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notice of appeal
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Notice of appeal shall not be deemed to have been filed until after the fee for appeal has been paid.
Pritožba se ne šteje za vloženo, dokler ni plačana pristojbina za pritožbo.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Notice of appeal must be filed in writing at the European Patent Office within two months after the date of notification of the decision appealed from.
Pritožbo je treba vložiti pisno pri Evropskem patentnem uradu v dveh mesecih po datumu uradnega obvestila o odločitvi, ki je predmet pritožbe.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Notice of appeal shall be filed, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, at the European Patent Office within two months of notification of the decision.
Pritožba se v skladu s pravilnikom o izvajanju vloži pri Evropskem patentnem uradu v dveh mesecih od uradnega obvestila o odločitvi.
4 Pravna redakcija
Notice of appeal must be filed in writing at the Office within two months after the date of notification of the decision appealed from.
Pritožba se pisno vloži pri Uradu v dveh mesecih po datumu obvestila o odločbi, zoper katero se pritožba vlaga.
5 Pravna redakcija
Notice of appeal shall be filed in writing at the Office within two months of the service of the decision where addressed to the appealing person, or, in the absence thereof, within two months of the publication of the decision, and a written statement setting out the grounds of appeal shall be filed within four months after the aforesaid service or publication.
Pisno obvestilo o pritožbi se vloži na uradu v dveh mesecih po vročitvi odločbe, če je naslovljena na pritožnika ali, če tega ni, v dveh mesecih po objavi odločbe, pisno izjavo z utemeljitvijo pritožbe pa se vloži v štirih mesecih po zgoraj navedeni objavi.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
The notice of appeal shall contain:
Pritožba vsebuje:
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Where the document is a notice of opposition or an appeal, this period shall be extended where appropriate to the end of the opposition period or appeal period.
Če je dokument ugovor ali pritožba, se ta rok, kadar je primerno, podaljša do konca roka za ugovor ali pritožbo.
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing.
Sporočilo v zvezi z odločitvijo o prizivu se mora dati vlagatelju priziva z razlogi za določeno odločitev v pisni obliki.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-21
(ii) notices, appearing in official periodicals, of the publication or laying open of the documents referred to in subparagraph (i)
(ii) obvestila, objavljena v uradnih glasilih, da so bili dokumenti iz točke (i) objavljeni ali dani na voljo javnosti,
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-36
The Competent Institution to which a claim, notice or appeal is lodged shall refer it without delay to the Competent Institution of the other Party.
Pristojni nosilec, pri katerem se zahtevek, obvestilo ali pritožba vloži, ga takoj pošlje pristojnemu nosilcu druge pogodbenice.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The writ shall contain a notice to the effect that that the party appearing at the hearing may be examined albeit the other party does not appear (second paragraph of Article 258).
V vabilu se mora navesti, da se bo na naroku izvedel dokaz z zaslišanjem strank in da je lahko stranka, ki pride na narok, zaslišana, čeprav druga stranka ne bi prišla (drugi odstavek 258. člena).
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(c) if the debtor did not receive notice of the decision of the administrative authority or of the institution of the proceedings in sufficient time to enable him/her to defend the case or to appeal to a court or a tribunal;
(c) če dolžnik ni pravočasno prejel obvestila o odločitvi upravnega organa ali o začetku postopka, da bi lahko pripravil obrambo ali se pritožil na sodišče ali razsodišče;
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-55
If at any time it appears to either party that the purpose of this Agreement can no longer effectively or appropriately be carried out, this Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of such party by means of written notice to the other party, the termination taking effect ninety (90) days after such notice has been received by the other party.
Če kadar koli ena ali druga pogodbenica meni, da cilja tega sporazuma ni več mogoče učinkovito ali ustrezno dosegati, se ta sporazum lahko na pobudo te pogodbenice odpove s pisnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici, s tem da odpoved začne veljati devetdeset (90) dni po tem, ko je druga pogodbenica tako obvestilo prejela.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-36
For the purpose of determining the right to a benefit, the date on which a claim, notice or appeal referred to in paragraph 1, is lodged with the Competent Institution of one Party, shall be considered as the date of lodgement of that document with the Competent Institution of the other Party.
Za ugotavljanje upravičenosti do dajatve se datum vložitve zahtevka, obvestila ali pritožbe iz prvega odstavka pri pristojnem nosilcu ene pogodbenice šteje kot datum vložitve tega dokumenta pri pristojnem nosilcu druge pogodbenice.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the recipient appears to be absent and the persons stated in the first or second paragraph of Article 140 of the present Act not be able to forward the process to him in time, the process shall be returned to the court enclosed with a notice on the recipient` s whereabouts.
Če se ugotovi, da je tisti, ki naj se mu vroči pisanje, odsoten in da mu osebe, navedene v prvem in drugem odstavku 140. člena tega zakona, pisanja ne morejo pravočasno izročiti, se pisanje vrne sodišču z navedbo, kje je naslovnik.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-36
A claim, notice or appeal concerning a benefit, whether payable by virtue of this Agreement or otherwise, may be lodged in the territory of the other Party, in accordance with the Administrative Arrangement made pursuant to Article 15, at any time after the Agreement has come into force.
Zahtevek, obvestilo ali pritožba v zvezi z dajatvijo, ki se plača na podlagi tega sporazuma ali drugače, se lahko kadar koli po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma vloži na ozemlju druge pogodbenice v skladu z Dogovorom o izvajanju iz 15. člena.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-84
A witness or expert who has failed to answer a summons to appear, service of which has been requested, shall not, even if the summons contains a notice of penalty, be subjected to any punishment or measure of restraint, unless subsequently he voluntarily enters the territory of the requesting Party and is there again duly summoned.
Priča ali izvedenec, ki se ni odzval vabilu za prihod na sodišče, katerega vročitev je bila zaprošena, se ne sme kakorkoli kaznovati ali prisilno privesti, tudi če je v vabilu zagrožena kazen, razen če kasneje prostovoljno vstopi na ozemlje pogodbenice prosilke in je tam ponovno pravilno povabljen na sodišče.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
b) If a Party appears to have failed to comply with any obligation under the Convention, the Assembly of Parties, having received notice to that effect or acting on its own initiative, and having considered any representations made by the Party, may decide, if it finds that the failure to comply has occurred, that the Party be deemed to have withdrawn from EUTELSAT and, from the date of such decision, the Convention shall cease to be in force for that Party.
b) Če se pokaže, da pogodbenica ni izpolnila katere od svojih obveznosti iz te konvencije, lahko skupščina pogodbenic, potem ko prejme obvestilo o tem ali na lastno pobudo in ko preuči pojasnila, ki jih je predložila pogodbenica, sklene, če ugotovi, da obveznost ni bila izpolnjena, da se šteje, da je ta pogodbenica izstopila iz EUTELSAT-a in da z dnem, ko je takšna odločitev sprejeta, ta konvencija preneha veljati za to pogodbenico.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
the name of the court which has appointed the representative ad litem; the legal ground for appointment; the name of the defendant or the plaintiff to whom the representative is appointed; the matter in dispute; the name of the representative, his occupation and residence; and a notice to the effect that the representative will represent the defendant, or the plaintiff, in the proceedings as long as the defendant or the plaintiff, or their respective attorneys, appear in court or until the body competent for social affairs notifies the court on appointment of a guardian.
navedbo sodišča, ki je postavilo začasnega zastopnika, zakonito podlago, ime tožene stranke ali tožeče stranke, ki se ji postavlja zastopnik, sporni predmet, ime zastopnika ter njegov poklic in prebivališče in pa opozorilo, da bo zastopnik zastopal toženo stranko ali tožečo stranko v postopku vse do takrat, dokler tožena stranka ali tožeča stranka ali njen pooblaščenec ne nastopi pred sodiščem oziroma dokler organ, pristojen za socialne zadeve, ne sporoči, da je postavil skrbnika.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2868
Content of the notice of appeal
Vsebina pritožbe
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
The absence of objections from the debtor as stipulated in Article 3(1)(b) can take the shape of default of appearance at a court hearing or of failure to comply with an invitation by the court to give written notice of an intention to defend the case.
Odsotnost ugovora dolžnika, kot je določeno v členu 3(1)(b), je lahko izražena v obliki izostanka od navzočnosti na sodni obravnavi ali kot neizpolnitev poziva sodišča dolžniku, naj pisno obvesti o svoji nameri zagovarjati primer.
23 Pravna redakcija
The notice of appeal shall be filed in the language of the proceedings in which the decision subject to the appeal was taken.
Pritožba se vloži v jeziku postopka, v katerem je bila sprejeta odločba, ki je predmet pritožbe.
24 Pravna redakcija
Decisions of the Office which are open to appeal shall be accompanied by a written communication indicating that notice of appeal must be filed in writing at the Office within two months of the date of notification of the decision from which appeal is to be made.
Odločbe Urada, ki so lahko predmet pritožbe, spremlja pravni pouk, da je pritožbo treba vložiti pisno na Uradu v dveh mesecih po datumu obvestila o odločbi, zoper katero je vložena pritožba.
25 Pravna redakcija
the date on which notice of the appeal was served on him;
dan, ko ji je bilo vročeno obvestilo o pritožbi;
26 Pravna redakcija
Authorities sending a postal summons to appear shall ensure that this does not involve a notice of penalty.
Organi, ki pošljejo vabilo na sodišče po pošti, zagotovijo, da vabilo ne vsebuje opozorila o kazni.
27 Pravna redakcija
Within 15 days of receipt of the opinion, the applicant may provide written notice to the Agency that he wishes to appeal.
V 15 dneh po prejemu mnenja lahko vlagatelj agenciji predloži pisno obvestilo, da se želi pritožiti.
28 Pravna redakcija
Notice of the appeal shall be served on all the parties to the proceedings before the Court of First Instance Article 39 of these Rules shall apply.
Obvestilo o pritožbi se vroči vsem strankam v postopku pred Sodiščem prve stopnje. Uporablja se člen 39 tega Poslovnika.
29 Pravna redakcija
Any party to the proceedings before the Court of First Instance may lodge a response within two months after service on him of notice of the appeal.
Vsaka stranka v postopku pred Sodiščem prve stopnje lahko vloži odgovor v dveh mesecih potem, ko ji je bilo vročeno obvestilo o pritožbi.
30 Pravna redakcija
In the case of products sold in bulk, these words shall appear together with the name of the product on a display or notice above or beside the container in which the products are placed;
Kadar gre za proizvode, ki se prodajajo v razsutem stanju, se ti izrazi navedejo skupaj z imenom proizvoda na označbi ali obvestilu na vsebniku, v katerem so proizvodi, ali poleg njega;
31 Pravna redakcija
In the event of a vessel being overdue or failing to appear, the surveillance authorities may consider the entry or exit notice void once the periods laid down in point 5 have expired.
V primeru zamude ali izostanka plovila lahko nadzorni organi štejejo obvestilo o vstopu ali izstopu kakor neizvršeno takoj po izteku časovnih rokov iz točke 5.
32 Pravna redakcija
(b) when it appears from evaluation that no one tender is obviously the most advantageous in terms of the specific evaluation criteria set forth in the notices or tender documentation.
(b) če se na podlagi ocene zdi, da nobena ponudba ni očitno najugodnejša v smislu specifičnih meril vrednotenja, določenih v obvestilih ali v razpisni dokumentaciji.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
(6) The absence of objections from the debtor as stipulated in Article 3(1)(b) can take the shape of default of appearance at a court hearing or of failure to comply with an invitation by the court to give written notice of an intention to defend the case.
(6) Odsotnost ugovora dolžnika kot je določeno v členu 3(1)(b) je lahko izražena v obliki izostanka od navzočnosti na sodni obravnavi ali kot neizpolnitev poziva sodišča dolžniku, naj pisno obvesti o svoji nameri zagovarjati primer.
34 Pravna redakcija
Experts or witnesses who have failed to answer a summons to appear sent to them by post shall not, even if the summons contains a notice of penalty, be subjected to any punishment or measure of constraint, unless subsequently they voluntarily enter into the territory of the requesting Party and are there again duly summoned.
Izvedencem ali pričam, ki se ne odzovejo vabilu na sodišče, ki jim je bil poslano po pošti, se ne izreče nobena kazen ali prisilni ukrep, tudi če je vabilo na sodišče vsebovalo opozorilo o kazni, razen če kasneje prostovoljno vstopijo na ozemlje pogodbenice prosilke in se jih tam ponovno pravilno povabi na sodišče.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Receipt of the notice of appeal
Prejem pritožbe
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Contents of the notice of appeal
Vsebina pritožbe
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Where the Office receives a notice of appeal, it shall mark it with a file number of the appeal proceedings and the date of receipt at the Office and shall notify the appellant of the time limit for setting out the grounds of the appeal;
Ko urad prejme pritožbo, jo označi z evidenčno številko pritožbenega postopka in datumom prejema v uradu ter pritožnika obvesti o roku, v katerem mora navesti razloge za pritožbo;
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
The date of receipt of a notice of appeal and of delivery of the decision on such appeal, the names and addresses of the parties to the appeal proceedings and the form of order sought, or decided upon, shall be published in the Official Gazette.
V uradnem glasilu se objavi datum prejema obvestila o pritožbi in datum izreka odločbe o pritožbi, imena in naslovi strank v pritožbenem postopku ter oblika želene ali sprejete ureditve.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
The Office shall promptly transmit a copy of the notice of appeal marked with the file number and the date of its receipt to the parties to proceedings having participated in the proceedings before the Office.
Urad takoj pošlje kopijo pritožbe, ki je označena z evidenčno številko in datumom prejema, strankam v postopku, ki so že sodelovale v postopku pred uradom.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
Do not use IntronA if you notice changes in the appearance of IntronA.
Ne uporabljajte zdravila IntronA, če opazite spremembe videza zdravila IntronA.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
Do not use Viraferon if you notice changes in the appearance of Viraferon.
Ne uporabljajte zdravila Viraferon, če opazite spremembe videza zdravila Viraferon. uk ks Lie
42 Prevajalska redakcija
ra Do not use Viraferon if you notice changes in the appearance of Viraferon.
Ne uporabljajte zdravila Viraferon, če opazite spremembe videza zdravila Viraferon. uk
43 Prevajalska redakcija
uth Do not use Viraferon if you notice changes in the appearance of Viraferon.
Ne uporabljajte zdravila Viraferon, če opazite spremembe videza zdravila Viraferon. on
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notice of appeal