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office holder
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(ii) by the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder.
(ii) urad pogodbenice nosilca.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
Where it is presented by an Office and that Office, without requiring that the holder also sign it, allows that the holder also sign it, the holder may do so.
Če jo predloži urad in ta urad sicer ne zahteva, da jo podpiše tudi nosilec, vendar pa mu to dovoli, lahko nosilec to stori.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
Where it is presented by an Office, it shall be signed by that Office and, where the Office so requires, also by the holder.
Če jo predloži urad, jo podpiše ta urad in, če urad tako zahteva, tudi nosilec.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(d) The request shall be signed by the holder or by the Office through which it is presented.
(d) Zahtevo podpiše nosilec ali urad, s posredovanjem katerega je predložena.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(2) [Payments] (a) The fees indicated in the Schedule of Fees may be paid to the International Bureau by the applicant or the holder, or, where the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder accepts to collect and forward such fees, and the applicant or the holder so wishes, by that Office.
(2) [Plačila] (a) Pristojbine, navedene v seznamu pristojbin, lahko plača Mednarodnemu uradu prijavitelj ali nosilec ali urad pogodbenice nosilca, če sprejme nalogo, da take pristojbine zbira in jih pošilja naprej, in če prijavitelj ali nosilec tako želi.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
The communication shall be signed by the applicant or the holder, or by the Office through which it was presented.
Sporočilo podpiše prijavitelj oziroma nosilec ali urad, prek katerega je bilo sporočilo dostavljeno.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-26
b the term ` judge` referred to in sub-paragraph a above shall include prosecutors and holders of judicial offices;
b) izraz ` sodnik` , naveden v pododstavku a) zgoraj, vključuje tožilce in nosilce sodnih funkcij;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(2) [Presentation; Form and Signature] (a) A subsequent designation shall be presented to the International Bureau by the holder or by the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder; however,
(2) [Predložitev; oblika in podpis] (a) Naknadno imenovanje predloži Mednarodnemu uradu nosilec ali urad pogodbenice nosilca; toda,
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(i) be signed by the holder himself and be made on a separate official form annexed to the subsequent designation, or
(i) podpisana s strani nosilca in dana na posebnem uradnem obrazcu, ki je priložen naknadnemu imenovanju, ali
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
Where the Office of origin so wishes and has informed the International Bureau accordingly, the certificate shall be sent to the holder through the Office of origin.
Potrdilo se pošlje nosilcu prek urada izvora, če slednji tako želi in je o tem obvestil Mednarodni urad.
11 Objavljeno
The Agency and all its holders of office and other employees are obliged to adhere to the Code in carrying out their operations.
Agencija in vsi njeni nosilci funkcij ter ostali zaposleni so ga dolžni spoštovati pri svojem delovanju.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(i) in English or French where such communication is addressed to the International Bureau by the applicant or holder or by an Office;
(i) v angleščini ali francoščini, kadar je tako sporočilo na Mednarodni urad naslovil prijavitelj, imetnik ali eden od uradov,
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(1) [Communication of Information] (a) The holder of an international registration or the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder may inform the International Bureau that the holder's right to dispose of the international registration has been restricted and, if appropriate, indicate the Contracting Parties concerned.
(1) [Obveščanje] (a) Nosilec mednarodne registracije ali urad pogodbenice nosilca lahko obvesti Mednarodni urad, da je bila nosilčeva pravica razpolaganja z mednarodno registracijo omejena in, kjer je to ustrezno, navede pogodbenice, ki jih to zadeva.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(i) in English, French or Spanish where such communication is addressed to the International Bureau by the applicant or holder, or by an Office;
(i) v angleščini, francoščini ali španščini, kadar tako sporočilo naslovi na Mednarodni urad prijavitelj oziroma nosilec ali neki urad;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
If so requested by the holder, the International Bureau shall invite the Office which communicated the refusal to rectify its notification without delay.
Če imetnik zahteva, Mednarodni urad pozove urad, ki je sporočil zavrnitev, da svoje uradno obvestilo nemudoma popravi.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(1) [Request for the Recording of a License] (a) A request for the recording of a license shall be presented to the International Bureau on the relevant official form by the holder or, if the Office admits such presentation, by the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder or the Office of a Contracting Party with respect to which the license is granted.
(1) [Zahteva za vpis licence] (a) Zahtevo za vpis licence predloži Mednarodnemu uradu na ustreznem uradnem obrazcu nosilec ali, če urad to dovoljuje, urad pogodbenice nosilca ali urad pogodbenice, za katero je licenca podeljena.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Correction] Where the International Bureau, acting ex officio or at the request of the holder, considers that there is an error concerning an international registration in the International Register, it shall modify the Register and inform the holder accordingly.
(1) [Popravek] Kadar Mednarodni urad, ki nastopa po uradni dolžnosti ali na zahtevo imetnika, meni, da je v zvezi z mednarodno registracijo v mednarodnem registru napaka, jo popravi in o tem obvesti imetnika.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(c) The second part of the individual designation fee may be paid either directly to the Office concerned or through the International Bureau, at the option of the holder.
(c) Drugi del pristojbine za posamično imenovanje lahko imetnik po svoji izbiri plača zadevnemu uradu neposredno ali s posredovanjem Mednarodnega urada.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(2) [Recording of the Invalidation and Information to the Holder and the Office Concerned] The International Bureau shall record the invalidation in the International Register, together with the data contained in the notification of invalidation, and shall inform accordingly the holder.
(2) [Vpis razveljavitve in sporočilo nosilcu in zadevnemu uradu] Mednarodni urad vpiše razveljavitev v mednarodni register skupaj s podatki iz uradnega obvestila o razveljavitvi in o tem obvesti nosilca.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
The International Bureau shall notify accordingly the Offices of the designated Contracting Parties affected by the change and shall inform at the same time the holder and, if the request was presented by an Office, that Office.
Mednarodni urad o tem uradno obvesti urade imenovanih pogodbenic, na katere se ta sprememba nanaša, in hkrati obvesti tudi nosilca in, če je zahtevo predložil neki urad, ta urad.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(ii) where any of the Contracting Parties are designated under the Agreement, the subsequent designation must be presented by the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder;
(ii) če je katera od pogodbenic imenovana po sporazumu, mora naknadno imenovanje predložiti urad pogodbenice nosilca;
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
Where the request for the recording of a cancellation was presented by the holder or by an Office other than the Office of origin during the five-year period referred to in Article 6(3) of the Agreement and Article 6(3) of the Protocol, the International Bureau shall also inform the Office of origin.
Če je zahtevo za vpis izbrisa v petletnem obdobju iz tretjega odstavka 6. člena sporazuma in tretjega odstavka 6. člena protokola predložil nosilec ali urad, ki ni urad izvora, mora Mednarodni urad obvestiti tudi urad izvora.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(i) any provisional refusal that has been notified to the International Bureau is subject to review by the said Office, whether or not such review has been requested by the holder, and
(i) preveril vsako začasno zavrnitev, o kateri je bil Mednarodni urad uradno obveščen, ne glede na to, ali je tako preveritev nosilec zahteval ali ne, in
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) Subject to subparagraph (c), the request shall be presented by the holder or by the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder; however, the request for the recording of a change in ownership may be presented through the Office of the Contracting Party, or of one of the Contracting Parties, indicated in the said request in accordance with paragraph (2)(a)(iv).
(b) Ob upoštevanju pododstavka (c) zahtevo predloži nosilec ali urad pogodbenice nosilca; zahteva za vpis spremembe lastništva pa se lahko predloži s posredovanjem urada pogodbenice ali ene od pogodbenic, navedenih v tej zahtevi v skladu s točko (iv) pododstavka (a) drugega odstavka.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(2) [Notification] The International Bureau shall notify accordingly the holder and, at the same time, the Offices of the designated Contracting Parties in which the correction has effect.
(2) [Uradno obvestilo] Mednarodni urad o tem uradno obvesti nosilca in hkrati tudi urade imenovanih pogodbenic, v katerih tak popravek velja.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(1) [Changes in the Name or Address of the Holder] (a) Where there is no change in the person of the holder but there is a change in his name and/or address, each Contracting Party shall accept that a request for the recordal of the change by the Office in its register of marks be made in a communication signed by the holder or his representative and indicating the registration number of the registration concerned and the change to be recorded.
(1) (Sprememba imena ali naslova imetnika) (a) Če se oseba imetnika ne spremeni, spremenita pa se njegovo ime in/ali naslov, vsaka pogodbenica dopušča, da se postavi zahteva za vpis spremembe v register znamk urada v sporočilu, ki ga podpiše imetnik ali njegov zastopnik in v katerem sta navedeni številka zadevne registracije in sprememba, ki jo je treba vpisati.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(3) [Notification and Certificate] The International Bureau shall notify the Offices of the designated Contracting Parties concerned of the renewal and shall send a certificate to the holder.
(3) [Uradno obvestilo in potrdilo] Mednarodni urad uradno obvesti urade imenovanih pogodbenic o podaljšanju in pošlje nosilcu potrdilo.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) Where the International Bureau considers that the appointment of a representative under paragraph (2) is irregular, it shall notify accordingly the applicant or holder, the purported representative and, if the sender or transmitter is an Office, that Office.
(b) Če Mednarodni urad meni, da je imenovanje zastopnika po drugem odstavku nepravilno, o tem uradno obvesti prijavitelja oziroma nosilca, domnevnega zastopnika in, če je imenovanje poslal ali posredoval neki urad, tudi ta urad.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
In such a case, the International Bureau shall nevertheless transmit a copy of the notification to the holder, shall inform, at the same time, the holder and the Office that sent the notification that the notification of provisional refusal is not regarded as such by the International Bureau, and shall indicate the reasons therefor.
V tem primeru pošlje Mednarodni urad nosilcu kopijo uradnega obvestila ter obvesti nosilca in hkrati tudi urad, ki je uradno obvestilo o začasni zavrnitvi poslal, da tega ni upošteval, ter navede razloge.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(2) [Irregular Request] (a) If the request for the recording of a license does not comply with the requirements of paragraph (1)(a), (b) and (d), the International Bureau shall notify that fact to the holder and, if the request was presented by an Office, to that Office.
(2) [Nepravilna zahteva] (a) Če zahteva za vpis licence ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz pododstavkov (a), (b) in (d) prvega odstavka, Mednarodni urad o tem dejstvu uradno obvesti nosilca in, če je zahtevo predložil neki urad, tudi ta urad.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(5) [Irregularities] (a) If the subsequent designation does not comply with the applicable requirements, and subject to paragraph (10), the International Bureau shall notify that fact to the holder and, if the subsequent designation was presented by an Office, that Office.
(5) [Nepravilnosti] (a) Če naknadno imenovanje ne izpolnjuje veljavnih pogojev, Mednarodni urad ob upoštevanju devetega odstavka o tem uradno obvesti nosilca in, če je naknadno imenovanje predložil neki urad, tudi ta urad.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) Where subparagraph (a) applies, the International Bureau shall nevertheless transmit a copy of the notification to the holder, shall inform, at the same time, the holder and the Office that sent the notification that the notification of provisional refusal is not regarded as such by the International Bureau, and shall indicate the reasons therefor.
(b) Tudi če velja pododstavek (a), pošlje Mednarodni urad kopijo uradnega obvestila nosilcu ter hkrati obvesti nosilca in urad, ki je poslal uradno obvestilo o začasni zavrnitvi, da tega obvestila ni upošteval, in navede razloge.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) Where the international application is filed through the Office of the applicant's Contracting Party, the fees payable in connection with that application may be paid through that Office if it accepts to collect and forward such fees and the applicant or the holder so wishes.
(b) Kadar je mednarodna prijava vložena s posredovanjem urada pogodbenice prijavitelja, se pristojbine, ki jih je treba plačati v zvezi s to prijavo, lahko plačajo preko tega urada, če je ta pripravljen pristojbine sprejemati in pošiljati naprej in če prijavitelj ali imetnik tako želi.
34 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Z1-05-2070
(b) Where the international application is filed through the Office of the applicant` s Contracting Party, the fees payable in connection with that application may be paid through that Office if it accepts to collect and forward such fees and the applicant or the holder so wishes.
(b) Kadar je mednarodna prijava vložena prek urada pogodbenice prijavitelja, se lahko pristojbine, ki jih je treba plačati v zvezi s to prijavo, plačajo prek tega urada, če je ta pripravljen pristojbine sprejemati in jih pošiljati naprej ter če prijavitelj ali imetnik tako želi.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
The International Bureau shall invite the Office that communicated the provisional refusal to send a rectified notification within two months from the invitation and shall transmit to the holder copies of the irregular notification and of the invitation sent to the Office concerned.
Mednarodni urad pozove urad, ki je sporočil začasno zavrnitev, da v dveh mesecih po pozivu pošlje popravljeno uradno obvestilo, nosilcu pa pošlje kopijo nepravilnega uradnega obvestila in poziva, ki ga je poslal zadevnemu uradu.
36 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
(a) "authorisation" means any authorisation issued by the customs authorities which allows the release of goods for free circulation at the customs office responsible for the place where the authorisation holder is established, irrespective of the customs office where the goods are presented;
(a) "dovoljenje" pomeni vsako dovoljenje, ki ga izdajo carinski organi za sprostitev blaga v prosti promet pri carinskem uradu, pristojnem v kraju sedeža imetnika dovoljenja, ne glede na to, pri katerem carinskem uradu je bilo blago predloženo;
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(3) [Recording] The International Bureau shall record the information communicated under paragraphs (1) and (2) in the International Register and shall inform accordingly the holder, the designated Contracting Parties concerned and, where the information has been given by an Office, that Office.
(3) [Vpis] Mednarodni urad vpiše obvestilo po prvem in drugem odstavku v mednarodni register in o tem obvesti nosilca ter zadevne imenovane pogodbenice, če je obvestilo poslal neki urad, pa tudi ta urad.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(3) [Recording of Merger of International Registrations] Where the same natural person or legal entity has been recorded as the holder of two or more international registrations resulting from a partial change in ownership, the registrations shall be merged at the request of the said person or entity, made either direct or through the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder.
(3) [Vpis združitve mednarodnih registracij] Če je ista fizična ali pravna oseba vpisana kot nosilec dveh ali več mednarodnih registracij, ki so posledica delnega prenosa pravic, se registracije združijo na zahtevo, ki jo ta fizična ali pravna oseba predloži sama ali s posredovanjem urada pogodbenice nosilca.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) The Office of any designated Contracting Party may inform the International Bureau that the holder's right of disposal has been restricted in respect of the international registration in the territory of that Contracting Party.
(b) Urad imenovane pogodbenice lahko obvesti Mednarodni urad, da je bila nosilčeva pravica razpolaganja z mednarodno registracijo omejena na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) Where a designation under Rule 24 is presented by the Office of the Contracting Party of the holder and the amount of the fees payable in respect of that designation is changed between, on the one hand, the date of receipt, by the Office, of the request by the holder to present the said designation and, on the other hand, the date on which the designation is received by the International Bureau, the fee that was valid on the first date shall be applicable.
(b) Če imenovanje po 24. pravilu predloži urad pogodbenice nosilca in se znesek pristojbine, ki jo je treba plačati za tako imenovanje spremeni v času med datumom, ko je urad od nosilca prejel zahtevo za predložitev imenovanja, in datumom, ko imenovanje Mednarodni urad prejme, se uporablja pristojbina, ki je bila veljavna na prvi datum.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(e) The International Bureau shall notify the Offices of the designated Contracting Parties concerned of the fact that payment has or has not been made for the second period of ten years and shall at the same time inform the holder.
(e) Mednarodni urad uradno obvesti urade zadevnih imenovanih pogodbenic o tem, da je plačilo za drugo desetletno obdobje bilo oziroma ni bilo izvršeno, in hkrati obvesti tudi nosilca.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(d) The International Bureau shall record in the International Register any declaration made in accordance with subparagraph (c) and shall notify accordingly the party (holder or Office) that presented the request to record the license.
(d) Mednarodni urad vpiše v mednarodni register vsako izjavo, dano v skladu s pododstavkom (c), in o tem uradno obvesti stranko (nosilca ali urad), ki je predložila zahtevo za vpis licence.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(d) The International Bureau shall record in the International Register any declaration made in accordance with subparagraph (c) and shall notify accordingly the party (holder or Office) that presented the request to record the limitation.
(d) Mednarodni urad vpiše vsako izjavo po pododstavku (c) v mednarodni register ter o tem uradno obvesti stranko (nosilca ali urad), ki je predložila zahtevo za vpis omejitve.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
The recording shall be canceled ex officio by the International Bureau where a new representative is appointed or where a change in ownership is recorded and no representative is appointed by the new holder of the international registration.
Mednarodni urad pa vpis razveljavi tudi po uradni dolžnosti, če je imenovan nov zastopnik oziroma če se vpiše v register sprememba lastništva in novi imetnik mednarodne registracije ni imenoval nobenega zastopnika.
45 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
(b) "Authorising Customs Authorities" means the Customs Authorities of the participating Member State which allow the release of the goods for free circulation at the customs office responsible for the place where the authorisation holder is established, irrespective of the customs office where the goods are presented;
(b) "carinski organ, ki izda dovoljenje" pomeni carinski organ sodelujoče države članice, ki dovoli sprostitev blaga v prosti promet pri carinskem uradu, pristojnem v kraju sedeža imetnika dovoljenja, ne glede na to, pri katerem carinskem uradu je bilo blago predloženo;
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(e) Any final decision relating to a declaration made in accordance with subparagraph (c) shall be notified to the International Bureau which shall record it in the International Register and, as the case may be, modify the International Register accordingly, and shall notify accordingly the party (holder or Office) that presented the request for the recording of a change in ownership and the new holder.
(e) O vsaki dokončni odločitvi v zvezi z izjavo po pododstavku (c) je treba uradno obvestiti Mednarodni urad, ki odločitev vpiše v mednarodni register in v danem primeru podatke v njem ustrezno popravi ter o tem uradno obvesti stranko (nosilca ali urad), ki je predložila zahtevo za vpis spremembe lastništva, in novega nosilca.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(e) The International Bureau shall, once the effective date of the cancellation is known, notify the cancellation and its effective date to the representative whose recording has been cancelled, to the applicant or holder and, where the appointment of the representative had been presented through an Office, to that Office.
(e) Ko je znan datum začetka veljavnosti izbrisa, Mednarodni urad uradno obvesti o izbrisu in njegovem začetku veljavnosti zastopnika, čigar vpis je bil izbrisan, prijavitelja oziroma nosilca in, če je bilo imenovanje zastopnika predloženo s posredovanjem nekega urada, tudi ta urad.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(c) Where the international registration has been cancelled in the International Register in accordance with subparagraph (b), the International Bureau shall notify the Offices of the designated Contracting Parties and the holder of the following:
(c) Če je bila mednarodna registracija izbrisana iz mednarodnega registra v skladu s pododstavkom (b), Mednarodni urad uradno obvesti urade imenovanih pogodbenic in nosilca:
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(1) [Notification] Where, in accordance with Article 4bis(2) of the Agreement or Article 4bis(2) of the Protocol, the Office of a designated Contracting Party has taken note in its Register, following a request made direct by the holder with that Office, that a national or a regional registration has been replaced by an international registration, that Office shall notify the International Bureau accordingly.
(1) [Uradno obvestilo] Če je v skladu z drugim odstavkom 4.bis člena sporazuma ali drugim odstavkom 4.bis člena protokola urad imenovane pogodbenice na podlagi zahteve, ki jo je pri njem neposredno vložil nosilec, v svoj register vpisal zaznamek, da je bila nacionalna ali regionalna registracija nadomeščena z mednarodno, o tem uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(3) [Power of Attorney] (a) Whenever a Contracting Party allows or requires an applicant, a holder or any other interested person to be represented by a representative before the Office, it may require that the representative be appointed in a separate communication (hereinafter referred to as ` power of attorney` ) indicating the name of, and signed by, the applicant, the holder or the other person, as the case may be.
(3) (Pooblastilo) (a) Kadar koli pogodbenica dopušča ali zahteva, da prijavitelja, imetnika ali drugo zainteresirano osebo zastopa pri uradu zastopnik, lahko zahteva, da je zastopnik imenovan s posebnim obvestilom (v nadaljevanju ` pooblastilo` ), v katerem je odvisno od primera navedeno ime prijavitelja, imetnika ali druge osebe in ga je ta oseba podpisala.
Prevodi: en > sl
office holder