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other border control authorities
1 Pravna redakcija
the said border control authorities verify as soon as possible the bona fide nature of the shipping company's or agency's report and examine whether the other conditions, referred to in the Common Manual and which they are able to check, for entry into Schengen territory have been satisfied.
Navedeni organi mejne kontrole čim prej preverijo točnost poročila ladjarja ali ladijskega zastopnika in se prepričajo, ali so izpolnjeni drugi pogoji za vstop na schegensko ozemlje, ki so opredeljeni v Skupnem priročniku in ki jih je mogoče preveriti.
2 Pravna redakcija
the said border control authorities verify as soon as possible whether the information provided by the shipping company or agency is correct and examine whether the other conditions, referred to in the Common Manual and which they are able to check, for entry into Schengen territory have been satisfied.
Navedeni mejni kontrolni organi čim prej preverijo, ali so podatki, ki sta jih sporočila ladjar ali njegov ladijski zastopnik točni in se prepričajo, ali so izpolnjeni drugi pogoji, ki jih je mogoče preeveriti vSkupnem priročniku za vstop na schengensko ozemlje.
3 Pravna redakcija
the said border control authorities verify as soon as possible the accuracy of the elements communicated by the shipping company or its agent and ascertain whether the other conditions, referred to in the Common Manual and which they are able to check, for entering Schengen territory have been satisfied.
Mejni kontrolni organi čim prej preverijo, ali so podatki, ki sta jih sporočila ladjar ali njegov ladijski zastopnik, točni in se prepričajo, ali so izpolnjeni drugi pogoji iz Skupnega priročnika za vstop na schengensko ozemlje, ki jih je mogoče preveriti.
Prevodi: en > sl
other border control authorities