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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
2 Pravna redakcija
Reporting agents shall report as new business the initial deposit at the opening of a new PEL.
sporočajo kot nove posle začetne vloge ob ustanovitvi novega PEL.
3 Pravna redakcija
The amount of money that is initially placed on the PEL may be very low, which means that the weight attached to the new business rate will also be relatively low.
Denarni znesek, ki se v začetku vplača v okviru PEL, je lahko zelo nizek, kar pomeni, da bo ponder, uporabljen za obrestno mero za nove posle, prav tako relativno nizek.
4 Pravna redakcija
In line with Part 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2423/2001 (ECB/2001/13) the French regulated housing plan plan d'épargne-logement (PEL) is classified as deposits with an agreed maturity of over two years.
82. Skladno z določbami Dela 3, Priloge I k Uredbi (ES) št. 2423/2001 (ECB/2001/13), se francoski regulirana stanovanjska shema " plan d'épargne-logement " (PEL) razvrsti kot vloge z dogovorjeno zapadlostjo več kot dve leti.
5 Pravna redakcija
The household or non-financial corporation keeps the borrowing rights and is still granted interest following the conditions prevailing at the opening of the PEL as long as the money is left in the bank's book.
Gospodinjstvo ali nefinančna družba obdržita pravice do izposojanja in še vedno prejemata obresti v skladu s pogoji. ki veljajo ob ustanovitvi PEL, vse dokler se denar nahaja na hranilni knjižici.
6 Pravna redakcija
PELs are regulated long-term saving schemes that should be held for at least four years and the customer should deposit each year the minimal amount set by the Regulation into the PEL but is allowed to increase the payments at any time during the course of the scheme.
PEL so regulirane dolgoročne varčevalne sheme, ki naj bi trajale najmanj štiri leta, stranke pa naj bi vsako leto v PEL vplačevale minimalni znesek, ki ga določa Uredba, vendar lahko vplačila povečajo kadar koli med trajanjem sheme.
7 Pravna redakcija
Since this renewal of the PEL is carried out automatically without any active involvement of the customer, and since the terms and conditions of the contract including the interest rate are not renegotiated, in line with paragraph 21 this renewal shall not be considered as new business.
Ker je podaljšanje veljavnosti PEL samodejno brez kakršnegakoli aktivnega vključevanja strank in ker pogodbeni pogoji vključno z obrestnimi merami niso predmet ponovnega dogovarjanja, se skladno z odstavkom 21 to podaljšanje ne smatra za nov posel.
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