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not sufficient funds
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) Depending on the substance and nature of the public-private partnership, the content of the public-private partnership instrument must be sufficiently general not to impede negotiations between the public and private partners, in accordance with the fundamental principles of this Act.
(1) Vsebina akta o javno-zasebnem partnerstvu mora biti, odvisno od vsebine in narave javno-zasebnega partnerstva, dovolj splošna, da v skladu s temeljnimi načeli tega zakona ne ovira pogajanj med javnim in zasebnim partnerjem.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
c) The Contracting Party within whose territory the nuclear installation of the liable operator is situated shall ensure the payment of claims for compensation for nuclear damage which have been established against the operator by providing the necessary funds to the extent that the insurance or other financial security is not available or sufficient to satisfy such claims, up to an amount not less than the amount referred to in Article 7(a) or Article 21(c).
c) Pogodbenica, na katere ozemlju je jedrska naprava odgovornega uporabnika, zagotovi plačilo zahtevkov za odškodnine za jedrsko škodo, ki so bili uveljavljeni proti uporabniku, z zagotovitvijo potrebnih sredstev, če zavarovanje ali drugo finančno jamstvo ni na voljo ali ne zadostuje za izpolnitev takih zahtevkov, do zneska, ki ni nižji od zneska iz odstavka a) 7. člena ali odstavka c) 21. člena.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
3.03 The Bank shall apply funds held in the LLCA in discharge of the Guaranteed Sum on the Call Date. To the extent that the funds in the LLCA are not sufficient to discharge the Guaranteed Sum in full, the Bank shall on the Call Date withdraw from each MSCA an amount in proportion to the Guarantors' respective participation as provided in the Guarantee. Debit interest will accrue and be payable on any resulting negative MSCA balance. Each Guarantor must pay to the Bank any resulting negative balance on its MSCA under that call within the time for payment by the Guarantors of a Guaranteed Sum, as specified in the Guarantee. Debit interest accrued on the MSCAs shall be payable by the Guarantors each year by 31(na st) of December, at the latest.
3.03 Banka na dan poziva za poravnavo zneska z jamstvom uporabi sredstva z RKIP. Če na RKIP ni dovolj sredstev za poravnavo celotnega zneska z jamstvom, banka na dan poziva z vsakega ORDČ črpa sorazmerni znesek deleža posameznega garanta, določenega v garanciji. Za vsako nastalo negativno stanje na ORDČ se obračunajo in plačajo obresti negativnega stanja. Vsak garant mora banki na ta poziv v roku za plačilo zneskov z jamstvom iz garancije poravnati nastalo negativno stanje na svojem ORDČ. Garanti najpozneje do 31. decembra vsako leto plačajo obračunane obresti negativnega stanja na ORDČ.
4 Končna redakcija
It held that it was not possible to draw a sufficiently precise demarcation line between the public service part and the commercial part of a public broadcaster's operation, i.e. the part that should be publicly funded and the one that should be commercially funded.
Poslovanja nacionalne radiotelevizije ni možno natančno razdeliti na komercialni in javni del, torej na del, ki naj bi se pokrival z javnimi prihodki, in del, ki naj bi se pokrival s komercialnimi prihodki.
5 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
If the liquidation trustees determine that the assets of the bank do not suffice for the repayment of all claims by the creditors of the bank, or that the bank does not have sufficient liquid funds for the payment of the claims by the creditors when they fall due on the basis of deposit contracts or other claims by the creditors, they must immediately inform of this the Bank of Slovenia.
Če likvidacijski upravitelji ugotovijo, da premoženje banke ne zadošča za poplačilo vseh terjatev upnikov banke, ali da banka nima zadosti likvidnih sredstev, da bi lahko ob dospelosti izplačala terjatve upnikov na podlagi pogodb o depozitu oziroma drugih terjatev upnikov, morajo o tem nemudoma obvestiti Banko Slovenije.
6 Končna redakcija
1. if in the past two years prior to the institution of bankruptcy proceedings the board of directors acted in compliance with Article 10 (1) of this Act, while the supervisory board gave an opinion on the report of the board of directors on ensuring capital adequacy, in which it assessed that the company possessed sufficient own funds and that the proposed measures would not be necessary;
1. če je uprava v zadnjih dveh letih pred začetkom stečaja ravnala v skladu s prvim odstavkom 10. člena tega zakona, nadzorni svet pa je k poročilu uprave o zagotavljanju kapitalske ustreznosti podal mnenje, v katerem je ocenil, da podjetje razpolaga z zadostnim kapitalom in predlagani ukrepi niso potrebni,
7 Pravna redakcija
The own funds of a credit institutions can serve to absorb losses which are not matched by a sufficient volume of profits.
Lastni viri sredstev kreditnih institucij omogočajo absorpcijo izgub, ki niso pokrite z zadostnim dobičkom.
8 Pravna redakcija
In exceptional cases and if the remaining financial resources available in the Fund in the year of the occurrence of the disaster are not sufficient to cover the amount of assistance deemed necessary by the budgetary authority, the Commission may propose that the difference be financed through the next year's Fund.
V izjemnih primerih in če preostala finančna sredstva, ki jih ima Sklad na voljo v letu, ko se zgodi nesreča, ne zadostujejo za kritje zneska pomoči, za katerega organ za izvrševanje proračuna meni, da je potreben, lahko Komisija predlaga, da se razlika financira iz sredstev Sklada za naslednje leto.
9 Pravna redakcija
whereas any ESF contribution to an Objective 2 single programming document must be of sufficient size to justify its separate management, and should therefore not amount to less than 5 % of the total Structural Funds contribution;
ker mora biti vsak prispevek ESS za enotni programski dokument cilja 2 tako visok, da upraviči ločeno upravljanje, in bi moral torej znašati najmanj 5 % skupnega prispevka Strukturnih skladov;
10 Pravna redakcija
Since measures supported by the Structural Funds and other Community measures in the field of education and vocational training are not in themselves sufficient to promote such integration, support should be given for special measures to enable refugees and displaced persons to benefit fully from the programmes which are organised.
Ker ukrepi, ki jih podpirajo strukturni skladi in drugi ukrepi Skupnosti na področju izobraževanja in poklicnega usposabljanja, sami po sebi ne zadostujejo za pospeševanje tovrstnega vključevanja, je treba podpirati posebne ukrepe, ki bi beguncem in razseljenim osebam omogočali, da v celoti izkoristijo programe, ki se organizirajo.
11 Pravna redakcija
(c) The Contracting Party within whose territory the nuclear installation of the liable operator is situated shall ensure the payment of claims for compensation for nuclear damage which have been established against the operator by providing the necessary funds to the extent that the insurance or other financial security is not available or sufficient to satisfy such claims, up to an amount not less than the amount referred to in Article 7(a) or Article 21(c).
(c) Pogodbenica, na katere ozemlju je jedrska naprava odgovornega uporabnika, zagotovi plačilo odškodninskih zahtevkov za nadomestilo jedrske škode, ki je bila določena proti uporabniku, z zagotovitvijo potrebnih sredstev do obsega, ko zavarovanje ali drugo finančno jamstvo ni na voljo ali ne zadostuje za zadovoljitev takih zahtevkov, do zneska, ki ni nižji od zneska iz člena 7(a) ali člena 21(c).
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0197
If it is not possible to ensure sufficient funding for such expenditure by means of a transfer, the administrator shall propose an amending budget.
Če s prenosi sredstev ni mogoče zagotoviti zadostne višine sredstev za omenjene izdatke, upravitelj predlaga rebalans proračuna.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Under defined contribution plans, an enterprise pays fixed contributions into a separate entity (a fund) and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee service in the current and prior periods.
Pri programih z določenimi prispevki plačuje podjetje stalne prispevke v posebno enoto (sklad) in nima nobene pravne ali posredne obveze plačati nadaljnje prispevke, če sklad nima dovolj sredstev, da bi zaposlencem izplačal vse zaslužke, ki se nanašajo na njihovo službovanje v tekočem in prejšnjih obdobjih.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which an enterprise pays fixed contributions into a separate entity (a fund) and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee service in the current and prior periods.
Programi z določenimi prispevki so programi pozaposlitvenih zaslužkov, po katerih plačuje podjetje stalne prispevke v posebno enoto (sklad) in nima nobene pravne ali posredne obveze plačevati nadaljnje prispevke, če sklad nima dovolj sredstev, da bi zaposlencem izplačal vse zaslužke, ki se nanašajo na njihovo službovanje v tekočem in prejšnjih obdobjih.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0307
When all the key elements of the system function, but not with the consistency, frequency, or depth required by the regulations, then a correction of 5 % is justified, as it can reasonably be concluded that they do not provide a sufficient level of assurance of the regularity of claims, and that the risk to the Fund was significant.
Kadar vse ključne sestavine sistema delujejo, vendar ne tako dosledno, pogosto ali poglobljeno, kakor zahtevajo predpisi, je utemeljen 5 % popravek, ker je razumno sklepati, da ne zagotavljajo zadostne ravni pravilnosti zahtevkov in obstaja znatno tveganje za sklad.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
The Contracting Party within whose territory the nuclear installation of the liable operator is situated shall ensure the payment of claims for compensation for nuclear damage which have been established against the operator by providing the necessary funds to the extent that the insurance or other financial security is not available or sufficient to satisfy such claims, up to an amount not less than the amount referred to in Article 7(a) or Article 21(c).
Pogodbenica, na katere ozemlju je jedrska naprava odgovornega uporabnika, zagotovi plačilo odškodninskih zahtevkov za nadomestilo jedrske škode, ki je bila določena proti uporabniku, z zagotovitvijo potrebnih sredstev do obsega, ko zavarovanje ali drugo finančno jamstvo ni na voljo ali ne zadostuje za zadovoljitev takih zahtevkov, do zneska, ki ni nižji od zneska iz člena 7(a) ali člena 21(c).
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
In assessing the measures of this Directive, the Commission, in the context of the achievement of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty referred to in Article 2 thereof, including that of strengthening the Community's economic and social cohesion as referred to in Article 130 (a), will also take into account the situation of those Member States in which the terrestrial network is not yet sufficiently developed and which could justify the deferment for these Member States, as regards satellite services and to the extent necessary, of the date of full application of the provisions of this Directive until 1 January 1996,
Pri ocenjevanju ukrepov te direktive bo Komisija v smislu doseganja temeljnih ciljev Pogodbe iz člena 2 Pogodbe, vključno s ciljem krepitve ekonomske in socialne kohezije Skupnosti iz člena 130(a), upoštevala tudi položaj tistih držav članic, v katerih prizemno omrežje še ni dovolj razvito, na podlagi katerega bi lahko za te države članice glede satelitskih storitev in v potrebnem obsegu upravičila odlog datuma popolne uporabe določb te direktive do 1. januarja 1996,
Prevodi: en > sl
not sufficient funds