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parental child-rearing allowance
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1223
Notwithstanding Articles 73 and 74 of the Regulation, the housing allowances, the home childcare allowance, the family allowance for the employment of a registered child-minder and the parental child-rearing allowance shall be granted only to persons concerned and to members of their families residing in French territory`;
Ne glede na člen 73 in 74 uredbe se stanovanjski dodatki, dodatek za varstvo otrok na domu, družinski dodatek za zaposlitev registriranega varuha otrok in starševski dodatek za vzgojo otroka dodelijo samo osebam in njihovim družinskim članom, ki prebivajo na območju Francije";
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parental child-rearing allowance