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ordinary court (of law)
1 Končna redakcija
ordinary court of law
redno sodišče
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 The commencement of arbitration proceedings shall have the same effect, as regards the interruption of periods of limitation, as that attributed by the applicable provisions of substantive law to the institution of an action in the ordinary courts or tribunals.
Začetek arbitražnega postopka ima na prekinitev zastaranja enak učinek, kot ga imajo določbe veljavne materialne zakonodaje na vložitev tožbe na rednem sodišču.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Where, in the cases provided for in the Constitution, a law or framework law is submitted to the ordinary legislative procedure on the initiative of a group of Member States, on a recommendation by the European Central Bank, or at the request of the Court of Justice, paragraph 2, the second sentence of paragraph 6, and paragraph 9 shall not apply.
(15) Če je v primerih, ki so predvideni v Ustavi, evropski zakon ali okvirni zakon predložen v redni zakonodajni postopek na pobudo skupine držav članic, po priporočilu Evropske centralne banke ali na zahtevo Sodišča, se drugi odstavek, drugi stavek šestega odstavka in deveti odstavek tega člena ne uporabljajo.
Prevodi: en > sl
ordinary court (of law)