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pecuniary claim
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Pecuniary claim
Premoženjskopravni zahtevek
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) If the injured party lodges a pecuniary claim in order to recover the items acquired through the misdemeanour, or the monetary amount which is equivalent to the pecuniary claim, only that part of the pecuniary advantage shall be established which is not covered by the pecuniary claim.
(3) Če uveljavlja oškodovanec premoženjskopravni zahtevek, naj se mu vrnejo stvari, ki so bile pridobljene s prekrškom, oziroma znesek, ki ustreza njegovi vrednosti, se ugotavlja premoženjska korist samo v tistem delu, ki ni zajet s premoženjskopravnim zahtevkom.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
after this, they shall vote on misdemeanour sanctions, legal costs, pecuniary claim, and other issues on which decision must be adopted.
nato pa se glasuje o sankcijah za prekršek, o stroških postopka, o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku in o drugih vprašanjih, o katerih je treba odločiti.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Within the framework of misdemeanour proceedings, the injured party may exercise his right to lodge a pecuniary claim for the return of items, compensation for damages or annulment of a legal transaction.
(1) Oškodovanec lahko v postopku o prekršku uveljavlja premoženjskopravni zahtevek glede vrnitve stvari, povrnitve škode ali razveljavitve pravnega posla.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) If a juvenile has his own source of income or property, he may be imposed the payment of legal costs incurred by misdemeanour proceedings and the fulfilment of a pecuniary claim even if only a correctional measure is imposed on him.
(2) Če ima mladoletnik lastne dohodke ali premoženje, se mu lahko naloži plačilo stroškov postopka o prekršku in izpolnitev premoženjsko pravnega zahtevka, tudi če se mu izreče le vzgojni ukrep.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Juvenile and persons referred to in Article 172 of this Act shall not pay legal costs incurred by misdemeanour proceedings and may not be imposed the fulfilment of a pecuniary claim within misdemeanour proceedings, unless they were imposed a fine.
(1) Mladoletnik in oseba iz 172. člena tega zakona ne plača stroškov postopka o prekršku in se mu ne more v postopku o prekršku naložiti izpolnitev premoženjskopravnega zahtevka, razen če mu je bila izrečena globa.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
due to the decision on sanctions, deprivation of a pecuniary advantage, legal costs of the misdemeanour proceedings and pecuniary claims.
zaradi odločitve o sankcijah, o odvzemu premoženjske koristi, o stroških postopka o prekršku in o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) If, on the basis of the accusation petition, the court finds that the conditions for instituting proceedings are not in place, it shall issue a judgement refusing the petition and advise the injured party that he may exercise his pecuniary claim before the competent court.
(3) Če sodišče ob obdolžilnem predlogu spozna, da ni pogojev za začetek postopka, s sodbo zavrne predlog, oškodovanca pa napoti, da lahko svoj premoženjskopravni zahtevek uveljavlja pred pristojnim sodiščem.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
- due to imposed sanctions, deprivation of a pecuniary advantage, and legal costs and a decision on a property claim.
- zaradi izrečenih sankcij, odvzema premoženjske koristi in stroškov postopka in odločitve o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) An appeal against other decisions passed by the court in the first instance shall be permitted only if the court imposed a fine higher than the minimum fine prescribed for the misdemeanour, secondary sanction or deprivation of a pecuniary advantage, or if the court passed a decision on a property claim.
(2) Zoper druge odločbe sodišča prve stopnje je pritožba dovoljena le, če je bila izrečena višja globa od najnižje predpisane mere za prekršek, stranska sankcija ali odvzem premoženjske koristi ali odločeno o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) The expenditures arising from revaluation other than revaluation referred to in the first paragraph of this Article, excluding the expenditure arising from revaluation of debts, claims, financial investments and pecuniary claims which, subject to the Slovene Accounting Standards, are revalued as a consequence of the changed exchange rate, and the expenditures arising from the use of the capital method of valuating financial investments shall not be recognised.
(2) Odhodki zaradi prevrednotenja, ki ni prevrednotenje iz prvega odstavka tega člena, razen odhodkov, nastalih zaradi prevrednotenja dolgov, terjatev, finančnih naložb in denarnih terjatev, kateri se po slovenskih računovodskih standardih prevrednotujejo zaradi spremembe valutnega tečaja, in odhodki zaradi uporabe kapitalske metode vrednotenja finančnih naložb, se ne priznajo.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
personal information on the violator (personal name, EMŠO; in addition, if the natural person is an alien, information on his birth, citizenship, permanent or temporary residence; in the case of a responsible person, also job title; in the case of a legal person, name and head office and registration number, while if this information is not available, information on the violator stated or established during the proceedings), a brief description of the act by which the misdemeanour was committed (place and time of commitment of the misdemeanour, method of commitment of the misdemeanour, and decisive circumstances) and a statement that the violator has committed a misdemeanour, legal definition of the misdemeanour indicating the regulation laying down the misdemeanour and the numerical designation of the relevant legal article, and the amount of the fine that shall be paid, the time limit by which it shall be paid, possible secondary sanctions imposed, decision on the deprivation of pecuniary advantage, property claim and on the payment of legal costs.
osebne podatke kršitelja ( osebno ime, EMŠO, če je fizična oseba tujec, pa njene rojstne podatke, državljanstvo, stalno oziroma začasno prebivališče, za odgovorno osebo tudi zaposlitev, za pravno osebo pa ime in sedež ter matično številko, če teh ni, pa podatke o kršitelju, ki so bili navedeni oziroma ugotovljeni v postopku), kratek opis dejanja, s katerim je storjen prekršek (kraj in čas storitve, način storitve, ter odločilne okoliščine) in izrek, da je kršitelj storil prekršek, pravno opredelitev prekrška z navedbo predpisa, ki določa prekršek s številčno označbo njegovega člena ter znesek globe in rok, v katerem jo je treba plačati, morebitne izrečene stranske sankcije, odločitev o odvzemu premoženjske koristi, o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku ter o plačilu stroškov postopka.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
The concept of "uncontested claims" should cover all situations in which a creditor, given the verified absence of any dispute by the debtor as to the nature or extent of a pecuniary claim, has obtained either a court decision against that debtor or an enforceable document that requires the debtor's express consent, be it a court settlement or an authentic instrument.
Opredelitev "nespornih zahtevkov" zajema vse položaje, v katerih je upnik, če dolžnik preverjeno ne ugovarja glede vrste ali obsega denarnega zahtevka, pridobil bodisi sodno odločbo proti temu dolžniku ali izvršljivo listino, ki zahteva dolžnikovo izrecno soglasje, bodisi da je to sodna poravnava ali javna listina.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
(5) The concept of "uncontested claims" should cover all situations in which a creditor, given the verified absence of any dispute by the debtor as to the nature or extent of a pecuniary claim, has obtained either a court decision against that debtor or an enforceable document that requires the debtor's express consent, be it a court settlement or an authentic instrument.
(5) Opredelitev »nespornih zahtevkov« zajema vse položaje, v katerih je upnik, če dolžnik preverjeno ne ugovarja glede vrste ali obsega denarnega zahtevka, pridobil bodisi sodno odločbo proti temu dolžniku ali izvršljivo listino, ki zahteva dolžnikovo izrecno soglasje, bodisi da je to sodna poravnava ali javna listina.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
The concept of "uncontested claims" should cover all situations in which a creditor, given the verified absence of any dispute by the debtor as to the nature or extent of a pecuniary claim, has obtained either a court decision against that debtor or an enforceable document that requires the debtor's express consent, be it a court settlement or an authentic instrument.
Opredelitev "nespornih zahtevkov" zajema vse položaje, v katerih je upnik, če dolžnik preverjeno ne ugovarja glede vrste ali obsega denarnega zahtevka, pridobil bodisi sodno odločbo proti temu dolžniku ali izvršljivo listino, ki zahteva dolžnikovo izrecno soglasje, bodisi da je to sodna poravnava ali javna listina.
16 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
2) a judgement passed in criminal proceedings in which the pecuniary claim of the wronged party was granted, against which an application for retrial has been lodged;
na sodbo, izdano v kazenskem postopku, s katero je bilo ugodeno premoženjskopravnemu zahtevku oškodovanca, proti njej pa je vložen predlog za obnovo kazenskega postopka;
17 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
In determining the amount of security, the court shall take into account the value of the raised claim, as well as the personal and pecuniary circumstances of the person who is obliged to pay the security.
Sodišče določi višino varščine glede na vrednost uveljavljene terjatve in ob upoštevanju osebnih in premoženjskih razmer tistega, ki jo je dolžan položiti.
Prevodi: en > sl
pecuniary claim