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organisation of resources
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
9 Sums not recovered shall be made good out of the resources of the Organisation.
Neplačani prispevki se krijejo iz sredstev organizacije.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
− improvement of flexibility and competitiveness of the economy (modernisation of work organisation, investments in human resources development),
povečanje fleksibilnosti in konkurenčnosti gospodarstva (modernizacijo organizacije dela, naložbe v razvoj človeških virov),
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The Organisation may borrow on the international financial markets in order to obtain the necessary resources for the accomplishment of its tasks.
Organizacija lahko najema posojila na mednarodnih finančnih trgih, da pridobi sredstva, ki so potrebna za opravljanje njenih nalog.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(b) the resources of the Pension Reserve Fund, which shall be treated as a special class of asset of the Organisation designed to lend support to the Organisation's pension scheme by providing the appropriate reserves.
(b) sredstva pokojninskega rezervnega sklada, ki se obravnavajo kot posebna kategorija premoženja Organizacije in naj bi bila z zagotavljanjem ustreznih rezerv v podporo pokojninskemu sistemu Organizacije.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-99
AGREED that these fees would be treated analogously to voluntary contributions as additions to the Organisation's resource base for budget purposes and that the related cost to the Organisation of non-Member participation will be financed by them;
SOGLAŠAL, da se te članarine obravnavajo podobno kot prostovoljni prispevki, in sicer kot dodatni viri organizacije za proračunske namene, in da se iz njih financirajo stroški organizacije, ki se nanašajo na udeležbo nečlanic;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-67
The Contracting Parties shall explore the possibilities to ensure the availability of financial resources from the European Union and/or international organisations and funding agencies.
Pogodbenika raziskujeta možnosti za zagotovitev finančnih sredstev Evropske unije in/ali mednarodnih organizacij ter finančnih agencij.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Only those States which are members of such an organisation or participants in such an arrangement, or which agree to apply the conservation and management measures established by such organisation or arrangement, shall have access to the fishery resources to which those measures apply.
Samo države, ki so članice takšne organizacije ali udeležene pri takem dogovoru ali ki so pripravljene uporabljati ukrepe ohranjanja in upravljanja, izoblikovane v okviru take organizacije ali dogovora, imajo dostop do ribolovnih virov, na katere se nanašajo navedeni ukrepi.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The Organisation may, by a decision of the General Assembly, transfer to other intergovernmental organisations attributions, resources and obligations, by virtue of agreements concluded with those organisations.
S sklepom generalne skupščine lahko organizacija naloge, sredstva in obveznosti prenese na druge medvladne organizacije s sporazumi, sklenjenimi s temi organizacijami.
9 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
The problems are complex and, because of limited resources, call for a selective approach and a balance between organisational and legal/economic measures on the one hand and practical technical solutions on the other.
Problematika je kompleksna in zaradi omejenih virov terja selektiven pristop in ravnovesje med organizacijskimi ter pravno-ekonomskimi ukrepi na eni strani ter konkretnimi tehničnimi rešitvami na drugi.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
In particular the abolition of bodies and organisations of ministries in the areas where there is no need for such status will enable a more rational organisation of supporting functions (human resources, financial, accounting etc.).
Zlasti ukinitev organov in organizacij v sestavi ministrstev na področjih, kjer takšen status ni potreben, bo omogočila racionalnejše organiziranje spremljajočih funkcij (kadrovske, finančne, računovodske itd).
11 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-57-2009-1
co-operate closely and strive for establishing mutually beneficial relationships with existing institutions and organisations in order to avoid unnecessary duplication and build upon and make efficient and effective use of, resources and on-going activities by governments, other organisations and agencies, which aim to promote renewable energy.
tesno sodeluje in si prizadeva za vzpostavitev medsebojno koristnih odnosov z obstoječimi institucijami in organizacijami, da ne pride do nepotrebnega podvajanja dela, in nadgrajuje ter smotrno in učinkovito uporablja vire in dejavnosti vlad, drugih organizacij in agencij, katerih cilj je spodbujanje obnovljive energije.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
cooperate closely and strive for establishing mutually beneficial relationships with existing institutions and organisations in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of work and build upon and make efficient and effective use of resources and on-going activities by governments, other organisations and agencies, which aim to promote renewable energy.
tesno sodeluje in si prizadeva za vzpostavitev medsebojno koristnih odnosov z obstoječimi institucijami in organizacijami, da ne pride do nepotrebnega podvajanja dela, in nadgrajuje ter smotrno in učinkovito uporablja vire in dejavnosti vlad, drugih organizacij in agencij, katerih cilj je spodbujanje obnovljive energije.
13 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
the setting-up of an organisation system in accordance with the principle of regional integration and strengthening of professional and administrative institutions at the national level to ensure the implementation of the principles of sustainability in the management of national water resources.
vzpostavitev organizacije po načelu regionalnega povezovanja ter krepitev strokovnih in upravnih inštitucij na državnem nivoju za zagotavljanje načel trajnosti pri gospodarjenju z vodnim bogastvom države(36).
14 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
High Contracting Parties shall co-operate, where appropriate, both among themselves and with other states, relevant regional and international organisations and non-governmental organisations on the provision of inter alia technical, financial, material and human resources assistance including, in appropriate circumstances, the undertaking of joint operations necessary to fulfil the provisions of this Article.
Visoke pogodbenice sodelujejo, če je to ustrezno, med seboj, pa tudi z drugimi državami, ustreznimi regionalnimi in mednarodnimi organizacijami in nevladnimi organizacijami pri zagotavljanju med drugim tehnične, finančne, materialne in kadrovske pomoči, vključno z izvajanjem skupnih operacij, potrebnih za uresničevanje določb tega člena, če so okoliščine primerne.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 By a decision of the General Assembly, the Organisation shall be authorised to take on, within the framework of its aim as defined in Article 2, the attributions, resources and obligations which may be transferred to it by other intergovernmental organisations by virtue of agreements concluded with those organisations.
S sklepom generalne skupščine lahko organizacija v okviru svojih ciljev, določenih v 2. členu, prevzame naloge, sredstva in obveznosti, ki jih lahko nanjo prenesejo druge medvladne organizacije s sporazumi, sklenjenimi s temi organizacijami.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
a) Assistance of the Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy to the Ministry of Local Self-Government of the Republic of Macedonia on appropriate organisational structure, required human resources, capacity building and support to the staff in the preparation and realisation of a balanced regional development;
a) pomoč Službe Vlade Republike Slovenije za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko Ministrstvu za lokalno samoupravo Republike Makedonije pri ustrezni organizacijski strukturi, potrebnih človeških virih, usposabljanju osebja in pomoči osebju pri pripravi in doseganju skladnega regionalnega razvoja;
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
In order to permit optimum use of the resources available, the Parties shall ensure that Community assistance is closely coordinated with contributions from other sources such as the Member States, other countries and international organisations such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Da bi omogočili optimalno uporabo razpoložljivih sredstev, pogodbenici zagotovita, da je pomoč Skupnosti dobro usklajena s prispevki iz drugih virov, kot so države članice, druge države in mednarodne organizacije, na primer Mednarodna banka za obnovo in razvoj in Evropska banka za obnovo in razvoj.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(c) an Agency, whose Statute is contained in Annex I to this Convention, which shall be the organ entrusted to undertake the Organisation's tasks, in accordance with the provisions of the following articles of this Convention and the tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly or the Council, to initiate relevant proposals and to deploy the technical, financial and staff resources to achieve the objectives laid down.
(c) Agencija, katere statut je sestavni del Priloge I k tej konvenciji, je organ, ki mu je zaupano izvajanje nalog Organizacije v skladu z določbami naslednjih členov te konvencije in nalog, ki mu jih je naložila Generalna skupščina ali Svet, in sicer da predlaga ustrezne predloge in uporabi tehnične in finančne vire ter osebje za uresničevanje zapisanih ciljev.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
The O.I.V's financial resources may also include voluntary contributions from its members, donations, grants, subsidies or payments of any kind from international and national organisations of a public, semi-public or private nature, provided such payments are made in accordance with guidelines which shall be established by the General Assembly in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 3.a and shall be included in the Internal Rules.
Finančni viri OIV lahko vključujejo tudi prostovoljne prispevke članic Organizacije, donacije, subvencije, pomoč ali kakršna koli plačila mednarodnih in nacionalnih javnih, poljavnih ali zasebnih organizacij, če so ta plačila opravljena v skladu s smernicami, ki jih generalna skupščina določi v skladu z odstavkom 3 a) 5. člena in so vključene v poslovnik.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(3) The condition referred to in point 4 of the previous paragraph shall be met if the Administration finds that the applicant has adequate financial means, knowledge, professionality, experience, personnel, resources, equipment, organisation and documentation in order to ensure the safe operation of aircraft in compliance with prescribed conditions and restrictions that apply to the aviation activities that the applicant wishes to perform.
(3) Pogoj iz 4. točke prejšnjega odstavka je izpolnjen, če Uprava ugotovi, da ima prosilec dovolj finančnih sredstev, znanja, strokovnosti, izkušenj, osebja, sredstev, opreme, organizacijo in dokumentacijo, da lahko zagotavlja varno delovanje zrakoplovov, v skladu s predpisanimi pogoji in omejitvami, ki veljajo za letalske dejavnosti, ki jih želi prosilec opravljati.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
In the preparation of the plan, besides regulations, programmes and plans from the spheres of environmental protection, nature conservation, the protection of natural resources, the protection of cultural heritage and environmental starting-points, the guidelines and background provided by ministries and organisations responsible, with regard to the content of the plan, for individual environmental protection matters or the protection or use of natural goods or the protection of cultural heritage, must also be taken into account.
Pri pripravi plana se morajo poleg predpisov in programov ter načrtov, s področij varstva okolja, ohranjanja narave, varstva naravnih virov, varstva kulturne dediščine ter okoljskih izhodišč upoštevati tudi smernice in strokovne podlage, ki so jih v postopku priprave plana podala ministrstva in organizacije, ki so glede na vsebino plana pristojne za posamezne zadeve varstva okolja ali varstvo ali rabo naravnih dobrin ali varstvo kulturne dediščine.
22 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
In cases where a user of explosive ordnance which has become explosive remnants of war, does not exercise control of the territory, the user shall, after the cessation of active hostilities, provide where feasible, inter alia technical, financial, material or human resources assistance, bilaterally or through a mutually agreed third party, including inter alia through the United Nations system or other relevant organisations, to facilitate the marking and clearance, removal or destruction of such explosive remnants of war.
Če uporabnik eksplozivnih sredstev, ki so postala eksplozivni ostanki vojne, ne nadzoruje ozemlja, po koncu sovražnosti dvostransko ali prek sporazumno določene tretje strani, tudi prek sistema Združenih narodov ali drugih ustreznih organizacij, med drugim zagotovi, če je mogoče, tehnično, finančno, materialno ali kadrovsko pomoč za olajšanje označevanja in čiščenja, odstranjevanja ali uničevanja takih eksplozivnih ostankov vojne.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Regular exchanges of information between competent organisations in the Member States, in particular on the origins and individual characteristics of available genetic resources, shall be promoted.
Program spodbuja redne izmenjave informacij med pristojnimi organizacijami v državah članicah, zlasti o poreklu in posameznih lastnostih razpoložljivih genskih virov.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
Regular exchanges of information between competent organisations in the Member States, in particular on the origins and individual characteristics of available genetic resources, shall be promoted.
Pospešujejo se redne izmenjave informacij med pristojnimi organizacijami v državah članicah, zlasti o poreklu in posamičnih značilnostih razpoložljivih genskih virov.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
ability to carry out the action successfully and to ensure its efficient management, assessed in terms of resources and competences and including the organisational arrangements laid down by the participants;
sposobnost uspešno izvesti dejavnost in zagotoviti njeno učinkovito upravljanje, ovrednoteno v smislu virov in sposobnosti, zlasti glede organizacijske ureditve, ki jo predlagajo sodelujoči;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
the promotion of regular exchanges of technical and scientific information, in particular on the origins and individual characteristics of available genetic resources, among competent organisations in the Member States.
spodbujanje rednih izmenjav tehničnih in znanstvenih informacij, zlasti o poreklu in posameznih lastnostih razpoložljivih genskih virov, med pristojnimi organizacijami v državah članicah.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
the promotion of regular exchanges of technical and scientific information, in particular on the origins and individual characteristics of available genetic resources, among competent organisations in the Member States.
pospeševanje rednih izmenjav strokovnih in znanstvenih podatkov, zlasti o poreklu in posamičnih značilnostih razpoložljivih genskih virov med pristojnimi organizacijami v državah članicah.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
ability to carry out the action successfully and to ensure its efficient management, assessed in terms of resources and competences and including the organisational arrangements laid down by the participants;
sposobnost uspešnega izvajanja ukrepov in zagotavljanja učinkovitega upravljanja, ocenjena z vidika sredstev in pristojnosti, vključno z organizacijsko ureditvijo, ki jo določijo udeleženci;
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0029
The Executive Committee instructs the SIS Steering Committee to confirm in good time before the abovementioned date that the SIS is ready for operation in terms of technical, organisational and human resources.
Izvršni odbor nalaga usmerjevalnega odboru za SIS, da pravočasno pred zgoraj navedenim dnem potrdi, da je SIS tehnično, organizacijsko in kadrovsko pripravljen za delovanje.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0029
to complete the preparations in terms of technical, organisational and human resources with a view to bringing the N.SIS into operation in relation to the C.SIS and to complete preparations for end-user access to this system.
da zaključijo tehnične, organizacijske in kadrovske priprave za vzpostavitev delovanja povezave N.SIS s C.SIS in da zaključijo priprave in omogočijo dostop končnih uporabnikov do tega sistema.
31 Končna redakcija
the value of assessing the experience in the voluntary sector of non-governmental and other private organisations involved in civil protection in order to make better use of their resources and to enhance their contribution to civil protection-related activities.
na koristnost ocenjevanja izkušenj v prostovoljnem sektorju nevladnih in drugih zasebnih organizacij, vključenih v civilno zaščito, da bi bolje uporabili njihove vire in povečali njihov prispevek k dejavnostim, povezanim s civilno zaščito;
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0551
Airspace is a common resource for all categories of users that needs to be used flexibly by all of them, ensuring fairness and transparency whilst taking into account security and defence needs of Member States and their commitments within international organisations.
Zračni prostor, ki je skupni vir za vse kategorije uporabnikov, mora biti mogoče uporabljati prilagodljivo, pošteno in pregledno, ob upoštevanju potreb držav članic, ki jih imajo glede varnosti in obrambe, in njihovih obveznosti v okviru mednarodnih organizacij.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0029
to consolidate in terms of organisational and human resources the measures necessary for the full application of the Schengen rules and regulations, particularly in the fields of consular, judicial and police cooperation as well as in the fight against narcotic drugs;
da za polno uporabo schengenskih pravil in predpisov organizacijsko in kadrovsko uskladijo potrebne ukrepe, zlasti na področju diplomatskega, sodstvenega in policijskega sodelovanja ter v boju proti nedovoljenemu prometu s prepovedanim drogam;
34 Končna redakcija
With the help of authorised producers, the Office provides to public administration bodies and organisations, the economy and the public data on the status and trends in the economic, demographic and social fields, as well as in the field of environment and natural resources.
Urad s pomočjo ostalih izvajalcev zagotavlja organom in organizacijam javne uprave, gospodarstvu in javnosti podatke o stanju in gibanjih na ekonomskem, demografskem in socialnem področju ter na področju okolja in naravnih virov.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
in order to achieve rational and sustainable use of resources, producer organisations should guide the production of their members towards meeting market requirements and foster conditions that will ensure that their members obtain the best possible returns on their catches, particularly of species subject to quota restrictions;
morajo organizacije proizvajalcev zaradi razumne in trajnostne uporabe virov usmerjati proizvodnjo svojih članov v izpolnjevanje zahtev trga in pospeševanje pogojev, ki bodo zagotavljali, da bodo njihovi člani kar največ iztržili za svoj ulov, predvsem glede vrst, katerih ulov je omejen s kvoto;
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
The wide range of activities carried out in the Member States (by a public sector body or natural or legal persons) and by various international organisations and programmes such as FAO, the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) regional and subregional organisations supported by the Community, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) of National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the related commitments of the ongoing Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE) to which the Community is signatory call for an effective information exchange and close coordination between the Community main actors and with the relevant organisations throughout the world with regard to the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture so as to enhance their positive impact on agriculture.
Široka paleta dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo države članice (organi v javnem sektorju ali fizične ali pravne osebe) in različne mednarodne organizacije in programi, kot so FAO, Evropski skupni program za omrežja rastlinskih genskih virov (European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne kmetijske raziskave (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Svetovni forum za kmetijske raziskave (Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), regionalne in podregionalne organizacije Kmetijske raziskave za razvoj (Agricultural Research for Development (ARD), ki jih podpira Skupnost, Evropska regionalna središčna točka (European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) nacionalnih koordinatorjev za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali (National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources), Evropski program gozdnih genskih virov (European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) in s tem povezane obveze stalne Ministrske konference o zaščiti gozdov v Evropi (Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE), katere podpisnica je Skupnost, zahteva učinkovito izmenjavo informacij in tesno sodelovanje med glavnimi akterji v Skupnosti in z zadevnimi organizacijami po vsem svetu glede ohranjanja, karakterizacije, zbiranja in uporabe genskih virov v kmetijstvu, da se poveča njihov pozitiven učinek na kmetijstvo.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
The wide range of activities carried out in the Member States (by a public-sector body or natural or legal persons) and by various international organisations and programmes such as FAO, the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) regional and subregional organisations supported by the Community, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) of National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the related commitments of the ongoing Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE), to which the Community is signatory, call for an effective information exchange and close coordination between the Community main actors and with the relevant organisations throughout the world with regard to the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture so as to enhance their positive impact on agriculture.
Širok razpon dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo države članice (prek organov javnega sektorja ali fizičnih ali pravnih oseb) in različne mednarodne organizacije, in programi, kot je FAO, Evropski program sodelovanja za omrežja na področju genskih virov poljščin (ECP/GR), Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne raziskave v kmetijstvu (CGIAR), Svetovni forum za raziskave v kmetijstvu (GFAR), Regionalne in subregionalne organizacije za kmetijske raziskave za razvoj (ARD), ki jih podpira Skupnost, Evropska regionalna kontaktna točka (ERFP) za nacionalne koordinatorje na področju upravljanja genskih virov rejnih živali, Program genskih virov evropskih gozdov (Euforgen) in s tem povezane zaveze, sprejete na tekoči ministrski konferenci o zaščiti gozdov v Evropi (MCPFE), katerega podpisnica je Skupnost, pozivajo k učinkoviti izmenjavi informacij in tesnemu sodelovanju med glavnimi akterji Skupnosti in ustreznimi organizacijami po vsem svetu glede ohranjanja, opisovanja, zbiranja in uporabe genskih virov v kmetijstvu, da bi povečali njihov pozitivni vpliv na kmetijstvo.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Concerted actions are devoted to improve the coordination at Community level, mainly through the organisation of seminars and the preparation of reports, of individual (national, regional, local) actions for the conservation, characterisation, evaluation, collection, documentation, development and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture that are already being carried out in the Member States.
Usklajene dejavnosti so namenjene izboljšanju koordinacije na ravni Skupnosti, zlasti preko organiziranja seminarjev in priprave poročil, posameznih dejavnosti (na nacionalni ali regionalni ravni) za ohranjanje, karakterizacijo, ovrednotenje, zbiranje, dokumentiranje, razvoj in uporabo genskih virov v kmetijstvu, ki se že izvajajo v državah članicah.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
Concerted actions are devoted to improve the coordination at Community level, mainly through the organisation of seminars and the preparation of reports, of individual (national, regional, local) actions for the conservation, characterisation, evaluation, collection, documentation, development and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture that are already being carried out in the Member States.
Usklajeni ukrepi so zlasti prek organizacije seminarjev in priprave poročil namenjeni za izboljšanje usklajenosti, na ravni Skupnosti, posameznih (nacionalnih, regionalnih, lokalnih) ukrepov za ohranjevanje, opisovanje, ocenjevanje, zbiranje, dokumentiranje, razvoj in uporabo genskih virov v kmetijstvu, ki se že izvajajo v državah članicah.
Prevodi: en > sl
organisation of resources