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net balance
1 Končna redakcija
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CELEX: 31999R1225
Net balance of the technical account of the profit and loss account (net of reinsurance).
Čisti zavarovalno-tehnični izid izkaza uspeha (brez pozavarovalnega deleža).
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
However, supplementary applications may be submitted only if justified on the basis of the risk of the net balance in the SAPARD euro account being exhausted before the next quarterly application has been processed.
Dodatni zahtevki se lahko predložijo samo, če je to utemeljeno zaradi tveganja, da bi bila sredstva na evro računu SAPARD izčrpana, preden bi bil obdelan zahtevek za naslednje četrtletje.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
However, supplementary applications may be submitted only if justified on the basis of the risk of the net balance in the SAPARD euro account being exhausted before the next quarterly application has been processed or if there is a risk of decommitment being invoked pursuant to the provisions of the relevant Annual Financing Agreement.`
Dodatni zahtevki pa se lahko predložijo samo, če je to utemeljeno zaradi tveganja, da bi bila sredstva na evro računu SAPARD izčrpana, preden bi bil obdelan zahtevek za naslednje četrtletje, ali če obstaja tveganje, da bi bila obveznost ukinjena na podlagi določb ustreznega letnega sporazuma o financiranju.`
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(3) The amount held by a shareholder or partner in the capital of the recipient of the loan shall be determined, for the tax period, as an average on the basis of the balance of the paid-in capital, net profit brought forward, and reserves as at the last day of each month in the tax period.
(3) Znesek deleža delničarja oziroma družbenika v kapitalu prejemnika posojila se določi za davčno obdobje kot povprečje na podlagi stanja vplačanega kapitala, prenesenega čistega dobička in rezerv na zadnji dan vsakega meseca v davčnem obdobju.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The net worth of the assets and liabilities of the European Coal and Steel Community, as they appear in the balance sheet of the European Coal and Steel Community of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as Union assets intended for research in sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "European Coal and Steel Community in liquidation".
(1) Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, prikazanih v bilanci stanja Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva Unije, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana »Evropska skupnost za premog in jeklo v likvidaciji«.
6 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
Name: Sub-total II (= net balance of the technical account) (+/-)
Ime: Vmesni seštevek II (= čisti zavarovalno-tehnični izid)
7 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
Sub-total I (= gross balance of the technical account) is used in the calculation of sub-total II (= net balance of the technical account) (32 19 0).
Vmesni seštevek I (= kosmati zavarovalno-tehnični izid) se uporablja pri izračunu vmesnega seštevka II (= čisti zavarovalno-tehnični izid) (32 19 0).
8 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
In this case this variable is the balance of the other technical income, net amount (32 16 1), the net changes in other technical provisions, not shown under other headings (32 16 2), bonuses and rebates, net amount (32 16 3) and the other technical charges, net amount (32 16 4).
V tem primeru je ta spremenljivka saldo drugih čistih zavarovalnih prihodkov (32 16 1), sprememb drugih čistih zavarovalno-tehničnih rezervacijah, ki niso prikazane pod drugimi postavkami (32 16 2), bonusov in popustov v čistem znesku (32 16 3) in drugih čistih zavarovalno-tehničnih odhodkov (32 16 4).
9 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
If the "other items in the technical account" (32 16 0) are recorded on net base only this net amount is considered in the calculation of sub-total I: gross balance of the technical account.
Če so za "druge postavke v zavarovalno-tehničnem izidu" (32 16 0) navedene samo čiste vrednosti, se te čiste vrednosti upoštevajo pri izračunu vmesnega seštevka I: kosmati zavarovalno-tehnični izid.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Value added, i.e. the balancing item, may be calculated either before or after consumption of fixed capital (gross or net value added).
Dodana vrednost, to je izravnalna postavka, se lahko izračuna bodisi pred potrošnjo stalnega kapitala ali po njej (bruto ali neto dodana vrednost).
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
The allocation of the individual NCB's and ECB's net credit or debit position to either the asset or liability side of the balance sheet is done according to the sign, i.e. a positive net position vis-à-vis the eurosystem will be reported on the asset side, a negative net position on the liability side.
Alokacija neto dolžniške ali upniške pozicije posameznih NCB in ECB na pasivno ali aktivno stran bilance se izvede skladno s predznakom, t.j. pozitivne neto pozicije nasproti Eurosistemu se poročajo na aktivni strani, negativne neto pozicije pa na pasivni strani.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The balance sheets show the total assets and liabilities of the various units at the beginning and end of the accounting period, together with their net worth.
Bilance stanja prikazujejo celotna sredstva in obveznosti različnih enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja, skupaj z njihovimi neto vrednostmi.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Net revenue available to finance research projects for year n+2 shall be recorded in the balance sheet of the ECSC in liquidation of year n and, on completion of the liquidation, in the balance sheet of the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
Čisti prihodek, ki je na voljo za financiranje raziskovalnih projektov za leto n + 2, se evidentira v bilanci stanja ESPJ v likvidaciji za leto n, po zaključeni likvidaciji pa v bilanco stanja sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
It is not possible to compile a complete capital account for agriculture because, although certain flows may be clearly attributable to this industry, other items (e.g. net saving, the balance of the sequence of the current accounts) cannot be calculated on an industry basis.
Za kmetijstvo ni mogoče izdelati popolnega računa kapitala, ker nekaterih postavk (na primer neto varčevanje, bilanca zaporedja tekočih računov), čeprav lahko nekatere tokove jasno pripišemo tej dejavnosti, ni mogoče izračunati na podlagi dejavnosti.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
The method employed consists of establishing the funding for coal and steel research for year n+2 when producing the balance sheet for year n, taking into account half of the increase or decrease in the net result in relation to the last level of funding adopted for coal and steel research.
Uporabljena metoda se sestoji iz določanja financiranja raziskav na področju premogovništva in jeklarstva za leto n + 2 ob predložitvi bilance stanja za leto n, pri čemer se upošteva polovica povečanja ali zmanjšanja neto rezultata glede na zadnjo raven financiranja, sprejetega za raziskave na tem področju.
16 Končna redakcija
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
Neto vrednost teh sredstev in obveznosti, prikazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti, izkazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
18 Končna redakcija
Each year for five consecutive years from the date of constitution of the joint enterprise or the date on which the Community partner acquired holdings in the enterprise, applicants shall submit to the management authority a report on the implementation of the activity plan, including data on catches and markets of fisheries products, in particular products landed in or exported to the Community, with supporting documents, together with the enterprise's balance sheet and a statement of its net worth.
Vsako leto v zaporedju petih let od datuma ustanovitve skupnega podjetja ali datuma, ko si je partner iz Skupnosti pridobil delnice v podjetju, predlagatelji upravljalnemu organu predložijo poročilo o izvajanju načrta aktivnosti, vključno s podatki o ulovih in trgih z ribiškimi proizvodi, zlasti proizvodi, ki so iztovorjeni ali izvoženi v Skupnost, s spremno dokumentacijo, skupaj z bilanco stanja podjetja in izkazom njegovega čistega premoženja.
19 Pravna redakcija
National income, net/Balance or primary incomes, net
Nacionalni dohodek, neto/bilanca primarnih dohodkov, neto
20 Pravna redakcija
Sub-total II (= net balance of the technical account)
32 19 0 Vmesni seštevek II (=čisti zavarovalno tehnični izid)
21 Pravna redakcija
Saving, net/external balance
Prihranek, neto/zunanja bilanca
22 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31996R2223
Balance of primary incomes, net
Neto saldo primarnih dohodkov
23 Pravna redakcija
Net national income/Balance of primary incomes, net
Neto nacionalni dohodek/bilanca primarnih dohodkov, neto
24 Pravna redakcija
Net saving/Current external balance
Neto prihranek/Saldo tekočih transakcij s tujino
25 Pravna redakcija
a net profit balance shall be credited to the revaluation account.
se evidentira na računu vrednotenja.
26 Pravna redakcija
Balance sheets present stocks of assets and liabilities and net worth.
Bilance stanja izkazujejo stanja sredstev in obveznosti ter neto vrednost.
27 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
(ii) on the basis of the sums so established, a calculation shall be made by the NCB (as at the repurchase date) of what is due from each party to the other and the sums due from one party shall be set off against the sums due to the other and only the net balance shall be payable by the party having the claim thereby valued at the lower amount and such net balance shall be due and payable on the next day on which all relevant parts of Target are operational to effect a payment.
(ii) na osnovi tako določenih zneskov NCB (na dan ponovnega odkupa) izračuna, kaj posamezna stranka dolguje drugi; zneski, ki jih posamezni stranki dolguje druga stranka (terjani zneski), se pobotajo z zneski, ki jih ta stranka dolguje drugi (dolgovani zneski). Stranka, pri kateri je vsota dolgovanih zneskov večja od vsote terjanih zneskov, plača razliko v zneskih, ki zapade v plačilo prvi naslednji dan, ko so vsi deli sistema Target, potrebni za izvršitev plačila, operativni.
28 Pravna redakcija
All balancing items can be measured gross or net of consumption of fixed capital.
b Vse izravnalne postavke se lahko merijo po bruto ali neto potrošnji stalnega kapitala.
29 Pravna redakcija
The sign of the balance and hence the net impact on GNP cannot be determined a priori.
Predznaka salda in s tem neto vpliva na BNP ni možno določiti vnaprej.
30 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
(b) On the basis of the sums so established, a calculation shall be made by the NCB (as at the retransfer date) of what is due from each party to the other and the sums due from one party shall be converted in accordance with point 16, where necessary, into euro and set off against the sums due to the other and only the net balance shall be payable by the party having the claim thereby valued at the lower amount and such net balance shall be due and payable on the next day on which all relevant parts of Target are operational to effect such a payment.
(b) Na osnovi tako določenih zneskov NCB (na datum povratnega prenosa) izračuna, kaj vsaka stranka dolguje drugi; dolgovani zneski posamezne stranke se po potrebi preračunajo v skladu s točko 16 v evre in pobotajo s terjanimi zneski navedene stranke. Stranka, pri kateri je vsota dolgovanih zneskov večja od vsote terjanih zneskov, plača razliko v zneskih, ki zapade v plačilo prvi naslednji dan, ko so vsi deli sistema Target, potrebni za izvršitev plačila, operativni.
31 Pravna redakcija
The parties acknowledge that the terms of this Agreement, all transactions governed by this Agreement, any amendments to the terms of such transactions, and the single net balance payable under any netting agreement constitute a single business and contractual relationship and arrangement.
Stranki potrjujeta, da pogoji tega sporazuma, vse transakcije, ki jih ta sporazum ureja, vse spremembe pogojev za te transakcije in samo en poravnalni znesek, ki zapade v plačilo v okviru kateregakoli sporazuma o neto poravnavi, predstavljajo enoten posel ter pogodbeno razmerje in dogovor.
32 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The Parties acknowledge that the terms of this Agreement, all transactions governed by this Agreement, any amendments to the terms of such transactions, and the single net balance payable under any netting agreement constitute a single business and contractual relationship and arrangement.
Stranki potrjujeta, da pogoji tega sporazuma, vse transakcije, ki jih ta sporazum ureja, vse spremembe pogojev za te transakcije in samo en poravnalni znesek, ki zapade v plačilo v okviru kateregakoli sporazuma o neto poravnavi, predstavljajo enoten posel ter pogodbeno razmerje in dogovor.
33 Pravna redakcija
The balancing item of the capital account is the net lending or borrowing of the rest of the world.
Izravnalna postavka računa kapitala je neto posojanje ali izposojanje tujine.
34 Pravna redakcija
(a) Net liabilities arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also asset item 'Other claims within the Eurosystem (net)')
(a) Neto obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računihov TARGET in ustreznihkorespondečnih računihov NCB, t.j. neto zneseki terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko sredstev 'Druge terjatve znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
35 Pravna redakcija
(a) Net claims arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also liability item 'Other liabilities within the Eurosystem (net)')
a) Neto terjatve, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računih TARGET in ustreznih računih NCB, t.j. neto znesek terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko 'Druge obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
take account of the net transitional cost of regional integration on budget revenue and balance of payments.
upoštevati neto stroške prehoda v zvezi z regionalno integracijo pri proračunskih prihodkih in plačilni bilanci.
37 Pravna redakcija
Comparison of two successive balance sheets shows changes in liabilities and net worth and changes in assets.
Primerjava dveh zaporednih bilanc stanja kaže spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednosti ter spremembe sredstev.
38 Pravna redakcija
'Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers' for the rest of the world refers to changes in net worth due to current external balance and capital transfers.
"Spremembe neto vrednosti in kapitalskih transferjev" za tujino se nanaša na spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi salda tekočih transakcij s tujino in kapitalskih transferjev.
39 Pravna redakcija
The flows recorded in the revaluation account change the net worth of the balance sheets of the units concerned.
Tokovi, ki so prikazani v računu revalorizacije, spreminjajo neto vrednost bilanc stanja enot.
40 Pravna redakcija
'Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers' is not a balancing item in the structure of the system.
c Spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi prihranka in kapitalskih transferjev niso izravnalna postavka v strukturi sistema.
41 Pravna redakcija
Of course, the net incurrence of external liabilities plus net lending of the total economy equals the net acquisition of external financial assets, so that in this account too the balance between row and column totals is maintained.
Vsota neto prevzemov zunanjih obveznosti in neto posojanja celotnega gospodarstva je enaka neto pridobitvam zunanjih finančnih sredstev. Tako je tudi v tem računu obdržana enakost med vsoto vrstice in stolpca.
42 Pravna redakcija
This change, called change in net worth due to other volume changes of assets, is the balancing item in the account.
Ta sprememba, imenovana sprememba neto vrednosti zaradi drugih sprememb obsega sredstev, je izravnalna postavka računa.
43 Pravna redakcija
(a) Drawing rights within the reserve tranche (net) National quota minus balances in euro at the disposal of the IMF.
(a) Pravice črpanja v okviru rezervne tranše (neto) Nacionalna kvota, zmanjšana za stanje v evrih, ki je na razpolago IMF
44 Pravna redakcija
This change, called 'change in net worth due to nominal holding gains and losses', is the balancing item in the account.
Ta sprememba, imenovana "sprememba neto vrednosti zaradi nominalnih dobičkov in izgub iz lastnine", je izravnalna postavka računa.
45 Pravna redakcija
Most balancing items can be calculated gross or net. In this matrix, all balancing items are shown net. Consumption of fixed capital (222) is put directly on the capital subaccount for the acquisition of non-financial assets (row 7 and column 2).
Večina izravnalnih postavk se lahko izračuna bruto ali neto; v tej matriki so vse prikazane neto. Potrošnja stalnega kapitala (222) je neposredno prenesena na podračun "pridobitev nefinančnih sredstev" (vrstica 7 in stolpec 2) računa kapitala.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
A part-certificate may not be issued in respect of less than 2 500 tonnes net of unprocessed cereals and 100 tonnes net of other goods, except where it relates to the balance of a given lot.
Delni certifikat se ne sme izdati za manj kakor 2500 neto ton nepredelanih žit in 100 ton drugega blaga, razen kadar se ta nanaša na uravnavanje danih količin.
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net balance