authority concerned to withdraw the draft measure.
V tem roku lahko Komisija v skladu s postopkom iz elena 22(2) sprejme sklep, s katerim od zadevnega nacionalnega regulativnega organa zahteva, d a osnutek ukrepa umakne.
43 Končna redakcija
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Operators shall offer access and interconnection to other undertakings on terms and conditions consistent with obligations imposed by the national regulatory authority pursuant to Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Obratovalci ponudijo drugim podjetjem dostop in medomrežno povezovanje pod pogoji, skladnimi z obveznostmi, ki jih naloži nacionalni regulativni organ po členih 5, 6, 7 in 8.
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A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations for accounting separation in relation to specified activities related to interconnection and/or access.
Nacionalni regulativni organ lahko v skladu z določbami člena 8 naloži obveznosti za ločeno računovodstvo v zvezi z natančno opredeljenimi dejavnostmi, ki se nanašajo na medomrežno povezovanje in/ali dostop.
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The notification referred to in paragraph 2 shall not entail more than a declaration by a legal or natural person to the national regulatory authority of the intention to commence the provision of electronic communication networks or services and the submission of the minimal information which is required to allow the national regulatory authority to keep a register or list of providers of electronic communications networks and services.
V uradnem obvestilu iz odstavka 2 se zahtevata samo ena izjava, ki jo da pravna ali fiziena oseba nacionalnemu regulativnemu organu o tem, da namerava zaeeti z zagotavljanjem elektronskih komunikacijskih omrežij ali storitev, in predložitev minimalnih informacij, ki so potrebne, da lahko nacionalni regulativni organ vodi evidenco ali seznam ponudnikov elektronskih komunikacijskih omrežij in storitev.
46 Končna redakcija
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National regulatory authorities shall publish their national consultation procedures.
Nacionalni regulativni organi objavijo svoje nacionalne posvetovalne postopke.
47 Končna redakcija
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In addition to the rights of recourse granted under national or Community law, there is a need for a simple procedure to be initiated at the request of either party in a dispute, to resolve cross-border disputes which lie outside the competence of a single national regulatory authority.
Poleg pravice do pritožbe, ki jo daje notranja zakonodaja ali zakon odaja Skupnosti, je za rešitev eezmejnih sporov, ki ne sodijo v pristojnost samo enega nacionalnega regulativnega organa, potreben preprost postopek, ki se sproži na zahtevo katerekoli stranke v sporu.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Administrative charges may be imposed on providers of electronic communications services in order to finance the activities of the national regulatory authority in managing the authorisation system and for the granting of rights of use.
Ponudnikom elektronskih komunikacijskih storitev se lahko naložijo upravne pristojbine za financiranje dejavnosti nacionalnega regulativnega organa pri upravljanju odobritvenega sistema in za podeljevanje pravic uporabe.
49 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Subject to the requirements of paragraph 3, Member States shall ensure that the information submitted to one national regulatory authority can be made available to another such authority in the same or different Member State, after a substantiated request, where necessary to allow either authority to fulfil its responsibilities under Community law.
Države elanice ob upoštevanju zahtev iz odstavka 3 zagotovijo, da se lahko informacije, predložene enemu nacionalnemu regulativnemu organu, dajo na voljo drugemu organu v isti ali drugi državi elanici na obrazloženo zahtevo, da lahko oba organa po potrebi izpolnita svoje odgovornosti po zakonodaji Sku pnosti.
50 Končna redakcija
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The undertaking concerned may be required to submit a notification but may not be required to obtain an explicit decision or any other administrative act by the national regulatory authority before exercising the rights stemming from the authorisation.
Od zadevnega podjetja se lahko zahteva, da predloži uradno obvestilo, ne zahteva pa se, da pred uveljavljanjem pravic, ki izhajajo iz te odobritve, od nacionalnega regulativnega organa pridobi izrecno odloèbo ali drugi upravni akt.
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national regulatory authority