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participant code
1 Končna redakcija
The purpose of the transfer of some functions of the ethics commission to the press council is precisely to achieve a position where the code of the association acquires wider social significance and through it - and of course with the consent of the founders of the press council - becomes the basis of the professional ethics that would be binding for all participants, regardless of how many new journalists. associations happen to emerge in Slovenia.
Prehod nekaterih funkcij častnega razsodišča v tiskovni svet hoče preseči prav to, doseči torej, da kodeks, ki si ga je napisalo društvo, (p)ostane kodeks splošne družbene veljave in potemtakem . seveda tudi s soglasjem ustanoviteljev tiskovnega sveta - temelj profesionalne etike, zavezujoč za vse, ne glede na to, koliko novinarskih organizacij utegne pri nas še nastati.
2 Pravna redakcija
to define and implement programmes of collaborative monitoring and assessment-related research, to draw up codes of practice for the guidance of participants in carrying out these monitoring programmes and to approve the presentation and interpretation of their results;
opredeli in izvaja programe sodelovanja pri spremljanju stanja in raziskavah v zvezi z ocenjevanjem, sestavi kodekse ravnanja za vodenje udeležencev pri izvajanju teh programov spremljanja stanja in odobri predstavitev in interpretacijo njihovih rezultatov;
3 Pravna redakcija
whereas Article 7(3) of the Decision provides for Parliament to be fully informed about agendas, draft implementing measures arising from legislative acts adopted under codecision which have been submitted to committees, the results of voting, provisional summary records of meetings, lists of participants in committees and drafts of implementing measures forwarded to the Council,
ker člen 7(3) Sklepa predvideva, da mora biti Parlament polno obveščen o dnevnih redih, osnutkih ukrepov za izvajanje aktov, sprejetih v skladu s postopkom soodločanja, ki so bili predloženi odborom, izidih glasovanj, kratkih zapisnikih sej, seznamih članov odborov in osnutkih izvedbenih ukrepov, predloženih Svetu,
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0595
Whereas the Customs Cooperation Council Rec- ommendation of 22 May 1984 is intended to facilitate the interchange of data between customs administrations and between such administrations and participants in international trade using, during such interchange of data, internationally-agreed and universally-applicable codes for the representation of data elements;
ker je priporočilo Sveta za carinsko sodelovanje z dne 22. maja 1984 namenjeno pospeševanju izmenjave podatkov med carinskimi upravami ter tistimi upravami in udeleženci v mednarodni trgovini, ki za izmenjavo podatkov uporabljajo mednarodno dogovorjene in splošno uporabne kode za predstavitev podatkovnih elementov;
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participant code