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net domestic product at market prices
1 Pravna redakcija
By deducting consumption of fixed capital from GDP, we obtain net domestic product at market prices (NDP).
Neto domači proizvod v tržnih cenah (NDP) je razlika med BDP in potrošnjo stalnega kapitala.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1100
As the sales of metallurgical silicon carbide in the Brazilian domestic market were made at a net sales price that was lower than the cost of production, these actual prices could not be used to establish normal value.
Ker je bila neto prodajna cena metalurških silicijevega karbida na brazilskem notranjem trgu nižja od proizvodnih stroškov, teh dejanskih cen ni bilo mogoče uporabiti za določitev normalne vrednosti.
3 Pravna redakcija
aggregates which represent balancing items in the accounts, such as gross domestic product at market prices (GDP), operating surplus of the total economy, national income, national disposable income, saving, current external balance, net worth of the total economy (national wealth).
agregati, ki predstavljajo izravnalne postavke računov, kot so bruto domači proizvod v tržnih cenah (BDP), poslovni presežek celotnega gospodarstva, nacionalni dohodek, nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek, varčevanje, saldo tekočih transakcij s tujino, neto vrednost celotnega gospodarstva (nacionalno bogastvo).
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1100
As the sales of metallurgical silicon carbide in the Brazilian domestic market were made at a net sales price that was lower than the cost of production, these actual prices could not be used to establish normal value. It was consequently necessary to calculate a constructed normal value for the grade in question, in accordance with Article 2(3) of the basic Regulation.
Ker je bila neto prodajna cena metalurških silicijevega karbida na brazilskem notranjem trgu nižja od proizvodnih stroškov, teh dejanskih cen ni bilo mogoče uporabiti za določitev normalne vrednosti. je bilo Zato je bilo treba v skladu s členom 2(3) osnovne uredbe normalno vrednost za zadevno kakovost sestaviti.
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net domestic product at market prices