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particular circumstances of the case
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
a) circumstances not connected wih the operation of the railway which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent,
a) okoliščinam, ki niso povezane z železniškim prometom in se jim prevoznik kljub ustreznim varnostnim ukrepom ni mogel izogniti, njihovih posledic pa ne preprečiti;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1996-30
Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the costs of the tribunal shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares.
Razen če se razsodišče zaradi posebnih okoliščin posameznega primera ne odloči drugače, stroške za delo razsodišča poravnajo stranke v sporu v enakih deležih.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
a) if the accident has been caused by circumstances not connected with the operation of the railway and which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent;
a) če so nesrečo povzročile okoliščine, ki niso povezane z železniškim prometom, in se jim prevoznik kljub varnostnim ukrepom, ki jih zahtevajo posebne okoliščine tega primera, ni mogel izogniti, njihovih posledic pa ne preprečiti;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
if the incident giving rise to the loss or damage has been caused by circumstances not connected with the operations of the carrier which he, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent,
če so škodni dogodek povzročile okoliščine, ki niso povezane z obratovanjem in se jim prevoznik kljub izkazani skrbnosti, ki jo zahtevajo okoliščine danega primera, ni mogel izogniti, njihovih posledic pa ne preprečiti;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
if the incident giving rise to the loss or damage has been caused by circumstances not connected with the management of the infrastructure which the manager, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent,
če so škodni dogodek povzročile okoliščine, ki niso povezane z obratovanjem in se jim upravljavec kljub izkazani skrbnosti, ki jo zahtevajo okoliščine danega primera, ni mogel izogniti, njihovih posledic pa ne preprečiti;
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne equally by the parties to the dispute.
Če razsodišče zaradi posebnih okoliščin primera ne določi drugače, krijejo stroške razsodišča, vključno z denarnim nadomestilom njegovim članom, stranke v sporu v enakih deležih.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares.
Če razsodišče zaradi posebnih okoliščin primera ne določi drugače, krijejo stroške razsodišča, vključno z denarnim nadomestilom za njegove člane, stranke v sporu v enakih deležih.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
if the incident giving rise to the loss or damage is due to the behaviour of a third party which the manager, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent;
če se je škodni dogodek zgodil zaradi ravnanja tretje osebe, ki se mu upravljavec kljub izkazani skrbnosti, ki jo zahtevajo posebne okoliščine danega primera, ni mogel izogniti, njegovih posledic pa ne preprečiti;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
if the incident giving rise to the loss or damage is due to the behaviour of a third party which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent;
če se je škodni dogodek zgodil zaradi ravnanja tretje osebe, ki se mu prevoznik kljub izkazani skrbnosti, ki jo zahtevajo posebne okoliščine danega primera, ni mogel izogniti, njegovih posledic pa ne preprečiti;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
c) the behaviour of a third party which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent; another undertaking using the same railway infrastructure shall not be considered as a third party; the right of recourse shall not be affected.
c) ravnanju tretje osebe, ki se mu prevoznik kljub ustreznim varnostnim ukrepom ni mogel izogniti in posledic katerega ni mogel preprečiti; pri tem drugega podjetja, ki uporablja isto železniško infrastrukturo, ne štejemo za tretjo osebo; ta določba ne vpliva na pravico do povrnitve stroškov.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
c) if the accident is due to the behaviour of a third party which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent; another undertaking using the same railway infrastructure shall not be considered as a third party; the right of recourse shall not be affected.
c) če se je nesreča zgodila zaradi ravnanja tretje osebe, ki se mu prevoznik kljub okoliščinam, ustreznim varnostnim ukrepom ni mogel izogniti, njegovih posledic pa ni mogel preprečiti; kot tretjo osebo ne štejemo kakega drugega podjetja, ki uporablja isto železniško infrastrukturo; ta določba ne vpliva na pravico do povrnitve stroškov.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
The Parties confirm their mutual understanding that the question of control shall depend on the factual circumstances of the particular case.
Pogodbenici potrjujeta, da obstaja medsebojno razumevanje, da je vprašanje nadzora odvisno od dejanskih okoliščin posameznega primera.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If a particular time period is not provided by the present Act, it shall be determined by the court with respect to the circumstances of the case.
Če roki niso določeni z zakonom, jih določa sodišče glede na okoliščine primera.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
In the circumstances of the particular case, the communicating Member State may require the Member State to which the personal data have been transferred to give information on the use made of the data.
Odvisno od okoliščin posameznega primera lahko država, ki sporoča osebne podatke, od države, ki so se ji osebni podatki sporočili, zahteva informacije o uporabi teh podatkov.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
in deciding thereon, the court shall take into account all circumstances of the case and, in particular, the reason why both legal remedies have been lodged and the evidence adduced by the parties.
pri tem upošteva vse okoliščine, zlasti pa razloge, zaradi katerih sta bili vloženi obe pravni sredstvi, in dokaze, ki sta jih predložili stranki.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
The choice of measures for any particular case will depend on a number of factors, including economic circumstances, technological infrastructure and capacity, and any existing air pollution control measures.
Izbira ukrepa za vsak posamezen primer je odvisna od številnih dejavnikov, kot so gospodarske razmere, tehnološka infrastruktura in zmogljivosti ter kateri koli ukrepi za nadzor nad onesnaževanjem zraka.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The limitation of liability provided for in paragraph 1 may not be invoked if, having regard to the circumstances of a particular case, it is proved that the loss was not due to causes which would justify the allowance.
Na omejitev odgovornosti iz prvega odstavka se prevoznik ne more sklicevati, če se glede na okoliščine v danem primeru dokaže, da izguba ni nastala zaradi vzrokov, za katere veljajo navedeni dopustni odstotki.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
In disputes for disturbance of possession the court shall always see to it that hearing sessions and time periods be fixed so as to facilitate a speedy completion of the proceedings with respect to the circumstances of each particular case,
V pravdah zaradi motenja posesti mora sodišče pri določanju rokov in narokov vselej posebno paziti na to, da je treba zadevo po naravi vsakega posameznega primera hitro rešiti.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 When the carrier establishes that, having regard to the circumstances of a particular case, the loss or damage could have arisen from one or more of the special risks referred to in Article 23 paragraph 3, it shall be presumed that it did so arise.
Če prevoznik dokaže, da je izguba ali poškodba glede na okoliščine danega primera lahko nastala zaradi ene ali več posebnih nevarnosti, navedenih v tretjem odstavku 23. člena, se domneva, da je škoda dejansko tako nastala.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
In particular, such measures shall be implemented in the case of a victim of sexual violence or a child who is a victim or a witness, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, having regard to all the circumstances, particularly the views of the victim or witness.
Taki ukrepi se izvajajo zlasti v primeru žrtve spolnega nasilja ali otroka, ki je žrtev ali priča, razen če Sodišče odredi drugače ob upoštevanju vseh okoliščin, zlasti stališč žrtve ali priče.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
The choice of measures for any particular case will depend on, and may be limited by, a number of factors, such as economic circumstances, technological infrastructure, any existing emission control device, safety, energy consumption and whether the source is a new or existing one.
Izbira ukrepa za vsak posamezen primer je odvisna od številnih dejavnikov, kot so gospodarske razmere, tehnološka infrastruktura, obstoječe naprave za nadzor nad emisijami, varnost, poraba energije, in od tega, ali je vir nov ali pa že obstaja, lahko pa je z njimi omejena.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
4.5.2 Upon the declaration of the alert phase, the rescue co-ordination centre or rescue sub-centre, as appropriate, shall extend the inquiries for the missing person, vessel or other craft, alert appropriate search and rescue services and initiate such action, as is necessary in the light of the circumstances of the particular case.
4.5.2 Po razglasitvi faze pripravljenosti center za usklajevanje reševanja ali reševalni podcenter razširi poizvedbe o pogrešani osebi, ladji ali drugem plovilu, pozove k pripravljenosti ustrezne reševalne službe in začne z ukrepi, potrebnimi glede na okoliščine posameznega primera.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-121
Where, following disclosure to the requesting State, the requested State becomes aware of circumstances that may cause it to seek an additional condition in a particular case, the requested State may consult with the requesting State to determine the extent to which the evidence and information can be protected.
Če zaprošena država potem, ko je že razkrila dokaze ali podatke, ugotovi okoliščine, zaradi katerih bi morala v posameznem primeru zahtevati dodaten pogoj, se lahko posvetuje z državo prosilko, da bi določila obseg, v katerem je mogoče dokaze in podatke zavarovati.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) With regard to the circumstances of a particular case, and by taking into consideration the justified interests of the advertiser, consumer and other parties to the action, the court or body overseeing the proceeding in relation to the advertisement, may demand proof from the advertiser of the truthfulness of the advertisement's claims in which alleged facts are indicated; and in comparative advertising the advertiser shall submit proof within a period which shall not exceed eight days.
(1) Glede na okoliščine konkretnega primera in upoštevajoč upravičen interes oglaševalca, potrošnika in drugih strank v postopku lahko sodišče ali organ pred katerim teče postopek v postopku, ki se nanaša na oglaševanje, od oglaševalca zahteva, naj predloži dokaze o resničnosti oglaševalskih trditev, v katerih navaja domnevana dejstva, pri primerjalnem oglaševanju pa, da mora predložiti dokaze v roku, ki ne sme biti daljši od osmih dni.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Luxembourg may, subject to paragraph 1(c), in the circumstances of a particular case require that unless that Member State concerned has obtained the consent of the data subject, the personal data may only be used for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1(a) and (b) with the prior consent of Luxembourg in respect of proceedings for which Luxembourg could have refused or limited the transmission or use of the personal data in accordance with the provisions of this Convention or the instruments referred to in Article 1.
Luksemburg lahko ob upoštevanju pododstavka (c) prvega odstavka odvisno od okoliščin posameznega primera zahteva, da se lahko za postopke, pri katerih bi Luksemburg lahko zavrnil ali omejil pošiljanje ali uporabo osebnih podatkov v skladu z določbami te konvencije ali instrumentov iz 1. člena, osebni podatki uporabljajo samo za namene iz pododstavkov (a) in (b) prvega odstavka s predhodnim soglasjem Luksemburga, če zadevna država članica ne pridobi soglasja osebe, na katero se podatki nanašajo.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
It should be specified which cases may, in particular, be recognized by the competent authorities as cases of exceptional circumstances.
Treba bi bilo določiti, katere primere lahko pristojni organ zlasti prizna za primere izjemnih okoliščin.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Without prejudice to the actual circumstances to be taken into account in individual cases, the competent authorities may recognise, in particular, the following cases of natural circumstances of the herd or flock:
Brez vpliva na dejanske okoliščine, ki jih je treba upoštevati v posameznih primerih, lahko pristojni organ za čredo ali trop prizna zlasti naslednje primere naravnih okoliščin:
28 Končna redakcija
In the rare circumstance that such a case does occur, German issuing authorities will have to be contacted in case of doubt about the scope of a particular entitlement.
V redkih okoliščinah, ko se pojavi tak primer, je treba v primeru nejasnosti glede obsega pravic stopiti v stik z nemškimi organi za izdajanje dovoljenj.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Without prejudice to the actual circumstances to be taken into consideration in individual cases, Member States may recognise, in particular, the following categories of force majeure :
Ne glede na dejanske okoliščine, ki jih je treba upoštevati v posameznih primerih, lahko države članice priznajo zlasti naslednje kategorije višje sile:
30 Končna redakcija
An extension is only possible in case of exceptional circumstances and where in the particular case there is sufficient time to make a proper assessment of the proposal by the Commission and to allow adequate consultation with Member States and third parties(42).
Podaljšanje je mogoče le v primeru izjemnih okoliščin in kadar ima Komisija v posameznem primeru dovolj časa, da ustrezno oceni predlog ter se ustrezno posvetuje z državami članicami in tretjimi strankami [42].
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
The provisions governing the case envisaged in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall not apply if the concrete circumstances of the transaction in question - taking account in particular of transport costs - probably exclude the risk of reimportation.
Določbe, ki urejajo primere iz točke b) odstavka 1, se ne uporabljajo, če dejanske okoliščine zadevnega posla, zlasti stroški prevoza, verjetno izključujejo nevarnost ponovnega uvoza.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0261
Such circumstances may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected flight safety shortcomings and strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier.
Takšne razmere lahko nastanejo zlasti v primerih politične nestabilnosti, vremenskih pogojev, ki so nezdružljivi z izvedbo zadevnega leta, tveganja, povezanega z varovanjem, nepredvidenih pomanjkljivosti, ki lahko prizadenejo varnost leta, kakor tudi ob stavkah, ki prizadenejo delovanje dejanskega letalskega prevoznika.
33 Končna redakcija
Whereas it is necessary to lay down the conditions in accordance with which requests for assistance must be drawn up by the applicant authority and to give a limitative definition of the particular circumstances in which the requested authority may refuse assistance in any given case;
ker je treba določiti pogoje, v skladu s katerimi organ prosilec pripravi prošnjo za pomoč, in podati omejevalno definicijo posebnih okoliščin, v katerih lahko zaprošeni organ v danem primeru zavrne pomoč;
34 Končna redakcija
(1) Prior to the issue of a decision which is issued ex officio and is non-appealable, the Institute shall request the party to make a statement concerning the facts and the circumstances relevant to the decision-making, unless in a particular case another method of allowing the party to make a statement is provided by law.
(1) Pred izdajo odločbe, ki jo izda po uradni dolžnosti in proti kateri ni ugovora, mora Inštitut stranko pozvati, da se izjavi o dejstvih in okoliščinah, ki so pomembni za odločitev, kolikor zakon v posameznem primeru ne določa drugačnega načina zagotovitve možnosti stranki, da se izjavi.
Prevodi: en > sl
particular circumstances of the case