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new arrangement
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
i) alter the arrangement into departments provided for in Article 11 or create new departments;
k) spreminja ureditev oddelkov iz 11. člena ali odpira nove oddelke;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(i) agree on means by which the fishing interests of new members of the organisation or new participants in the arrangement will be accommodated;
(i) se sporazumejo glede sredstev, s katerimi bodo zadovoljeni ribiški interesi novih članic organizacije ali novih udeležencev v Sporazumu;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
ARRANGEMENT on a Working Holiday Scheme between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of New Zealand
DOGOVOR o programu delovnih počitnic med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Nove Zelandije
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
(a) The Government of New Zealand will require any citizen from Slovenia who has entered New Zealand through the Scheme operating under this Arrangement to comply with the laws and regulations of New Zealand and not to engage in employment that is contrary to the purpose of the Scheme.
(a) Vlada Nove Zelandije od vseh državljanov Republike Slovenije, ki pridejo na Novo Zelandijo v okviru programa po tem dogovoru, zahteva, da ravnajo v skladu z zakoni in predpisi Nove Zelandije in se ne ukvarjajo z dejavnostjo, ki bi bila v nasprotju z namenom programa.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
As from 1 May 2004, the new Member States shall apply the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements concluded by the Community with third countries.
(5) Od 1. maja 2004 nove države članice uporabljajo dvostranske sporazume in dogovore o tekstilu, ki jih je Skupnost sklenila s tretjimi državami.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
Any person who holds a visa issued pursuant to paragraph 1 and who is granted permission to enter New Zealand will be able to stay in New Zealand and undertake paid employment pursuant to the terms of this Arrangement for a period of not more than twelve (12) months from the date of entry into New Zealand.
Osebe, ki imajo vizum, izdan v skladu s prvim odstavkom, in jim je dovoljen za vstop na Novo Zelandijo, lahko tam ostanejo in opravljajo plačano delo skladno s pogoji tega dogovora največ dvanajst (12) mesecev od dneva prihoda na Novo Zelandijo.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
The Contracting Parties shall also notify each other of any such new agreement or arrangement as referred to in the first subparagraph, within three months of signing it.
Pogodbenice se medsebojno uradno obvestijo tudi o vseh takih novih sporazumih ali dogovorih iz prvega pododstavka, in sicer v treh mesecih po njihovem podpisu.
8 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
The Parties may, in order to implement their obligations under this Convention, continue existing or enter into new bilateral or multilateral agreements or other arrangements.
Pogodbenice lahko, da bi izpolnile svoje obveznosti po tej konvenciji, nadaljujejo z izvajanjem obstoječih dvostranskih ali mnogostranskih sporazumov ali drugih dogovorov ali pa sklenejo nove.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The time limits for the provision of design information in respect of the new facilities shall be specified in the subsidiary arrangements and such information shall be provided as early as possible before nuclear material is introduced into a new facility.
Roki za predložitev projektnih podatkov o novih objektih in napravah se določijo v dopolnilnih dogovorih in take podatke je treba posredovati čim prej pred vnosom jedrskega materiala v novi objekt ali napravo.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
In determining the nature and extent of participatory rights for new members of a subregional or regional fisheries management organisation, or for new participants in a subregional or regional fisheries management arrangement, States shall take into account, inter alia:
Pri določanju vrste in obsega udeleženskih pravic za nove članice podobmočne ali območne ribiške upravljavske organizacije ali za nove udeleženke v podobmočnem ali območnem dogovoru za področje ribištva države med drugim upoštevajo:
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(c) the relationship between the work of the new organisation or arrangement and the role, objectives and operations of any relevant existing fisheries management organisations or arrangements, and
(c) razmerje med delom nove organizacije ali dogovorom in vlogo, cilji in dejavnostjo vseh ustreznih obstoječih ribiških upravljavskih organizacij ali dogovorov in
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
States and international organisations should assist developing States in establishing new subregional or regional fisheries management organisations or arrangements, or in strengthening existing organisations or arrangements, for the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks.
Države in mednarodne organizacije naj pomagajo državam v razvoju pri ustanavljanju novih podobmočnih ali območnih ribiških upravljavskih organizacij ali dogovorov ali pri krepitvi obstoječih organizacij ali dogovorov za ohranjanje in upravljanje čezconskih staležev rib ali izrazito selivskih staležev rib.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Acting unanimously, the High Council, after consulting the Academic Council and in the light of experience, may alter this arrangement or set up new departments. The Academic Council may make recommendations to this end.
Visoki svet lahko po posvetovanju z akademskim svetom in glede na izkušnje soglasno spremeni to ureditev ali ustanovi nove oddelke. Akademski svet lahko daje priporočila v ta namen.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of New Zealand (the »Participants«) have come to the following understandings concerning an Arrangement on a Working Holiday Scheme (»the Scheme«) between the two countries.
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Nove Zelandije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: strani) sta se v zvezi z Dogovorom o programu delovnih počitnic med državama (v nadaljnjem besedilu: program) dogovorili o naslednjem:
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Should the amendments to the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements not have entered into force by 1 May 2004, the Union shall make the necessary adjustments to its rules for the import of textile and clothing products from third countries to take into account the accession of the new Member States.
Če spremembe dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov o tekstilu ne začnejo veljati do 1. maja 2004, Unija sprejme potrebne prilagoditve svojih pravil za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil iz tretjih držav, da bi se upošteval pristop novih držav članic.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
(a) The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will require any citizen from New Zealand, who has entered the Republic of Slovenia through the Scheme operating under this Arrangement, to comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Slovenia and not to engage in employment that is contrary to the purpose of the Scheme.
(a) Vlada Republike Slovenije od vseh državljanov Nove Zelandije, ki pridejo v Slovenijo v okviru programa po tem dogovoru, zahteva, da ravnajo v skladu z zakoni in predpisi Republike Slovenije in se ne ukvarjajo z dejavnostjo, ki bi bila v nasprotju z namenom programa.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Without prejudice to paragraph 2 or to paragraph 5, as from the entry into force of this Agreement, no new foreign exchange restrictions shall be introduced on the movement of capital and current payments connected therewith between residents of the Community and Tajikistan and nor shall the existing arrangements be made more restrictive.
Brez vpliva na določbe odstavka 2 ali odstavka 5 se od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma ne uvajajo nove devizne omejitve na pretok kapitala in s tem povezanimi tekočimi plačili med rezidenti Skupnosti in Republike Tadžikistan, obstoječi dogovori pa se ne smejo poostriti.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
The institutional structure of the Global Environment Facility, operated in accordance with the Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility, shall, on an interim basis, be the principal entity entrusted with the operations of the financial mechanism referred to in Article 13, for the period between the date of entry into force of this Convention and the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties, or until such time as the Conference of the Parties decides which institutional structure will be designated in accordance with Article 13. The institutional structure of the Global Environment Facility should fulfill this function through operational measures related specifically to persistent organic pollutants taking into account that new arrangements for this area may be needed.
Institucionalna struktura Sklada za svetovno okolje, ki se upravlja v skladu z Listino o oblikovanju prestrukturiranega Sklada za svetovno okolje, je začasno glavni subjekt, pooblaščen za delovanje finančnega mehanizma, omenjenega v 13. členu, za obdobje od začetka veljavnosti te konvencije do prvega zasedanja Konference pogodbenic ali do takrat, ko Konferenca pogodbenic odloči, katero institucionalno strukturo bo določila v skladu s 13. členom. Institucionalna struktura Sklada za svetovno okolje izpolnjuje svojo nalogo z operativnimi ukrepi, ki se posebej nanašajo na obstojna organska onesnaževala, ob upoštevanju, da bodo na tem področju morda potrebni novi ukrepi.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
Transitional arrangements for new Member States
Prehodna ureditev za nove države članice
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0594
Regulation (EC) No 2799/98 introduced new agrimonetary arrangements from 1 January 1999.
Uredba (ES) št. 2799/98 je vzpostavila novo kmetijsko-monetarno ureditev od 1. januarja 1999.
21 Končna redakcija
whereas the association agreement with Cyprus must take these new import arrangements into account;
ker mora sporazum o pridružitvi s Ciprom upoštevati te nove uvozne režime;
22 Končna redakcija
HAVE DECIDED TO determine by common agreement new arrangements applicable to Greenland and have, to this end, designated as their Plenipotentiaries:
SO SKLENILI, da v medsebojnem soglasju določijo novo ureditev za Grenlandijo in so v ta namen imenovali svoje pooblaščence:
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
That new Agreement applies from 1 January 2004, with the exception of the Articles 2, 4 and 5 of the new agricultural Protocol 1, hereinafter "the new Protocol 1", concerning the arrangements applicable to imports into the Community of agricultural products originating in Morocco.
Ta novi sporazum se uporablja od 1. januarja 2004, z izjemo členov 2, 4 in 5 novega kmetijskega protokola 1, v nadaljevanju "novi protokol 1", v zvezi z režimi, ki veljajo za uvoz v Skupnost kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Maroka.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0359
Arrangements should be laid down for the year 2004 to ensure that, as from the date of accession, a distinction between traditional importers and new importers within the meaning of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2125/95 and traditional importers and new importers from new Member States is made.
Za leto 2004 je treba določiti ukrepe, da bi zagotovili, da se od dne pristopa razlikuje med tradicionalnimi uvozniki in novimi uvozniki v skladu s pomenom člena 4(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 2125/95 in tradicionalnimi uvozniki in novimi uvozniki iz novih držav članic.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0228
Arrangements should be laid down for the year 2004 to ensure that, as from the date of Accession, a distinction between traditional importers and new importers from new Member States is made in compliance with Regulation 565/2002.
Za leto 2004 je treba določiti ukrepe, da bi zagotovili, da se od dne pristopa razlikovanje med tradicionalnimi uvozniki in novimi uvozniki iz novih držav članic opravlja v skladu z Uredbo 565/2002.
26 Končna redakcija
As from the date of accession, the new Member States shall apply the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements concluded by the Community with third countries.
Od dne pristopa nove države članice uporabljajo dvostranske sporazume in dogovore o tekstilu, ki jih je Skupnost sklenila s tretjimi državami.
27 Končna redakcija
Where goods were declared for importation in a new Member State prior to the date of accession, under preferential arrangements in force in that new Member State at that time, proof of origin issued retrospectively under those arrangements may also be accepted in the new Member States provided that it is submitted to the customs authorities within the period of four months from the date of accession.
Če je bilo blago v novi državi članici deklarirano za uvoz pred dnem pristopa, je v skladu s preferencialnimi ureditvami, ki tedaj veljajo v tej novi državi članici, tudi naknadno izdano dokazilo o poreklu v skladu s temi ureditvami lahko sprejeto v novih državah članicah, pod pogojem, da je predloženo carinskim organom v obdobju štirih mesecev od dne pristopa.
28 Končna redakcija
Private arrangements between banks setting up new or linking existing cross-border credit transfer systems will have to comply with Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty.
Zasebni dogovori med bankami o ustanovitvi novih sistemov čezmejnih nakazil ali o povezavi obstoječih sistemov bodo morali biti skladni s členoma 85 in 86 Pogodbe ES.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
The necessary transitional measures should be adopted in order to facilitate the transition from the arrangements in force in the new Member States prior to accession to the import arrangements in force under the common organisation of the markets in the banana sector.
Sprejeti je treba potrebne prehodne ukrepe, da bi omogočili prehod iz veljavnih režimov v novih državah članicah pred pristopom na veljavne uvozne režime v skladu s skupno ureditvijo trgov za sektor banan.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
The necessary transitional measures should be adopted in order to facilitate the transition from the arrangements in force in the new Member States prior to accession to the import arrangements in force under the common organisation of the markets in the banana sector.
Sprejeti je treba potrebne prehodne ukrepe, da bi omogočili prehod iz veljavnih režimov v novih državah članicah pred pristopom na veljavne uvozne režime v skladu s skupno ureditvijo trgov za sektor banan.
31 Končna redakcija
Until 31 January 1973, the arrangements applicable to trade between, on the one hand, a new Member State and, on the other hand, the Community as originally constituted, the other new Member States or third countries shall be those applied before accession.
Do 31. januarja 1973 so dogovori, ki se uporabljajo za trgovino med novo državo članico na eni strani in Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi, drugimi novimi državami članicami ali tretjimi državami na drugi strani takšni, kot so se uporabljali pred pristopom.
32 Končna redakcija
The arrangements applicable to trade between a new Member State on the one hand, and the Community as at present constituted, the other new Member State or third countries, on the other hand shall, until 28 February 1986, be those that applied before accession.
Do 28. februarja 1986 je ureditev, ki se uporablja za trgovino med novo državo članico na eni strani in Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi, drugo novo državo članico ali tretjimi državami na drugi strani, takšna, kakršna se je uporabljala pred pristopom.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
This Regulation introduces the transitional measures needed to facilitate the transition from the arrangements in force in the new Member States prior to their accession to the Community of fifteen to the tariff quota import arrangements introduced by Regulations (EEC) No 404/93 and (EC) No 896/2001.
Ta uredba uvaja prehodne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za olajševanje prehoda z veljavnih režimov v novih državah članicah pred njihovim pristopom k Skupnosti petnajstih na uvozne režime tarifnih kvot, uvedene z Uredbama (EGS) št. 404/93 in (ES) št. 896/2001.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
This Regulation introduces the transitional measures needed to facilitate the transition from the arrangements in force in the new Member States prior to their accession to the Community of fifteen to the tariff quota import arrangements introduced by Regulations (EEC) No 404/93 and (EC) No 896/2001.
Ta uredba uvaja prehodne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za olajševanje prehoda z veljavnih režimov v novih državah članicah pred njihovim pristopom k Skupnosti petnajstih na uvozne režime tarifnih kvot, uvedene z Uredbama (EGS) št. 404/93 in (ES) št. 896/2001.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0054
The new Protocol No 1 concerning the arrangements applicable to imports into the Community of agricultural products originating in Israel, hereinafter "the new Protocol No 1", provides for new tariff concessions and changes to the existing concessions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 747/2001, some of which fall within Community tariff quotas and reference quantities.
Novi protokol št. 1 o režimih, ki veljajo za uvoz kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Izraela v Skupnost, v nadaljevanju "novi protokol št. 1", predvideva nove tarifne koncesije in spremembe obstoječih koncesij, določenih v Uredbi (ES) št. 747/2001, od katerih jih nekaj sodi v tarifne kvote Skupnosti in v referenčne količine.
36 Končna redakcija
Where goods were declared for importation from an EFTA State or a New Contracting Party in, respectively, a New Contracting Party or an EFTA State prior to the date of entry into force of the Agreement, under preferential arrangements in force between an EFTA State and a New Contracting Party at that time, proof of origin issued retrospectively under those arrangements may also be accepted in the EFTA States or the New Contracting Parties provided that it is submitted to the customs authorities within the period of four months from the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
Če je bilo blago deklarirano za uvoz iz države Efte oziroma nove pogodbenice v novo pogodbenico oziroma državo Efte pred dnem začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma, je v skladu s preferencialnimi ureditvami, ki tedaj veljajo med državo Efte in novo pogodbenico, tudi naknadno izdano dokazilo o poreklu v skladu s temi ureditvami lahko sprejeto v državah Efte ali novih pogodbenicah, pod pogojem, da je predloženo carinskim organom v obdobju štirih mesecev od dneva začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma.
37 Končna redakcija
Products originating in the countries and territories associated with the Community shall, on importation into the new Member States, be subject to the arrangements applied to those products before accession.
Za proizvode s poreklom iz držav in ozemelj, pridruženih Skupnosti, ob uvozu v nove države članice velja režim, ki se je uporabljal za te proizvode pred pristopom.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0060
For the marketing year 2003/2004, the entire sugar production of the new Member States is produced under national arrangements, and the main quantities of their production will be disposed of before 1 May 2004.
Za tržno leto 2003/2004 je vsa proizvodnja sladkorja novih držav članic v skladu z nacionalno trgovinsko ureditvijo, glavne količine proizvedenega sladkorja pa bodo prodane pred 1. majem 2004.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
Commission Regulation (EC) No 414/2004 adopting specific measures with a view to adapting the arrangements for administering tariff quotas on banana imports as a result of the accession of new Member States on 1 May 2004(3) adopted the first measures with a view to the accession of the ten new Member States to the Community.
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 414/2004 o sprejemu posebnih ukrepov z namenom prilagoditve režima za upravljanje tarifnih kvot za uvoz banan zaradi pristopa novih držav članic 1. maja 2004 [3] je sprejela prve ukrepe zaradi pristopa desetih novih držav članic k Skupnosti.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
Commission Regulation (EC) No 414/2004 adopting specific measures with a view to adapting the arrangements for administering tariff quotas on banana imports as a result of the accession of new Member States on 1 May 2004(3) adopted the first measures with a view to the accession of the ten new Member States to the Community.
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 414/2004 o sprejetju posebnih ukrepov za prilagoditev režimov za upravljanje tarifnih kvot za uvoz banan kot posledico pristopa novih držav članic dne 1. maja 2004je sprejela prve ukrepe glede na pristop desetih novih držav članic k Skupnosti.
41 Končna redakcija
Whereas from 1 September 1995 the old reference price system applicable to imports of grape juice and must into the Community was replaced by new import arrangements resulting from the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations;
ker se je s 1. septembrom 1995 stari sistem referenčnih cen, ki se uporablja pri uvozu grozdnega soka in mošta v Skupnost, nadomestil z novimi uvoznimi režimi, ki izhajajo iz Urugvajskega kroga večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj;
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0414
Commission Regulation (EC) No 414/2004 of 5 March 2004 adopting specific measures with a view to adapting the arrangements for administering tariff quotas on banana imports as a result of the accession of new Member States on 1 May 2004
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 414/2004 z dne 5. marca 2004 o sprejemu posebnih ukrepov z namenom prilagoditve režima za upravljanje tarifnih kvot za uvoz banan zaradi pristopa novih držav članic 1. maja 2004
43 Končna redakcija
where the Community rules provide for the levying of customs duties on imports from third countries, the new Member States shall, subject to the provisions of Article 111, apply the tariff arrangements which they applied before accession;
kadar pravila Skupnosti predvidevajo zaračunavanje carin pri uvozu iz tretjih držav, nove države članice ob upoštevanju določb člena 111 uporabljajo tarifni režim, ki so ga uporabljale pred pristopom;
44 Končna redakcija
This Regulation fixes the rate of the special contributions referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 718/1999, the ratios for the "old-for-new" rule, and the practical arrangements for implementing the Community fleet capacity policy.
Ta uredba določa višino posebnih prispevkov iz člena 7 Uredbe (ES) št. 718/1999, razmerja za pravilo “staro za novo” in praktični režim za izvajanje usmeritve glede zmogljivosti ladjevja Skupnosti.
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new arrangement