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offset on the market
1 Končna redakcija
Whereas, because of the situation on the world market, certain sectors of agricultural and industrial production in the Community would be adversely affected if the effects of the removal of import barriers were not offset by other measures;
ker bi bili zaradi razmer na svetovnem trgu nekateri sektorji kmetijske in industrijske proizvodnje neugodno prizadeti, če posledic odstranitve uvoznih ovir ne bi kompenzirali z drugimi ukrepi;
2 Pravna redakcija
List of the agricultural products in respect of which price differences between the world market and the Community market can be offset on importation (*)
Seznam kmetijskih proizvodov, za katere se pri uvozu izravna razlika med cenami na svetovnem trgu in cenami na trgu Skupnosti(*)
3 Pravna redakcija
where a preferential agreement concluded with a specific area provides for a special offsetting method, the difference between prices on the Community market and prices on the world market may be replaced by the difference defined in that agreement.
če preferencialni sporazum, sklenjen z določenim območjem, določa posebne načine izravnavanja, se lahko razlika med cenami na trgu Skupnosti in cenami na svetovnem trgu nadomesti z razliko, opredeljeno v tem sporazumu;
4 Pravna redakcija
On the other hand, collective consumption of PNPISHs rises because non-market produces may have to pay some of the fees in question, raising intermediate consumption, but this is offset by a decrease in taxes on production.
Po drugi strani se kolektivna potrošnja NPISG poveča, ker morajo netržni proizvajalci po potrebi plačati nekaj zadevnih pristojbin, zaradi česar se poveča vmesna potrošnja, kar pa se izravna z zmanjšanjem davkov na proizvodnjo.
5 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, to offset the effect of the adjustment to the intervention scheme, provision should be made for supporting producers' income while maintaining the existing premium schemes during the present period of uncertainty on the market in beef and veal;
ker je za ublažitev učinka prilagoditve intervencijske sheme treba oblikovati pravila za spodbujanje prihodkov proizvajalcev, pri tem pa vzdrževati sistem premij v trenutnem obdobju negotovosti na trgu za goveje in telečje meso;
6 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products (4) provides for the levying on imports of certain goods of a charge consisting of a fixed component for the protection of the processing industry and a variable component to offset any difference between the prices of the relevant agricultural products in the Community and on the world market;
ker Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 3033/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o tržnih ureditvah za nekatere blago, pridobljeno s predelavo kmetijskih proizvodov( fn ), določa, da se pri uvozu tega blaga plača dajatev, ki jo sestavlja nespremenljivi del za zaščito predelovalne industrije in spremenljivi del za izravnavo morebitnih razlik med cenami za te kmetijske proizvode v Skupnosti in na svetovnem trgu;
7 Pravna redakcija
In order to ensure that overall support is sufficient to maintain traditional production of long flax fibre in conditions similar to those provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1308/70 of 4 July 1970 on the common organisation of the market in flax and hemp (6), the aid should be gradually increased to offset the gradual reduction in the aid per hectare paid to growers under Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 and, ultimately, the abolition of the aid for short flax fibre.
Da bi zagotovili, da celotna raven podpore zadostuje za ohranjanje tradicionalne pridelave dolgih lanenih vlaken v pogojih, ki so podobni tistim iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1308/70 z dne 4. julija1970 o skupni tržni ureditvi za lan in konopljo (6), je treba pomoč postopoma povečati zaradi pokritja postopnega zmanjšanja pomoči na hektar, ki se plačuje pridelovalcem v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1251/1999 in, nenazadnje, odprave pomoči za kratka lanena vlakna.
8 Pravna redakcija
whereas, on the one hand, it is appropriate to draw up, in respect of the goods to which the arrangements currently apply, set out in Table 1 of Annex B, the list of agricultural products for which price differences between the world market and the Community market can be offset on importation, and, on the other hand, it must be possible to identify among those agricultural products the basic products for which such differences are actually recorded, the quantities of other agricultural products, assimilated products or products resulting from their processing being converted into equivalent quantities of basic products;
ker pa je za blago iz tabele 1 Priloge B, za katere trenutno velja ta ureditev, treba pripraviti seznam kmetijskih proizvodov, pri katerih se razlika v cenah na svetovnem trgu in v cenah v Skupnosti lahko izravna pri uvozu, po drugi strani pa je treba zagotoviti možnost, da se med temi kmetijskimi proizvodi določijo osnovni proizvodi, pri katerih takšne razlike dejansko nastajajo, količine drugih kmetijskih proizvodov, enakovrednih kmetijskih proizvodov ali proizvodov, pridobljenih s predelavo, ki se pretvorijo v ustrezno količino osnovnih proizvodov;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1670
Total current expenditure on environmental protection should be reported gross of any cost offsets resulting from the sale of marketable by-products, savings or subsidies received.
Skupne tekoče izdatke je treba prikazati v bruto znesku brez upoštevanja kakršnih koli izravnav med stroški, ki nastanejo ob prodaji tržnih stranskih proizvodov, ter doseženimi prihranki ali prejetimi subvencijami.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2080
The exporting producer therefore argued that any loss of sales volume (and further injurious consequences) incurred by the Community industry on its domestic market was offset when taking into account the Community industry's export sales to CEEC.
Proizvajalec izvoznik je zato uveljavljal mnenje, da se je kakršna koli izguba obsega prodaje (skupaj z nadaljnjimi škodljivimi posledicami), ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti na svojem domačem trgu, kompenzirala ob upoštevanju izvoznih prodaj industrije Skupnosti v države srednje in vzhodne Evrope.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2104
On the basis of market information, it would appear that the advantage of proximity is offset by logistical disadvantages created by transport, storage and loading infrastructures and that, in practice, freight costs over the long term are equivalent.
Na podlagi tržnih informacij se zdi, da prednost bližine odtehtajo logistične slabosti, nastale zaradi infrastrukture prevoza, skladiščenja in natovarjanja, in da so dejansko prevozni stroški dolgoročno enakovredni.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0020
The second objective is to ensure the control and monitoring of operations and to provide the administrative authorities with the instruments they need to ascertain whether the objectives of the scheme are being attained - these being, in particular, to ensure a regular supply of certain agricultural products and to offset the effects of the geographical situation of outermost regions by ensuring that the benefits of the scheme are actually passed on to the stage at which the products destined for the end users are placed on the market.
Drugi cilj je zagotoviti kontrolo in spremljanje delovanja ter zagotoviti upravnim organom instrumente, ki jih potrebujejo, da bi preverili, ali se cilji programa izpolnjujejo - ti so zlasti zagotoviti redno dobavo določenih kmetijskih proizvodov in kompenzirati učinke geografskega položaja najbolj oddaljenih regij, tako da zagotovijo, da se ugodnosti programa dejansko prenesejo naprej na ravni, kjer se proizvodi, namenjeni za končne uporabnike, dajo na trg.
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offset on the market