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1 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Partition walls
Predelne stene
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Partition coefficient
Porazdelitveni koeficient
4 Pravna redakcija
Partition coefficient (log10 PoW)
Porazdelitveni koeficient (log 10 P OW )
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0155
Partition coefficient:
Porazdelitveni koeficient:
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Partition coefficient //63
A.8 Porazdelitveni koeficient 320
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0032
Partition coefficient n/octanol/water
Porazdelitveni koeficient n/oktanol/voda
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0032
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
Porazdelitveni koeficient n-oktanol/voda
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0037
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water including effect of pH (4 to 10)
Koeficient porazdelitve n- oktanol/voda in vpliv pH vrednosti (4 do 10)
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0414
Partition coefficient N-octanol/water including effect of pH (5 to 9) and temperature (;)
Koeficient porazdelitve n-oktanol/voda vključno z vplivom pH vrednosti (5 do 9) ter temperature1
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0008
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water including effect of pH (5 to 9) and temperature (7)
Porazdelitveni koeficient n-oktanola/vode, v odvisnosti od pH (5 do 9) in temperature1
12 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Partition of property
Razdelitev stvari
13 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
(m) Pow partition coefficient octanol/water.
(m) Pow porazdelitveni koeficient oktanol/voda
14 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-81
(iii) internal partitions, pallets, shelves, supports, hooks, sheets, bags and similar devices especially designed for use in containers;
(iii) notranje oddelke, palete, police, podpore, kljuke, ponjave, vreče in podobne priprave, posebej zasnovane za uporabo v zabojnikih;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
At the proposal of the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined, the relevant land surveying administration shall issue a ruling on parcel partitioning if the proposal cites the number and date of issue of the ruling specified in the previous paragraph and a parcel partitioning report formulated in accordance with land surveying regulations is appended thereto.
(3) Pristojna geodetska uprava na predlog lastnika objekta oziroma lastnika zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, izda odločbo o parcelaciji, če v predlogu navede številko in datum izdaje odločbe iz prejšnjega odstavka ter priloži elaborat parcelacije, izdelan v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
On the basis of a final ruling on the definition of a building plot specified in the previous paragraph the owner of the works or the owner of the land may commission a parcel partitioning report from a land surveying company.
(2) Na podlagi pravnomočne odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko lastnik objekta ali lastnik zemljišča naroči pri geodetskem podjetju elaborat parcelacije.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
At the proposal of the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined, the relevant land surveying administration shall issue a ruling on parcel partitioning if the proposal cites the number and date of issue of the ruling on the definition of the building plot and a parcel partitioning report formulated in accordance with land surveying regulations is appended thereto. After the acquisition of land and the entry of ownership of the newly created parcels in the land register, the land surveying administration shall merge the parcels ex officio after notification by the owner of the works.
(7) Pristojna geodetska uprava izda odločbo o parcelaciji na predlog lastnika objekta ali zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, če v predlogu navede številko in datum izdaje odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele in predlogu priloži elaborat parcelacije, izdelan v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi. Po pridobitvi zemljišč in vpisu lastništva na novo nastalih parcelah v zemljiško knjigo, geodetska uprava po obvestilu lastnika objekta po uradni dolžnosti združi parcele.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
On the basis of a final ruling on the definition of the building plot issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined shall commission a parcel partitioning report or a contractual merger report from a land surveying company.
(6) Na podlagi pravnomočne odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele, izdane po določilih tega člena, lahko lastnik objekta ali lastnik zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, naroči pri geodetskem podjetju elaborat parcelacije ali elaborat pogodbene komasacije.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The building plot of an apartment building shall be defined pursuant to the provisions of the previous article. The proposal for the definition of the building plot and the application for parcel partitioning or the entry of the boundaries created in the contractual merger procedure may be lodged by one or more of the managers of apartment buildings or by the owners and divided co-owners of buildings that have no manager.
(3) Gradbena parcela večstanovanjske stavbe se določi po določbah prejšnjega člena. Predlog za določitev gradbene parcele in vlogo za parcelacijo ali vpis mej nastalih v postopku pogodbene komasacije, lahko vloži en ali več upravnikov večstanovanjskih stavb oziroma lastniki in etažni lastniki stavb, ki nimajo upravnika.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
All the available documents and the actual use of the land having been taken into consideration, the extent of the land that was obtained for construction shall first be determined in the merger procedure, and then a new parcel partitioning of the entire area shall be carried out in consideration of all the documents and circumstances such that the use of all the buildings is facilitated and the function of all public areas is preserved.
(6) V komasacijskem postopku se ob upoštevanju vseh razpoložljivih listin in dejanske rabe zemljišč najprej ugotovi, kakšen obseg zemljišča je bil pridobljen za gradnjo, nato pa se izvede nova parcelacija celotnega območja ob upoštevanju vseh listin in okoliščin tako, da je omogočena raba vseh stavb in da se ohrani funkcija vseh javnih površin.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0648
Water partition coefficient (Log Po/w, etc.).
in vodo (Log Po/w itd.).
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
power-operated windows, roof panel and partition systems.
stekla, streha in pregrade na električni pogon.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
power-operated windows, roof panel and partition systems".
steklih, pomični strehi in pregradah z električnim pogonom«.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0008
A partition must be provided to separate the occupant compartment from the tank(s).
Med prostorom za potnike in posodo (posodami) za gorivo mora biti pregrada.
25 Končna redakcija
similar requirements should also apply to power-operated roof panel systems and partition systems;
podobne zahteve je treba uporabiti tudi za streho na električni pogon in pregrade;
26 Končna redakcija
Making the welded joints between the partition plate and the primary head and between the partition plate and the tube sheet was an extremely exacting operation because of the differences in the materials used. Welding of individual elements of the partition plate, however, was not problematic.
Izdelava zvarnih spojev med predelno steno in primarno glavo ter predelno steno in cevno steno je bila izjemno zahtevna operacija zaradi različnosti materialov, medtem ko zvarjanje posameznih elementov predelne stene ni delalo posebnih težav.
27 Končna redakcija
3 Welding OF THE PARTITION PLATE TO THE PRIMARY HEAD AND THE TUBE SHEETThe partition plate between the primary head and the tube sheet separates the primary chamber into hot and cold parts (Fig. 1).
3 VARJENJE PREDELNE STENE NA PRIMARNO GLAVO IN CEVNO STENOPredelna stena med primarno glavo in cevno steno deli primarno komoro na vroči in hladni del (sl. 1).
28 Končna redakcija
A macro specimen of the welded joint between the partition plate and the primary head is shown in Fig. 8.
Makro obrus zvarnega spoja med predelno steno in primarno glavo je prikazan na sliki 8.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
the remote actuation device shall be incapable of closing the power-operated window/roof panel/partition:
naprava za daljinsko upravljanje stekel ne sme zapreti stekel/pomične strehe/pregradne stene: -
30 Končna redakcija
The second welded joint, i.e., between the partition plate and the tube sheet, was made in a different manner.
Drugi zvarni spoj med predelno in cevno steno je bil izdelan nekoliko drugače.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
After such an auto-reversal, the window or roof panel or partition shall open to one of the following positions:
Po samodejni spremembi gibanja se mora steklo ali pomična streha ali pregradna stena sama premakniti v eno izmed naslednjih leg:
32 Končna redakcija
Also the partition plate was then manually arc welded on the " buttering " layer with covered electrodes (6 - Fig. 8).
Tudi predelna stena se je nato na plast namaz zvarila ročno obločno z oplaščenimi elektrodami (6 - sl. 8).
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
when the closing movement of a power-operated window, roof panel or partition starts at an opening not exceeding 4 mm;
če se vključi gibanje zapiranja stekla, pomične strehe ali pregradne stene na električni pogon pri odprtini, ki ni večja od 4 mm;
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
"5.8. Power-operated windows, roof-panel systems and partition systems 5.8.1. The requirements below apply to power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems to minimise the possibility of injuries caused by accidental or improper operation.
Stekla, pomične strehe in pregrade na električni pogon Spodnje zahteve se uporabljajo pri steklih/pomičnih strehah/pregradnih stenah na električni pogon, da bi se kar najbolj zmanjšale možnosti poškodb pri nenamernem ali nepravilnem aktiviranju. Običajne zahteve za delovanje
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
The driver controlled switch is not required if a rear window, roof panel or partition is equipped with an auto-reversing device.
Stikalo, ki ga upravlja voznik, ni potrebno, če so zadnje steklo, pomična streha oziroma pregradna stena opremljeni s sistemom za samodejno spremembo smeri gibanja.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0600
record details of the vessel's operation (e.g. partition of time between searching, fishing, transit etc., and details of hauls);
beleženje podatkov o delovanju plovila (npr. čas iskanja, ribolova, tranzita, itd., in podatki o metih);
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
'Opening' is the maximum unobstructed aperture between the upper edge or the leading edge, depending on the closing direction, of a power-operated window or partition or roof panel and the vehicle structure which forms the boundary of the window, partition or roof panel, when viewed from the interior of the vehicle or, in the case of partition system, from the rear part of the passenger compartment.
'Odprtina' pomeni največjo nezakrito odprtino med zgornjim robom ali prednjim robom (glede na smer zapiranja) stekla, pregrade ali pomične strehe na električni pogon in konstrukcijo vozila, ki omejuje steklo, pregrado ali pomično streho, če se gleda iz notranjosti vozila oziroma iz zadnjega dela potniškega prostora pri pregradah.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
The owner's manual of the vehicle shall contain clear instructions relating to the power-operated window/roof panel/partition, including:
Navodila za uporabo vozila morajo vključevati jasna navodila v zvezi z okenskimi stekli/pomično streho/pregradno steno, vključno z:
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
The position of the test rods (normally located perpendicular to the window/roof panel/-partition) are illustrated in Appendix 3, Figure 1.
Lega preskusnih palic (ki so ponavadi nameščene pravokotno na steklo/pomično streho/pregradno steno) je prikazana v Dodatku 3, slika 1.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
None of the requirements in Item 5.8.2 shall apply if a power-operated window/roof panel system/partition is fitted with an auto-reversing device.
Zahteve iz točke 5.8.2 se ne uporabljajo, če so stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene opremljene s sistemom za samodejno spremembo smeri.
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
To check power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems with reversing devices, a measuring instrument/test rod shall be placed through the opening from the inside of the vehicle or, in the case of a partition system, from the rear part of the passenger compartment in such a way that the cylindrical surface of the rod contacts any part of the vehicle structure which forms the boundary of the window/roof-panel aperture/partition.
Za preverjanje stekel/pomičnih streh/pregradnih sten, opremljenih s sistemom za samodejno spremembo smeri gibanja, je treba merilno pripravo/preskusno palico potisniti skozi odprtino iz notranjosti vozila oziroma pri pregradni steni iz zadnjega dela potniškega prostora tako, da se valjasta površina preskusne palice dotika robov odprtine okvira stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
The amendments to Directive 74/60/EEC relate only to its administrative provisions and to power-operated windows, roof panel and/or partition systems;
Spremembe Direktive 74/60/EGS veljajo za njene upravne določbe in za okna na električni pogon, streho in/ali pregrade;
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
This device shall reverse the window/roof panel/partition before it exerts a pinch force of more than 100 N within the opening of 200 mm to 4 mm above the top edge of a power-operated window/partition or in front of the leading edge of a sliding roof panel and at the trailing edge of a tilting roof panel.
Ta sistem mora spremeniti smer gibanja iz zapiranja v odpiranje stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene, preden se doseže sila stiskanja, ki je večja od 100 N na območju 200 mm do 4 mm nad zgornjim robom stekla/pregradne stene na električni pogon oziroma pred prednjim robom pomične strehe in na zadnjem robu strehe z nagibom.
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
the remote actuation device shall be incapable of closing the power-operated window/roof panel/partition from a distance of more than 11 metres from the vehicle;
naprava za daljinsko upravljanje stekel ne sme zapreti stekel/pomične strehe/pregradne stene na električni pogon z oddaljenosti, večje od 11 m;
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Where fire-fighting appliances are so installed as to be concealed from view, the partition covering them shall be marked with a red letter "F" at least 10 cm high.
Če so protipožarne naprave nameščene tako, da niso vidne, se prostor, v katerem so, označi z rdečo črko "F" na višini najmanj 10 cm.
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
a 'WARNING' message indicating the dangers, particularly to children in the case of improper use/activation of the power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems.
»OPOZORILI« o možnih nevarnostih, zlasti za otroke, pri nepravilni uporabi/aktiviranju okenskih stekel/pomične strehe/pregradne stene.
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
'Power-operated partition systems' means systems which divide a passenger car compartment into at least two sections and which are closed using the power supply of the vehicle.
'Pregrade na električni pogon' pomenijo sisteme, ki delijo prostor za potnike vsaj na dva dela in ki se zapirajo s pomočjo energije iz vozila.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Normal operating requirements Except as provided in Item 5.8.3, power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems may be closed under one or more of the following conditions:
Razen po določbah iz točke 5.8.3 mora biti mogoče stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene na električni pogon zapreti le pod enim ali več izmed naslednjih pogojev:
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