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official examination
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
2 If the request is acceded to, the competent authority of the requested State shall, as soon as possible, notify the competent authority of the applicant State about the time and place of the examination, the authority or official designated to carry out the examination and the procedures and conditions required by the requested State for the conduct of the examination.
Kadar pristojni organ zaprošene države ugodi zaprosilu, čim prej uradno obvesti pristojni organ države prosilke o času in kraju nadzora, organu ali uradniku, ki bo nadzor opravil, ter o postopkih in pogojih, ki jih zaprošena država zahteva za izvedbo nadzora.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(5) If disapproval of the text communicated by the Opposition Division is expressed, examination of the opposition may be continued; otherwise, the Opposition Division shall, on expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 4, request the proprietor of the patent to pay, within three months, the fee for the printing of a new specification of the European patent and to file a translation of any amended claims in the two official languages of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings.
(5) Če se kaka stranka ne strinja z besedilom, ki ji ga je sporočil oddelek za ugovore, se preizkus ugovora lahko nadaljuje; sicer pa oddelek za ugovore po poteku roka iz četrtega odstavka zahteva od imetnika patenta, da v treh mesecih plača pristojbino za tiskanje novega evropskega patentnega spisa in da vloži prevod spremenjenih patentnih zahtevkov v dveh uradnih jezikih Evropskega patentnega urada, ki nista jezik postopka.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
For the purpose of facilitating the adaptation of the national patent offices of the States parties to the Convention to the European patent system, the Administrative Council may, if it considers it desirable, and subject to the conditions set out below, entrust the central industrial property offices of such of those States in which it is possible to conduct the proceedings in one of the official languages of the European Patent Office with tasks concerning the examination of European patent applications drawn up in that language which, pursuant to Article 18, paragraph 2, of the Convention, shall, as a general rule, be entrusted to a member of the Examining Division.
Da bi se državni patentni uradi držav pogodbenic konvencije lažje prilagodili evropskemu patentnemu sistemu, sme upravni svet, če meni, da je to zaželeno in ob upoštevanju v nadaljevanju določenih pogojev, osrednjim uradom za industrijsko lastnino tistih od teh držav, v katerih je mogoče voditi postopek v enem od uradnih jezikov Evropskega patentnega urada, zaupati naloge v zvezi s preizkusom evropskih patentnih prijav, sestavljenih v tem jeziku, ki so po drugem odstavku 18. člena konvencije praviloma zaupane preizkuševalcu v oddelku za preizkuse.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0011
which has been found by official examination to satisfy the above conditions.
za katerega je bilo z uradnim preizkušanjem ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje navedene pogoje.
5 Končna redakcija
which has been found by official examination to satisfy the abovementioned conditions.
za katerega je bilo z uradnim preizkušanjem ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje navedene pogoje.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
which has been found by official examination to satisfy the aforementioned conditions;
katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje prej navedene pogoje;
7 Končna redakcija
which has been found by official examination to satisfy the above-mentioned conditions.
za katerega je bilo z uradnim pregledom ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje zgoraj navedene pogoje.
8 Končna redakcija
which has been found by official examination to satisfy the abovementioned conditions.`;
za katero je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da izpolnjujejo zgoraj navedene pogoje.";
9 Končna redakcija
- which has been found by official examination to satisfy the abovementioned conditions, or
katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje zgoraj navedene pogoje ali
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
in the case of the conditions laid down in Annex I, has been found to satisfy those conditions either by official examination or by examination carried out under official supervision;
je bilo v primeru pogojev, določenih v Prilogi I, z uradnim pregledom ali pregledom, izvedenim pod uradnim nadzorom, ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje navedene pogoje;
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
and (iii) which has been found by official examination to satisfy the abovementioned conditions;
in (iii) katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje zgoraj navedene pogoje;
12 Končna redakcija
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and (iv) - which has been found by official examination to satisfy the abovementioned conditions, or
in (iv) - katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje zgoraj navedene pogoje ali
13 Končna redakcija
they must have been found by official examination to satisfy the minimum conditions referred to in (c);
mora biti pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje minimalne pogoje iz člena (c);
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which has been found by official examination to satisfy the abovementioned conditions. (d) "basic seed" (hybrids of sunflower):
katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje zgoraj navedene pogoje; (d) »osnovno seme« (hibridi sončnice):
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
are required under the Member States' provisions on qualitative or quantitative control of products subject to systematic official examination;
se zahtevajo na podlagi določb držav članic za nadzor kakovosti in količine proizvodov, ki se sistematično uradno pregledujejo;
16 Končna redakcija
in Article 7(1), first subparagraph, the following shall be added to the last sentence: 'in relation to the results of an official examination.`;
v prvem pododstavku člena 7(1) se zadnjemu stavku doda naslednje: "v zvezi z rezultati uradnega preizkušanja.";
17 Končna redakcija
All these examinations must be carried out under official supervision.
Vsi pregledi morajo biti opravljeni pod uradnim nadzorom.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
provide that official examination to check compliance with the condition laid down in Annex II(I)(4) for Brassica napus shall not be carried out on all lots during certification unless there is doubt whether that condition has been satisfied.
(b)določijo, da se uradno pregledajo za ugotavljanje skladnosti s pogojem iz Priloge II(I)(4) za Brassica napus, ne izvede na vseh partijah med uradno potrditvijo, razen če obstaja dvom, ali je ta pogoj izpolnjen.
19 Končna redakcija
which has been produced directly from basic seed or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed which has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki je bilo pridelano neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali, če tako zahteva žlahtnitelj, iz semena množitve pred osnovnim semenom, za katero je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz Prilog I in II za osnovno seme;
20 Končna redakcija
which is produced directly from basic seed or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki se proizvaja neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko izpolnjuje, in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
21 Končna redakcija
in order to make maize seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the official examination to check compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification and marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of the categories "basic seed" or "certified seed".
da bi bilo seme koruze hitro na voljo, ne glede na to, da uradni pregledi za preverjanje skladnosti s pogoji iz Priloge II glede kalivosti še niso dokončani, odobrijo uradno potrditev in trženje za prvega kupca semena kategorij "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
22 Končna redakcija
in order to make seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the official examination to control compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification and marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of seed of the categories "basic seed" or "certified seed".
za hitro razpoložljivost semena, ne glede na dejstvo, da uradni pregled za nadzor ustreznosti pogojem, določenim v Prilogi II glede na kalivost, še ni zaključen, dovolijo uradno potrjevanje in trženje, v kolikor obstaja prvi kupec za trgovanje s semenom kategorij »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
23 Končna redakcija
in order to make seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the official examination to check compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex I in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification and the marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of seed of the categories "basic seed" or "certified seed".
da bi bilo seme hitro na razpolago, ne glede na dejstvo, da uradni pregled za nadzor ustreznosti s pogojem v Prilogi I glede kalivosti še ni zaključen, dovolijo uradno potrditev in trženje do prvega kupca za trgovanje s semenom kategorije "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
24 Končna redakcija
which has been produced directly from basic seed or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki se pridobiva neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko izpolnjuje in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which has been produced directly from basic seed or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed and which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki se bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko izpolnjuje in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
In the case of varieties whose seed may not be verified except as standard seed, the results of unofficial examinations and knowledge gained from practical experience during cultivation may be taken into consideration in relation to the results of an official examination.
V primeru sort, katerih seme se ne sme preverjati, razen kot standardno seme, se lahko upoštevajo rezultati neuradnega preizkušanja in znanje, pridobljeno s praktičnimi izkušnjami med gojenjem, skupaj z rezultati uradnega preizkušanja.
27 Končna redakcija
in order to make seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that official examination to check compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification or approval and marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of seed of the categories "basic seed", "certified seed" or "commercial seed".
odobrijo uradno potrditev ali odobritev za prvega prejemnika za trgovanje s semenom kategorij "osnovno seme", "certificirano seme" ali "trgovsko seme", da bi bilo seme hitro na voljo ne glede na dejstvo, da uradni pregled za nadzor ustreznosti s pogoji iz Priloge II glede kalitve še ni bil zaključen.
28 Končna redakcija
in order to make seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that official examination to check compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification or approval and marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of seed of the categories "basic seed", "certified seed" of all categories or "commercial seed".
za hitro razpoložljivost semena, ne glede na dejstvo, da uradni pregled za izpolnjevanja pogojev iz Priloge II, glede kalivosti še ni zaključen, dovolijo uradno certifikacijo in trženje, v kolikor obstaja prvi kupec za trgovanje s semenom kategorij »osnovno seme«, »certificirano seme« vseh kategorij ali »trgovsko seme«.
29 Končna redakcija
which has been produced directly from basic seed, from certified seed of the first generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki je bilo pridelano neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve množitve ali, če tako zahteva žlahtnitelj, iz semena množitve pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko in za katero je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz Prilog I in II za osnovno seme;
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which has been produced directly from basic seed, from certified seed of the first generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed and which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve množitve ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko izpolnjuje in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which is of direct descent from basic seed, from certified seed of the first or second generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed and which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
ki izvira neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve ali druge množitve ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom in ki lahko izpolnjuje in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The official may at any time be required to undergo a medical examination arranged by the institution.
Uradnik je lahko kadar koli napoten na zdravniški pregled, ki ga organizira institucija.
33 Končna redakcija
imposition of a quarantine period until the results of the examinations or official tests are available,
uvedba karantene do rezultatov preverjanj ali uradnih testov,
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
between the agricultural parcels as declared in the single application and plots subjected to official examination that have been found to comply with the requirements of the Directives referred to in Article 1(1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1674/72 of 2 August 1972 laying down general rules for granting and financing aid for seed(18);
med enotami rabe, kakor so prijavljene v enotnem zahtevku, in parcelami, ki jih je treba uradno pregledati, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da izpolnjujejo zahteve direktiv, navedenih v členu 1(1) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1674/72 z dne 2. avgusta 1972 o določitvi splošnih pravil za podeljevanje in financiranje pomoči za seme [18].
35 Končna redakcija
shall, on request and without prejudice to other provisions of this Directive, be officially certified seed in any Member State if that seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I for the relevant category and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo in brez poseganja v druge določbe te direktive uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki državi članici, če navedeno seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v Prilogi I za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo.
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CELEX: 32004R0723
If the examination cannot take place for reasons attributable to the official, his absence shall be considered as unauthorised as from the date that the examination is due to take place.
Če pregleda ni mogoče opraviti zaradi razlogov na strani uradnika, se njegova odsotnost z dela šteje kot nedovoljena od datuma, ko bi moral opraviti pregled.
37 Končna redakcija
In particular the results of unofficial tests and knowledge gained from practical experience during cultivation, reproduction and use and the detailed descriptions of the varieties and their relevant denominations, as notified to the Member State concerned, shall be taken into account and, if sufficient, shall result in exemption from the requirement of official examination.
Upoštevajo se zlasti rezultati neuradnih testov in znanje, pridobljeno s praktičnimi izkušnjami med pridelavo, razmnoževanjem in uporabo, ter podrobni opisi sort in njihovih ustreznih poimenovanj, o čemer je zadevna država članica obveščena, in če to zadostuje, je posledica izvzetje iz zahteve po uradnem preizkušanju.
38 Končna redakcija
shall, on request and without prejudice to the provisions of Directive 2002/53/EC, be officially certified as certified seed in any Member State if that seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I for the relevant category and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo in brez poseganja v določbe Direktive 2002/53/ES uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki državi članici, če navedeno seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v Prilogi I za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo, izpolnjeni.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
If the finding made in the examination is that the official is able to carry out his duties, his absence shall, subject to the following subparagraph, be regarded as unjustified from the date of the examination.
Če se na pregledu ugotovi, da uradnik lahko opravlja delo, se ob upoštevanju spodnjega pododstavka njegova odsotnost z dela od datuma pregleda šteje kot neupravičena.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
shall, on request, be officially certified as certified seed in any of those Member States where the basic seed was either produced or officially certified, if the seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in an equivalence decision made under Article 20(a) for the relevant category and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki izmed tistih držav članic, kjer je bilo osnovno seme,proizvedeno ali uradno potrjeno, če seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v odločbi o enakovrednosti po členu 20(a) za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo, izpolnjeni.
41 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall require that, for the checking of varieties, the examination of seed for certification and the examination of commercial seed, samples are drawn officially in accordance with appropriate methods.
Države članice predpišejo, da se v postopku nadzorovanja sort pri pregledu semena za potrditev in pri pregledu trgovskega semena, uradno vzamejo vzorci v skladu z ustreznimi metodami.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
shall, on request, be officially certified as certified seed in any of those Member States where the basic seed was either produced or officially certified, if the seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in an equivalence decision made under Article 37(1)(a) for the relevant category, and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki izmed tistih držav članic, kjer je osnovno seme proizvedeno ali uradno potrjeno, če seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v odločbi o enakovrednosti po členu 37(1)(a) za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo.
43 Končna redakcija
shall, on request, be officially certified as certified seed in any of those Member States where the basic seed was either produced or officially certified, if the seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in an equivalence decision made under Article 23(1)(a) for the relevant category, and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex I, part B for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v kateri koli državi članici, kjer je bilo osnovno seme proizvedeno ali uradno potrjeno, če je bilo to seme pregledano na polju in izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v odločbi o enakovrednosti, po členu 23(1)(a) za ustrezno kategorijo, in če je uradni pregled pokazal, da so pogoji iz dela B Priloge I za isto kategorijo izpolnjeni.
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official examination