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net allocation
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Allocation of net profits and losses of the European Central Bank
Razporeditev čistih dobičkov in izgub Evropske centralne banke
2 Končna redakcija
Allocation of net profits and losses of the ECB
Razporeditev čistega dobička in izgube ECB
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
The allocation of the individual NCB's and ECB's net credit or debit position to either the asset or liability side of the balance sheet is done according to the sign, i.e. a positive net position vis-à-vis the eurosystem will be reported on the asset side, a negative net position on the liability side.
Alokacija neto dolžniške ali upniške pozicije posameznih NCB in ECB na pasivno ali aktivno stran bilance se izvede skladno s predznakom, t.j. pozitivne neto pozicije nasproti Eurosistemu se poročajo na aktivni strani, negativne neto pozicije pa na pasivni strani.
4 Pravna redakcija
Allocation and distribution of net income
Razpored in delitev čistega dohodka
5 Pravna redakcija
determine the reserves and the allocation and distribution of the net profits of the Bank;
določa rezerve ter razpored in delitev čistega dobička Banke;
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2334
Allocation for 2004 of quotas for preserved mushrooms referred to in Article 1(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2125/95, in tonnes (net drained weight)
Razdelitev kvot za konzervirane gobe za leto 2004 iz člena 1(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 2125/95, v tonah (neto masa odcejenega proizvoda)
7 Pravna redakcija
List of producing countries with tropical forest resources and/or net exporters of tropical timber in volume terms, and allocation of votes for the purposes of Articles 37
Seznam držav proizvajalk z tropskimi gozdnimi viri in/ali neto izvoznic tropskega lesa glede na količino in dodelitev glasov za namene člena 37
8 Pravna redakcija
Only on the basis of proper cost and revenue allocation can it be determined whether the public financing is actually limited to the net costs of the public service remit and thus acceptable under Article 86(2) and the Protocol.
Le na osnovi dodelitve dejanskih stroškov in prihodkov je mogoče ugotoviti, ali je javno financiranje dejansko omejeno na čiste stroške poslanstva javne storitve ter tako sprejemljivo na podlagi člena 86(2) in Protokola.
9 Pravna redakcija
Any such decision on the allocation of the Bank's net income to other purposes shall be taken by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the governors, representing not less than two-thirds of the total voting power of the members.
Vsaka odločitev o usmerjanju čistega dohodka Banke v druge namene se sprejme z najmanj dvotretjinsko večino guvernerjev, ki predstavljajo najmanj dve tretjini vseh glasovalnih pravic članic.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
It argued further that this should be reconsidered because part of the foreign currency translation gain was realised and furthermore, that a turnover basis was the most appropriate basis for the allocation of the net foreign exchange gain to different markets.
Trdil je, da bi se to moralo ponovno proučiti, saj se je del deviznih dobičkov iz pretvorbe realiziral; pri tem naj bi bilo najprimerneje, da se čisti devizni dobički različnim trgom pripišejo na podlagi prihodkov od dobička.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
Allocation of net income
Razporeditev čistega prihodka
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2405
Allocation referred to in Article 2 (net drained weight)
Dodelitev iz člena 2 (suha neto teža)
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2858
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1142
Allocation as referred to in Article 2 in tonnes (net drained weight)
Dodelitev iz člena 2 v tonah (neto odcejena masa)
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
This income allocation is based on a pattern reflecting a constant periodic return on the lessor's net investment outstanding in respect of the finance lease.
Razporeditev teh prihodkov je zasnovana na metodi, ki kaže stalni obdobni donos na najemodajalčevo nevrnjeno čisto naložbo, ki se nanaša na finančni najem.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
an impairment loss is recognised for the asset if its carrying amount is greater than the higher of its net selling price and the results of the allocation procedures described in paragraphs 88 and 89;
se izguba zaradi oslabitve sredstva pripozna, če je njegova knjigovodska vrednost večja od večje izmed naslednjih dveh: čiste prodajne cene ali izidov postopkov razporejanja, opisanih v odstavkih 88 in 89;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
If an enterprise can compute segment net profit or loss or some other measure of segment profitability other than segment result without arbitrary allocations, reporting of such amount(s) is encouraged in addition to segment result, appropriately described.
Če podjetje lahko izračuna čisti poslovni izid odseka ali kako drugo merilo dobičkonosnosti odseka razen poslovnega izida odseka brez poljubnih razporeditev, se poročanje o takšnih zneskih z ustreznimi opisi priporoča kot dodatek k poslovnemu izidu odseka.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
in so far as the undertaking bears no investment risk and the allocation to cover management expenses is not fixed for a period exceeding five years, an amount equivalent to 25 % of the last financial year's net administrative expenses pertaining to such business;
če zavarovalnica ne prevzema naložbenega tveganja in porazdelitev za kritje stroškov upravljanja ni določena za obdobje, daljše od petih let, znesek, enak 25 % čistih stroškov upravljanja, ki se nanašajo na takšen posel zadnjega poslovnega leta;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2802
They shall include, on the responsibility of the Russian authorities, sale of the products supplied on local markets at prices whereby the regional market will not be disturbed and also the principle of exclusive allocation of the net receipts of sales to social measures.
Pogoji vključujejo, na odgovornost ruskih organov, prodajo proizvodov, dobavljenih na lokalne trge, po cenah, ki ne bodo motile regionalnega trga, in načelo izključne dodelitve neto iztržkov socialnim ukrepom.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0307
However, financial corrections imposed by the Commission under Article 19(2) of Decision 2000/596/EC after completion of the procedure laid down by Article 18(3) and (4) of the same Decision will in all cases involve a net reduction in the indicative allocation of assistance from the Fund.
Vendar finančni popravki, ki jih naloži Komisija na podlagi člena 19(2) Odločbe 2000/596/ES po dokončanju postopka iz člena 18(3) in (4) iste odločbe, v vseh primerih vključujejo čisto znižanje okvirne dodelitve pomoči iz sklada.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0891
Where an asset is not allocated by the draft terms of division and where the interpretation of these terms does not make a decision on its allocation possible, the asset or the consideration therefor shall be allocated to all the recipient companies in proportion to the share of the net assets allocated to each of those companies under the draft terms of division.
Kadar sredstvo po načrtu delitve ni razdeljeno in kadar po razlagi tega načrta ni mogoče sprejeti odločitve o njegovi razdelitvi, se sredstvo ali kupnina, dobljena zanj, razdeli med vse družbe prejemnice v razmerju do deleža netosredstev, dodeljenih vsaki od teh družb po načrtu delitve.
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net allocation